THIS MICHIGAN ,,AILY :Nwho select their attire with punctilious care, with an eye for exclusiveness and individuality as well lity, are invited to inspect our showing of all that in Stein- 'loch Smart Clothes, Hats and Haber- ry for warmn weather-a comprehensive assortment et every need for town or city wear,, for sport, ion, travel or every day. The little subtleties of style ted in. our apparel will be valued by those wo avoid )tnmonplace. AMP US COATS, all colors - $8.50 THAW HATS, - $1,00 to $4.00 ANAMAS, - - $5,00 to $10.00 IGHT SERGE TROUSERS, - $4.00 to $6,00 ts, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear in a very large variety of approved styles Negligee Shiorts Reule, Conlin, Fiegel C C Have you inspected our showinge of Negligee and Sport Shirts for Spring? We have them for all purposes in a large variety of styles and patterns. As agents for the Quaker City Shirt Compay we are pre- pared to guarantee the fit, quality and workmanship of these shirts to be the equal to any and the superior of many other lines Prices range from $1.50 to $5.00 a garment READY AT YOUR SERVICE Correct Spring Attire for Me: Tinker & Corn FUR~NISHiERS AND HATTERS 342 South State street pany I Suits $15 to $30 $12 to $25 Balmacaans Topcoats Raincoats $8 $to$2{ * $8 to$18 I isebmilt, Aptel & Co. x"004 nr moomm" DI E3TRLE AND RUNDELL TAILIORS' JMINTY-FOUR W9ST ]FORT STRE]FT DETROIT, MICH.' FORMiRLY WM. It. DIFT]FRLI SPRING ORDERS; TAKEN NO TI a' TO THE BANK FORGET DEAN'S PEANUTS FRESH ROASTED. l~c.A FULL POUNO "Y"CAI NET APPOINTMENT'S MAD)E Presidernt Reimnn Annloun ces :Medical and Lam= Unit 'Memibers Appointments to the unit "Y" cabi- nets in the Medical School and the Law School were announced yester- day by L. C. Reilmann, '17L, president of the central Y. M. C. A. The men, who will be associated with H.' M. Lowe, '16M, president of the Medical School unit, are as fol- lows: E. V. Beardslee, '16M; F. M. Allen, '18M; H. A. Judson, '18M; W. R. Vis, '15M; R. 0. Brown, '18M; W. K. McCandless, '18M; H. 0. Westervelt, '16M; and A. H. *Watt, '18M. Associated with R. Richardson, '16L, president of the Law School organiza- tion, will be D. W. Sessions, '17L; T. A. Ferris, '161.; Ralph Sheldon, '161,; Henry Rummel, '16L; M. C. Carlton, '16L; and George Claassen, '17L. Meetings of the two cabinets will be held some time this week when plans will be made for the work next year. Ifeeting Postponed by Lack of Quorum Lack, of a quorum caused the post- ponement of the final meeting of the student council, scheduled for last night, to. be postponed until 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night. At that time, the affairs of the council will be clos- eds up for the year, and plans for the coming year will be discussed. Latina-Amnerican Club Elects Officers At the last regular meeting of the Latin-American club, held Saturday, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, J. M. Hernandez, grad., vice-president, J. M. Blanco, '17P, secretary, P. J. Zamo- ra, '17M, treasurer, V. Guillermety, '1GE, sergeant-at-arms, A. Morales, '17. 'i ~om niti4 The best bargain we have ever given STUDIO: 619 E. Liberty St. Phone 1078-J CAP AND GOWN PICTU RES Hlave them made at HOPPE STUDIO You find yourself confronted 'with thj necessity of purchasing a: trunk? Fine Spring Haberdashery q I I Buy Indestructo Baggage Headquarters iUr Manhattan Shirts, $1.50 to $4. The World's Best Underwear Hosiery and other Quality Fixings Temple Theatre ADMISSION 5c. (except Friday and Saturday) Tues.-"His Musical Career"-Charlie' Chaplin. IFuropean Armies In Action, wed.- "Return of Morris Donnelly" with Leah Bird. Terrin's Spring Gloves. Beautiful Spring Neckwear I and .you also, get TRUNK SERVICE Every Indestructo Trunk sold Is guaran teed for five years' SERVICE 124 S. MAIN ST. f ._ ,. I I ~. * . / I' N . Orpheum 'theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Mon. Tues.-Fritzi Schieff in "Pretty Mrs. Smith" Wed.-"Shie stoops to Conquer" Thurs. Fri. - Rita Jolivet in "THU UNAFRAID" Saturday-"Jane Lyra" No matter what the conditions It is called upon to meet It you decide to buy trunk service--guaranteed --it can only W!' obtained by buying an laide structo Trunk The :Big Story 200-202 South Main St.. I rwIV. U Nti onal .Custom Bull" Durhamn is iroi tan a national'form of en- nent-it is an Expressi'on of American character. mnillionas of"Bll" iI Durhaim smokers are the reliant, energetics - ericans who make the :ed States thne m p.ogressivre nation in the d. These m-en Ym&:c- their own opportunities, e their own Obcc~ cdtey like to make their cigarettes, to thir Lown 1 i g, frorn ripe, mellow BU SM'.1 U R,, AM' Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4,00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 0:15 Taxes. June i-MRS. TjESII,1R CART$R in "Dui Barry" Six parts. Wednes. June 2-William A. Brady pres- ents WILIAIK]LLIOTT in "Woman and Wine" 'I No w ' Look at our "Show Windows for CANDY SPECIALTIES, Every day in the week. t-j I NortFs,~ AX Ws, fthey roll Nn - from cow A-nun: . .,.to cyan-,.essran,. Idcier and l ir o(:C) i ndadmiral, i worker to corpoaun rciert their from from The smooth, noilow fI avol,° a:-, Jneb iragrance of fresh- roled Bul" Drh~n i:'r~!