e N icigan Daily ILE SUBSCRU MAILED ?5c ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1915. PRICE FIV ALL UNVERSIT S~uDETS MA IN &I r CU letes oW. All o yesterday in good1 homore will icks as wello et in Philade 'bin has bee ent performe egation this one of the t ;emeni sensat 12 fe a rela r, due1 ng ste a coup been and 48 are few strong that h compel runni I the lent a r High TODAY Training school nurses commence- ment exercises, Sarah Caswell An- gell hall, 8:00 o'clock. Keystone club smoker at Union, 7:30 STS o'clock. RTIS Adelphis meet in rooms for pow- wow, 5:45 o'clock. irk in' All-Medic dance at Granger's, 8:30- 1 12:00 o'clock.', Musical clubs sorority serenade, start- ing at 6:00 o'clock. , who ercol- TOMORROW Rev. W. H. Tinker speak at meeting para- of Intercollegiate Socialist society, f the Adelphi rooms, 7:15 o'clock. , and Lantern Night in Observatory Hollow, phys- 7:30 o'clock. Send-off for track team. Crowd leaves University hall for Ann Arbor sta- over tion 7:20.o'clock. 'noon, " com- Howard E. Ramsey Leaves Hospital as the Howard E. Ramsey, '17E, who was lhia -thought at first to have been seriously n one injured in the push.ball contest Sat- r on urday, was discharged from the uni- reasi-oa versity hospital last night. ream's ' at he M I-DNING ether Y N rthe RAYT PRSN S100 hough may Cast of 60 Women to Execute Greek excel- Myth "Persephone and Demeter" and Tomrroow meet. I, has STAGE FETE NEAR OBSERVATORY ier of ' east- 'With the music of the orchestra i and strumming gently, and with lights> s sea- playing on the scene, 60 women of the , man university will stage the first dancing1 acuse, festival of its kind at 7:15 o'clock to- ts re- morrow night in Observatory Hollow. tional Trained by Miss Alice Evans, direct- et 10 ress of physical education for women, ys, is each member of the cast has been pre- to an pared to render the portrayal of the charming Greek myth, "Persephone eadily and Demeter." The costuming will be )le of entirely in keeping with the natural. push- beauty of the glen, which has teen se- feet, lected as a fitting place for the por- w and trayal of the fete. ;ly in The names of the women who have e ,in- the leading roles follow: Persephone, tition. Genevieve O'Leary, '16, Demeter, Hel- ng to en Champion, '16, Hermes, Mima Wins- half- low, grad., Pluto, Catherine McBride. dvan- Twelve Greek maidens will dance un- der the leadership of Helen Ely, '16. They are: Adele Crandall, '16, Row- LSKI ena Bastin, '18, Helen Grandy, '18, Constance Orcutt, '18, Jean Miller, '15, of 54 Doris Robinson, '15, Mary True, '15, Olivia Williams, '17, Mima Winslow, be in- grad., and Genevieve O'Leary. land- Immediately after the dance itself, ig ex- the senior women will form a proces- ollec- sion across the natural stage, each which carrying a lighted Japanese lantern. mod- After the execution of several compli- His cated figures, which have been worked in the out for the evening's celebration, the ch is junior women will advance to meet Arbor the graduates. To each of them, a o the lantern will be handed, representing e. the transfer of authority from the passing classto the coming one. Care COIF has been given to make this last ap- pearance of the graduating women an School impressive one and more elaborate than ever before. McGill Tickets for the affair are on sale er the on the campus and at the State street er of stores for 25 cents, with special chairs Iding. at 35 cents. be an-- e will PETITIONS NOMINATE TAPPING t giv- AND FOULK FOR BOARD OFFICE f the Fred B. Foulk, '13-'16L, and T. Haw- ley Tapping, '16L, were nominated by lOT petition yesterday afternoon to run for YEAR student members of the board in con- trol of student publications. The names rs for will be added to the ballot to appear g last on Thursday. The petitions were re- ident, ceived by Prof. F. N. Scott, of the ident, rhetoric department. Vena Cor- New Men Gather at Druid Stone Today; new Druids, senior literary honorary so- o take ciety, will gather in initiates from.the poned present junior class at 5:00 o'clock clock. this afternoon, when the men will as- mem- semble around the traditional Druid ast of stone in front of University hall. After ies in the initiation, a banquet will be given at the Union. ILLlflI TTNIVERAIY TRIALNTSMBERS O E ANNOUNCE LIST O PICKYEIARLINGS iuO AROOTEATRSTONSE Association )bard Provides for Much Needed Executive Committee MEET MAC. TEAMA in Ba e W. Lee Watson, Chairman of Events All-Fresh Track Artists Look Strong Al'though concerned chiefly with the Student Counell Arranging Send- Committee, Makes Known 'Especially in Runs and Dashes; more general and 