THE MICHIGAN DAILY ENGINEER WRITES IV. Zhnn, 'N-E, American Enlisted in Army, 1)escribes Conflict to Instructor Here IGHT ROAI)S RECEIVE HEAVY PUNISH MENT' FR()M TR A N SPORTJlS eailled to (tF Up Highway Amid Din of Artillery, Rockets and lares P. W. Zinn, '14E, who went to Eu- >pe just before the war broke out,, as one of the first Americans to nlist in the French army. In a re- ent letter to Mr. John J. Cox, instruc- or in civil engineering, he gives a ivid account of the work done by the rmy. He is now in the second for- ign regiment, first company, eight- enth army corps. The letter, which ears the censor's stamp, follows in art: April 22, 1915. Dear Mr. Cox: I am afraid that by this time I ave forgotten most of the engineering ever knew, but at the same time ave had a very good chance to study 'rench roads. You can have no idea f the terrific punishment that some f these ordinarily light traffic high- rays have taken since the beginning f the war. The continual stream of 'aris motor-buses that help make up he army transport, together with the eavy artillery and ammunition wag- ns, are enough to kill an ordinary oad in a month, but these routes hon- stly seem to thrive under it. One of hese department roads crosses the hill re occupy very close to this point. From here to the rear every night hiere is a very heavy artillery traffic, rhile on the front side of the hill vhere the road goes toward the Ger- nan position in Craonne, there hasn't een a vehicle on it in months. We o along there sometimes at night-no ne, unless he wants to commit sui- ide, would go out there in the day me-and from surface indications at east, the road to*the rear is in as good ondition. as this stretch. A while ago-the night before the Caiser's birthday to be' exact-the ermans made a fairly heavy attack close on our right. The regiment next to us was getting a pretty heavy pres- sure and every minute we expected to get it on the flank. We were doing all we could to strengthen our position on that side. Our section was detailed to cut the Pontivert road. French rockets, and German flares were going up by the dozen, and all the artillery around us, even the 105's in the reserve batter- ies, were working up to full capacity, making such -a racket that you couldn't hear an order:. That was an ordinary harmless looking piece of road that we were trying to dig through. but, say, I'd swear that it seemed as if the thing was four feet thick and solid rock all the way down. We didn't have to use the trench after all-the 34th held finely, but lost over 400 in killed alone. We4have helpedathe.14th artillery build a stretch of five kilometers of corduroy through a swamp near here. The big timber has all been used for, fortifications; so we used bundles of fagots instead of logs for the founda- tion. But the thing has to be watched pretty carefully, or the dirt covering wears through, exposing the branches and.then it goes to pieces very rapidly. I wish you could see some of the other work around here that the Ger- mans are doing, especially the tunnel- ing and mining. And on the German side they must be even more active than we are. To judge by the amount of dirt that they have pushed .out, they must have made that plateau into a veritable fortress. The French tried to take the position last fall, and did succeed in getting into Craonne, but were caught by the artillery and forc- ed back. Even now there are hun- dreds of dead lying on the slope. We have been waiting all winter for the troops at Berry-au-Bac-that is about eight miles from here-to advance up even with this point, but theyseem to have trouble enough in holding their position, to say nothing about advanc- ing. I see by the home papers that they are counting on the war ending inI three or four months, and in Paris they seem to be almost equally hope- ful. But I can -tell you frankly that such optimism isn't shared by the men on the line. None of us here have more than the faintest hopes of being through before next dhristmas and perhaps not then. After it is over, it looks as if op- portunities would be fairly good for such of us as are not left hanging on the barbed wire. Six out of the 30Oodd that made up the original American outfit were engineers, but they are pretty well thinned out now. One of them, a fine fellow from Chicago, was killed a short time ago. But in spite of everything this side has to offer, the States will look mighty good to all of us. NOMINATE SJX MEN FOR BOARD Make Selections on Campus Election Day, to Be Held on May 29 Student candidates for the board in control of student publications were nominated by the board at their last meeting. The list of candidates, from which three members will be selected on the Campus Election Day, May 29, are: Adna R. Johnson, '16L, Werner W. Schroeder, '16L, Renville 'Wheat, '16L, Paul F. Thompson, '16L, Henry C. Rummel, '16L, and Francis T. Mack, '16E. Other candidates for the positions on the board may be nominated by petition bearing 25 signatures. Petit- ions will be handed in to Prof. F. N. Scott, chairman of the board by 4:00 o'clock Monday afternoon. Any stu-, dent who is a senior or who has re- ceived a degree in the literary college, and is now enrolled in another school or college lbf the university, is eligible to nomination, but no student who holds a salaried position on any of the publications may be considered. