THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ Y. ( )F ONE TWO, PIECE ively the weight,1 r9 ti Alu u Another BigClean Up of Filly Slightly Worn Koas Prices start at from 3o%/ to 0%~ off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. Every one plainly marked.' This is' the biggest snap you ever saw. i aw Hat SOO.on I i IS HERE LYNDO N .t LI . Po'si' toolest suit pussi~bu ltowear ;, , ri _ Q, m.. Warsrsm rs ready t wea r Coats Serge and Flannel XrouSers awaVit your in spection I- - fl ... ..: FOR' "IRE SHIRTS TO ORDER" J. i bertpy Malcolm m MIEN'S4'ShOES wIll always I foundhere. Ur Prices and our Sho4 are RIGHT ,and WE FlIF YOU RIGHT Try us we save you mioney. 119 E. Liberty IMICHIGN AGBIES6 & LOOK FORMIDABLE f wke".' iimt d ro l lei@I? .TI 9 () Iik " to A~imflArbor Pie1 ire d for lock It A. 4C. HAS EXL'ERIEN('EI]) 'l'FkiM According to comparative scores, M. A. C. should come nearer to triln- mlin,. the All-Fresh track team whell ~ e the two a ggreg ations come together, next. Saturday, th~anl the Farmers hayo done in several years. Experience is one factor' that wn 1 l ~count strongly in favor of thle Ea',t es Lansing team. They have appeared in several meet; this year, while the freshmen have not shown what they could do outdlors since the Varsity The freshman teary will score hMa- S. ily in the two dashes, according to past performances. "Al" RoWbinson, the freshm an leader, is a s i fter w ho1 - l. ve gi m n w ll ar r so.ex! ~o~salthough they will run _pagi st s 1! ht .C;Jlpct"'~n. Wallr~il .and Louda restrong it thieso events, and between. them shoiu ~uhea rajeityof the ccu- tors. Ecou- j ehold eadthe fresh t""o-:.nilers. Summoncis and Luther should place inI the .Jul---i. The Aggies appea;ir sto~g ere, ""alp" Julihn beingthi «~r. 1. A. C. will cashhenv t y in ;tIi hu ;11. ;,as their sp cialty lie's 1ithles," two numbers. Thfrles':iillen should fake a «.ir t and a secoorthird iithe a t'he hl1f shou£ld go to theAg fig-h; mile and p~ole vault are un- !'..v, a qantities, but the 1AY1S mei= h'.-e shown nothing startling in these eeo, ii According., to precedent, it is upi)to thle ye arings to winl the meet. but as the Fames lo smnartig un- (;l"r the sucsive beatcing ~l halnded hood, regulated' by law, 'War abwolit, Peace enthroned. "In the ev ent of the Allies' defeat, the substitution of peace for a War of Ruin s eem s obviously unavoidable. ilitalrism ,tuould then be left with only oie recourse and that to "Prep- aration for War" which inevitably- le ds, to war. ":Mlen of Peace," ho concludes, "be of goaod cheer, holding fast to the pol- icy which alone can reliev the civil- ize d world of its curse and give it eatirnstead of War." r he cntributors are David Starr Jordano -!'ITe toral Equ ivalent of °Far"; Joh 3 _rre~ t on., "Pan America and Pan Americanism;" Norman An- gell on, "Why Polity and Not Peace?" and Dr. G. W. .v;:s!myth on, "Construc- tive Terms for M iore Lasting Peace." The a gazine wcill go on sale June 2. X~F.lrsi t pekTom7orrow X'ihf hI' rown. o : heMichigan lRail- w~y omanwillspa before the AmercanInistite of' 4ectrical En- gieesat 7:30 o'clock tomn-orrow night ini room 247 engineering: building. The takwill be on, "The 2,.400 Volt Elec- triicatonof the MichianRailway 'oot:";: ty." The.genel^: public is in- vited. le(io 0o officers of the ini- stitute fcj. thy, ens ning year w~ill be hield following the talk. ta ntngof th~eVarsity, band last nighit,i was decided to hold try- cuts for