vTHE MICHIGAN i.ILK it" ' Visit the Daylight Stor w HATS I biggest line in the City .00 to $6.00 WE HAVE A LINE OF GENIUNE M BEACH SUITS in all the latest Patterns ,i Make your Kodak Autographic Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra charge for autographic films. CALKIN'S PHARMAACY 324 S. stw to Street COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 Sport Coats, White Serge Pants Straw Hats, Palm Beach Suits The Daylight Store I thams & Co's Corner New Location-201-203 So. flain St. I Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (except Friday and Saturday) NEW LOCATION 322-324 S. Main St. NEW LOCATION NEXT TO ----. - - .in n )uglh in front Individual Custom Tailoring That Is correct in style and fit The new fabrics for this season are here in large assortments. CALL EARLY A. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street 1I Saturday May 29-"Stars Their Courses Change" Francis X. Bushman. Next Week-Furopean Armies in action I p. lb -Prof. Edwin C. Goddard, of the Law School, will deliver an address at the exercises to be held on the Courthouse square tomorrow afternoon. At this time, the Soldiers' monument will be formally unveiled. -Diploma fees are coming in rapidly at the Registrar's office, as the time limit draws near. This fee must. be paid before 4:00 o'clock Tuesday by all seniors who expect to receive di- plomas next month. In case the fac- ilty refuses to grant the diploma after the fee has been paid, the amount of the fee will be refunded.. -Only 25 copies of the 1910 Ilichigan- ensian remain to be disposed of at book stores, and indications point to the fact that the edition will be ex- hausted before commencement, mark- ing a new record in the sale of the annuals, . i COMFORT ._ _" Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. ~OCKINC11AIR TRADE MARK R 1 CISTCIRE May 29, Sat.-Thomas H. Ince in The Devil RED-MAN COLLAR I 4j":.. * 'a o y t ~i IN THE CLASSROOM ON THE CAMPUS AT THE GAMES IN THE GYM AT THE HOP 11 YLES )th Shop TAILORS Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Rockinchair Tailored Union Suit III are all specials. The woolen has a monopoly on them. 'ERPLAIDS . They are the real attraction this " is two plaids crossing at right ued so as to give a rich effect. -All university exercIses will be sus- pended on Monday, classes being held, as usual during the remainder of the week. Memorial Day falls on a Sun- day this year, making the following Monday a legal holiday. -C. T. Bragg, teclnical director of Berry Brothers, gave a lecture at the chemical building yesterday morning on the raw materials used in modern varnishes and the processes now in use. He touched on the scientific de- velopment of the industry and the principal means employed in research, emphasizing the importance of techni- cal chemical training for engineers. Sat. May 29-WILLIAM FARNUM in Henri Bernstein's remarkable play of modern busiuess life, "Samson." They are featured in 10 leading stores in Ann Arbor will add to your com- fort and enjoyment ARE EXCLUSIVE ......... ture CT FROM FACTORY TO YOU nn Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- 1 at the Exhibition Rooms of the COME- RE COMPANY and examine for themselves 'ffered in choice furniture at prices represent- es, A SAVING OF iob PER CENT, as s usually charged. Mission and Craftsmen Designs are par- fraternity and club houses. We also design 'niture to order. homes will find it to their advantage to em- forded by o=r factory for the production of for libraries, dens, halls, dining-rooms and reet car to Skate Street and go one block south t to factory of IT FURNITURE COMPANY er EdWinm nd Divisi sI. e ptq to whitmore? SISLER ON ALL-AMERICAN TEAM Only Western College Man Picked for "Vanity Fair" Consensus Nine George Sisler, outfielder and pitch- er, has the distinction of being the on- ly man from a western college to be picked for a position on the All- American ball team which will be published in "Vanity Fair." The "Vanity Fair" All-American is a consensus nine, being the composite of the votes of 75 sporting editoiis from all over the country. The team in- cludes no other player on a western college team except the Michigansstar, this being the second' time that Sisler has received this honor from the base- ball critics. Delta Sigma Rho Initiates and Elects Delta Sigma Rho, honorary debating fraternity, initiated two new members and elected officers for the coming year at its meeting Thursday night at the home of Prof. T.C.Trueblood. Fran- ces Hickock, '15, and Harrison M. Karr, grad,, were those who entered the society for the first time. The of- ficers chosen for the coming year are: President, Harry D. Parker, '17L; vice- president, Kenneth M. Stevens, '16L; secretary and treasurer, Peter A. Mil- ler, '17L; and editor for the Gavel, George Q, Claassen, '17L. Sigma Xi Holds Initiation Banquet Sigma Xi scientific society held its banquet and initiation at the Union Thursday night, with Dean Victor C. Vaughan, of the Medical School, as the speaker. Seven faculty men, 18 resident graduates and 18 undergraduate stu- dents, whose names were announced May 19, were enrolled as members of the society. UNION WILL IOLD MEMORIAL DAY DANCE ON MONDAY NIGHT Banjorine and saxophone will fea- ture the Memorial Day dance at the Michigan Union from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock Monday night. