THE MICHIGAN DAILY dot 'Weather H1t For that swveltering feeling we, suggest O E O N W I C PALM IBEACH COMFORT SUITS Positively the lighitest weight, ;l /I 111 971 O i 1 I Another Big Clean Up of Fifty Slightly Worn Koda ks r w wa rr rr ewrr rr so r mr9m tr w H t S Prices start at from 30%a to 500/c off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. F~very one plainly marked. This is the biggest snap you ever saw. I IS HERE LYNDON .. wmmm e. 'I coolest suit possible to. wear Knitted ready to wear Coats Serge ard Flannel Trousers await your inspection '' :._.--- DRESS SUITS FOR HIIRE Smip Is To ORGER I i inU.M LO 604 E. Liberty Malcolm Block .. 2. I *Our Pric4 are and WE I Tdry us we save you Rubber sole d shoes will always be found here. :es and our shoes M RIGHT I 1 lJ. YOU RIGHT amoney. 110 E. Liberty St. !s re-soled as thtey should be 0 3on xfaaeaa:wxuwtuutau. ra+ a A a A£ The best par- oE' aMURAD you c nzot describe. But you recogrnize it instantly. And y ,i never for.. get it. Grde rk!;;hU.Lcard~ rgp-fian Cigarctte in the World. Is% X7200 TRANSIT MARKET W'in. LINDEMAN DEALER IN Fresh anid Salt Meats Pork, Ham Poultry, etc Be11 Phone 2294 2112 N. 4th Ave IN NE I E\ N4~ IE1ilNG BUIL1)IN(, 0. F Ii. hutto 1)lsells: _vvew "lT' ,Yi- under Car to Ble IBuilt by 1''ctard Cmpany Under the auspices of the Engineer- ing Society and the department of au- tomnobile eng;ineering students and the general puJlic will be given 'an op- portunity to hear the latest develop- ments in 'th'e automobile world dis- cussed at '8 :00 o'clock Wednesday night' in room 348, new engineering building. 0. E. Hunt, assistant chief engineer of the Packard Motor Car Company will lecture on, "Epoch-Making Steps in Automobile EngTin 'ueering," and in view 'of the remarkable interest which has sprung up in the past year in high speed, small bore motors, culminating in the eight cylinder car and the "12," this lecture promises the largest at- tendance of any lecture ever given in connection with the au tomnobile cours- es. Only a week ago the Packard coin- i~a y startled the automobile world by the announcement that it. would next yea r uanutacture 1 cylinder cars ex- c sivl~. ne of the Packard experi- menitail cars will be exhibited and demn- ons tii-wtd ini the atomwobile laboratory alte thelecture. T'rotf. T. C. T1uoblood's classes in haep:renreading will give it pla tform r iecital of Lord Lytton's "La'- dyJ Los i Uivrsity fla1Gil e Thusda evnin, ork1 is aboaut cmledon) the sae which is be- in e r'.rudce with footlights, utan ndstgeseittings, and all these new rageet will he used. The rec(ital willbein promnptly at 8:(0 o'clock and C-hcos(d ofisiring to sethe enitire perf'?orman, ice m ust 1", .}17.tie. X1,11"play7co c ilts':of Inn'ie scenes 'Jand will be divided,( into three" sections, eacth of wh11i i i ll gie three scenes. F1)UIK AN) SARBAUGIT WILL BE RE PRESENTATIVES AT CORN EL COnference to Be Held under Auspices o World Peace Foudation to Begin Juoe 15 F red B. Foulk, '13-16L, and Donald M. Sarbaugh, '17L, will represent the University of Michigan at the Confer- ence of International Relations to be held at Cornell University under the auspices of the World Peace Founda- tion from June 15 to JTune 30. Foulk goes also as the representative of the Cosmopolitan Student. The purpose of the conference, as stated by the Foundation is to teach students who hope to become leaders, in internation- al affairs a more rational system of international relations. Such a convention had been in view for the past few years and was finaly brought about by the outbreak of the present European war. Cornell Uni- versity has offered its hospitality and. the use of its dormitories for those who attend and the Cornell Cosmopol- itan club is making arrangements for the reception and entertainmient of the delegates. A schme of study has been mappedi out which includes among other thins short courses in the fudamentals of intenational law, letures and dis- cussions of the terms of settlement whbIi, will make for lasting peace, and lectures on the constructive sieC of in- ternational relations. Algpcations for admission