clarinet, dIruim and cornet pelayecrs at the reohea rsal next Wednes- day evenring.7,the ew sweaters for the Varsity ucin are at Wahr's bcokstore, vand, will be distributed to- day to the baitd( men who call for them fromn 10:00 until 12:00' o'clock, and from 2 :00 to 6:00 o'clock. toni~Oxfords ade-to--yotxr- easzeClthe s Call, and let us tell the rest. CAMPUS BOOTERY 308 S. State Street Get your Straw or Panama Hat at the Factory Hat Store. Everything the very latest 'in Straws, Panam as, and, Leghorns. We can also male themt up to order and trim them just as you want them. - W. W. MANN, Proprietor I Near Allenel Hotel Seniors ORDER ThOSE 11!8 E. Huron St. Rubber sheld shoes re-soled as they should be FACTORY HAT STORE Engraved Cards NOW FROM lic Maycr-Schaircr Co. 112 S. MAIN STREET' - - - - -C- --' da1JV Y.; +l M ~~~ 7 :.;]' '+~X. S.(Yi~i d1 't1' S° . iA' . L i n hristy Mathewson Famous Baseball Pitcher, says: "xedo gets to me in a natural, asaent way. It's what I call good, nest comnpanionablee tobacco- the id to stick to. " uxedo Keeps ®ou In Good Trm Christy Mathewson, loy- ingly known as "The Olid Master," is probably the greatest pitcher baseball. has ever known. This won- derful athlete is noted for his clear headed common sense, his quick wits, perfect physical conition, and absolute control over his nrerve. His use and en- dorsement of Tuxedo prove that this inspiring and healthful tobacco is helpful to mind and body. ne~ Perfect Tobacco foGr Piipe and Cigarette just sort of oozes its gentle way in to your life and suddenly you realize its po-,wers for good--because it puts peace in your mnind and a happy taste in your mouth . Tuxedo's flavor is -o enticingly, mild and delicately fragrant it will not irritate the most sensitive throat. All the bite and sting heave been removed by the famous "Tuxedo Process." This - exclusive process of refining the very best Kent-ucky Burley tobacco has been widely imitated, but without success. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glassine-wrapped, Pamtos green tin, with gold ' moisture-proof pouch. . . . Cleettrng, curved to fit pocket e In Tin Humidors, 40c and8Cc In Glass Humidors, 5Cc and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY 11 the-;; by othoe freshmnan teaw~s, they3 ? _:; take it cut on thne present aggre- Thne 220-yard dash imen, as chosen by Coach Vayrehl yest erday, are : 'Zieg-_ lcr, B~aer,', ette and Captain Robin- on. All freshmen who will take part Ln the incet will receive their final :oishing at ;Ferry field from 3: 00 o 'clock to 5:00 o'clock today. Doctor Mlay will be in charge. ,'3S( C i'SSEI s'QRI ) 'hWOEI) FEACE<' A~ill' n Cai'mme ioIhuxid Starr Jordanl and .,lini Barrett Contribute to Numnber International pc ce in all its phases will be treated by Andrew Carnegie. David Starr Jordansi and others in the international Polity Niumber of the Cosmopolitan Student for JTune. From "The Decadence of Militar- ismn," by Andrew Carnegie, written in' simpo lfie spelling, we have the fol- lowing, "International wars hav be- come les frequent i recent years, and wve hay flattered ourselves that this was to continue, -until the present ter- rible calamity fel upon us. And now, since the result of the stru ggle stil hangs in the balance, nothing but fur- ther slauter, can result, hut some day an pud nmust conme to this thin the ex- haustion of one or the other. "Assuming that it is Germanyad Austria which first ask for an aris- tice, they must