TnE MICHIGAN DAILYF .-. . . . ZMA. ..w........ w ...... '4 SEE. FOR YOURSELF if 'our garments do not bear out our conltcntion that we are originators and nioney savers. We purchase 'clothi in large qiuantities and have the work done miler our own personal supervisioni. Our cutters follow your measurements to a fraction of an inch and with a fitting the result is. a perfect suit for you! SENUORS Order your Plate and 100 Cards, $1.50, $2.00, $2,50, $2.75, $3.04) 100 Cards from Plate, 90c. Sc" DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLF Limited and Express Cara for Detroit--quio a. tn. and hourly to 6: io p. mn.. also 8:io p. mn. Local Cars for Detroit-5:-1o a. mn., 6.0o6 a. n., and every two hours to 6:06 p. M0., 7 :o6 p. mn., 8-:o6 p. mn., g : r p. mn., and co :45 p.M To Ypsilanti only: 7:4 a. in., 8:2o a. in., it:6a. in., 5:06 P. in.. ix:i5 P. tM.,3-:15 a. mn., 12:30 a. n., 1:no a. Mt. Limited Cars for Jackson.-V:48 a, tn.. and every two hoiurs to 7'48 P. im. Local Cars for Jackson--5-i2 a. m., 6:~o a. in., and every two hours to 6: ;o p.,im., also 9: 15 p. mn., r :1 5 p. in. For Typeriting f_ Typewriters 1SPRING, is here in our Greenery Come in and see our CUT FLOWERS and PLANTS Cousins & Hall Co r.12th and S. Univ. Phone 1115 Ohi Op off a few *minutes ande eat siome of GTEO RGE2SSu y WAI]KING 1000 314 S .State St. Phone 1244-M: F. L. HALL, 514 E. William. Phone 220S ~ and De r NO 3. S UY FIRE TH1E MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mlonday during the university year. Enitered at the post-office at Ann Arbor a second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Buding. Sub by carrier, $2.o; by mail, $2.5. Want a. stations:. Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H -Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 9",o Editorial Office Phone 2414 li. Beach Carpenter....... Mangng Editot W.'Sherwood Field....... Busness Manag: FredJ Fulk...... ...............News Edi'ir F. F. MKinney.........Associate EditorS Chester FL Lang ..........Associate Editor T. Hawley 'appig......... Sporting EditorJ Assistants to Business Maager loon, Leonard Ry Leffler Rudolph I-bin.o Arthur H. Torrey Might Editorsd James M. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvesterj Tom C. Reid Howard R. Marsh Verne Burnett C. N. Church Edwin A. Hyman ReportersV JC. B. Parker Vera Burridge Irwin Johnson . erald Rosenbaum H. A. Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright L. Greenebaumn' William F. Newton Henley Hlull Leonard W. Nieter 'Naldo R. Hunt E_. D. Sater Lee Joslyn Eugene L. Bulson Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Krk White C. T. Fishleigh Tbmcher Rea J . J. Herbert SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1915. Night Editor-Verne E. Burnett ATTRACTING ATHLETES. Most of the high school boys have gone. The unfortunate thing is that most of them have probably gone for good. Michigan doesn't matriculate enough of the boys who attend its in- terscholastic. or some reason, they go oft' to other colleges. Sometimes it is a money consideration or the equivalent. More frequently it is sim- ply the easiest way. The star drifts into that university which seems most agreeable.I Without going into the business ofj tempting athletes to come to Michigan,1 a good deal can. nevertheless be dom to attract track talent in a legitimatet way. Write letters to the boys you met. Tfell them about the university and about its great athletic history. Get in the personal element. Make them feel. that they will be welcome. here. Many an undecided high school boy has been~ induced to enter on the strength of one man who took a littlet -more than ordinary interest in him. A letter sent right now may turn the trick. t It will take a heap of good inten- tions now to make you work when Me- . morial Day finally comes around. You can figue that the man who' tosses up the package in offering you a cigarette has only one left. Guess who says: "I never went to any house parties, boy, in all my col-1 lege career."