should be tent to Dr. George R. Nasmyth, World Peace Foundation, 40 Mt. Ver- non street, Boston, Mass. 16,00 DENTIAL CASS TREATED Ifidiigan's. Clnc Thins hIgh amog cointrys Bst Figures issued by the College o Dental Surgery show that 16,400 sep- arate and distinct operations and treat- ments of all kinds have been made in the operative clinic during the past year. More than $5,00 worth of gold has been used in treating the several thousand patients who have availed themselves of the opportunity for free service, charge being made only for the materials used. Over $2,200 worth of gold foil was placed in fillings, while gold to the value of $3 ,30 was used for plates and shells. Mihigan 's dental clinic ranks amog the best in the country in equipment and the amount and quality of work required. The dental clinic has 91 chairs, and during the pat year each senior student has performed an aver- age of about 225 individual oeations. A list of the work done includes 4,547 treatments of all kinds, 962 extrac- tio-ns, 7,500 fillings of all kinds, 412 crowns, 182 bridges, 104 plates, prop- hylaxis 2,300 and orthodontia 33. Collect oney fronm Sohomore Classes With a few exceptions, nearly all of theC money has bee coleted from the sophomore cases, whch will go to, deray the . expen seo, Russel (C.I Jacobas, '18, who was hurt in a aing .'pade last Oct or 'A W DMother sill, '15, who has a hargk of te collection, states that he exPct'-;t{, collect the remintuwa moneyr still at- standing, in a few days. The aaun'-. which is approximatey $50.00, w~ill be sent at once to Jacobs at his lionle il Cshocton, Ohio, and will bh e stcen-t to meet all of the ex'eses a< ed~ani to his misfortune:. Strong' Men Laeki . n i al*n Ioty Owing to ack of materiaiand the scarcity of huski ltWol~ernt tn wegt lifting and the va us art;> of hi- ning, dipping, eta-,Dr. :May , dii cetur of Waterman '' uainde '' think that Michian ~ l a~ 'In man this year. \'o p. ...; a o~ have been tuneGarthed h W- as Ar dAcIL-~ cording to Dr. Slyisee sh~-all chanice of any cmngt teIrunin i time for serious lwor'. )Ierving pentathlon shoulo b agod iiIC!t any material for s rong m~l 11 , Wll L . Cox, '-", eV..iisitA rbor John To. Cox, '2ofIi mjhanm Alabania, spent rdynd aura in Ann Arbor. \h nudrrd uatc he Wa iuietneaS DI ,-at- fairs, serving' as: !' ~r ftb ~I- ly staff andc as t,. enr _hirihl1 the 1912 Union(fer, n uaee lItaieses." lfe1was a '. 1'r l ich- igamna and achre emlrufth Mimes. Mats. Week aDaily11KR CMa at I:5 G R I K 30 - DETRiOIT Lyman H. Howe presents thc V. S. NAVY ef Isis and other interesing films M,0'i'(RCYCLIS'l'COLLllDES WITHi \X bile ria m.l- a mnotorcycle west on William street about 9:20 o'clock Sun- dlay night, 1Fredtl C. Coddard, , and aughn? Sloenine .crashed into a bug- gy i t wich were 4. J. Heusel, a far- nmer of Scio township, and i ss 'Hulda i~oeppIr of Ann Arbor. iiLeusel was drivinig east, on William street and seeing. theonmooto rcycl e approaching, Ixied to steer aru~ the corner to go north on Division. Goddard was run- niing his machaine at a high rate of 'leed and,ben blinded by tihe street lamp, (di,?i not see the buggy until with- in 20 feet of it. Ichase l threw on thie brake, brit his motmen~ltum7 was so great thnat he cr asbhe l into the buggy teari uoft two of thie wheels. The baiv was (lashed against the cur-b and the other t~wo wheels were sa shed. Both l usel and M iss Kep- pier jVe~'Ihi-u Wn to the ground as were also tho ride 's of 'the maotorcy- cle', Goddard sustaainigCa cunt on the head, thes others b eing badly shaken, bur. otheris U1hi.;-dV('Ld. T[le fright- etned.liorse broke fromr the vehicle anrd ran madly down Diisim street,whr hie wa{; shortly aft erward cap~tured. In- asm-aueh as both par:ties Nwere equally to baefor tixaccidet the affair was settled amricably betwee(nth. W0MEN',S HALL OPEN IN MUMM11ER Ac('omtaalodaflons for 64 Studnits in 'Nevberry Residene Newberry residence: hall will be open during the summer session, according to an o facial supplement to the reg- ualar summier session bulletin. The contents of the supplement give a complete description of the new