agree to conclude with the Allies a treaty abandoning war and establishing peaceful arbitration for settlement of disputes between them !, and the creation of a World Army and Navy to enforce the Peace Court's decrees. The whole civilized world would thus become a brother- MgllXi ato hold ntalin'rug 81 vis .Xi, sietfiDonor society, N Ji1 ;ml:; is anal banquet and ini- t aat 7 :U. bclocl tonight at the 2iici~ a Unon, ean Victor C. >i.hum, 0o, th._MdialSchool, will tA~iC ccr7" i li yiiiisin Serbia." An 'let'_ ion oft of~icrs for the ensuing rear will be held. Dr. T 'It . Idea to Leture 611 Miracie. Dr. T. M. Iden will lecture on "The Scientific Aspects of Mliracles" before the I pper loom :Bible class, a 6:30 3 clo-k tonuighlt. This lecture will con- clud" th:; series of lectures which have been given (- cry Thursday evening for the pa,- Uyear,. I. a Nmi i jseapes Serious Injury 14. G.' ai, '17L, who was reported to have seriously injured himself in a motorcycle accident last week in front of the homeopathic hospital, only sus- tained a few slight hand bruises. ff. S, Sheppard .Siw -eedl %IH.Psarker H. S. Sheppard, '12E, has been ap- pluited to the position of assistant p rofe ssor of electrical engineering, which was left open by the resigna- tion of F;. D. P1arker, '05. SenIiors fl oldi Wigm at :Alumi Hal Seniors will meet tonight at 7:00 o'clock at Memorial hall to hold their third sing. The program will. be along lines siniliar to those followed in the two preceding events of the same kind.. S(mIior it promenade committee neets at 4:00 o'clock today in Tappan hall. :1e ;'s section of the Deutscher Ver- eia, mee"ts at 8:00 o'clock tonight in the Verein rooms to elect officers for the coming year.I F IL{'IT zaI I I 'I i i(1 \ r p a I ' - . '116'VI N.4(.CO. JOURNAL DUILDINC DTROIT. MICHIGAN ROUND TRIP VIA Choice of many Routes going and returning All your questions gladly answered. Call on or address Ticket Agent *MICHIGAN CENTRAL R. R. 11' I( '-.'sar F. it '! I y f .. ' fE-. i _ 1 III r --, r -, sr n . -1 tir 5 Y 'T. RRORS IN THE WES'T I Drop in after the game or after play- ing tennhis and try a 5c soda. Tan Doren's Pbarmacy, 703LPackaird St. tf. Starks Taxicab Taxis 25c. Cars by the hour, Baggage. Phone. 2255. 209 W. Huron. Wright &lDitson and hand-made ten- nis balls. 3 for $1.00, at Switzer's, 310 State. University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy. Cigaras, Cigarettes and Tobacco. tf Mats. T~'7Week Wed. Fri. G j~ rI K May & Sat. ~24 DETRlOI Messrs. Shubert present Maid its America THE WINTER GARDEN'S SENSATION Call taxi 15 2280 522 A pot of Orange Pekoe tap at the Tea Room of the ter House of Art. always Oil James Fos- w v Morris canoes for sate. at Livery. Phone 656,. by the hour and storage ano)es-PT. C. Tessm: er.' U. Cl o105'tor large flat racks for in- iiting ,parties. for Fnivrsity Av. Pharmacy Drugs andtoiet rtiles Plonfi 416. Commenicement selections, ) thous- and carefully chosen art objects rat the JTames Foster House of Art, b # A paitnt suitable for painting r " old floors, either hard or soft ' ~wood, drTies hard, leaves that ' soft, velvct finish. Made in ten Col ors . cs are$12 per gallon; 65c halt gallon; 35ic per qua rt® CttsrOF6 r s d d e ers lix Wafll PaperS, Paints. Oils and' Glaca 203 e1 b e E. Washington St. C. MMEN E ET IFTS etom V. of M. Soizveftir. We wish to thank you for past favors and those of the future- 1111 S. U!.v.eni oSupply6Stor.C. ED ',I C -_ .' I , g ' TTIATT_._ L1