ED laic
AV, No. 177.
Lundgren's Meat Fail to Discover Ka-
zoo Pitcher's System in Second
Vanie of Season with
Sisler Provides Fielding Feature by
sentsrtionlul. iving Catch -
Woman's League election in general
library from 8:00 to 5:00 o'clock.
Tau Beta Pi dinner at the Union at
6:00 o'clock.
Michiganensian staff dinner at the Un-
ion at 6:30 o'clock.'
Band rehearsal in University hall at
7:00 o'clock.
Dixie club meeting at the Union at
7:15 o'clock.
Municipal administration pipe party,
Union, 7:00 o'clock.
Gargoyle out at noon.
Judge R. W. Lee speaks on, "The Civ-
il Law and the Common Law-a
World Survey," to the public meet-
ing of the Order of the Coif, room,
C law building, 4:00 o'clock.
Repeat "Demeter and Persephone"
Last Night before Crowd of
500 People
T[aUl Reaches 1,744 with Additional
Names Resulting from Last
Night's Canvass
ia the Sixth
% 94 9 V A I
Pitcher Koob settled his argument
with the Michigan baseball team yes-
terday afternoon, by winning a 4 to 2
decision. The Wolverines were help-
less before his curves, bunching two
hits in only one inning. Throughout
the game the Kazoo twirler was rare-
ly in danger, and always managed to
tighten in the pinches. He was aided
by good fielding and hitting by his
Ferguson, pitching for Michigan
shcwed an excellent brand of ball un-
til the last two innings. Until the
eighth round, only three hits and one
run had been scored off him. In the
eighth, however, the Celeryites pound-
ed his offerings for three hits, which,
coupled with a wild pitch and an error
by Brandell netted two runs.
The fielding feature of the day was
made by George Sisier, who made a
remarkable diving catch of a hard hit
ball from Walsh's bat in the sixth in-
Kalamazoo made eight hits, of which
l yames landed three and Hutchins two.
0: Michigan's six hits, Sisler and Bran-
dell each made two. Neither side
slapped the ball for an extra-base hit.
The strike-out honors were even, both
Ferguson and Koob scoring nine. The
rurs made by both teams were helped
along by poor fielding and the failure
of the pitchers to' locate the plate.
Ferguson was the worst offender in
Ihis regard, passing four men, and
cutting loose with four wild pitches
with men on bases. Benton, with two]
passed balls, completed the poor field-
ing showing made by the Michigan bat-
Michigan scored the first run of the
game in the first. Brandell made a
hit to the Normal shortstop. McQueen
secured a base on balls, and both ad-
vanced when Koob muffed a bounder
from Sisier's bat. With the bases full,
Benton struck out, but Labadie came
through with a single to center, scor-
ing Brandell. Maltby struck out, and
Waltz forced Labadie at second.
Krentler tied the score for Kalama-
zoo in the third, by securing a safety
on Maltby's error, advancing to second
on a sacrifice and to third on a passed
ball by Benton, and scoring on Hy-
ames' hit through short,
Michigan came back in the sixth in-
ning, Bentor4, scoring on a base on
balls, a stolen base and a fielder's
choice, followed by Maltby's hit.,
In the eighth for Kalamazoo, with
one out, Hutchins singled, advanced
to second on a wild pitch and scored
on McIntosh's safe hit. McIntosh ad-
vanced to second on a fielder's choice,
and scored on Krentler's hit. Kala-
mazoo sewed the game up for sure in
the ninth, scoring an additional run on
H'yames' hit, a wild pitch and Corbat's
bingle to center.
Although Michigan put two pinch
hitters in the game in the ninth, Koob
struck both out, and Brandell ended
the game by flying out to center.
The summary and score follow:
Fresh lit pre-exam dance,
gymnasium, 8:00 o'clock.
Victory Ties Barristers with Fresh
Lits for First Place; Play
Final Contest Today
Junior laws won a sharply contest-
ed baseball game from the soph engi-
neers yesterday by the score of 6 to 3.
The victory ties the laws for first
place with the fresh lits, while the de-
feated soph boilermakers are now tied
with junior dents for fourth place.
The line-up and score follows:
Soph engineers-Pollock p, Sevin
cf, Martin ss, Krause c,'Paisley 1b,
Bowles 3b, Thomas rf, Dignan lf.
Junior laws-Martin 3b, McCall 2b,
Brownell ss, Rowan p, P. H. Stevens
lb, Thomas c, Scott rf, Nichols cf,
Thornell lf.
123456'37 R.H E
Junior laws . .0 0 0 2 1 0 3-6 13 4
Soph eng. ....0 2 0 0 0 1 0-3 10 5
The 1918 lits and the junior laws
will meet for the campus champion-
ship at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon.
