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June 04, 1915 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-06-04

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ity Clothes, for thirteen years the Best o

1n Who

n Waiting
Bains will.
I Bargains

at our

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will convinceo you of
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call and examine
se splendid garmens

"Million Dollar" Campaign Analyzed;
Campus Opinion and Word
"Home" Explained
Numerous articles and editorials on
the proposed home of the Michigan
Union have been written during the
past few weeks by men prominent in
the life of the university and by men
in close touch with .the Michigan
Union. The ideas contained in three
editorials from the Michigan Alumnus
for May, follow:
"The Million Dollar" Campaign.
The Union project, set forth in fig-
ures of a round million, is obvious
enough and inspiring, but it lacks a
certain necessary precision to many
who are really interested in the under-
taking. The very size and rotundity
of the sum suggests a certain haphaz-
ard estimate of necessities. The pro-
ject seems to some a little too much
in the air, and not sufficiently con-
cerned with actual, particularly finan-
cial, realities. To the extent that this
idea has found currency, the "million
dollar clubhouse" slogan has been un-
fortunate. As a matter of fact that
sum has been fixed after a rather care-
ful analysis of the necessities of the
case. Such a building as is desired,
imposing in size and beautiful in its
proportions, though in actual detail se-
verely plain and conservative, cannot
cost less than $600,000. The equip-
ment will cost another $100,000. Mich-
igan has more students on her one
campus than any other university in
the country at the present time, 5,000
men at least. In addition, future ex-
pansion must be considered. All this
accounts for the size of the building:
Equally important is the maintenance.
Without an endowment the dues
would have to be, if not high from
the standpoint of the city club, never-
theless entirely prohibitive for a very
large proportion of the student body.
It is therefore an absolute essential
that the dues be kept low, so that
every student can be a member of
the Union and take advantage of the
opportunity it affords for some of
the finest things in college life, good
fellowship, the high ideals and prac-
tical altruism for which the Union has







If on all Spring and Summer
Clothing, including
Schaff ner & Marx Clothes

always stood. For this reason it
seems as if the endowment of at least
$300,000 is not at all extravagant.
To Be Student "lonie"
Support on the part of students is
the best answer the Union can make
to those who might question its right
to a gift of such proportions from the
alumni. The essential thing about the
Union is the fact that it is, in the first
place, an organization, and only in the
second place is it a building. It is
the organization which demands and
receives this support from the stu-
dents. From the first it was recog-
nized that the Union had to make a
place for itself before its demands
for a building were justified. What]
the Union has accomplished is best
understood by those in a position to
compare student life in the univer-
sity 10 years 4go with that of the pres-
ent time. The change is a remarkable
able one. It is not so much in college
spirit-there was plenty of it then as
now-but there is a deeper sense of
responsibility towards his university
and towards. his fellows on the part
of the average student and a more in-
telligent support of all things which
make for the betterment of college
life. Student elections are cleaner,-
college politics is no longer a by-word,
-there is a broader interest in social
and civic problems, a student council
has been established, an employment
bureau maintained, and a higher plane
established in many college activities,
to speak of a few of the varied ways


in which the Union has made its influ-
ence felt.
Its development has been hindered,
naturally, by its lack of adequate
quarters. It is safe to predict that
with the completion of this building,
the Union, as an organization and as
a building, will become a greater force
for higher ideals and better living
than pan now be estimated. It is
characteristic of the attitude of those
who have had the project most at
heart since the beginning that the
word "clubhouse" has been discour-
aged. The Union is to be more than
that. The expression preferred is.
How Students Feel About It
The proposed Michigan Union home
is something new in American univer-
sity life. Unions and clubhouses there
are elsewhere which have in view the
same general objects as the Michigan
Union, but nowhere has the idea been
developed on so generous a scale. No-
where have so many threads of stu-
dent activity been centered in a one
student home. Quite possibly such a
building would not be necessary in
some universities, but there is no one
who is familiar with student life at
Michigan but would acknowledge the
real necessity in Ann Arbor.
See the three one-act plays at the
Whitney tonight.
Subtract $1 from $4; pay Davis $l
for a pair of oxfords.

