TAB MIICHIGAN DAILY WELL SUITED Those are the words. Every customer is well suited on the back and in his pocket that leaves our Tailoring Par- lors. The newest patterns a man can wear are here in sufficient diversity to please the most fastidious, and also the very latest fabrics. _ _ _ r 4 w_.,._. C t , " II NIO Rs Order your TING CARDS 100 Cards, $1,50, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 100 Cards from Plate, 90c. I Ian 'S [TED LINESI TABLE Time) for Detroit - ot-.I:4o a. n., 6:05 a. m., os to 6::.8 p. mL, 7:5 p.l :i5 p. m.L, and 1:45 9i. n. .,i:30 a, i , -ackson--2 ai8 a. n., oai son- 5:1 a .n., 6:30 a. . Ii iouri' to 6 :3o p. nm., also is here in our Greenery Come in and see our CUT, FLOWERS and PLANTS Cousins & [Al Cor. 12th and S. Univ. Phone 115 I1 off a few minutes. and eat some of GEORGE'S Sucy WAX KING LOO 314 S-.State St. Phone 1244-M F. L. HALL, 514 E.Willian Phone 2225 Goods ClledFo PRESSING and Die or NO LOSS BY FIRE TtH E MICHIGAN DAILY I Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every -morning 'except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as, second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mai, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's,. Univ. Pharmacy, C. H Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960 Editorial Office Phone 2414 D.. Beach Carpenter.......ManagingEditor W Sherwood Field.... ...Business Manager Fred F'aulk.................News Editor F: F. McKinney .........Associate Editor Chester H. Lang..........Associate ditor T. Hawley Tapping.........Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager Sohn Leonard Ra Leffler udolph Hof man Arthur Torrey Night Editors James M. Barrett, Jr. . Rodgers Sylvester Tomn C. Reid Howard R. Marsh Verne Burnett C. N. Church Edwin A. Hyman Reporters C.B. Parker eVera Burridge Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum H. A. Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright L. Greenebaum William F, Newton Henley Hull Leonard W. Nieter Lee Joslyn Eugene L. Bulson Waldo R. Hut Business Staff- Ferris Fitch s Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheer Kirk. White C. T. Fishleigh J. J IHerber. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1 . Night Editor-William F. Newton. REGISTERING BY MAIL. In an earlier, editorial, The Daily suggested a system by which students might register and pay their fees by mail. The object was to avoid the us- ual congestion in the fall. The plan was used with success at Ohio State. The Gothamite, the New York City alumni publication, commented favor- ably on the idea. Student opinion seems to advocate some kind of a change. As far as is known, nothing has been done about the matter. Perhaps it is too late to make the plan feasible for next year. It is. pos- sible that the scheme has some undis- covered and insurmountable defects. But, on its face, it looks practicable. Waiting in line is a serious inconven- ience. College is opened up with such a rush in the fall that nobody has time enough to give to the matter of en- rolling intelligently. Uncle Sam's mail seems to offer the solution. Now to figure out how much father ought to pay for that work you had done at the dental and medical clin- ics. It may be hard to explain just what you did with those suits which Doc's Toledo patrons are wearing. Has roomy borrowed up to the full extent of his prospective summer wag- es? They smiled when the 12-cylinder lecturer spoke of their riding in it. The non-studious student finds where his profs will be this summer. We can't record the last scores of this disastrous season anyway. "L"et's copy your notes" is the wail of the hour right now. And now ensues a general back-to- the-farm movement. ri n g 'Phone bells are resting. Tungstens are beaming. Elections to memberships in Masques, the honorary dramatic society for women, are as follows: Catherine Wenley, '16, Jemima Wenley, '16, Aris Van Deusen, '16, Helen Champion, '16, Helen Dow, '16, Geta Tucker,. '16, Ru- berta Woodworth, '17, Mima Winslow, grad., Julia Van Leeuman, '17, Elsa Apfel, '16, and Genevieve .O'Leary, '16. Old and new members will meet for the last time this year at 6:30 o'clock Sunday, for a supper at the Little Shop. Mildred Carpenter, '16, Janet Mac- Weaver, '16E, general chairnan of th have been elected class r.epresenta- tives on the athletic committee of the Women's League for next year. Alice Blodgett, '17, has been elected head of walking squads, Jeannette Armstrong, '17, keper of records, Helen Vander- veer, '16, meet manager, and Clarissa Vyn, '18, basketball manager. The baseball manager will be elected at the championship baseball game be- tween the freshman and junior teams, which will be played off as soon as the weather permits. Tickets for 'the annual June Dance given by the Women's League, will 'be on sale to university women at 50 cents from 8:00 o'clock until 5:00 o'clock today in the corridors of the general library, and may also be pur- chased at Barbour gymnasium this ev- ening.