There are three teams tied for third,
fourth and fifth places, and the first
step toward playing off this tie will
take place also this afternoon when
the soph engineers and the junior
dents meet. The other team in the
deadlock is the fresh medic aggrega-
"Have you your summer job?"
That is what students are being ask-
ed by the Michigan Union employment
bureau, which has just made an-
nouncement of numerous positions re-
cently received from concerns through-
out the country.
Several jobs are on hand for any
student who will inquire at the Union
counter. The Union has sent out the
request that all employers wishing
student help for either summer work
or employment for next year should
make known the fact at the Union
clubhouse. Stenographic and clerk-
ing positions are especially desired by
the labor departmen. as many appli-
cations have been turned in by stu-
dents. The Union also desires the
names of a large number of students
who are willing to wait table during
commencement week as the demand
is unusually heavy at that time.
Prepare Way for New Electric Engine
Men have been at work this past
week near the new power plant spur
track putting up the poles which are
to support the overhead wires for the
new electric engine which is to operate
on that track. Preparations are being
made for the installation of the new
engine when it gets here the latter
part of this week. Word has been re-
ceived that the General Electric Com-
pany of Erie, Pa., which built the en-
gine, now have it already for ship-
ment and it will be here this week.
Tentative List Made for Geneva Trip
In the tentative list of Lake Geneva
delegates which the Y. M. C. A. has
already drawn up, six 'Chinese stu-
dents, several Latin-American students
and five faculty men are included. Ac-
cording to present plans the delegation
which will number in all about 50 men
will leave Ann Arbor on the afternoon
of June 17 or the morning of June 18,
arriving at Lake Geneva in time for
the opening meeting of the conference.
With ideal weather prevailing for
the presentation of the Greek myth,
"Demeter and Persephone," the sec-
ond performance was given last night
in Observatory hollow by the same
cast which offered the fete last week.
The audience, which numbered about
500, was small compared with the one
which attended the former presenta-
Genevieve O'Leary, '16, Helen Cham-
pion, '17, Mina Winslow, grad., and
Katherine MacBride, '16, again ap-
peared in their respective roles of
Persephone, Demeter, Hermes and
Much credit is due Miss Alice Ev-
ans for the successful performances
which have been rendered. Besides di-
recting the rehearsals for the affair,
Miss Evans worked out the two dances
of winter and famine, which were the
two real hits of the evening. Ellen
Sargeant, '16, helped materially in
producing the fete by writing music
for a number of the dances and direct-
ing the orchestra.
From a financial standpoint, those
in charge said that no disappointment
was experienced, as $200 was cleared
at the first performance and about
$135 at last night's presentation.
Campus News Notes, one of a series
of university bulletins, will leave the
press June 12. The pamphlet contains
16 pages, and more than 30,000 copies
will be mailed to alumni and former
students. E. W. Haislip, '14L, editor,
has announced that numerous cuts
will be included, in addition to several
stories of general interest to campus
and alumni.
A cut showing the proposed Union
clubhouse from the southeast view'
will adorn the cover, and other pic-
tures on the inside sheets will include'
the new science building, prominent'
alumni, several members of the Union1
campaign committee and the 10 field
organizers. The articles will consist'
of stories on spring athletics, campus'
activities in general, the Y. M. C. A.,
the Union. membership campaign, the
chairman's announcement, the plan
of the canvass and Union membership
statistics from 1907 to 1915.
Society Will Display Prize Drawings
More than 50 architectural draw-
ings, which have taken prizes at vari-1
ous student competitions in this coun-
try during the past year, will be
shown, beginning today, in the large
gallery in Alumni Memorial hall. The
exhibition is to be held under the aus-
pices of Architectural Society, and will
last about two weeks. A part of the
exhibition of paintings by Mr. Leon A.
Makielski, of the architectural college,
will be left in the gallery during the
time that the drawings are being
Bureau Has Jobs i 1etrot Factories
According to a letter received yes-
terday, the Y. M. C. A. employment
bureau will be able to place several1
men as factory hands in the Maxwell
factories at Detroit. Word has also'
been received that there will be a
number of similar openings in the
Chalmers factory in the same city.
All students who are interested in
either of these opportunities Tor sum-'
mer work can receive further partic-
ulars and assignments by applying to
P. C. Lovejoy, '16, employment secre-
tary at the "Y" office, any afternoon
from 4:30 o'clock to 6:00 o'clock.
