'iH'b MICHIGAN AALY :I Sr r r r .rr . .rv^ r _.. .t ..r. , .. Wal II .; I ,iN '; Visit the Daylight, Store RAW HATS Finest and biggest line in the City WE HAVE A LINE OF $1.00 to $6.00 GENIUNE PALM BEACT SUITS in all the latest Patterns $7.*50, $8,50 'and $10.00 Make yourKda Come in and g{}t lne of the tiew badks that will1 make your kodak up-to-,date. There is no extra C' charge for autographic films. Sport Coats, Whitc Serge Pats Straw Hats, Palm' Bcach Suits' COME, IN AND GET OUR PRICES CALKIN'S PHARMACY The Daylight Store lx x , aT-khams & Co's Corner New Location-201-203 So. Clan St. )XW~ooD Low enough in front to be comfortable High enough in back to be correct in s lye. RED-MAN CLLAR -annowwounow"a 4 1 Individual Custom Tailoring That is correct in style and lit' The new fabrics for this season are here in large assortments. CALL EARLY A. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street I L & WILSON TROY'S BEST PRODUCT. I j ... .....a.. cloth Shop TAILORS ..... COMPLETE EXYCAVATION WORK FOR NEWl BOTANY (A'REENHII4S I, Structure WIll IExtend Oat f rom iMai' Btilding for Space of 30 feet Excavation work and the building of the formrs for the concrete foundaticu work of the new greenhouse, which is to extend from the southeast corn(-r of' the new science building, have been completed and the contractors expect to, begin the pouring or the cement tho early part, of next week . When completed, the now green- house will be used by the botany de- p~artment and because of the fact that it will be accessible from the main building .it will provide many conveni- iences not to be had at other schools. The structure itself will extend' fry r the main' building for a space of 30 feet. It °will reach a height of a story and a half wvhere it joins the' main building and will slope to a height of one storev at the outer end. SECURE ITEACHINGA POSITIONS FOR MO6RE ITHAN{ 12 PERSONS More than a dozen teachers' posi- tions ;were filled by the appointment committee during the last week. Fi, e of the positions are outside of the state. Authorities in charge stated yesterday that inquiries for teachers are coming in every dlay. Those who received appoinitments are as follows:' Honora Fogerty, '15, instructor of English and German, El- sie; Roy 1,. Read, '11, superintendent, Jonesville; Evelyn Roos, '14, English, Manistique; Grace Marquiiodant, '15, English' acd history, Chelsea; Karole- na M. Fox, '15, English,.Howoll; Doane Avery, '15, Gerry school, Gerry, N. I.; Cyrus' McCullough, '15, superintend- ent, Davison; Alice Johnson, '16, prin- cipal, IHoWell; Ethel Mae Turner, '15, science, Newcastle, Pa.; Walter Mar- burger, '15,, mathematics, Battle Creek; Marion Wallace, '15, science, 1-lurley,, WVis. ; James' L. Keddie, grad., super- intendent, Howard, S. D.; Mary Clark. '15, English anid German, Rockford. .;' ._.._. O rphoeum Theatre Thec nlow" of F~amous Plays by Famous Players. pOCKINCHAI TRADE, ,MARK ACGIt31ffNO May 22-%*Rt .- Margarita Fischer in The Quest. 5-part. V.. 0' ...-.k, IN THE CLASSROOM ON THE CAMPUS AT THE GAMES IN THE, GYM AT THE HOP 11 Temple Theatre ADMhISSION 5c. (exaspt Friday and Saturday) Sat. May 22-Ethel Clayton & Joseph Kaufman in "His Soul Mate" Mary Pickford in "L~ove Among the Roses" Ruth Stornehouse in "An Amateur Prodigal" Mon. May 24-Cico Ridgley in "Warning on the Wall" Tues. May 25-"Club of the Black Mask" by Geo. Kline. 'Srh ni-s. ZMly 27-Charles Chapman in -'Lioughi abe i)ynatnite" NEW LOCATION 322-324 S. Main St.j Arca.de Theatre SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4;00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 I Roknhi Tailored Union Suit will add to your corn- -fort and 'enjoyment They are featured in 10 leading stores in Ann Arbor I NEW LOCATION NEXT TO ORPHEUM THEATRE COMFORT ; Sat. May 22-Lyda Boreili in a Haag. aificient 5-part Klilne feature, "The Niaked Truth." Our clothi patterns. are all s pecials. The wooleu house we represent has a monopoly on them. O V ERPLAIDS are ano-'g ouir specials. They are the real, attraction this year. Au "overplaid" is two plaids crossing at right auglvs, but much subdued so as to give a rich effect. OUR STYLES ARE EXCLUSIVEt F un-itur e DIRECT FROMI FACTORY TO YOU The peoidlc of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- Illy invited to call af the Exhibition, Rooms of the COME- i(CKT FURNITURE COMJIPANY and examine for themselves esplendid values offered in choice furniture at prices represent- Sin many instances, A SAVING OF zoo PER CENT, as npared with prices usually charged. The Come-.Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are~ par- ularly suitable for fraternity and club houses. We also design d make special furniture to order. Builders'of new homes will find it to their advantage to em- y the facilities afforded by o'-ar factory for the production of uilit-in" furniture for librariey, dens, halls, dining-rooms and chens. Take Packard Street car to S-tate Street and go one block south d three blocks west to factory of OME-PAC KT FURNITURE COMPANY Corner Edwin "nd Division 'Streets MAJESTIC Matinee. 