..-_.--- - - --- - - -._- a -__-___..._._._. -- ----- 1' e . y F ; p ' t ; ;. I Prices start at from 30% to 5001 off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. 1Every one plainly miarked. This is the biggest snap you ever saw. IS HERE I Get your Straw or Panama Hat at the Factory Hat Store. Everything the very latestl~n Straws, Panamas, and L~eghorns. We can also mare them up to order and trim'them just as you want them. FTCTORY ATSTO R E W. W. MANN, Proprietor C'ool;, W.. P 'almer, I hilij 'Middtle- ditch, FrankM I irdl and I\Vin. (Coch- ran; '[ rack jige:-;- WaVlt(er :,'ishleigh, NV. li '. cinor andi Dr.,GU. A. May; In- spectors. -Chest.'r Lag, ohn Maui- bets h, 'romtI'ailey mlJohn San- ders; Assistant el, r;s---Kemp lRurge, .1. S. Burtrows and JTohni Parker; An- nlouncer--Johntl It. XWatkins ; Timiers-- F. .. owe, Ev:ans I- lbrook, C. B. I Taft and G. RI Gauthier. THIIIRD )R'." T TA '91 l131",STA61) 'ITODAY (Continul.ed iroinpag;e 1; ,1a l.ion for sellfier-, for all who prefer not to return to Ann Arbor for the ellenling meal. Prizes have been p~laced under the supervision of Sidney T. Steen, '16E, ini the sh:o\w ifldGm, of a Stat e street rtr, -nd tlhe list i acluies 14 cups and 35 I!edals whic h have bee,, donated hy lc :' concerns. All entries in the re a'l~ for any of the parizrs, will re- port to 'V. Ilee Watso ., '1,at the Iudgs~ tand at2 20o'ea-kthis (af- ternoo.. luni I _emorahail w.ll DIbe open to thet general pubelic Suniday after- ncoon from 2 :00 to 5:00 o'clock.. 'il d} members will mee;t at the L'nieu rat 2:00 o'clock today with their to' rd .,+n 7 -J'5 oer ~c,.at Regatta dans n(. 1 ,'lllblrs t' the band 7 twill rehearse Gt70 o'clo -k Wedneisday in Univer-, iy b-hall. Near Allenel Hotel 118S E. Huron St. stoi i Oxfords ade-too'r Masi.ire'Clothes C..all, and let u: tell the zest. CAMPUS OTER 308 S. State Street .-. Notice to Advertisers j Monday, May,3 1, being a 'holiday, all change of copy for Tuesdays paper must be in the office by 2 P. 11. today. Call 960 if you have a change. THE MVICHI-l GAN DAILY FOUR IN (tASS'4lVS W,4)rinn ed fronm Page I) :,'aine, thr-, the hammer V-,, feet, 3-4 inche<