TIIIB MICH16AN ±AILY -, ...I /1 ,, 1 .1 . - ' , Visit. the Daylight St( .:. . T RA W HIATS i1 .est and biggest line in the City $1.00 to $6.00 WE3 NAVE A LINE OF GENIUNE PALM VIBEACH SUITS. Mak your Kodak Autographic Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra charge for autographic films. Sport Coats, White Serge Pants Straw Hats, Palm Beach Suits COME INI AND GET OUR PRICES in all the latest' Pattcerns $7.50, 8.50 and $14.00 CArLJKIN."S PH ARMACY 324 S. Sta~to Streest diF Wuertka The Daylight Store, adhams'& Cs's Corner New Location--201-203 So. Main .ft. r s s ! ei'a Yei11NYI Y 11Y OXW OO D - 7 Individual Custom tailoring Qionuunitat Editor, The Michigan Daily:- Because of the fact that certain pro- voking demonstrations were much in evidence at the recent meeting of the M. A. C. and Michigan, baseball teamis at East Lansing, the writer, who was a witness of the affair, deems it alto- gether wise and proper to make some sort of comment on the spirit of the Lansing students as a whole toward visiting teams, and especially those from Michigan. Jt has long been known that to "beat Michigan" is the Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (exoept Friday and Saturday) Tues.-"His Musical Career"--Charlie Chaplin. IEuropean Armies in Action Wed.- "Return of Morris Donnelly': with Leah Bird, Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Mon. Tues.-Fritzi Scheff' in "Pretty Mrs. Smith" Wed,-"She stoops to Conquer" Thurs. Fri. - Rita Jolivet in "THU UNAFRAID" Saturday-"Jane Eyr." NEW LOCATION 322-324 S. Main St. That is correct In style rand fit. NEW LOCATION NEXT TO ORPHEUM THEATRE Low enough in front to be comfortcibii High enough in back to be correct in slyle. ////RED MAN (((// OLAR The new fabrics for this seaso~i are here in large assortments. --- for your profit-drink Every sparkrling glass of it brimful of vigor. enjoyment and do'wnright goodnless, Delicious - Refreshing Thirst- Quenching TH OACOAC.Vhenr Atlanta, Ga. YQu see an Arrow thiink li_ of Coca-Cola CALL EARLY J A;. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 R. William Street WI2LS ON 'S BEST PRODUCT. v MYLES Cloth Shop TAILORS Our cloth patterns are all specials. The wo'kflen house we represent has a monopoly on them. OVERPLAIDS are amoig our specials. They are the real attraction this year. Au "overplaid" is two plaids crossili at right angles, but miuchi subdued so as to give a Lich effect. OUR STYLES ARE EXCLUSIVE =.._ urnittire h I. DIRECT FROM! FACTORY TO YOU, height of then Farmers' ambitions, yet it seems entirely out of place for that determination to turn into hatred, which seemed so apparent at the games of Friday and Saturday last. I would make reference especially to the manner in which they appreciat- ed the presence of one George Sisler, who, after displaying the wonderful brand of ball that he did, was the re- cipient of many hoots, hisses and other forms of abuse. They did not seem to appreciate the fact that they were privileged to watch the most wonder'- ful ball player that had ever stepped on to their field, or else they were ex- ceedingly clever in shielding any dem- onstrations of it. Other players on the Michigan team were greeted with the "hip, hip," as they -walked to or from~ the plate, and I might mention other forms of abuse that were handed out to the Michigan men. Last of all, the M. A. C. band proudly played the "Victors"' after Michigan had lost the last game. If these forn of so-called cheering are to be considered proper to extend to a visiting team, I must ad- mit that I am decidedly misinformed as to the spirit that should be manifest ,""ri ng intercollegiate competition. Miechigatn is not to be considered a ,no dl university in this respect, but it is' ftr and away in advance of the attitu de taken. by followers of the Green and White. We would respect- fully su gest that the men at M. A. C. take stet. ' toward fostering a better spirit toxu yard visiting teams, which would be o'uly appreciated. R. °C. SMITH, '17E. 25 , temin ft e died f''r t1 t >Ui at. h t dt.n,1fo~ ~ ll~>I .d efc e 'on n~nce~iU mrk- ja it hii 1 ,j.! ---A 1~ it' mee~ngof fu- 'uaP eA h1 Ppeople of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- invited to call at -the Exhibition Roomxs" of the COME- '1 FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for themselves endi'd values offered in choice furniture 'at prices represent- many instances, A SAVJING OF ioo PER CENT, as 'ed with prices usu~ally charged. Come-Packt, Mission and Craftsma~n Designs, are par- ly suitable for fraternity and club hcruses;. We also design iLke special furniture to order. Iders