THE MICHIGAN, DAILY Five dollars is a gowd. fair price.. Fair to fair to thue custmer. W41HY PAY MORE?GurteditszsAAt I 1wIWIM1oMi97 iI1 M w MHM1 Rfi11l MI 1 I! I i Another Big. Clean Up ot Fifty Slightly Worn Kodaks Prices start at from 3o% to 5oA off regular prices, and re- dunce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. Every one plainly marked. This is the biggest snap you ever saw. We sell from a sample line but our clothes are tailored in town OUR PRICES RANGE FROM $28.00 UP. C. I. KID D'mm aSophomore 1530-J 1112 S. Univ. Ave 4 VER' E, 5to 11 ANY LEA] HER AMY COLOR Rubbe-r or LelaIher Soles Hoftst1etter' s Walk-Over Boot Shop LYNDON FF 4 i WIITH TRACK MEET T1eam Ike eturis frorn Ea sern (ra mes, t i Varr-l,01 'elts (of 'i hcligaii's Hard LuckI S nI'f ANA) MilE ED)ITHI MAKE HIT'i Mas ekDaily GARRICKj j~ May at 1.I5 30 ___________DETROIT Lyman H. Howe presents ,he V. 8. N AVY qf 1915 and other bIteresting films Bloonificid & Mcrts M 115 S. MAIN ST. III owmvmmm THlE PLACE TO GO WHEN DOWN TOWN Cooling Drinks, of alI Kitids a T£4 Cream deliverersto any part of the city 116 S. Main$t Phone 166 y m i Pano vloollon Orga I neory I and I branhs of asi Are taught at the University School ot usic MAYNARD STREET -musuranamom Coach Farrell, who returned from the eastern intercollegiates yesterday morning carefully chiaperoning is-h Varsily track squad, has announced that he was well satisfied with the work of his men at the big meet. Donnelly, be sai, was the victim of a piece of bad lucek in the two mile, stumbling ;before. the race had gone 100 yards,-and severely injuring his foot, which put him out. l Ufer and Fox were both in fast heats in the halt mile on Friday, and although the former was well up in the race, both were eliminated. Hu1nt- ington r? l Cross failedl to ,qualify, al- though the shot putter was only elim- i.miateC by inches. The coach stated that [apsley, the colored sprinter showed well, and was leadln ; 50 yards out, although he was finally beaten. Johnny Ferris wouldI have had to jump well over 22 feet to qualify, as the Bl in the broad jump was exceptionally fast. Troubled by his bad foot, he failed to attain this Cobi ualificd on Friday, but a peuir ruling proved his downfall on Sa;,turday. The first two men in the hu.,rdles qualified, and in addition the maan amr~ong the third-placers who had J',, teFastest time. Corbin finished third NO 1ut 1 ' dge decided that the third m an T iin heo other becat had beaten hi's record, so he was elimin ated. M 07111ien1 wenit throughi the prelimina- ries and .s lui1-C>fils with flying color-. j)ut secured a L, dl tare in thle finals of the cent ury andOf i IA to o 4ce. 'ddi&' Carr"oll ra i n ecellent race in the rn ilz, cand fl inished in third position bar'ely, five ytrds behind the leIaders. Mlcioe pie of P.riuceton break- 'mthe tai . ,,mpo] 1 ran a str ones *aeall the 'iv, itimlpassed 1two mn~ - on, the last 'r. p of the rae Wilson rj q u alified w ith 1 1 r t. 11 in ch es O nHil . ' -l h i h t n t e f n l Sat a afternoon.. ;; Sith an:.l Ted =Meredith were the two r t i salions of ithel feet, T she' f'':'7"]tr t,( iw'-'e uimou~ls in cecl r1 ng "lial" one, o ift gratest runriis In thle country. lIe woa both dashoes .c,+;a;:rtabhlc ma rgin:s, with Strom : i~n amihimn in both evoeuis. A ccording to 'r<<. i Farrell, the eastA is firmly of the op~inion that "Simitty" is the gr <<°st sprinter that -hay iaojm qarod for -smew;nnle. lB: ;i ~le $"Cam pi y f ncert Friday \t sity bandmebr will give their last camp-us concel , tit the year at 6:30 o'clocl Friday nighlt at tihe c of rooming or sorority h:ousef for next year. -Mm's. L. A. IA'hr 450second Ave., Detroit. WANTE-Postionin fraternity by ;)erienced; lady, cook (white). Ref- erences, Miss J. Mt fhewrs, 215 Glenn, LOST-Gold wvatch writh fob chain. Finder hlc ,asQ call AMegid, 1.066-J. Calli i 82-MI Cook Taxi Co. City Tali Co. Phone 2330. tf tf Sorge & Flannel Trousers $0,00$00 5,00 - 3420 SILK SHIRTS $4.50 -$395 3.50 r. 305 3,00 - 2, .5 016 REDUCTIONS IN ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE l'OUNDi !-Tast -week, sum of money. Owner may have $jame by paying for this ad. Call Miller, 1235-AM. WANTED-A doctor and a dentist to occupy two new modern offices in a rapidly growing section of Highland PR171, Detroit, Mich. Splendid open- ing. Rent treasonable. Address W. H. Foster, 2069 Hamilton Boulevard, Highland Park, Mich. Phone Hem- lock 3454. L.OST-Conklin s'elf-filler on So. In- galls, between hill St. and Tappan h-all. Finder please phone 1915. H-ALF INTEREST FOR SALE in sturlent firm of Evenson & Warriner. 1Tnquire''at office aboveo 310 S. State, opposi0 te Pu1stolls', LUTZ Clothing Store 217 S. Main Street P p When you break a. window glass, telephone $witzer's Hardware to have it replacei. Special designs ini fraternity china at 214 S. Man $t Call taxi. phone 2350, tf 2280 Call taxi 15 522 Call 106 for larg-e flit racks for in- itiating Parties.° _____ __---------__ Pens and Stuide± is 8 5,plics. tf1