THIiDMICHIGoAN 1 AlLT .. a Ir1is L Y IIR I M EN who select their attire with punctilious care, with an eye for exclusiveness and individuality as well as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of all that is new in Stein-Miock Smart Clothes, Hats and Haber- dashery for warm 'weather.--a comprehensive assortment to meet every need for town or city wear, for sport, vacation, travel or every day., The little subtleties of style presented in our apparel will be valued by those wo avoid the comimouplace. II ,o I i,FiglCo. READY AT YOUR SERVICE C rkrect S ring Attrefor Men CAMPUS OATS, all colors -- $8.50 $40 STRAW HATS, - $1.00 to$40 PANAMAS, - - $5.00 to $10.00 LIGHT SERGE TROUSERS, - $4.00 to $6.08 Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear in u very large variety of approved styles Stmt's Baelm acaaais $15 to $30 $12 to$25 $8 to $20 I Topcoats Rainiicoats i $8 to $18 Lindensehmitt, Aptel & Co. DIE] E~RLE AND RUN DELL TAILORS MINTY-FOUR WUST FrORT STRFHT DETROIT, MICHI. FORMW;RZV WM. $. ,D1EtrMEL SPRJING O1RDER STAKEN NOW11 ON* THlE WAY TO THE BANK DON'T FORGET DEANVSROASTED PEANUTS' 1,C.*POUND THEY SATISFY THAT EMPTY FEELING 124 S. MAIN ST. Seniors ORDER THOSE Engraved Cards NOW FROM The Playcr-Schaircr Co. 12S. MAIN 'STREET NOTICE At its next meeting the board in con- trol of student publications will choose a business manager and managing edi- tor for the Michiganensian. It is the policy of the board in filling the posi- tions on the publications under its control to award thiem on the basis of merit to those who have served in min- or positions onl the pulication to which the positions petain. It sometimes happens, however, that no one who has served on the p)ubli cation during one year is eligible or capable of filling one of the leadig positions thereon for the ensuing year. When either of these sets of circum- stances arises the board finds it nec- essary to consider outside cndidate,?. This notice should not be considered as an intimation that either of these~ situations will arise this year. All applications for these positions should be in the hands of Prof. F. N. Scott on or before May 24, in order to be considered. Each application should contain a statement of the experience of the applicant and should be accom- panied by the applicant's eligibility card and any letters of recommnenda- tion which hie may have. BOARD) IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. 165-66-6 !-ut9 NOTICE An election for the purpose of se lecting three student members of the board in control of student publica- tions will be held onf May 27 (hour and place to be announced later). At its meeting on May 17, 1915, the board approved as candidates the folloing nominees whose names will appear on the offiial ballot at this election: Adna R. Johnson, Werner W. Schroe- der, Renville Wheat, Paul F. Thonmp- son, Henry C. Rummell and Francis T. Mack. The. attention of the students in the university is called to the fact that the constitution of the board in control of student publications permits the noi- ination of any eligible student as can- didate for any of these positions, by filng with Professor F. N. Scott, chairman of the board on or before Monday, May 24, 4 :00 p. i., a petition signed by at least 25 students in the university asking that the name of said student be placed on the official ballot as a candidate for student men- her of the board. Those whose namves are thus proposed and approved by this board shall be candidates at said election in addition to those above named. The constitution of the board defines eligibility to student membership as follows: "All students in the univer- sity shall be eligible to membership in this board who. (at the time of taing office) either by virtue of credit earn- ed are entitled to the rating of sen- iors in the departments in which they are enrolled, or who have received a degree with arts :college of the Uni- versity of Michigan and are continuing their studies