resi- ,deoce hall. The residence will accom- aodat~e 68 students, and with the ex- ception of two double rooms, all are single. The rooms are lighted by elec- tricity, and are furnished with bed and bedding complete, dnressing case, study table, suitcase bench, waste basket, easy chair, straight chair, curtains and a rug. Each occupant must furnish her couch cover, (dresser cover and towels. A well equipped laundry and sewing room is at the disposal of the students. The roomn-rent is $16 for the session Ens eight weeks, payable to the busi- ess manager on or before the first day of the session. The price of board will he $4.00, payable in advance at the beginning of the first and fifth weeks. Applications for roonms in the residence must be accompanied by a deposit of $5.00 and should be made to the dean of women, from whom appli- g t ,owyurma urlot s C'all, and let us, tell the rest. Officials state that the homeopathic hospital of the university of Michigan has just ended the most successful reair o ' its existence. F±or seerial year: the hospital has been run to its full capacity. D~uring 1913, 1,701 pa- dents w(re treated, while in 1914 there were*( acconimiodated 1,775, an axcess of 74 over the preceding, year. This does not include the large number of "out" patients that apply ~daily for minor treatment. The popularity of the homeopathic hospital has steadly grown since the present faculty assumed charge. In 1901, the first year of the hospital as it now exists, the income was $10,1,69.- 91. During the year just closed tho total income of the institution was $47,036.17. This is an increase of $38,- 866.26 over the income of 14 years ago without any material addition of facilities. The increase of 1913 over! 19.14 was $4,980.64. An evidence of the usefulness of the hospital'to the people of the state of Michigan is shown by the fact that during the last 'year patients from every one of the 83 counties in Mich- igan received treatment in the insti- tution.' Not only this, but patients! were attracted from 30 other states and various portions of Canada. Important meeting of the junior en- gineering class today at 1:00 o'clock in room 348 of the engineering build- ing. Horse and runabouts, everything new, complete livery. Phone 106. 11 Near Allenel Hotel FACTORY HAT STORE CAMPUS BOOTERY 308 S. State Street Drop in after the game or after play- ing tennis and try a 5ic soda. Van Doren's Pharmacy, 703 Packard St. tf. Get prices on china with your mon- o-gram on at 2:14 S. Main St. Wright & Ditson and haLjn d-made ten- nis balls. 3 for $1.00, a' Switzer's, 310 State. Shoes repaired while you rest. 0. G. Andres, 222 S. State St. eod} Tu University Ave. Pharmacy Drug3 and toilet articles, Phone 416. ,1t Get your Straw or Panama H-at at the Factory Hat Store. Everything the very latest "in Straws, Panamas, and ILeghorns. We can also make them up to order and trim thenm just as you want them. cation blanks and further in forniation cain be obtained, Treat PaMitiiis front Every ounlty inost >State of Mtichligali 1 18 E, Huron Best Values in tennis rackets Switzer's, 310 State. at University Ave. Pharmacy la oiintain Pens and Students Supplies. tU When you break a window glass, telephone Switzer's H'ardware to have it replaced. W. W. MANN, Proprietor , FOR RENT--One store and two small steam-heated apartments. 604 E. Lib- erty. J. K. Malcolm. 1713-M or 1661- J. tf st. .r 1ound Trip via TH "ONPROF KND 'P Choice c f many routes going and returning 4'r VOD t kEOL 1 4. rnv Ae L. .,SC& E E S la I All 'Ycur questions gadily answerel. Call on or ac' Irv.s Ticket Agent Micnigan Central Rt. R. FOUND-Last week, sum of imoy. Owner may have same by aying for this ad. Call Miler, i23-5--M. Three clever selections are1.0to 1be given by the Drama League amtheV Whitney theater on FFriday, June 4th. The cast is composed of campus cel- ebrities, all of whom have starred in Opera and Comedy Club roles, Ti ck- ets are now on sale at Wahr's at 25c,.I NOTIE-Te prtywhotook: Ilma- can: from the porch'i railing; of the house nex to the Delta is known atnd to avoid trYouble lesere'turn the 3sa,il174 -7 5-7G ,_-_