THE MICHIGAN DAILY s i Theric ires ty Nansen, Featured in "Anna arenina," at tw Mastic on Wed- esday an thrsa , M'y and SA BLISII NOV E'i P IWL IENTh N "SllOT1IN QF IMA 1Ict0l3 n "The Shooting of !)an aMeGrew," forthcoming producion from the dios of the Popular Plays and Play- Company, with the famous dra- iup star, Edmund reese, in the role the man from the creeksthehe pro- :ers have established a 1mer oa rel precedents. n order to secure the proper atmos- re and detail and loM al or, Mr. eese and a company of eigtly lay- journeyed From Nw Y'ok to Itiba, Canada, during the hei-ht o: big snow season. Exact duplicates Ala-skan settlements woe huil at mendous cost. A duplicate of te nous Malamute Saloon, wich eOx- ed in the pioneer da3s eon- ucted and destroy ed bytir. The ture required two months of stren- .i .a _,1 t is effor o osI cp'iug >hund. anu eleen sCelQ ai in five p .I wa ro e ati a il cost O o Phis is lmnnd Bese's it ap- Irance in pktares since his power- produjeio of Tm r Mid ear ago. The Shon r; fI lc"ill the attrsjiea i' aetcon nday and 'c 'ANNAKRENINA O APER HERE~SOON heliy Naiisei Plays Leading Role in 'ltis Wonderful Analysis of a Woan'111ii Soul A V?°aIII S'S RIhAT UIES $2,04R)A { A ,W' The second of the great Betty Nan- sen, mr dce-i-America series now being flineed for the Fox Film Corporation; William Fox, president, shows Miss Nmsen in a more powerful character- ization than any in which she has here- tofore been seen in this country, or in Europe. Anna Karenina, Count Leo Tolstoi's masterful analysis of a wo- Uan' soul, affords Miss Nansen a far greater opportunity than did even "The Celebrated Scandal" to display to the fil her wonderful dramatic gifts Of the Dart itself Miss Nansen says: "Anna is one of those women who ae preordained to lead lives that prove and try them as insacrificial fires. Sie has been misjudged in much of the controversial storm that has raged about Tolsto's book. Being Anna Karenina she could not have done other than wiat she actually did. Had she trodden the straight and narrow path prescribed by convention, .she would not have been Anna. Sees Coesolation. "Surrounded try the oppressive gloom and graadeur of a high Rus- sian official's home, restricted in her very natural impulse, all her affec- tionate advances checked by her iron- willed, impassive husband, a woman like Anna would naturally do as she did, and s i l consolation elswhere. A nd let me remark here that women in the position of Anna are by no means so uncommon as may be supposed. To each of them there is bound to come some day a "Prince Wronsky." What happens then depends upon the wom- an. If she has great moral strength in reserve, not even her misery will permit her to weaken in her marriage yows. Her heart may break, but she will remain unifinchingly true -to -the moral standard demanded by modern society: "But suppose she is 'an Anna?' What then? She will endure struggles, long solitary vigils but, at last, she will yield, because she believes that happi- ness is the ultimate end of existence. And, with her yielding, comes the be- ginning of the end. It is as inevitable as a Greek tragedy. Such an equation always works out in the same way. Symptnits of Wanin Love. "First comes a coolness between the erring couple. If, as was the case with Anna, the guilty woman had left a child behind her when she was driven from her hoine, that compli- cates the .case. No matter how low a wonan may sink, the maernal instinct will still maintain the ascendant. In Anna's case it is Wronsky who tires first. He is not particularly brutal; but Anna sees and knows the synp toms of his waning love. "Then one day Wronsky is gone. Alone in the midst of the collapsed ruins of the happiness she promised herself, Ann sees, too late, the fearful mistake she has made. But even then she does not realize the penalty that she is to pay. She still cherishes a hope that perhaps, now that she is broken and humbled, her husband will Ll) her, once more, a place at his fireside; will let her take the child r v"oin she yearns in- her arms. Sie is Mistaken 2. "But she is mistaken. Although his g'eat brart is br aking in silence, Karenina is ontwarlly as cold as ever. Harshly he orders the wretched wo- man, who has-comp to abase hersel an s ~eek forgiveniess, from his house. It is the old story of the woman pay- ing. And pay Anna does. With her love for her child eating her heart out, I h- dra-;i throngh bce' (ral) miscrabhe a'-;.' Tha e ad : ,2: slcc seeks Kare a's >rgivenesc, but he is adamant At