in another college in the university, who have complied with the eligibility rules of their school or col- lege and of the university governing participation- in non-atletic activities and who have resided in the university for at least four semesters, provided that no student be eligible to member- ship in this board who either at the time of his election to membership therein or at the beginning of his term shiall hold or be a candidate for any salaried position on any publication under- the control of this board." BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. The bc:st bargain we have ever given A'-- STUDIO: 619 E. Liberty St. Phone 1078-J you find yourself confronted with the uecessity of purchasinga trunk? ~I I Buy Indestructo Baggage I Temple 'Theatre ADMISSON 5c. (ozoo pt Friday anid Saturday) CAP AND GOWN PICTU RE S Have them made at IIOPPE STUDIO I and you also get TRUNK SEVICE I Mcu. May 24-- .leo Ridgley in "W'ariiiag on tihe' Wail" Tues. Maysai-"Club of the Black Mlask " by Geo. Klinre. Tfhurs. May 27-Charles Cliaput'an in "Dough and lDynamnite" My24-25, Mon.-Tues.-John B~arrymore iAre You a Mason, q-part Paramount May 26, Wt-d-Admiral van flouven in Commnanding Officers, 7-part May 2^-24, Thiir -Fri-Alice Dovey in Sealed O0iders, -part Paramisount May 214, Sat.-Thomias 11. Ince in The Devil ,Arcz de Theatre SHO WS: AFTERROONS .4:00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Mott, May 24--Afldrew Mack, the famn- otis,,rish Comedy character-actor ini "Thle Ragbcd harl" 'Tues. May 25--CharleS Chapin ill "By the Sea" and a shorter leature ',Ved. May 26-1eati i. Miclie'ena ini a Bret 1larte story, "ihe idly of Pover- ty flat'' Every Ihaestructo Trunk sold i6 guaran- teed for five years' SERVICE U. Perrin's Spring Glove~s. Beautiful Spring Neckwear I The World's Best Underwear Hosiery and otlwr Quality Fixings I fNo nle atteconditionsI it is calleduont et I Fine Spring Bab rdtashery It yon 'decide to buy trunk service-guaranteed, -t a ol el n yan In destructo Trunk I nee quarters iur RManahattan Shirts, $1.50 to $4.00 7 "tne: Bag Store 200-242 South Main, St. I 1 .1 I fAQU VIATIC .r 11CUB 1[..+.MBERS WORK~ FOR REGATTA PREPARATIONS (Continued from page 1) and the general, work on the grounds. Practically all 'of the campus socie- ties have promised to be on hand with brilliant floats. Japanese lanterns have been arranged for in order to light up the _grounds at night. Larr- terns will also deck the prow of each canoe on the river. The parade of so- cieties will start somewhat later in the evening this year, than at former regattas, so that darkness may set off the color effects to better advantage. Almost daily reports are received as to the progress of practice by the crews of the Detroit and Grand Rapids boat clubs. Each city is sending men for races in eights, fours, doubles and singles, beside special trains for root- Iers. Look at our Sbow Windows for CANDY .41IATIS Every day in the week. 104 S. Alai St. 1~ I I I In ,Y. t U Real Year legs ' Round Comfort NO RUBBER in this lIg band. The° anl NY 1 T'l IINDlNGt. No tmetal Con- t, one~hall ounce. it you don t find it, i's we'll send sample pair. postpaid.. A. 25c; double grip. 35c; silks 5c. FROST CO.. Makers. Boston, Mlass. Matinee, 3 P. M. Nights, 78:30 Mon.-TUues., May 24-25 --Valli Valli iii "The Hight Road," Mrs. Fis's famuous success, 5 parts, and lathe News Wed.