Homeop Quizzes to Be Held This Week
In order that homeopathic seniors1
may comply with the requirements of
the state boar( .f medical examiners
and get their applications ready for
the meeting of the board which comes
this week, examinations in the Home-
opathic Medical School are being held
this week. This is necessary so that
the seniors may find whether they are
warranted in making application to
the board for permission to practice.
In order to swell the Union life
membership list to 2,000 if possible, a
dinner was held at the Union last
night, preparatory to sending the men
out for an evening's canvass. Letters
were sent out to about 90 men who had
served on the previous campaign com-
mittees, and approximately half of the
number attended the dinner.
After last night's work, 67 names
were added to the list, making the
grand total of life members 1,744.
When the returns were in last night,
10 men had failed to report. The en-
tire campus has not yet been covered
in the various canvasses, but Union
officers expect to have gone over the
whole territory by the end of the sem-
ester. -
The following men had signed pledg-
es last night:
G. C. Britton, '18; 0. P. Burnett, '18;
C. L. Bassett, '18E;, A. C. Benselmen,
'18E;Harry Bacher; C.P. Bower, '15D;
E. W. Buell; '15E; J. B. Buckley, '18E;
W. D. Bryant, '15L; Raymond Barn-
ard, '16; W. S. Barlow, '18E; C. R
Cummings, '18; H. W. Collins, '18E;
A. L. Clark, Jr., '18E; Gordon Camp-
bell, E. E. Daniels, '16; L. E. Delf,
'15E; F. T. Dwyer, '15; F. A. Doyle,
'18E; J. B. Edmondson; F. H. Fitch,
'17L; W. P. Gibson, '15D; P. C. Graney,
'16E; R. M. Goodrich, '17L; C. W.
Gore, '15L; .E. P. Hardell, '18E; R.
W. Havis, '18; E. G. Hildner, '17; W..
P. Hindman, '16E; W. R. Harvey,'18E;
W. E. Hall, '18E; W. C. King, '18E;
Theophil Klingemann, faculty; S. A.
Lambert, '18; R. V. Leffler, '15; S. H..
Leffler, '18; A. J. Levin, '18; E. G.
Metcalf, '15E; R. S. Moore, '18E; D. L.
Murphy, '17D; H. T. Millman, '16P; F.
N. Oellrich, '16P; H. H. Phillips, '16E;
). C. Pence, '18; W. V. Parshall, '18E;
J. R. Pierce, '18; W. B. Pillsbury, fac-
ulty; A. D. Prangen, '15M; Paul Rob-
ertson, '17E; A. J. Rogoski, '17; E. S.
Robinson, '18E; Albert Reubelt, '17E;
G. 0. Russell, '18; H. S. Scheinman,
'17L; A. C. Simons, '16E; H. F. Seeley,
'15; C. M. Tenny, '15L; J. A. B. Tomp-
kins, Jr., '15E; R. M. Wenley, faculty;
J. W. Van Brunt, '16E; N. S. Yost,
'18E; C. M. Weideman, '18; C. R. Webb,
'18L; Wm. C. Weilbacher, '15E.
Michigan probably will have in the
near future a hydraulic laboratory,
which will outrank any other in the
world. A preliminary study of plans
for such a laboratory to be located
at Barton dam, is now being made. Per-
mission for its construction has been
obtained from the Eastern Michigan
Edison Co.
The Eastern Michigan company,
chiefly through whose interest the
project is possible has offered the uni-
versity a free title or a long time lease
of all lands necessary, the privilege
of shutting down the Barton plant if
necessary during construction and the
use without cost, of all waste waters.
Quadrangles to Hold Banquet Tonight
Quadrangles, marine engineering
honorary society, will hold a banquet
and initiation at 7:00 o'clock tonight
at Willits' cafe. Prof. H. C. Sadler
and Prof. E. M. Bragg, both of the ma-
rine engineering department, and H.
E. Barrett; '16E, will be the speakers.
Election of officers for the ensuing
year will be held, and the following
marine engineers will be initiated as
deck hands: H. E. Barrett, '16E; C. H.
Pehrson, '16E; G. B. Smith, '16E; and
W. B. Warren, '16E.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* -o~- *
* TIME-Today 8:00 to 5:00 *
* PLACE-General library.