~ The fellow who takes things as they1 come may have an exam on the second Thursday.i The home brand of fudge doesn't grow any sweeter as the days slip by. Midnight quartets may remember ' that Martinelli got his start that way. Provided they promise not to take this as a sign of encouragement. These are the joyous days when oldi clothes are made in a hurry. IGet some pins some way or other, Unitarian Church 4 U ORDER THIEN[ NOW VISITINGCAD $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.50 At 10: 30, sermon by Mr. Loring on "The Western Conference Meeting and the New Type of Liberal Religion." At 11: :45 the Social Service Class, with paper on "Mothers' Pensions," by Mrs. H. G. Burnham; discussion open- ed by Mrs. Bodmer,' the Probation Officer. At 6:30 the Young People's Society discusses "Our Religion," and has a' Picnic Supper on the grounds of Prof. Langley, 2037 Geddes Avenue, if the weather is warm and pleasant; other- wise in the Church Parlors. 90c. ALL WORK OVAIRANTEEDl'] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORY 9 f iA m j +; FESTIVAL SWEETS The talk of New. York and Ann Arbor Unitarian Church I SENIORS-=ATTENTION Crane's a i Gilbert's Unequaled Chocolates now, i before venturing homeward. "All's well" comies by spells leaves streaks. and Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner. 5tate and North University of best Quality at Moderate Rates nom - See} 0. D. MCORRIL L (Over Baltimore Lunch) S. State 5t. Phone 582.j -s AMWATfUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTIRAITS Some term it music intoxication. While others had the price. Senior society has elected the fol- lowing junior w=omen to membership: Berenice Hannan, Ruth Kreger, Sel- ma Lindell, Ada Pierce, Bessie Platts, Lena Potter, Emilie Sargeant, _Marga- ret Stewart, Donna Sullivan, Helen Vandeveer. The initiation will be held +Wednesday, June 2. Senior and junior women will meet ~at 5 :00 o'clock tomorrow in Sarah Caswell Angell hall to plan the tra- ditional Lantern Night march and ceremony, which will be held immredi- ately following the Greek dancing fes- tival on Wednesday evening. Mary Lewis, '15, s in charge. Marion McPherson, '15, general chairman, has posted the schedule for Senior Play rehearsals netxt week. All the cast partI in 411 the acts will rehearse at 7:00 o'clock Monday, Thursday and Saturday, in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. Costumed in the var -colored Greek robes designed by Helen Dow, '16, and made under her supervision, the participants in the Persephone and Demeter fete rehearsed yesterday to the now completed orchestral arrange- ment of old folk dance music and orig- inal compositions by' Ellen Sargeant, '16, and Russell Mills, '18. In case of inclement weather the fete will be held Thursday evening, May 27, and if that is impossible, on Tuesday, June 1. Uion Labor D~epartment Offers Work Two board jobs for colored students are open at the Union employment, bu- reau. Several odd jobs have been dis- tributed during the past three days, but lack of patrons wishing student labor is still hampering the depart- ment. tDAINES NICKELS MRS. M. M. ROOT Corner' Maynard and William Streets The Arias Sting by Hempel and Martinelli are all to be had on Victor Record Every Victrola owner should hear them. Buy Now 1915- NVade in America Merchandise Our Stock Always Shows You Something New SHROEN BROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to .wear. Tile store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN PHONE 1000 The only Studio on the Campus 334-336 S. State fit. Official Photographers Fur The MIUCHIGANENSI4N "RADJNOR! a THE NEW . A R RoD"W COLLAR 2 for 25 Cents. Phone 130-J it HONE1113" FOR IJ ' ', E "TITS P02UL=+R PLACE" ICE CREAM I Our Stock of Spring Footwear I For Ladclies and Gents is now complete. P ; r " '' o , - . . k _ Let us show you the newest 11 [AS SNAVINli WAJ[I IN, Two MINUI[S Do you know the Immersion Water' Heater? It is a nickeled instrument about a foot long that quickly heats. water to the boiling point by merely turning on the current and putting the heater in the water. For $3. oa at Eastern Michigan Edison Co. COR. MAIN and WILLIAM STS. I Wahr's ShoeSoe Main St..* State St. rumor. mommow Ann r ETxiCo. NOIEW ADDITION High AFss Livery Suzrrey tia otats Phaetons La rge Fla Racks for Pictures of groups around tlag pole at Hoppe's. LOST-Gamma Phi Beta pin Friday ev- ening. Finder please call 2316-J and receive reward. Knitted Coats-Better tailored- just received-Wagner & Co., State. St. 10c rents a kodak today. Lyndon. THDE STATE. SAVINGS BANK ANN AR~BOR, MICH. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.0 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $125,00.004 Wmn. J. Booth, Pres., WinArnold, Vice-Pres John C, Waltz, Cashier, R. A.Beal, Asst' Cash We desire to thank the 1918 class for waiting for s to tak-e ia picture at the auditorium yesterday. Dameis d& Nickels. 528 E. or 5I5 JeffersonI E. LibertyI 1 t . A