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB ARRANGES HAWAIIAN NIGHT FOR MAY 28 Hawaiian members of the Cosmo- politan club are arranging a Hawaiian program to be given under the aus- pices of the club, Friday n'ight, May 28. Illustrated talks and music typical of the island country will comprise the entertainment. "Scenic Hawaii," illustrated with 90 lantern slides, will be the subject of a talk by W. C. Achi, '17L, while W. F. Crockett, '16D, will talk upon the polit- ical and social conditions of the ter- ritory. Achi and Crockett will also render Hawaiian folk songs in a guitar and ukelele duet: The musical pro- ; gram will be supplemented by Hawai- ian music on a victrola. This enter- tainment will conclude the series of international nights given by members of the Cosmopolitan club, and will be open to every one. MINISTER HITS AT 'CAMPUS LEADERS' Lloyd C. Douglas Writes Article for "The North American Student" CRITICiZES "OF"FI('E - GUNNER" Lloyd C. Douglas, pastor of the Ann Arbor Congregational church, has re- cently written an article entitled "War Ethics in College Politics," which ap- peared in "The North American Stu- dent." The paper, which follows, treats of the student and his attitude toward college activities:6 "Whether war may ever undertake to play adjective to ethics is a matter of some doubt. One is reminded of the famous screed on 'Snakes in Ire- land,' which began 'There are no snak- es in Ireland.' There can be no war in ethics; and judging from newspaperI reports, there is precious little ethics discernible in war. Everybody knows, however, what 'war methods' mean- all's fair, whether fair or foul. "We have just passed the 'open sea- son' for the academic office-gunner. with his prize, when he gets it, never occurs to him. lIe has no program beyond the 'killing.' "This type of person who is eager tland every office that the college public will let him have, is usually contented, after election, to rest upon his laurels-which is bad for laurels. It musses 'em. And the student who, after the elections, fails, for lack of time, to make good on five of his six offices to the extent of more than 46 per cent. of efficiency, need not expect his devoted comrades to give him much sympathy next December. "Or; if the insatiable office-bagger decides to make good in all of those responsibilities which a cruel and un- feeling community has dumped upon his two, too heavily burdened shoul- ders, and thus win the approbation of all the student organizations which have pinned medals of honor upon his manly 'bosum,' it is not improbable that he will do it to the neglect of the incidental features of his college ca- reer, relating to his studies; so that the faculty will be obliged to decorate him with another badge before the close of the first semester; viz.: The Order of the Khan. "It is an invaluable experience for a student to lead some important col- lege interest. But, if he takes the INTERCOLLEGIATE Blackfriars, the University of Chi- cago dramatic society, held its third and last performance of its 1915 pro- duction, "A Knight of Knights," in Chicago Friday night. -0-~ Following the lead set by several western colleges, one hundred stu- dents of Columbia University, repre- senting 40 different races, met to found what will be known as the In- ternational club of Columbia. If the undertaking is successful the members hope to affiliate with Corda Frates, a world-wide organization. -o- Plans for the holding of a confer- ence at Cornell University from June 15 to June 30 for the intensive study of international relations, and the train- ing of students who hope to become leaders in the development of world organization, have been completed by the World Peace Foundation. While the fundamental idea of the conference is that international conflicts are due to the absence of an enlightened pub- lic opinion as to the futility of war and the advantages of world organi- zation, all points of view will be wel- comed and complete freedom of dis- cussion will prevail. Both California and Leland Stanford University are planning mammoth alumni reunions for the coming sum- mer. The middle of May has been decided upon as the most convenient time. It is believed that the opening of the exposition will