* Nominations*
* PRESIDENT - Helen Hum- *
* phreys, '16; Martha Gray, '16. *
* hill, '16; Beatrice Lambrecht, *
* '16. *
* TREASURER-Ethel Vail, '17; *
* Jeanette Armstrong, '17. *
* C O R.. SECRETARY -- Olivia *
* Williams, '17;Albertine Loom- *
* is, '17; Margaret Long, '17. *
* REC. SECRETARY-Elsie Paul, *
* '17; Ruth Brown, '16. *
* Mead, '16; Ruth Hutzel, '16; *
* Helen Blair, '16. *
* Kelley, '17; Alice Vanselow, *
* '17; Janet MacFarlane, '17. 2. *
* Margaret Reynolds, '17; Hazel *
* Giddings, '17; Margaret Bas- *
* sett, '7. *
* ora Quinlan, '18; Nona Mey- *
ers, '18; Clarissa Vyn, '18. *
s* * *s s s*s* s * **.- *
1916 Class Takes Stand against "Keg-
Parties" at Functions in
At a special meeting of the junior
engineers held yesterday, the class
passed a resolution directed to the
faculty of the engineering college. The
resolution was adopted with a view
of lessening the punishment inflicted
upon three members of the class for
the alleged "keg-party" at the pow-
wow which the class held a week ago
Saturday. The resolution requested
that the three members be allowed to
take the final examinations this sem-
ester in order that they may not lose
this semester's work. In order. that
the faculty give the request special
consideration the class took a stand
against all celebrations of the "keg-
party" nature in future class func-
Polasky and Neff, for the seniors, and
Angell and Wright, for the juniors,
will decide the tie in the upperelass
tennis match in the best two out of
three sets of doubles at 3:30 o'clock
this afternoon on the Ferry field
courts. The seniors and juniors are
tied with three matches apiece, and to-
day's conflict will determine whether
the juniors or the seniors meet'the
sophomores in the final round of the
class tournament.
Muncipal Men Will Hold Pipe Party
Students and faculty men interested
in the Graduate School's new group
of courses in municipal administra-
tion hold their first pipe party at the
Union at 7;00 o'clock this evening.
Michigan leads all other states in the
number of cities operating under the
city-manager plan, and the university
is the first to offer a curriculum of
studies designed to train men for the
new profession. Gayford C. Cummin,
newly-chosen city manager of Jack-
son, will attend the party. Mr. Cum-
min is a Cornell-man, and resigned as
city engineer Iof Dayton, Ohio, to ac-
cept the Michigan position.
Tardy Seniors Must Wait for Diplomas
Seniors who have not yet paid their
diploma fees will be unable to get
their diplomas this month, according
to the existing ruling of the board of
regents, as the time limit for the pay-
ment of this fee expired at 4:00 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. While the exact
number of seniors, who have failed to
pay their fees, has not been determin-
ed bythe officials, it is said that a
few who have passed the ' required
number of hours will be forced to wait
until the opening of the university
next fall, to secure their diplomas.
Shot-Put, Bro'ad Jump and 220-Yard
bash Staged This Afternoon;
- Bld High Jump and Mile
Run Tomorrow
Gold Watch and Cups to Be Given
When 40 Men Sign Up for
Greek Games
Arrangements have now been defi-
nitely completed for the opening
events in Michigan's first Pentathlon
to be staged today at 4:15 o'clock at
Ferry field. Only 20 men have signed
up for the events, but in order to al-
low the awarding of the prizes which
have been offered, its is necessary
that 40 entries be received.
The small number of entries listed
is accounted for by the management
by the fact that the campus at large
does not understand fully the scope of
the meet. Varsity and All-Fresh track
men are not eligible for competition,
and this leaves the events open entire-
ly to athletes of mediocre ability, who
have little or no experience in track
Each participant in the meet will
enter five events, comprising the mile
run, high jump, running broad jump,
220-yard dash, and shot put. Points
will be scored in the order in which
the men finish, and the holder of the
lowest number of points will be de-
clared the all-around campus chan-
pion. In case the 40 required entries
are received, a gold watch will be -
awarded as first prize, and suitably in-
scribed cups will go for second and
third places. The entry list is to be
held open this afternoon, right up un-
til the opening events are- staged, but
in case the 40 entries are not received
by that time, only a first prize consist-
ing of the gold watch will be awarded.
Tha shot-put, broad jump and 220-
yard dash, are the events which will
be run off this afternoon. The remain-
ing events, comprising the high jump
and mile run will be staged tomorrow.
Varsity track men are to act as judges
of the competition.
The list of men entered for the Pen-
tathlon, to date, is as follows:
R. W. Johnson, '18, E. H. Herman,.
'18, J. C. Abbott, '15E, J. P. Carritte,
'16E, K. A. Nelson, '18, W. T. Adams,
'17, A. C. Martens, '16, W. V. Stern-
berger, '15, S. Shartel, '18, M. W. Brad-
beer, '17, C. C. Rowand, '16L, H. W.