last, di.en to desperation, she 'ads it alk As the thunder of th( ain-wheels and the shriek of the a a noomi e emd in my ears and] ulig my15self rpon tee track, I feel all that Anna must have felt in that su- p)rc'ne and dreadful moment. It is the ri tzst part I have ever played." Of course, practically every theatre- goer in the country, knows by this tinl( °ow Mr. Fox, with unprecedented en- terprise, reached out across the seas and secured "The Royal Actress" t( appear in lpictures for him exclusively at $2,000 a week. Miss Nansen's con- tract also contains provisions coverin t n o her special car, Se ifies thec housinig of her nutmerfous !ser Si x.Rel Iieoe.y sTa e From1I B' Ii( i? SHOWVNAll M. A ll STI" For several years it has been recog- " nized by. all students of the photo- dramatic art that D. W. Griffith st; the pace, and for several months it has been apparent that Mr. Criflita ha been aiming to broaden t1e Sope of . his work by departing from the field tf mere narrative and making wder 0 ase of wha: .might be tcrme l " Thoat t] literpretation." That is to say, he; has been producing for the screen not ( Only the things that people do and which are naturally the basis of nar- rative, but also the things which they think and which are the basis of more t, intellectual pleasure. Such work as this of course requires a tremendous fund of imagination and an equally tremendous knowledge of all photographic possibilities and ef-s fects. Thus he has made out of the ] "vision" a part of his photo-dramaticn work no less important than the fun-a damental plot construction. For Mr.C Griffith is well aware of the fact that "action" can be struggles of the mind1 as well as the motions of the body.t Those mental perturbations which the actor on the stage can convey only by the manner in which he delivers the lines of the author, Mr. Griffith is able to convey with infinitely more force by picturization. The world's greatest example oft such work is undoubtedly "The Aveng- iag Conscience," which is to be the six-r reel offering at the Majestic Theatret on Friday and Saturday, and whichr takes its inspiration from Edgar Allana Poe's story, "The Telltale Heart." and from his poem, "Annabel Lee." The most imaginative of all Am-erican au- thors, Poe affords exceptional oppor- tunities for the display of Griffith's newly discovered field of work. "The Avenging Conscience" has the Ssub-title "Thou Shalt Not Kill," and aims to show how the sinner is pur- sued, not only by the actual conse- quences of his crime, but by the agency of a tortured conscience. R. W. SERVICE'S POEM WOFERE ) FOR O I)ERN P110TO-PLAY STAGE Robert W. Service, whose great poem classic, "The Shooting of Dan Mc- Grew," has just been completed by the Popular Plays and Players, with Edmund lirt ese in the leading role, is known as the American Kipling. A few oa the poems and a few scratch v-ses Laerefron show the virility and strength of his pen. In his poem, "The Land That God Forgot," Mr. Service says: O outcast land! O leper land. Let the lone wolf-cry all express The hate insensate of thy hand, Thy heart's abyssnmal loneliness. In "The Spell of the Yuk;on," the first stanza pretty nearly describes a ran's feelings aer he has struck pater, and reads: I wianted the gold, and I sought it; I scrabbled and mucked like a slave. Was it famine or scurvy--I :'ught it; I hurled my youth into a grave. I vted' the gold, and I got it- Came out with a fort:zne last fall,- Yet somehow life's not what I thought it, And somehow the gold isn't all. In "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" by far the most gripping traces from this great writer's pen, Mr. Service tells a story, weaves a romance, pleads a cause, and lastly, as a denouement, constructs the most powerful dramatic s document of his career. The opening - paragraph is given here: A bunch of the boys was whooping it up in the Malumete saloon; L'he kid that handles the music-box was hitting a jag time tune. nack of the bar, in a solo game, sat e Dangerous Dan MeGrew, And watching-his luck was his light-o'- love, the lady that's known as Lou. I and the final paragraph in which Dan U FOSTOI'S DRAMA BEGINSDISCUSSION Anna Karenina" Text For 'ountless Ei' t"Ys Se;-inoiis and Speeches 51"IIT vi: N USDA V 'A 1)i11'h7Rl'i) X1Y "Ana lKarenh'a" is falmnons t st- ents of feminine psychology the w orld : er. -it t Coum eo To. oi c a ',ted h is onaderfnl ebl a-aier tlre hal °lever been s :c a reA t of te Jempi -x worki ea o a odL r w!n;- 3'S so]. Anna .arena ranks Ir in a5i -trace of ibsena's .Soa or ied a biThie, a a xe Luheroine io Lat a ('a -; caurn typo. She las been te txt for io~nnt I(E. e5::a;S 5srmous am a;a aches andCol ot,'o ersy has -agld otaly about the sory o the 'woman n fo dared.' In somrfe quarters Annma has been held up as the prototype of the inisunder- s ool wonian, in others she has been; hjtly assailed as a modern Magdalen. Al any rate, whatever angle her char-- water is viewed from, it is one full o' such strange complexities that it rust give the lightest of thinkers+ p.mlsoeor deep eonsderaion. Cer- iJrily it is not a character to be dis-t nuissed lightly. Betty Nansen Sltas in Play. The screen-play which has beent wade for William Fox, president of' Tle Fox Film Corporation, from Tol- sioi's celebrated gook, is one that t sts to the uttermost even the su- p.-eme art of Betty Nansen, the world'sf irost famous actress and the greatest- tragedienne living, since the retire- irent of the Divine Sarah. It is inr every respect worthy of this sublime artiste's marvelous genius and in it j. iss Nansen rises to dizzy heights of sublime artistry, excelling even the great dramatic triumphs in which she has brought the world to her feet. The "player queen" herself, says of Anna Sa-.renina: "Anna is a product of modern civil- i;ation and convention. She dares to ot-fy it, and is forthwith stretched noon the cruel rack of the judgment o: society. It is a tremendous sermon ox the irredeemable fixity of the moral code and the fearful rate of those who seek to defy it." It is not easy to deal with so vast a topic as that . presented by Anna Kaarenina in a few words. But, briefly :3 ated, the plot is as follows: Karenm i Marries. "Alexis Karenina, secretary of state to all the Russias, is married to Anna, a creature of impulse, warm, passion- a' e and beautiful. Alexis, on the other irnd, is a pillor of society and cold, correct and a model of statesmanship. Judging from his frigid exterior one v ould never dream that deep in his Soul slumbers a mighty love for his b^autiful wife. The couple have one caild; whom they both equally idolize. In fact, it is only when with his son that Alexis allows his stern nature to relax. One day Prince Wronsky, a hand- some and dashing young cavalry offl- cor, enters into their lives. From the brst there is a mutual attraction be- tween Wronsky, who is as unscrupu- lous as he is attractive, and the neglected Anna. Their friendship rapidly ripens into love. Alexis, cold aml digniied on the surface as ever, yet suspects and suffers tortures of jealousy without unsealing his lips. He waits and watches. iIhe the Crash. Then the crash comes. In a tre- o-ndous scene, the husband at last ,nlatches the flood-gates of his soul anl, heaping denunciations upon the woman who has betrayed im, drives her and 'her lover from his house.for- ever. But the child he retains. Anna and Wronsky at first are happy to- gether. But a revulsion of feeling soon sets in. Wronsky finally abandons Anna. Too late, she realizes thai, no matter how she may sutfer, woman may not defy the law. By a sulprene ei'ort she decidics to seek her husband and implore his for-- _i the listavc there is the mieech at an approaching locm ci: Tn' lhe 9 0are of its heao0light p etrat1s the storm and gleams on Anna' white,, desperate face. The thunde- of wlMel grows louder, and a womatn scream mingles with it. Anna leaps outward fromt the pcmfcrm, IPmiieriul illoral Ir 'mu. Later, in death, she is admitted to the home of the suffering Alexis, who, alone with his dead at last, gives vent to the pent-up passion of ihis life. There is no luestion that. the screen version of Anna Karenina is destined to create even more talk than the book itself. it is prTvrful, iu the mighty currents of the greaa thirlpool that envelops the unfortunate Anna. in addition, it pulsates with acmion and suspense. When it is sai that the photography is perfenc the itnountings magnificent and correct, and every ole- tail carried out to the topmost pinnacle of perfection, it can b>e seen that "Anna Karenina" as a photo-play pro- duction stands alone, towering iniht- The Ihinite Exi reiit of PhIoio-1ra- aIc lmgiat lol and MIystery. "The Avenging ('olscience," the new aix-reel photo-drama y 1),. W. Griffith ich eclipsed all other successes at the Strand Theatre in New York City and which is to be seen at the Ma- jestic on Friday and Saturday, might justly be odescribed as a "murder nys- tei-y of the inind." Though it intro- es a detective and an entirely new form o "third degree, with