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hughitt, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bassett.'Chester H. Lang, '15, will have charge of the par- ty, and committeemen to assist him will be announced later. Tickets for the party will be on sale for Union members at the Union counter after 5:00 o'clock this afternoon, the price being 75 cents. To Put Syracuse Daily on New Basis Owing to the fact that students have failed to support the 'Daily Orange" satisfactorily, the Syracuse paper is to be put on a new basis next year, The plan being considered is for every student to pay a small sum with his tuition each semester. It is contend- ed that this system would decrease the cost per person, each student would be in closer touch with student activ- ities and the paper itself would be im- proved. Charles W. Dodd, '84, Visits Ann Arbor Charles W. Dodd, '84, is spending a few days in Ann Arbor. Mr. Dodd was a member of the football and baseball teams from the time be en- tered Michigan in 1880 to the time of his graduation in 1884. Establish Order of The Cof at Yale Order of the Coif has been recently established in the Yale Law School. Four members of the senior law class were elected to the Yale Chapter by faculty members of the society Sat- urday. FOR RENT-One store and two small steam-heated apartments. 604 E. Lib- erty. J. K. Malcolm. 1713-M or 1661- J. tf WANTED-5 salesmen for summer work. Only those meaning busi- ness need apply. Addr(,ss 1. M. care. Daily. Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits . Canoes by the hour and storage for private canoes-P. G. Tessmer. Phonea 2350. City Taxi Co. tf University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf Best values' in tennis rackets at Switzer's, 310 State. Horse and runabouts, everything new, complete livery. Phone 106. Commencement selections, a thous- and carefully chosen art objects at the James Foster House of Art. Drop in after the game or after play- ing tennis and tryga 5ersoda. Van Doren's Pharmacy, 703 Packard St. tI Starks Taxicab Taxis 25c. Cars by the hour, Baggage. Phone 2255. 209 W. Huron. r i;. , i $75,000 Surplus and Profits Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Pa bott, S. W. Clarkson, ] . D. Soule. Waldo M. Abbott, Da Schmid. The Farmers & Mechanics Bank FIRST NATIONAL 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital A A ,.xn. s,. 11I' ! Iii ,i ( III \\ i 1' d -r ' i i' r -y..- . , r _ ^ ~ p II , G '' Rdi i 'i L ';,I I' Schmid. Canoes by the hour and storage for S.w w~ -Fl E j' (( l , , 1 .,f'% // City Taxi Co. Phone 2350. tf Aviation type outboard motor man- ufacturing concern wants ten sales- men to cover lake 'and summer re- sorts. Pleasant, profitable outdoor oc- cupation. Address A. E. Michigan Daily. - e Lake Eachauge Six new Morris canoes for sale. of M. Boat Livery. Phone 656. U. LAKE VIEW HOTEL ,Frog and Chicken Dinners BOATS AND GARAGE J. E. BURKE, Proprietor .1 A large line of China and glassware for fraternity use at Dean & Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main St, Comencement gifts of college and art jewelry, the largest and richest se- lection at the Foster House of Art. tf Leather gift books for a friend, the best gift for a college chum, The Fos- ter House of Art, tf a-ml mo w ors .. .. FOR SALE-Established Dental prac- tice. Address Box G, Care Daily. FOR SALE-Two brand new 18-foot Morris canoes at U. of M. and Hur- on River Boat Livery.5 WANTED-Ten engineers to handle auto specialty. Temporary and per- manent positions. A practical ne- cessity and sure seller. Address X care Daily. FOR RENT-To fraternity or soror- ity best located place in the city. See Warren Agency for particulars, and price. 301 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 303-J. 74-75 LOST-Gamma Phi Beta Pin Friday Evening. Finder please call 2316-J. Receive reward. Get prices on china with your mon- ogram on at 214 S. Main St. FA TEST ENGPAVER N TE WrT I 10c rents a kodak today. Lyndon. University Ave. Pharmacy Drugs and toilet articles. Phone 416. tr When you break a window glass, telephone Switzer's Hardware to have it replaced. A pot of Orange Pekoe always on tap at the Tea Room of the James Fos- ter House of Art. Wright & Ditson and hand-made ten- nis balls. 3 for $1.00, at Switzer's, 310 State. It's two miles upthe river TO THE REGATTA and return 25c. Machhines leave 209 W. Huron every quarter hour today, Saturday. Stark Taxi Co. 174 For fraternity or sorority. Best lo- cated place in the city. Will ac- commodate 20 to 25. Warren Agen- cy. 301 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 303-J. 74-75 NOTICE-The party who too- Balma- can from the porch railing of the house next to the Delta is kuowAn and to avoid trouble please return the same. 74-75-76 WANTED--An experienced typist to work during summer vacation. Ed- wards Bros. 74-75 WANTED-A second hand canoe in good condition. Call Kings, 2485-R. tf artha ette Let The Victrola Fu nish The Music You will enjoy an outing or a little home gathering much more if you have a Victrola as your entertainer. A little one for Fifteen dollars will do very nicely for the summer months, when Fall comes you can trade it in on a better'one. There is a differene lphere you buy your Victrola just come in some time this week and let us explain the difference to you. JUNE RECORDS ARE NOW ON.SALE GRINNELL BROS. East Liberty Street "Terms to suit the buyer" 11" for large fiat racks for in-I _'1! It