Simpson, '17E, E. M. Woerner, '18L,
H. W. Alden, '18, C. P. Russell, '17E,
J. Dillon, '17, M. Henkel , '18, Dan
Chatfield, '16E, C. M. Graven, '17, and
Win. Brown, '18.
Detroit Engineer to Lecture Tonight
"Epoch Making Steps in Automobile
Engineering" will be the subject of a
talk by 0. E. Hunt, an engineer from
the Packard Motor Car company, of
Detroit, before Engineering Society at
8:00 o'clock tonight in room 348 of the
engineering building. Mr. Hunt will
demonstrate the new Packard 12-cyl-
inder automobile, which the company
has announced for the 1916 season.
The general public is invited.
University Students Invited to Shoot
All men of the university, whether
members of the Rifle club or not, are
invited to shoot this afternoon with
the club on the National Guard Range.
Ammunition, guns and targets will be
furnished free of charge. Those who
wish to take advantage of this invita-
tion will take the 1:00 o'clock inter-
urban at the corner of State and Pack-
ard streets.
Fresh Engineers to Pow-wow Saturday
Fresh engineers will hold their first
annual pow-wow Saturday night in
Cascade Glen. The class will meet at
7:00 o'clock at the M. C. depot and
march to the glen in a body. On the
list of speakers are: Prof. John R.
Allen, of the mechanical engineering
department, Don A. Smith, '16E,. W. A.
P. John, '16, and A. S. Lyndon.
New Cement Walk Will Be Laid
As soon as work on the new science
building is sufficiently advanced so
that the outside debris can be cleaned
up, a new cement walk extending from
the law building to North University
avenue will be laid.
,raudtel,tss 5 2 a0axi
MeIQueen,2b 3 0 0 3 01
5isler,cf 4 2 2 0 01
lBcntonlc 3 0 10 2 0)
Labadie,rf 4 1.I a00
Alatby,11b 4 11 1 1
WaItZ.3b 4 0 2 0 01
Shivel,ss 3' 0 0 2 0
Vcrgusou,p 3 o x 2 0
::Stewart 10oU 0J00
tDavidlsotx x1a a0 0
35 62710 2
Hyamnes,ss 5 3 1 2 0
Baxter,ef 4 0 1 0 0
Corbat,2b 4 2 4 4 T
Hutchins'ib 4 2 8 0 0
Walsh,c 3 o 8 t -x
MeIntosliib 4 4 z S Ia
Krentler,lf 4 I 2 '0 0
Chilson,rf 2 0 1 0 0
Thonas,rf 1 o o o o
KOohP 301 21
4 82710 31
S iciligan .,.,,., > o 0 0oa0-2 6 2
Ves-fern \NOrma, . 6 0 (0 0 Ao 2 t--4 8 3'
Summaries--Runs- Brandell, Benton, 1hut-
_hins, I Iyames, Krentler, McIntosh. Stolen
ses- Iyames,, irandell. Sider, Beuton. Sac-
Wce hits--Walsh, Chilson. Bases on bals-
S Ferguson 4, off 1oob 2 Left on bases-
4ichigan 7, Weter Normal n. W dd ]itches
-herguson .}. assd1b"01 ---ON MM 2,Struck
um -byFerg uson (R3ti-, Corbat z,1Watsh,
rCnJOIr 2, KiooO 2, lutcltiu>--g), by Kooi)
Jenton, Stewart. Iavidson. Maltb r2 'cr-
usn, AVihlz _ islr-g). ''inie of patnic
1"Irs. 2{ 'i i t. mpht irricher of IDtroit
'almer Takes First Round in Tourney
Palmer defeated. Piersoll in yester-
lay's preliminary round of the cam-
pus championship golf tourney which-
s now being held on the links of the
Papers Read at Last Chemical Meeting
Papers were read by Mr. L.H. Great- Fresh Lits to Hold Dance Tomorrow
house, of the chemistry department, Members of the fresh lit class will
and H. T. Hood, grad., at the last meet- give an informal dance from 8:00 to
ing of the University of Michigan sec- 12:00 o'clock tomorrow night in Bar-
tion of the American Chemical society bour gymnasium. Tickets for the af-
yesterday afternoon in the amphithe- fair are now on sale and can be ob-
ater of the chemical building. Mr. tained from L. J. Carrigan, '18, W. E.
Greathouse' subject was, "The Use of Brown, '18, Owen Watts, '18, and F.
Periodates in Quantitative Analysis," S. Sell, '18. Mr. R. W. Cowden and
and Mr. Hood's pape.r was on, "The Mrs. Cowden, Dean Myra B. Jordan,
Carbonization of Steel by Means of and Mrs. Underwood will chaperone
Gas." the dance.