'routne phasesf for Squad When It Leaves on Boat Club's Schedule Farmers Too Have Strong next year's plans for the associat o4, Trip to Intercollegiate of Entries Outfit This Year the oratorical board's last meeting 'of Tomorrow the year recently accomplished a REGISTRATION BLANKS MUST MEN SELECTED TO APPEAR AT much needed reform in the provision PROCESSION OF ROOTERS WIL BE RETURNED TOMORROW NIGHT ELIGIBILITY BOARD SESSION for an executive committee. This or- START FROM UNIVERSITY HA: gan will supervise all executive de- Set Postponed Yachtsman's Trials for Expect Captain Robinson to Take Both tails and will afford a concentration Varsity Band Secured for Occasi Thursday Afternoon at 100 and 440 if He Recovers of responsibility by leaving the more Cheering to Make Up Rest Tessmer's from Rheumatic Attack important business of the association of Program. in the hands of the president, the sec- Entries for the various events in the Captain Robinson's All-Fresh track retary and one member of the faculty. When the track team leaves for Boat club regatta, to be held on Bar- team which will oppose M. A. C. at as representative in the Northern Ora- astern intercollegiate tomorrow ton Pond Saturday, are now being Ferry field Saturday was picked by torical league. ening, 5,000 loyal Michigan roters w made.' Blanks may be obtained at the Union counter, and must be handed in Coach Farrell in trials yesterday. The Next year all students of the uni- march down to the station tb give by tomorrownightb yearlings will, in all probability, fol- versity will be considered as mem- cinder men a big send-off. W. Lee Watson, '17E, who has low custom and defeat the men from bers of the Oratorical association, and Preparations for the occasion charge of the events, has announced East Lansing, although the Farmers will be admitted free to all numbers of being made by the student coun the following contests: should put up a strong fight for the the association's program, a privilege As the team departs from the Ann . Four-oared shell race. victory. restricted inthe past to holders of lbor railroad station at 7:40 o'co 500-foot open tandem canoe race. The freshmen have a strong bunch purchased tickets. The $650 appropri- the crowd will assemble at Univers Single shell race. this year, and have been pointing ation, voted by the regents for defray hall at 7:00 o'clock. The Varsity ba 500-foot student single canoe race. themselves toward this meet, the only ing the pense o orical evens, will lead the procession to the de 1,000-foot .open four-oared canoe one of the year for them. They will The demonstration will consist mos race. be especially strong in the runs and sionrcharge for contests held in the of cheering and an effort will be m Two-oared shell race. dashes. Captain Robinson, providing to have "Hap" Haff on hand to le 500-foot open single canoe race. he recovers sufficiently from an attack the yells. Eight-oared shell race. of rheumatism, should take both the When Michigan sent the star st 200-yard swimming race. 100 and the 440. The men who quai- Eto the eastern event last year, but 500-foot student swimming race. fled in the trials yesterday for the 100 or 20 were down to encourage the a 500-foot student tandem canoe race. ran in fair time, and should earn sev- ' letes before they left for the jorirr 50-yard swimming race. eral points. 19STYEN S IAIN to Cambridge, and owing to the Diving events-running header for Doctor May.will have charge of the gret expressed at that time over I form, running header for distance un- men in the meet, as Farrell will be lack of interest, the student coun der water, and fancy diving, east with the Varsity at the intercol- Wolverines Return With Two games decided to stage a sed-off this ye Novelties-tilting and swimming legiates. The team has been finally Won and Two Lost, With Equal Further plans will be considei tug-of-war. settled with the exception of the 220 Number Prevented by Rain when the council meets at 7:30 o'ch A squad of three members of the men, and the relay .team. The dash tonight, in the north wing of Univ Red Cross Life Saving Corps, of De- men will run trials tomorrow to set- PLAY NEXT CONTEST AT LANSING sity hall. At this meeting reports troit, will give an exhibition of resus- tle who will enter. - also be made on the Campus Elect citation. Two of the men will demon- The men from East Lansing are Michigan's record of ball in the east Day work, which comes on Thursd strate, and the third will be an an- trimmed regularly by the yearlings, for the 1915 season equals that of and on Cap Night which occurst nouncer. but' this year they have been showing ,follwing night. 