attract the grad- uates to these gatherings. -o- Harvard, through the activity of its hygiene department, has arranged for a weekly inspection of milk, butter and food supplies at all places where stu- dents eat. Clubs, cafes, quick lunches and all other places of the sort will ome under the inspection 'system. This is done in the hope that much of the yearly sickness among undergraduates will be done away with. Sport Coats All styles, Mbors, and fabrics on sale at Popular Prices at N. F. ALLEN CO'S New location 211 South Nain St. When you break a window glass, telephone Switzer's Hardware to have it replaced. During the past few weeks, a consider- office, let him consider the responsi- able number of students, either by bility of it rather than the mere joy persistently tugging at their own boot- of acquiring a new title. For one man straps or through the expressed pref- to load himself up with a large num- erence'of their fellows, or both, have her of offices, simply to satisfy his own been elevated into leadership of the vanity, and then fail of functioning in multitudinous activities of the campus. six-sevenths of them, is not fair. He "Undoubtedly, there is a certain sat- is usurping opportunities which might isfaction in seeing one's name in the have helped other people to develop college sheet, every day or two, for a leadership. Meanwhile, he is amass- month, -as having' just been elected ing false notions about 'the responsi- President of This, Manager of That, bilities which attend a delegated trust, or Third Assitant Secretary of Some- Such an attitude toward college poli- thing-Else. It gives one distinction in ties brings disrepute upon what might the proud maternal eyes of one's Al- otherwise be invaluable training for ma Mater and reads well when copied future service. It lowers the standard in 'The Booming Bassoon,' back home. ( of efficiency in the student organiza- "However, the modest violet who tions and does the office-seek: r, him- consents to bow the knee, every other self, untold harm-not unlike the mis- afternoon or so, while yet another fortune of that other animal, his com- committee adjusts upon his alabaster patriot, who, in his eagerness to feed brow the emblematic laarel, is apt to at the expense of his brethren, upsets develop into something of a nuisance. the trough and brings confusion upon Office-seeking becomes his pet obses- the feast." sion. Once he has applied his keen nose to the scent of an office-trail, be University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain the quarry ever so humble, he goes Pens and Students Supplies. tf 'ki-yi-ing' across the campus to the - __-- utter disregard of everybody and ev- University Ave. Pharmacy Marthe erything else than the glories of the GWashington Candy. Cigars. Cigarettes chase. Just what he is going to do 'ant Tobacco. tf w HAVE"DOUC -Am M RA lk __r; - I _ EB T-ENIE OUTPUT - ~ ~1~u1Ar[UBH UBUUU8UBU®HH®H H , .e H0.0 9 g - _ Of Mone~y What unlimited capital, an immense organization, the most advanced and econontical sales methods and an established .policy of giving the public the benefit of every saing we affect. At this particular sale you are really buying your piano or player for less money than it costs to mann- facture. And 'what it means to you in dollars and cents was never more cearl l shown than right now. The Power ~ _______r C0('IPARE THE TWO PRICE LISTS. lOU1 HT THE T'IRE A S RBOR PIANO CO. sOCK FOR LESS THA1.N a5Oc ON 'T'E DOLLAR. TIbis a ns that hundreds of Pianos will be put on the market to be Sold at lighining speed. One glance at the comparative price lists will IU0HARDSON ILLUSTRATK!IC(04d} Acwrdina to an ActofCoommm ' ' '_ ' convince the most coserative buyers. REGVLAR. PRICES OVR. PRICES EXTRA SPECIALS OFFICIAL PRICE LIST You Don' Have To Pay Cash You THER PIANOS AT ANN ARBORPa "S"NRMAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Save A.~AN~$325 OUR SALE PRICE ,.........................$19.5 $131 $97>, $115. $125, $140. $165.$175,$1881$9 STYLE A( ....................................$325 OUR SALE PRI E............. ............................210) $11- STYLE F .................................315 OUR SALE PRICE........................................215o eeT STLE .::...::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::0 OU SAE RIE::..::::..:::...:: ..:::::::...:..::..:::.......12 Months Free Exchange Trial STYLE L................................450 OUR SALE PRICE........................................ 25 $200 I 1' >^'l PLAYER PIANO ONLY 342 Fully Guaranteed 550 style Don't fail to see them3 4 FrREE MUSIC CABINET BENCH STOOL This is the sale you have been looking for. Don't delay one minute. Delay is costly in this case. Come in today or this evening, We keep open till 9 o'clock. G jnne1 Bros. 120-122 EAST LIBERTY STREET ) < I jg .d; j/