- Dancing will begin at 8:30 o'clock. Pt7T ON STUDENT VAUDEVILLE DTURING COM ENCE MENT WEEK Some time during commencement week, a student vaudeville will be given under the auspices of the Mich- igan Union. Moving pictures will be shown and the alumni will hear of the new Union building project. A com- mittee will be appointed in the near future to make out a definite program for the affair. Xumni Provide Central League Prizes Through the efforts of Prof. T. C. Trueblood of the oratory department, testimonials have been provided for Michigan's representatives in the Cen- tral Debating League. The testimo- nials, which amount to $50 for each of the six debaters, were raised among] the alumni headed by Ex-congressman Edwin Denby. This arrangement, how- ever, is only temporary and it is ex- pected that some alumnus will make the necessary provision for next year. MITES INITIATE NEW MEMBERS AT FINAL ASSEMBLY AT UNION At a dinner held by the Mimes so- ciety at the Union last night, 15 new men were initiated into the organiza- tion. Geo. P. McMahon, '16, president, and P. D. Koontz, '17L, president of the Union, spoke at the dinner, which was followed by a"short business meet- ing. The following men were taken in: Morrison C. Wood, '17; Grant K. Cook, '16L; M. F. Dunne, '17L; Harry Carlson, '17E; Frank Grover, '18; Le- roy J. Scanlon, '16L; Harry Kerr, '16; E. G. Hildner, '17; Theron D. Weaver, '16E; Russell Collins, '16; Sidney Steen, '16E; Francis Mack, '16E; J. W. Finkenstaedt, '16; Kemp S. Burge, '17; and Anthony J. Whitmire. MEMORY SWEETS Prepare to smile the last tomorrow. The talk of New York and Ann Arbor SENIORS- A T TENT1O0 ORDER TIIEM NOW VISITING CARDS $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.50 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE 90C. ALL WORK GUARANTEED WA H S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Crane's a n d Gilbert's Unequaled Chocolates Only a few more visits before end of Varsity year-use all of them -PAY UP- Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner. State and North University tint Vftt 2 Ifusc 1) ous MRS. M. M. ROOT Corner Maynard and William Streets I, The Arias Sung by Hempel and Martinelli are all to be had on Victor Records Every Victrola owner should hear them. iality ," ( al c I Phono 5824 - , , U AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS FES\& N IC The snly 3tudio on the Campus KEL S Buy Now --1915- M~ade In America Merchandise Our Stock Always Shows You Something New SHROEN B1jROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN PHONE I1oo .. \ . ' Z : r 1 Phone 130.J Photographers F.r The MICHIGANENSlAN. wwww"mam THE NEW ARROW COLLAR 2 for 25 Cents. PHONE "13", FOR U SY EE N A "THE POPULAR PLACE" IC E C REA.M MO -- Mat Robbins and Myers ubb Oxfords For Men and Women IN BLACK, TAN, WHITE AND PALM BEACH THE PROPER ShOES FOR HOT WEATHER Tennis Oxford and Pumps from 75c, to $2.00 Will roomy alarm clock? See you at Day. buy your share of theI DENTAL LATHE the Coast on Michigan ahr's Shoe Stores t. State St. ..... nf Arbor Taxi Co. NEW ADDITION For the Upper Man Palm Beach caps, Neckwear, Belted Coats-Models of Style. For the Middle Man Palm Beach Belts. For the Lower Man Palm Beach Hose and Shoes. Trou- sero-to match the coats. WAGNER & COMPANY COMPLET AS SHOWN $40.00 I EASTERiN MICIGAN [OlSON CO. Class Livery Rxnaxoi Phaetons Fla* Racks for iatix Partes State Street Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking HALF INTEREST FOR SALE in stu- dent firm of Evanson & Warriner. Inquire at office, 310 S. State, oppo- site Hustons'. FOR SALE-Two dining tables, s ing machine, chairs, curtains, bo case, etc. 806 . Huron St. WANTED-For nexi cook in either sofi Answer F. L. D. c t FOR RENT-Four Tiiu ian(] A mniicf 28 E.J( son Ue