THE MICHJGAN AlLY Il.._.L P. .A _ ... .. .K M iN who select their attire with punctilious care, with Man eye for exclusiveness and individual ty as well ,as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of all that is new in.Stein -Bloch Smart 'Clothes, Hats and Haber- da.slery for warm weather-a comprehensive assortment to meet every need for town or city wear;~ for sport, vacation, travel or every day. The little subtleties of style presented in our apparel will be valued by those wo avoid the commonplace. CAMPUS COATS, all colors - $8.50 STRAW HATS, - - $1.00 to $4.0 PANAMAS, - - $5.00 to $10.00 LIGHT SERGE TROUSERS, - $4.00 to $6.00 Shirts, Neckwear,, Hosiery and Underwear in a very large variety of approved styles "t ' A f lG LindnschmitAid& o I TAILORS PANTY-FOUR WEST FORT STRPRT DETROIT, MICHI. FORMERLY WM. 9. DIETERLE SJPRI (rofIU)EiU-t' TAKEN [14TNOW1 mmom slew WsS ON THE WAY TO THE LANE~ DIDN'T FORGET DEAN. ROASTED l~cPOUND GAME WITH WESTERN NORMAL1 SCHEDUlLED) FOR PLAY JUNE I Tuesday, June 1, is the date set for the second baseball game with Kala- mazoo Western Normal, according to the athletic association authorities. When Kalamazoo held ?Michigan to a 0 to 0 tie here three weeks ago, the Michigan authorities immediately en- deavored to secure a return game. Al- though the state college authorities had to alter their schedule to arrange for a game with the Wolverines, such a contest has been definitely secured,. and Coach Lundgren's proteges will have another opportunity of facing Pitcher K~oob, who has continued his string of victories since the Michigan game. NOTICE At its next meeting the board in con- trol of student publications will choose a business manager and managing edi- tor for the Mich iganensian,. It is the policy of the board in filling the posi- tions on the publications under its control to award them on the basis of merit to those who have served in min- or positions on the publication to which the positions pertain. It sometimes happens, however, th<,t no one who has served on the p)ubli- cation during one year is eligible cr capable of filling, one of the leadin- positions thereon for the ensuing year. When either of these sets of circumn- stances arises the board finds it ne- essary to consider outside candidate:,. This notice should not be considered as an intimation that either of these situations will arise this year. All applications for these positions should be-in the hands of Prof. F. N. Scott on or before May 24, in order to bQ .considered. Each application shoulhi contain a statement of the experienc eN of the applicant and should be accom- panied by the applicant's eligibility/ card and any letters of recommendla- tion which he may have. BOARD).IN CONTROL OF STUDENT I1U33LICATIONS. I' CAP AND UWN Have them made at The best bargain we have ever given STUDIO: 619 E. Liberty St. Phone 1078-J Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (except Friday and Saturday) I THEY SATISFY THAT EMPTY FEELING 124 S. MAIN ST. /,pyr, , as xa :mcwiwN -a = z- , m t A good service- able Suit - $00 A better one for,,422.50 An except ion - al ly fine Suit for - - $25.00 Palm Beach Suits - - $12.00 Made gayyour, mesasulre Mlerchant Tailor rob 14,. Washington St. 2ndl Floor Tuesday, May i8-Chas. Chaplin in "His Trystin~g Plates." Wednesday, May z9 - "His Brother's Keeper," with Gretchen Hlartman. Thiursday, May 20-"The Inside of -the White Slave Traffic,' in five parts. Friday, May 2I - "Snatched groin a Burning Death," with Helen Gardner. L - - - - Orpheum Theatre The 11i~e of Fainous Plays by Famous Pl ayers. May 17-8-MOII.-Tues. - E4dith Wynne Matthison iu 'rhe Governor's Lady 5-part. May 193-Wed.-Carlyle Blackwell in The High Hand. -part. Ma y 2o-a1 --Thttrs-Fri .-ivlarguerite Clark in Gretna Green (comedy), 4-part. Paramnoun t. May 22--Sat .- Margarita Fischer in The Onest. 5-part. Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Mon. May 17-Miriami Nesbit in "Killed Against Orders," a 31part feature. The Sister's Solace z-part -drania. Fain Comnedy. 'Tues. May i8-Lilie Leslie and Jack Standing in "Rated at $io,ooo,coo." 3.part feature. His Own Hero, i-part comedy. Wed. May r9-Julius Steger in his fa- mous success, "TIhe Fitih Command- ifleit," a five-part world feature. -I I Mon. and Tues., May 1 7-18 .Mine. Olga Petrova in "The Heart of Painted Woman," 5 parts & Pathie News Wed. and Thurs., May 19-20 Nance O'Neil, Theda Bara and William Shay in "K reiitzer Sonata," 5 parts and coinedy, Fri. and Sat., May-21.-22 Izlinor Glyn's sensational drama "Three Weeks," 5 parts and comedy. Ladies'"Souvenfr Matinee, Tue. and Fri. School Children's Matinee, Sat.; So.' ALL SEATS TEN CiENTS- 4 e, 4nercn5in~~~ Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking degree in the Arts College of the Uni- versity of MIhi an and are continuing their studies in''another college in the university, Who have complied with the eligibility rules of their s.chpool or col-h lege and of' the uive rsity -(!!erning participation in nonti-athlet ic activities and who have resided *0i the university tor, at least four' semesters, providled that no student be elig;ible to memnber- ship i this board wh o either at the time of' his election to membership there>in 01' at. the beginn ing of his term shall hold or be a caindidlate for any If you are going to the lakes or resorts take a Victrola along -- just the thing for the summer cottage. ~N It's dandy for canoe trips, too --our $15 Victrola fits in nicely er t with your pillows - and the music sounds fine over 'the water. day. TPerms to Suit the Buyer - GRIN"NELL BROS. i sRS 4122 LIBERTY STREET Cost f1,rAf-. i7E' V Photo-drnhe'r