1914, when the nine won half of the floigngt By arrangements with the university to good advantage in the meets they- healith service, all contestants in the have had. M. A. C. has defeated sev- games It played. The Wolverines re- TED MEREDITH TO ENTER BOTI various events will undergo examina- eral of the state colleges and pushed turned to Ann Arbor after this year's QUARTER AND HALF MILE RU tion before competing. Notre Dame hard several weeks ago. Invasion of the sea-board with a record The trial for yachtsman's flags, The squad which the coach picked of two games won and two lost, giving World's Record-Holder Will H which was postponed last week on ac- yesterday, will appear before the eligi- an average equal to that of last year's Hard Competition against count of rain and cold weather, will bility board in the athletic asocia- Eastern Cracks be held at 4:30 o'clock Thursday at tion's offices at Ferry field at 4:30 Rain prevented two of the games Tessmer's. o'clock today. which the Wolverines were. slated to PHILADELPHIA, May 24.-'] The men as chosen to oppose the play, Pennsylvania and Swarthmore Meredith, the Pennsylvania tri Leaking Pontoons Hinder Aero Flights Farmers, all of whom will appear be- both being denied the privilege of star, will try to annex two' champi Leaking pontoons have suspended fore the board today, and the events meeting Coach Lundgren's men. The ships at the intercollegiates here n attempts of flights by members of the they will compete in are: 100-yard Syracuse nine won and lost in its two Saturday. Meredith will run both Aero club in the hydro-aeroplane. The dash: Fischer, Baer, Mette, Robinson, games with M chigan, and this record 440 and the half mile. pontoons were in bad condition when Ziegler; 440-yard dash: Robinson, was repeated by CornelL Last year Meredith won the quar' the machine arrived from Detroit, and Scofield, Kruger, Hardell; mile: Wolf, Michigan uncorked some fine ball in and went back into the half later since that time they have been leaking Galloway, Denee; high jump: Luther, the games won by the team, and had the day, finishing third. Ted h so badly that it was necessary to re- Dunlap, Davis, Simmons; broad jump: the standard set by the nine in its the world's recbrd at this distal move the aluminum covering, and re- Luther, Holstead, Field, Paige; 880- first game been maintained, there s and undoubtedly could have won, place it with tin. It is expected that yard dash: Matterson, Shadford, Mill- no reason why every count should not for the strenuous competition that the machine will be ready for a flight er, Thomas; low hurdles: Wicker- have been for Captain McQueen's fol- encountered in the quarter, w2 by tomorrow afternoon, sham, Fischer, Schultz, Miller; high lowers. When the situation was cru- forced him to extend himself to hurdles: Dunlap, Wickersham; two- cial, however, the Wolverines lacked limit. Medics to Inspect Detroit Laboratories mile run: Bouma, Meehan, Langley; the punch to pt victory across, blow- The coach stated that if Mere Senior medics will visit the labor- pole vault: Scott, Clark, Goodspeed; ing the game away with errors, and were given any rest at all between atories of Parke Davis and Co. in De- weights: Walls, Smith, Loud, Pobanz. passing by o:pportunities to score by quarter and the half, he would e troit on June 4. Special attendants The men who expect to run in the fatal slumps in batting. both events. In view of the fact 1 will be at hand to show them the finer trials for the 220-yard dash should On the whole, the team showed bet- a field of stars Is entered in eac points in the manufacture of their also appear today. ter form than in the games played on these two races, it seems imposs products. The inspection of the lab- the Ferry field lot this year. In spots that one man can win both, but .M oratories will be followed by a ban- TO UNVEIL SOLDIER'S MONUMENT is showed's ome real class in the line dith will make the attempt. quet at the Hotel Statler. of baseball, and then again it slumped, In the quarter he will have such Colonel Henry S. Dean Will Make Pres- but the sluips came intermittently in- ponents as Wilkie of Yale, and" Mrs. McCormack to Address Scribes entation To County stead of cotinually, enabling the team cox of Harvard. Wilkie has ru Mrs. E. H. McCormack, dramatic Ceremonies for the formal unveiling to take its- two games with well de- flat this year, and Meredith may I critic of the Detroit Times, will speak of the Washtenaw County Soldier's served honor. In consideration of the to break the intercollegiate recor4 to the Journalism classes on Wednes- monument. will