3 P. M. Nights, 7.8:30 Sat., May "22 iiiier GiyIL's sensational drama "Three Weeks," 5 parts and comedy. Ladies' Souvenir Matinee, Tue. aod Fri. School Children's Matinee, Sat., So. ALL SKATS TEN CENTS . .... .. . - £STA81.tSMgo 1818. BROADWAY' cR'iNTE4CONo Liberty and Main Sts: A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking Our representative, Mr. Gorman, will be at the . Going to Whitmore? UNIVERSITY'.,CATALOG UES MAY BIE PRO(VREI) OF SECRE,,TARY First installments of the university catalogue were delivered at the office of the Secretary of the university yes-. terday afternoon, and may be had at that office upon application. The 1914- 1915 .book is. made up of more than 700 pages describing the work of the various schools and colleges. The new residence halls for women appear prominently in the catalogue, together with the recent ;change in fees scheduled, to take effect within the. next two. years. FRESH ME DICS TO PLAY FRESH LITS AIND :JUNIOR LAWS TODAY Fresh medics will have a busy time this afternoon, the first year doctors contending in two inter-class baseball games, the first at 1:00 o'clock with the fresh lits, the second at 3:00 o'clock with thie junior laws. So many sophs, left for the tug-of- war yesterday that play between soph engineers and junior dents in the in- ter-class series was:' postponed indef- initely.- Drop In after the game or after play- Ing tennis and try a 5e soda. Tan Doren's Pharmacy; 703 Packard St. tf. NOTICE At its next meeting the board in con- trol of student publications will 'choose a business manager and managing edi- tor for the Michiganensian. It is the policy of the. board in filling the posi- tions on$ the publications under its control to award them on the basis of merit to those who 'have served in min- or positions on the publication to which the positions pertain. It sometimes happens, however, that no one who has served. on. the publi- cation during one year is eligible or capable of filling one of the leading positions thereon for the ensuing year. When either of these sets of circum- stances arises the board finds it nec- essary to consider outside candidates. This notice should not be considered as an intimation that either of these situations will arise this year. All applications for these positions should be in the hands4 of Prof. F. N. Scott on or before May 24, in order to be considered. Each application should contain a statement of the experience of the applicant and should be accomn- panied by the applicant's eligibility card and any letters of recommenda- tion which. lie may have. BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT' PUBLICATIONS. BOSTON BRANCH: 1 49 Tremont Street NEWPORT BRANCH: 220 Bellevue Avenue . r n _., The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103-108 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits . Hotel Pontchartrain MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 24, and 25 with Samples of ready made Garments Furnishings Hats and Shoes FIRST NATIONAL BANN ANN AMBOR Capital - - $100.000 Surplus and Profits 065.000 Directors Wirt. Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. 3.J bott, S. W. Clarkson, X. D. Kiune, Harris Soule, Waldo Md. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Pi Schmid. $75,000; All styles, 4 Whltunore Lake Exchange Sport Coats colors, and fabrics on sale at Popular Prices IL LAKE VIEW. HOTEL Fish, Frog and Chicken Dinners BOATS AN D GARAGE at N. F. ALLEN CO'S New location 211 South Main St. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY-by buying 'a Suit Pattern at 50 cents on the dol- lar, Wagner & Co., State St. 168-9 LAWYERS ATTENTIOVN. I have been located in a Montana county seat for 27 years. Have made, on'an average, for 15 years, $2,000 per FOR SALE-Established Dental tice. Address Box G, Care Dai FOR RENT-One store and two steam-heated apartments. 604 E erty. J. K. Malcolm. 1713-M or 3. FOR REiNT-poor summer, and school. Some of best rooms ini Arbor. Exceptionally well fur ed. Price right. 522 Monroe.1 16f J. E. BURKE, Proprietor . _._ Call taxi 15 812-M Cook Taxi Co. 5221 Whien you break a- window glass, telephone Switzer's Hardware to have it replacod. Taxis 25c, Phone Starks Taxicab Cars by the hour, Baggage. 2265. 209 W. Huron. 165-66-68-69' 1 .111 : 11 11111 iiiiiiiim i tf oni and hand-made ten- $1.00, at Switzer's, 310 For hush-ball conitest get slboes Friday and Saturday for Switzer's. tennis 65ic at ninis rackets at1 Call 106 for large fiat racks for in- itiating parties.; Your Summer Vacation if' you are going to the lakes or resorts take a Victrola along -.just the thing for the summer cottage. It's dandy for canoe trips, too-our $15~ Victrola fits in nicely with your pillows - and the music sounds fine over' the water. Terms to Snit the Biuyer GRINNELL BROS. 122 LIBERTY STREET year. My health is bad, and I will- ha.ve to. go to a lower altitude Have -4 a library that cost about $2,000. It is a good library. Modern. Have $250 ar in office furniture. Will sell library-- for cost and furniture for $250. Will LOS stay for a few weeks and introduce 5( buyer to clients. If you have the mon- C ey address, Grimshaw, care of this pa-. - per.. 168-9.; ' T-Jewelf tChi Alp] 'd. Phne all University Ave. Pharmacy Martha aWashington CAndy, Cigari, Cigarettes LOST- balmn whoe y" night