conies- sion as the o'linax, it has no afihia- tii . hatever with the ordinary "de- tective film for the horrors that it depicts are the terrors of the brain. IC one were speaking colloquially, it night be described as "the dramatized br-ia-stform Cf a man who longs to commit miurder." More seriously, it is the great drama of remorse; the visualization of those terrific tortures of conscience which come to the crim- inal after his deed of blood Scene from "Te Shooting 0 t MoCrew,'' at the Majestic on Monday and ''Taesmay 2iay :1, anti Junli I. ily above any screen < tr~aayet pro- seatd~loveallThe specific crimin th. in stance sented. Above all, it makes you think. is the takm'Zig Of oa o But the° Try as you miay, you can never forget .e.cantle applieJl with equal force its powerful moral lesson or the n-ar-. . to the comission of any evil ,.:t of velous acting of Miss Nnsen. miplsev~th usi-t rever after- This photo-play will be shown at the wards haunt the brai of the man who Majestic on Wednesday and Thus- . . e day, May 2 and 3. Nothin of this sort has ever before been attempted on the screen, for the Sat siw1 Will 0 r ".'leeitenc a iase" ' )emands on the imagination and pho- COMING_--A \\lliam ox phooplay tog-aphic art o, the producer are over- supreme-Alexander Dumnas' l)eathiess whelming. lint Griffith had been long- Drama, "The Clemencean Case." A iig to try the experiment, and with screen play oea ig relentlessly with lgar \llan Poe's "The Telltale the elemental fires of iuman passion ca:t' as his inspiration and the writen with a pen that sor-hos and r-ooindwOrk of his narrative, ite burns like acid. A living etching from plunged boldly ahead into new fields life that will engrave itself i'or all of achievement. No other man alive time in tle mentmwies of its belmolders; woild have even dared to undertake DIestineod long to outive most -ontemn- the staging of a play with a spectre as porar-y film plays because it h-andles ohe of the three leading characters. without gloves the real problems of Mr. CrifIith selected H. B. Walthall life. Entirely different, infinitely more for the extremely difficult task of por- powerftml than any photo-play hithirlo tnaing the conscience-stricken crim- seen; Theda Bara "The Vampire Wo- iral. For the element of sweetness and man" of "A Fool There Was." Will- l)eauty in glowing contrast, he selected iam E. Shay and all star cast. Blanche Sweet, and to Spottiswoode ----- --- - - Aitken was allotted the role of the hleda Bar Coming Again to in l disetmodied spirit, With such artists COMING--Theda Bara,leading worn-2ano limitiess resources at his com- an of the fameol Theatre Antoine, mand he worked for months to bring Paris, in "tIe Clemenceau Case," by about the result of this achievement. Alexanter l)umas. This .great amt beautiful actress in another "Vampire Fundailyon Walls Up for Ne Lodge Role," destined to produce an even Foundation walls of the new Chi Psi greater nation-wide discussion than A 'tapter lodge, which it is expected Fool There Was," which is smashing will be completed September 1, are records to smithereens whei;ever ti), and the structural steel work will shown. Miss Bara's superb art at its I1 started at once. The architecture sublime height supported by William will be similar to that of the Martha E. Shay; direction Herbert Brenon, Cook dormitory, the building having producer of "Kreutzer Sonata." trra cotta trimmings. owls , e i 4 Ta ; 11 I McGrew, the dangerous and sneakygileness. But Alexis is unmelting. "bad uan" of the snow world is killed, Sterniy he orders her aw-ay. Prayecs, gives the producers of the picture the persuasion, pleading on her hands and biggest theme they have ever worked knees, avail nothing. The w-etehed on, an( affoirds Edmunld Breese a mug- woman creeps b-roken-hearteII a-'ay nificent opportunity for his wodnoerful from thie house that now holds all dramatic ability, that is dear to her. The bitterest re- The screen version of "The Shooting morse gnawing at her hcart, she hides of Dan M?'Arew" comes to the Majesti- from the world, lk a stricken animal. on Monolay andi Tuesday. 1 Finally, driven to oesperation by her misfortunes anti sufferings, the miser vants, and also contains clauses cov- able Anna decies to end it all. eing anda, gor injury she utayiiil Through a blinding snowstorm she- sustai in the rpyoto-(ri makes ie- wayto the raihra station.' he g of Dan Mo'- iln Monday and June 1. Scene from "The Avenging ConscienC e," to be shown at the Majestic on Friday and Satur day, May 4 and 5.