tz Clothing -Store
Hart Schaffner & Marx 217 So. Main SI,

~-uJ on. the other. Once his decision is

Michigan Daily:-
all question is up aga
eat of exposure of cert
s" on the Varsity te
;y is mingled with thre
e furthering the cau
anely and dispassional
'. Why is .exposure to
t actuated by a spirit
.s it a means to awa
control to a realization
ation existing in athle
nk the latter is the t
Ve proclaim ourselves
i stands for the ideal
in athletics. We st
ism, but it is come
iat our baseball team
3 up of non-amateurs,
he board of control d
ion is not, "Is sumi
)ng?" but, "Have wet
.ke a definite and deci
against summer basebal
'force to the letter.
itrol ruling, or shall
4dvertlse the rule outs.
aging our athletes ins
Limselves and the univ
can be no more waveri
longer be a midway. C
tion and a feeling stro
ame and disgrace resu
mer course. What pr
in a team supposed to
tirely of amateurs but
ly of professionals! H
our school or the cour
tions? If so, let us eit
to the amateur standa
urselvesboldly and op
ner baseball. The sta
n some day. "If eventi
now?" The leap is bou
ome school will take
ways follow the lead
we strong enough to (
ic harm in playing ba
ney during the summ
s clean and untainted
.d as honestly and hon
n that line as in.any o
et the men play sumi
'will. The decision
but let us not overlo
hat because they do
and become profession
the present ruling, t
e them the right to pi
npromise themselvesa
sity, by playing ont
e the rule still holds.
ains,-and it is immate
it does or not,-lett
between duty to his u

made and the step taken, let him hold
to it. After all, is it love of university
which leads a man to so perjure him-
self in order to play on the Varsity, or
is it the desire to win an "M" and se-
cure the prestige attaching to wearers
of the "M"? I doubt that it is the
former entirely. If it were, then the
ain- true Michigan man would hesitate long
ain before signing his name to a lie, there-
am. by running the risk of compromising
eats his university and holding her up to
use. corn.
tely It is.said, that without professionalh
be on our team, we cannot compete sue-
of cessfully with other colleges, for they,
ken too, play professionals. But is this
n of true or is it mere assumption? Only
tics trial will tell. We have professionls
rue now, On the teams are some good ball
s a players, but only one "phenom." Who,
of but the one "phenom," stands head
and and shoulders in ability above the
non strictly amateur boys you know at
is home? No one. You who hold so
ac- strongly for professionalism ought to
efi- believe firmly enough in this, to give
pure amateurism a fair trial and do
mer all in your power to help it along. I
the am willing to be convinced of my er-
1ded ror, but until the test is made, I have
"?" the right to remain olstinate.
we This is but a minor point. We come
ie now to the strongest claim made in
ide favor of the present side-stepping
er- method.
ng. We must continue to wink at pro-
O- fessionalism in our ranks because oth-
ng- er schools do likewise. In other words,
ults we plead criminality as excuse for
ide crime. Others lie, and deceive and
be cheat, hence we must also lie and de-
in ceive and cheat. We all condemn the
ave man who cheats in examinations and
age yet he injures only himself, while we
her uphold a system wherein men lie and
ard, cheat in baseball, and force our'uni-
en- versity to act a lie, and to deceive and
and cheat. yWhich is the greater crime?
aal- The deceit of other schools, and their
and winking at professionalism is no ex-
it. cuse for our following them in this
of downward step. We must and do ad-
ead mit the whole system is wrong. Then,
if this is so, let us have the courage to
Se- declare ourselves one way or the oth-
ner. er. Let us either hold to the present
It rule, enforce it strictly, and derive the
Ior- satisfaction attendant upon a clear
th- conscience, or let us lead the way and
ner come out firmly and squarely for sum-'
is mer baseball. There are but two al-
ook ternatives to the present unsatisfacto-
so ry and shameful state of affairs-pure
ials amateurism, or recognition of sum-
his m'er baseball. Which course shall we
er- choose?
and If we decide for amateurism we
the alone are affected. If we vote for
If summer abaseball, then this is the pro-
eri- pitious moment. We shall not be
the alone. The question is up everywhere.

Its Time For Them!
v <> c We invite every man and young
man to come to this store today or
SA tomorrow and look over the un-
w \ rivalled stock of the newest styles
in straw hats. Both variety and
price range are broad in qualities
RSof superior excellence, that will
- /"give sure--satisfaction service.
See Our"Speial
A very neat dressy hat that
you'll enjoy wearing during the
warm days. The best straw hat
/ /value in town.
Men and young men who enjoy
wearing the best will admire these
(II' excellent shapes and qualities is

ion awaits. You want it, I want it,
we all want it. Then make it and let's
be done with the matter.
E. H. SAULSON, '15.

New arrivals in men's and young men's





The man who is seeking the best in moderate priced clothes will make no mistake in pur-
chasing one of these suits..
Hand tailored throughout, of all wool fabrics, in styles conservative and strictly up to the
minute. They give in satisfaction and service, the equal of $20 and $25 clothes.




No Rubber u Real Year
lin Leg Band Round Comfort
ONlE LOOK tells you why you're
going to wear N EVER BIND. It can't.
choke your leg - alwavs lifts on the
socks just enough to keep them smooth
Mercerized, 25c: double grip. 35c; silk 50c.
GEORGE FROST CO.. Makers. Boston. Mass.

123 East Liberty Street


Others will quickly follow our lead. We
shall not lack company. We shall not

!p .

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