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May 13, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-05-13

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V, No. 160.


Batting Slump and Poor Fielding Give
Game to M. A. C. by Score of 3
to 1; Michigan Stages
Sorry Exhibition

Sisler Drives Captain McQueen
with Only Local Score,
in First Stanza


Michigan's batting slump was ac-
companied by a falling off in fielding
ability in yesterday's game, resulting
in a 3 to 1 victory for M. A. C. in the
first game of the Wolverine's series of
three with the Lansing nine. Two hits
by Frimodig and Bibbins, coming in
the same inning with .three Michigan
errors, gave the visitors a two run
lead which they held for the remaining
six and one-half innings.
Michigan's lone score came in the
first when McQueen walked and stole
second, scoring from there on a hit
by Sisler. Sisler died trying to make
second base, and the side was retired.
Labadie started the fifth with a hit, but
after being sacrificed to second by
dlaltby died there when Waltz flied to_
the first baseman and Ferguson struck
out. Michigan made a hard try for a
score in the eighth when Stewart, bat-
ting for Waltz grounded to Springer,
who had replaced Miller on the mound
for the Aggies. Niemann was sent in
to hit for Ferguson, and reached first
when hit by the pitcher. With two
down and a man on first Sheehy failed
to connect.
The Aggies' scores came in the third,
when, with two down, Fuller drew a
pass and stole second. Brown
fanned, but reached first on

Dr. Louis Kahlenberg lectures on "A
Neglected Priiciple of Chemistry
and Some of Its Applications," room
165 chemical building, 7:30 o'clock.
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's class in in-
terpretative reading will give Ten-
nyson's "Maude," room 205 north
wing, 8:00 o'clock.
Combined Glee and Mandolin club will
banquet at Union, 5:30 o'clock.
Prof. R. C. Ford speaks to University
of Michigan State Normal College
club, Newberry hall, 7:30 o'clock.
H. S. Sheppard lectures on "Wireless
Telegraphy" in room 248 engineer-
ing building, 8:00 o'clock.
First senior sing at campus band stand,
7:00 o'clock.
Combined junior lit and engineer
dance, Union, 9:00 o'clock.
Comedy club meets in Cercle Fran-
cais rooms, 4:00 o'clock.
Huntington Max Robinson and Fonta-
na Sure of Berth, But Fourth Man ]
Has Not Been Found
Coach Farrell spent considerable
time with his quarter milers yesterday
afternoon, in an effort to build up a
mile-relay team for the Syracuse meet
which comes next Saturday afternoon.
Huntington, Max Robinson and1
"Stan" Fontana seem to have their

Will Resign to Take Chair at Leland
Stanford; Enters New Position
Next Fall
Prof. John S. P. Tatlock, of the Eng-
lish department, will leave the univer-
sity next summer to accept the chair
of English philology of Leland Stau-
ford University, Palo Alto, California,
succeeding the late Prof. Ewald Fleu-
gel who died last fall.
Professor Tatlock has been connect-
ed with the English department of the
university since 1897. He was born
at Stanford, Connecticut, in 1876, and
in 1896 he took the A.B. degree at Har-
vard University, being elected to Phi
Beta Kappa. In 1897 he took the A.M.
degree, and in 1903, Ph.D., both from
Harvard. He was instructor in Eng-
lish at the University of Michigan from
1897 until 1901, and from 1903 until
1905. He became assistant professor
in 1905, and junior professor in 1907,
in which capacity he served until the
year 1913, when he was elected to a
professorship in English. During the
summer of 1909 he was professor of
English at the University of Chicago.
Professor Tatlock ia member of the
Modern Language Association of Am-
erica, and of the Philological Society
of London. Besides being an author
and the editor of several literary
works, he is an extensive contributor
to a number of philological journals.

Deplores Newspaper "Hysteria"
fore Members of Sigma Delta
Chi; G.O, Ellis Present


Benton's bad peg. A passed places cinched, but the coach is some-
ball scored Fuller, and Frimodig's hit what up in the air as to who will com-

put Brown on third. Bibbins singled,
scoring Brown, and driving Frimodig
to third. He was enabled to score on
McQueen's error which put Bibbins
safely on second.
Coach Lundgren occupied his old
place on the bench in yesterday's
game, and there is a chance that he
may be seen there from now on. While
he may not be there on every occasion,
it is probable that he will be allowed
on the bench when the opposing team
has their mentor with them.
The summaries and box score fol-
(Continued on page 4)
Second round of the interclass base-
ball tourney will start tomorrow af-
ternoon, and the schedule, as made out,
will be announced in The Daily on to-
morrow morning.
Those teams which were to have
played games in the interclass league
and failed to do so will have to finish.
their contests today or be credited
with, a loss before, the second round
starts. There have been several post-
poned games, and those teams which
were among these will be forced to
play all games this afternoon.
The fresh medics will enter into the
second round in place of the sophs of
that department, because of the for-
feiture of the first game played be-
tween these two teams over a week
ago. In this game the sophomores
played ineligible men and Director
Rowe awarded the contest to the year-
lings, thereby giving the series to the
1918. men.
Prof. Kahlenberg to Address Chemists
Prof. Louis Kahlenberg, director of
the course in chemistry at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, will speak under the
auspices of the Phi Lambda Upsilon,
honorary chemical society, at 7:30
o'clock tonight in the chemical amphi-
theater. All students in the depart-
ment of chemistry as well as the gen-
eral public are invited. Professor'
Kah'enberg has selected for his sub-"
ject, "A Neglected Principle of Chem-
istry and Some of Its Applications."
University Rifle Club Gets New Guns
Intramural Director Rowe has just
received a shipment of 27 new rifles'
for the use of the university Rifle club.
Matters of interest to the members of
the club will be discussed at a meeting'
to be held at a later date.

