CHIGAN DIFALY CIHIGAN DAILY in and ake Yourself at Hom U U ling. Billiatd Room=-21 Tables Bowling Room=-8 Alleys Cigars and Pipes i I Huston Bros. was or- rch, 1905, and includ- ie Roscoe B. Huston, n "Si" Huston, '03D, Euston, '05D. They billiards business of I and started business e St., on the 26th of The fixtures included tables and one six for cigars, cigarettes In the summer of d floor of the build- deled and four addi- vere installed, also a case on the ground summer of 1908 the E the garage building d St., was leased and alleys and a six foot States, and this in a town with but 15,000 population. All our tables are standard Bruswick make equip- ped with Monarch cushions and best grade cloths, cues and balls. BILLIARDS INSTRUCTIONS- "Si" Huston will give free in- structions daily from 2 to 4 P. M. to patrons anxious to improve their billiards playing. BOWLING- The bowling room occupies the entire second floor and contains eight regulation A. B. C. alleys equipped with simplex spotters, loop-the-loop returns and mineral- ite balls. All the alleys have just 1eet resurfaced, polished, and com- pletely refinished as good as new. The room is probably the finest ap- pearing and best lighted one-floor room in the state. The bowling management forthis school year has been entrusted to a student,, E bftonJames, '16E, whoawill have two assistants, also students. BOOKS AND BUNDLES- We have storage space for books, bundles, suit cases, etc. Students are always welcome to leave these in our care. We believe that the more people we can accommodate. in this way, by use of telephone, wash room, bulletin service, cash- ing checks, etc., the more business we will do. terest to some of our customers to know that this register will do among other things the following: Issue a receipt ticket for each pur- chase. Record every transaction in printed form on a detail strip locked within the register. Keep each clerks money and table cards, also No Sale, Memo, Mslns., and Pipe sales tickets in his own private drawer for which he retains key and which cannot be opened or op- erated during his absence. The register, also gives at all times and at a glance the total number and3 amount of each clerk's sales, of ta- ble cards, of paid out, mdse., dis- count, pipe and mslns. sales, mdse. sales, and prize table tickets. Every table time card and each check cashed are stamped with clerk's ini- tial and amount. CIGARETTES-. CREDIT-- ni built its esent loca- and moved ight alleys s were ad were againB- I 910. In theBUILDING- .er brothers We built our own building after t ofCrwinwe had been in business for four . years and as a consequence the te business, building was made to fit the busi- firm name. ness, and not vice-versa as is nec- 2 the entire essary in a rented place. The build- Jolly (for ing is brick, stone and steel con- "3B" agent struction, 50 feet front by 90 feet dep, two stories high, with a base- rehased and ment 50 feet by 100 feet underneath. d. Not one billiards or bowling room in 500 is in a building owned by the proprietors and especially designed for the business. Our cigarette sales have increased over 600 per cent in the last four years. Why? Because we buy stan- dard brands direct from the factory, order frequently keep fresh stock, and have the most varidd assort- ment of any retail store in the state, exclusive cigar and tobacco stores not excepted. As an illustration of the volume of our cigarette busi- ness it may be stated that, although we handle over 100 different kinds, our average daily sale of one lead- ing brand is enough to supply a smoke each day to every cigarette smoker in the University. CIGARS- We carry all the standard brands but no cheap "long shots" that is,. cigars of poor quality but costing the dealer less. We have 18 feet of show-cases for cigars alone, by far the best assortment in the Univer- sity section of Ann Arbor. Our ci- gar sales have increased 110 per cent in four years and will increase steadily for a number of years in the future as older customers, other than students, get better acquaint- ed with the variety and freshness of our stock. CHECKS CASHED-- We cash checks for all students without question. The banks are located down town and so this is an accommodation much appreciated. We cash an average of 100 student) checks a day, more than any two banks in Ann Arbor. It speaks well both for the Michigan student body and for their good will toward our firm when it is known that out of more than 200,000 checks which we' have cashed for students in the last eight years we have not lost one cent on a single check. This is all the more remarkable when it is un- derstood that we have never gonel -either to the University or cityau- thorities for assistance in making checks good. CLASS OF PATRONAGE- We keep no account books, and mail out no stateipents, doing a cash business only. Why? Not because students would fail to settle in too large numbers for we did credit business for four years and at the end of that time less than one-tenth of one per cent of our total business was on the books. The reason for our present policy which we are convinced is the best and which we also think is appreciated by our customers, is this, 95 per cent of our business is with students; bil- liards and bowling are fascinating games, smoking is a habit, credit is too easily obtainable in Ann Arbor. Under these conditions and our old system students would often run up larger accounts than they could afford, would think we were wor- ried about the indebtedness, which 99 times out of 100, was not the case, and as a result would stay away from our store altogether un- til they could pay in full. We lost their business in the meantime; al- so the father if the matter came to his attention, did not like it, espe- cially in the case of a billiards room, regarded by many, although falsely, as on a par with the corner "pool room" in some small town. We did not like this feeling either on the part of the student or the father and much prefer the "pay-as- you-go' plan whereby the student is much more likely to spend what he can afford for his billiards, bowl- ing, or smoking. EQUIPMENT-- We have not only the highest grade tables and alleys but chalk, cues, cloths, balls, etc., and all ac- cessories are the best and kept "up- to-snuff" by men who know how because of ten years of experience in this business. FRESH STOCK- We order frequently and in com- paratively small quantities, and on staple merchandise direct from fac- tory. We also make special efforts to keep stock right. This insures fresh goods. If not, money refund- ed. JORBING- We make special jobbing prices to club and fraternity stores and for large orders, committees and banquets. each month enough to supply every student of the University, male and female, with over 100 matches per- month. NO GAIBLIND- Gambling and betting of all kinds, is prohibited in our store. We have no "house" players among the stu- dents. We have never had a dice' box at our cigar counters, will not hold mo ey for bettors, have never even raffled a box of candy, a pipe, or anything else. Why? Because we have $50,000 invested in our bus- iness, value the "good will" at much more, and are. here to stay per- manently in our own building and not for a few years only in a rent- ed place. This policy in our case is the best from a business stand- point in Ann Arbor where we are desirous' of the good will of our customers, and of the city and Uni- versity authorities, and of the par- ents back home. PARENTS IVELCOME- We are always glad to have stu- dents bring their parents or friends into our store. Our customers fre- quently, do so when the chance of- fers. You-have nothing to be asham- ed of and neither have we. We have had many a student's father con- gratulate us on the character of our place and assure us that he consid- ers his boy's time for recreation well spent with us. REGULAR HOURS- Our store is open daily from 7 A.M. to 12 P.M., Sundays 8 A.M. to 7 P.M., bowling room daily from 10 A.M. to 11 P.M. We open and close no earlier and no later no matter how large or small the daily volume of business. Thus you will always know when to find us open and need neither to take an unnecessary trip when away nor feel that you should stop play early when you are here and business is dull. SCORES--.. .--..... .... We get all the baseball and foot- ball scores regularly, ticker service on World Series games, and special telegraphic running accounts of all Michigan out-of-town football gam- es and Inter-Collegiate Meets. SERVICE-- You do not want to wait five min- utes or so to be served when you go into a