~'I tord A sk Fore FREE healthful enjoyment7and l. ~'E~oh of "papers"ec c ak faction to more mLlin-ofa ' all other high-grade sm iR combined. /? Editor, The Michigan Daily:.- We, the undersigned, have informa- tion in affidavit form that four mem- bers of this year's Varsity baseball team* are ineligible. We hesitate to present this matter to the proper au- thoritie's, fearing that such a course of action might result in severe indi- vidual discipline, rather than in per- manently affecting the present moral situation in college baseball. We have the conviction, however, that some- thing can be done to remedy matters if the public is convinced that the situation is as bad as it has been rep- resented. The affidavits also show that a com- promising attitude is prevalent among the athletic authorities of this univer- sity in regard to the eligibility of base- ball players. This attitude is, we be- lieve, responsible for a large part of the present difficulties. Yet it is the natural outgrowth of the existing rul- es, which the eligibility committee, de- spite its honest efforts, has been un- able to enforce. It is clear that the expulsion of in- dividual men will accomplish little of permanent value. Something must be done to change the system that facil- itated their violation of the rules. And we appeal to Michigan men that they petition for the reopening of the ques- tion, for the purpose of getting a free and open discussion of summer base- ball. CHARLES WEBBER, '15. ..HAROLD L. ROTZEL, '10. WERNER SCHROEDER, '14-'16L. HARRY D. PARKER, '16L. LEWIS C. REIMANN, '17L. W. C. MULLENDORE, '14-'16L. MAJESTIC Matinee, 8 P. M. Nights, 7-8:80 Mon. Tuies. June i-]Edmund Breese in The Shooting of Dan McGrew, from the poem by Robert W. Service. Pathe News. Wed. Thurs. 2-3-Betty Nansen (The Royal Actress) in Anna, Karenina (and a good comedy) Fri. Sat. 4-5-Blanche Sweet and Henry B. Walthall In D. W. Griffith's pro- duction The Avenging Conscience. Ladies' Souvenir Matinee, Tue. and Fri. School Children's Matinee, Sat., So. ALL SEATS TEN CENTS I THE SUGA1R BOWL 1 104 S. Main St. II Commencement Cifts IN COLD, SILVER AND LEATHER Are most aoooptahlo and easy to mail O'n Ideal Gift' For a Man' A Watch, Chain and Cold Knife or Pencil HALLER JEWVIELRYCO. STATE STREET JEWELERS Drop in after the game or after play- ing tennis and try a 5c soda. Fan Doren's Pharmacy, 703 Packard St. Uf. Get prices on china with your mon- ogram on at 214 S. Main St. Wright & Ditson and hand-made ten- nis balls. 3 for $1.00, at Switzer's, 310 State. k 1 An llustratel: , i_..- FREE 'Roll Your Own r ettes, and a Book of e_: r,!c: will both be mailed, frec, t in United States on postail rore:.. cress "Bull" Durham, Du!1hnb THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CC?.:11 TAILORS Special Design Cloths. From $28.00 to $40.0 ALL MADE IN 6OUR. OWN SHOP ~ HENRY &0C. 711 N. University Ave. University Ave. and toilet articles. Pharmacy Drugs Phone 416. t~f Seniors Horse and runabouts, everything new, complete livery. Phone 106.c Phone 2350. City Taxi Co. tf A large line of China and glassware for fraternity use at Dean & Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. A good service- able Suit - $20.00 A better one for $22.50 An exception- ally fine Suit for- - - $25.00 Palm Beach Suits _- -'$12.00 if-- ' l ORDER THOSE -aved Cards NOW . 51 11 I Let The Victrola Furnish The Music FROM t tr ScarrCo. SMAIN STREET You will enjoy an outing or a little home gathering much more if you have a Victrola as your entertainer. A little one for Fifteen dollars will do very nicely for the summer months, when Fall comes you can trade it in on a better one. There is a difference lvhere you buy your Victrola just come in some time this week and let us explain the difference, tot you. JUNE RECORDS ARE NOW ON SALE GRINNELL BROS., East Liberty Street "Terms to suit the buyer" I SPIN -EN6rRAVINC ALBERT GANSLE Merchant Tailor rob 1E. Washington St. 2nd Floor . ' t Made to your measure ' i IL- is 11, - E