be held Saturday, at fact that the team was playing on for- defeat him. In the half, Hayes day at 2:00 o'clock, room 203 Univer- 2:00 o'clock, the program of the un- eign groumds, it is not a record to be Princeton, Bingham and' Capper sity hall. Her subject will treat of op- veiling having been arranged by Welch ashamed 'of' Harvard, Barker of Yale and W portmities for women on the city Post No. 137 of the Michigan G. A. R., The nine was given a rest yesterday agle of Cornell will be on hand. newspaper. which contributed the funds for the afternoon. by Coach Lundgren, but in edith may win both events, but I erection of the memorial, spite of this fact some of the men were does he will accomplish a feat the ANNOUNCE PRE-FESTIVAL SERIES Colonel Henry S. Dean, who will on hand to work on the team of scrubs, almost impossible in these .days present the monument to the county, which clashed with the freshmen. record breaking times and speedy ( Pasquale Amato, Mischa Elman and indulged in a few war time remnid M. A. C. is the next number on the petition. Pederewski Among Artists cences yesterday. "It is just 54 years Michigan program. The curtain is due Music lovers in the city again have ago," he said, "that the Michigan vol- to ri'se on th is event at east Lansing Rifle Club Prepares for Outdoor I the opportunity to hear several artists unteers were mustered in, and from next Friday when the Aggies and Wol- Members of the university Rifle of the first rank at the next Pre-Fes- that spot of ground departed for the verines put. 4n their second act. The are to hold the only outdoor shoo tival concert series, according to the front. There were 4,083 men to volun- third follows Saturday in the last game the year on June 5. Squad try announcement of the University Mu- teer from the state, many of whom abroad, tof the Michigan schedule. are to take place either Thursda sical society. were to bleed an die upon southern Friday, the date to be announced 1 The engagements for the 1915-1916 bettle fields." PITT SUR5GH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Members of the club will leave t season include: Pasquale Amato, song Rev. A. W. Stalker, W. K. Childs, S ND TEACHERS TO MICHIGAN on the 1:05 o'clock car for the Na recital in October; the Flonzaley Miss Lydia Baird, Col. H. S. Dean, / al Guard range for practice. T String quartet, in November; Mischa Supervisor Martin Ryan, Prof. E. C. Enrollment in the summer session who wish to practice any after Elman, violin recital in December; Ig- Goddard, Judge C. B. Grant, and Fisch- includes four teachers of the Pitts- will receive key, guns and ami nace Jan Paderewski, piano recital in er's orchestra will be on the program burgh public schools, who have re- tion, by applying at the Ferry January; and the New York Philhar- for the celebration of the unveiling of ceived 'scholar-ships from the Phoebe club-house. monic Orchestra, with Joseph Strans- the monument. Brashear educ stional fund committee ky, conductor, in March. Announce- of that city. E very year the committee H. A. Brady. to Work for Governi ments regarding the 1916 May Festival '17 Lits to Elect Student Ccouncilmat sends out a nuinber of teachers in the ' Harry A. Brady, '14, assitant in will be made early this fall, and the Soph lits meet this afternoon at 4.:00 city schools to the various colleges in eralogy in the university for -sei exact dates for the other attractions o'clock in room 101 economics build- the country, witth the idea of having years, and instructor in the Lake will be announced at this time. ing, to elect a student councilman for them recuperaite from their year's high school during the last year Paderewski is expected to visit this next year. At a recent class meeting; work, and, in adtlition to this, acquire a been appointed assistant petrogra city before his concert date in the in- Ralph M. Carson, '17 and Harold Tee - broader educatitvn. The system has of the United States bureau of si terests of the American Polish Relief garden, '17, were nominated. One 4f proved successfutl while in practice, ards at Pittsburg. Mr. Brady Wi fund, which he is now organizing in these two nominees will belectf d and many olther large cities of the concerned principally with the this country. this afternoon. 1 state are adopting similar methods. cal properties of cement. OF MARIE 1 54 pieces, ofv rtraits, in the sionistic style. been exhibited' .e exhibit, whi s of the Ann2 will be open t 'st part of Jun L ADDRESS dversity Law S ere June 3 Lee, Dean of M hool, will deliv efore the Ord n the law bui address will b date. Dean Le nor at a banque on the day o N