prise the fourth member of the quar-
tet. Both Huntington and Fontana
were sent over the 440-yard route yes-
terday afternoon, and the coach an-
nounced that he was satisfied with the
times that the two runners made, al-
though he refused to divulge the same.
Close observers, however, detected a
smile on Steve's face when he squint-
ed at the watch after the two perform-
ers had completed the distance.
Max Robinson has been troubled
with a bad leg, but he expects to .be
in shape by Saturday afternoon. The
440-yard run should prove one of the
prettiest races of the afternoon, as
there will probably be a half dozen
speedy preformers entered. The cap-
tain of the Syracuse aggregation, Don-
ohue, is a 440-man and.a good one. In
(Continued on page 4)
Barbecue Dinner, Talks and Practical
'Contests Planned; Will Return
to City Monday
Third Sister Lake will be the scene
of the Foresters' Field day this week-
end. About 100 rangers of the
woods will leave their packs at the
economics building at 10:30 o'clock
tomorrow, preparatory to the leaving
of the pack train from that place at
12:30 o'clock. The camp breaks up
in time to get the foresters back in
Ann Arbor Monday.
One barbecue dinner, at which a
quarter of beef will be cooked and
served with the necessary trimmings,
will be part of the training which the
campers will receive while on their
trip. This excursion will fulfill the
function of giving the members of the
forestry course practical experience in
camping out, and in care of the camp
and its provisioning.
Following the barbecue dinner,
which is to be held Saturday noon,
Professors Roth and Johnson, of -the
forestry course, will give talks on sub-
jects pertaining to the curriculum.
The teaching force of the forestry
course will attend the camp in a body.
The time at camp will not be en-
tirely devoted to the more serious
side of life, since contests are to be
held in horse packing, fly casting, and
panning gold from the waters of
Third Sister Lake. Compass races
and baseball games will fill in the
leisure time, while the evenings will
be devoted to the social meetings
around the glowing camp-fire.

"I have noticed with regret the lack
of poise displayed by the majority of
newspapers throughout the country in
treating the various phases of the re-
cent sinking of the Lusitania," said
Prof. F. 3. Scott, of the rhetoric de-
partment, in speaking at -the annual
dinner of the Sigma Delta Chi jour-
nalistic fraternity, held at the Union
la'st night. "I had thought that the
newspaper editors of the country had
reached a stage in journalistic devel-
opment where they would exercise a
cool and conservative judgment be-
fore commenting on the crisis which
is confronting the United States at the
present time, but the general hysteria
which has characterized the editorial
utterances of most of the papers I
have examined during the past few
days, has had a very discouaging ef-
fect upon me so far as the progress in
true journalistic ideals is concerned."
At the dinner, Grif1tth Ogden Ellis,
publisher of The . nerican Boy, was
ormally initiated as an honorary mem-
ber of the fraternity. Walter Towers,
'10-'12L, a former managing editor of
The Daily and at present assistant -ed-
itor of The American Boy, gave a brief
talk on his experiences in the maga-
zine game in Detroit.
After the more formal part of the
evening's program, the incoming offi-
cers of the fraternity were installed,
and plans for the coming year present-
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's class in
interpretative reading will give Ten-
nyson's "Maude," tonight at 8:00
o'clock, in room 205, north Wing. The
class has been working on this read-
ing for several weeks and everything
bids fair to give a successful interpre-
tation of Tennyson's work.
The following students will take
part in the reading: E. B. Skaggs, '16,
E. M. Hendershott, '15, H. D. Hopkins,
'16, F. Hickok, '15, I. Snelgrove, '16A,
I. Roman, '16, K. M. Fox, '15, L. G.
Slee, '15, B. Baker, '15, C. E. Weller,
'15, C. L. Kendrick, '15, J. Carmichael,
'16, S. J. Skinner, '15, and D. M. Kauff-
man, '15.
Marshall Butters Weds Miss Snyder
Marshall H. Butters, ex-'13, was
married Tuesday night at Crawfords-
ville, Ind., to Miss Helen Snyder, of
that city. Butters is in business in
Detroit, and the bride and groom will
reside in that city.

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