-Thur.. May 2-2-Willial" tarnuni in "A Gilded Fool," Nat Goodwin's stage success, 5-pt, and az good comxedy Fri,-Sat., May 28-29---Jolm W.Rnuskiu pre- seuts amazingly close to niature pic- tures of Animals, Reptiles, lBirdls, found in the Arctic, Africa, India, Auis- tralia, and So. Amierica; the result of seven years work and lives of six sness Ladies' Souvenir Matinee, Tue. and Fri. School Children's cMatince, Sat., So. ALL SEATS TBEN CENTS Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking om enen ift IN CLD, SILVERAN LEATHER Are most acceptable and to snail. An Ideal Gift For a Man A Weatch, Chain and Cold Knife or Pencil fm L1 STATE STREE'T JEWELERS it R1RES'l STtDI", tLs ON CHAR% OF BALL1 PLAYING IN STREETS Indulgence in the national pastime tu ;ed the arrest of six students-yes- rday mHorning. Those who wei e unld violating the city ordinance by. aying ball in the street were: Ed- ard Knuff, '17, Paul Godehn, '15L, HI. Lange, '16, J. L. Blandinig, '16, Kirk otter, '14, and H. WV, Wickett, '17P, 'e chief of' police dismissed the cas ith a warning to abstain from this actice in the future. A local ordi- ance provides a fine not exceeding 0 and costs, and an in-prisonmnent of )t more than 30 days for offenders. feet your tug of wNal and pushball ictures at Hoppe's. LAWYERS ATTENTION. I have been located in a Montana minty seat for 27 years. Have made, n an average, for 15 years, $2,000 per ear. My health is bad, and I will ave to go to a lower altitude. Have .library that cost about $2,000. It is .Good library. Modern. Have $250 ' off(_e furniture. WVill sell library r cost and furniture for $250. Will ay for a few weeks and introduce n(rto cliets. If you have the mion- Wright ,& Ditson and hand-made ten- nis balls. 3 for $1.00, at Switzer's, 310 State. S Special Design Cloths From $28.00 to $40:00 ALL MADE IN OUR OWN SHOP Best values in tennlis Switzer's,, 310 State. rackets at NOTrICE UnIion INomn ies: University Ave. and toilet articles. Pharmacy 'Drugs Phone 415. U When you break a window glass, telephone Switzer's Hardware to have it replacod. Call 106 for large flat racks for in- itiating parties. University Ave. Pharmr.acy Martha Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes a~na Tobacco. ti FOR SALE-Established Dental prac- tice. Address Box G, Care Daily. FOR RENT-One store and twvo small steam-heated apartmewnts. 604 E. Lib- erty. J. K. Malcolm. 1713-M or 1661- J. tf FOR RENT-For sumnmer and year school. Some of best rooms in Ann Arbor. Exceptionally well furnish- ed, Price right. 522 Monroe. 990-4. 168-9-70 President: Harry G. Gault, '115-'171,; and William C. Mullendore, '16k . Recording secretary: Louis M. Bruch, '161.0; .Johun W Fi,,kens-taedt, '16; and Earl D. McKinley, '16. Vice-pr'esident for the literary col- log e: James B. Angell, 2nd, '16; R~us- sell S. Collins, '16; mnd David R. Bal- lentine, '16. Vice-president fo r the engineering college; Francis T. Mack, '16H; -ow- ard H.. Phillips, '16E; and Don ald A. -I HENRY & CO. 711 N. University Ave. WMA -Mmmmmmmwm Vi'-'P reilt aor the I.avSchool \.Schroeder, '1611: Vice-president for t he Meodical School; Josehi 1. T-rnall, '118M; rand WlimJ. Egan, 'GM. Vice,-presidenit for the coine'ld schools and colleges: Hl.C. Allen, '1611; E-dwin \V. Cryvsl, ', ';and(]Frank ,J. tion -l rule against campaigning for filO i7liof'e and pj~ledge ,ouriselves not to canvatssi ;for, solicit or pledge votes or countenance or allow, so far as it is Iwithin our polyer, our friends to do the (Signed) R'DI . TI TURSTON, '151., cair- rinofthe noiaig committee. rI I Your . .w Summer Vacation If. you are going to the lakes or resorts tape a Victrola along -- just the thing for the summer cottage.' It's dandy for canoe trips, too--our $15 Victrola fits in nicely with your pillows - and the music sounds fine over the' water. Terms to Snit the Buyer GRINNIELL BROS. 122 LIBERTY -STREET Cail~tLC i'ldiaei d m tht 'd 1or LUnion oh'- adted the ollowiing statemient to be Si;ed h1 y all those running fo off)((ie: "We the undersigned c'anidateilIs 1for off'icers of the Mdichiig an union, here-j bt exi's urelvess s uppjortingt the liradthe, spirit of the tradi- \xA''l )- ~ioefirst class hustling ltuth ui to organizeo our seilling force amlong 4the Situdents who wish Sum11 ;i, i twok. Our Star Clothes Line !Reeil best selling specialty on mar- het today. Quick sales. Big profits. Crganizers make $100 monthly easy. Wri te i nnedliately for proposition, ~' hoclesale Suopply Co., Grand Rap- ; s, Michl. ' : I .. ^ // J $ .may LJ i ^i /°1. !Y' A'"1 /cb 7I L" ' 1 # lF" B' I