of new homes will find it ta-their advantage to em- e facilities afforded by ox r factoary 'for the production of in" furniture for libraries,. detn!, thalls, dining-rooms and e Packard Street car to State 'StreiA~ and go one ,block south ree blocks west to factory 4'f IE-PC TFU NJITUR ON MAJSTIC Matinee, 3 P. M. Nights, 7.8:80 Mon. Tues. June i-' dmuud Breese in The Shooting of Dlan McGrew, from the poem by ,Robert W. Service. Pathe News. Wed. Thurs. a-3Betty Nansen (The Royal Actress) in Anna Karenina (and a good comedy) I ri. Sat. 4-5-Blanche Sweet and Henry B. W althall in D. W. Griffith's pro- duction T he Avenging Conscience. Ladles' Souvenir Matinee, Tue. and Fri. School Children's Matinee, Sat., Sc. ALL SEATS TEN CENTS tra will play and campus singers will give a number of selections.. Postpone Tag D~ay to Saturday, June 12 Owing to the inclement weather and a few minor difficulties, the Michigan" Child Welfare League have found it adlvisable to postpone their annual Tag Day which was to have occurred on Saturday, May 29th, until Saturday, June 12th. RtEGATITA JUDGES FINISH REPORT Give '.ames- or Winners in Swimming, lirti gand Tilting Stunts (o1 petvretrns from the Boat club rg tta-_ave ei given out by the jug-.Thes_. results, which were not iii!ide] ite reports first published, anr, asfo lo~w's sAvrd m-----Emil Anneke, '17, tt~l; . 1 LoO,'17E, second; E. G. Divig, runin'header for form)- "±;.rgg,'1E first; E. G. Hildner, ~,ecod FAV. Marth, '17E, third.- JIin<, i :iuin; D eader for distance und'r ati )---At, R. Patterson, '18, tii~;11.Lub,'18, second; R. Wins- [a'.y . iv, - . F.Briggs, '18E, #irsl ]. . _r,'17E, second. on Arcade Theatre. SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Tues. June i-MRS. I,"II. CARTER in "Dii Barry" Six parts. Wedues. June 2"-William A. Brady pres-' ents WMLIAM ] ELLIOTT in "Woman and Wine" the second day Of t~suTABLISKE 8 -c LOTIPI: The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101'.103-105 South Mein Street Capital, :$1001000 Surplus and Profits . a. h- FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN AIKU0R Capital - - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J.. bott, S. W. Clarkson, F,. D. Kinne, Ham Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton,P Schnmid. Messrs. BROOKS BROTHERS beg leave to .announce that they will move to their new building at MADISON AVENUE & FORTY-F oURTH STREET 375,000 iluust Fraternities. Notice To make your party the hit of the season it will be to your advantage. to" look over our. line of Party Decorations Festoons Crepe Papers Tally Cards Serpentines Place Cards Dinner Favors Programs Lunch Sets rien us Napkins Stationers, Printers, Binders Let Us Furnish Your Next Order of Dance or. Banquet Programs li'sa Mayer-SchairerCo I i . _ . ....-. ..._.__ . -_ . ---- . -----,, ,.. . .., . t-tBa ,l; S 7~v. d 4,.i~ e-,i . I- 112 S. Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. G ioing to itoe? PUBLICATION STAFFS WILL DINE I morrow in Chicago. Hold Final Gathering for Workers on University Papers Members of the Michiganensian, the Gargoyle and The Michigan Daily staffs will hold their final staff din- ners this week at the Union. The Michiganensian dinner will be held at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday night. All staff members are invited to at- tend. The Gargoyle dinner will come ~Thursday evening, and will be held at 6:00 o'clock. At this time 20 fobs will be distributed to staff - members. The Daily dinner will be held at 6:00 o'clock Saturday night. All staff mem- bers and tryouts are invited to attend, and fobs will be given to men who have served one year or longer on the staff. ZCarpenter Elected to Alumni Counceil With the election of its executive council at its annual meeting, May 22, the Chicago Alumni association has chosen H. Beach Carpenter, '15-'17L, editor of The Michigan Daily, as a member of the council. The first'meet- ing of the new council will be held to- Fresh tits Plan Big Pre-exain Ih nce Fresh fits are making elaborate p ,ep- arations for their pre-exam dance to be given Thursday even inrg, June 3i, at Barbour gymnasim. T.ickets for the affair can be obta med from L. J. Carrigan, '18, W. E. Brown, '18, Owen Watts, '18, and F. S. Sell, '18. Special designs in fraternity china at 214 S. Main St. University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Caudy. Cigari, Cigarettes ana Tobacco. t Call taxi 15' 2280 522 . Call 106 for lar~ge flat Mtating parties. racks for - Starks Taxicab Taxis 25c. Cars by the hour, B, Phone 2255. 209 W. 11 Canoes by the hour and store private canoes-P. G. Tessmer.