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May 12, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-05-12

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WEDNESDAY. MAY 12. 1915.


. I

7 AVm

e Old Time Rivals in
st at Ferry Field
O'clock This
Men Through Batting'
e to Get Rid


Baseball-(Michigan vs. M. A. C., Fer-
ry field, 4:05 o'clock..
Dr. Hendrick Willem Van Loon lec-
tures on "Modern Russia" in room
101 economic building, 4:15 o'clock.
Union mass meeting in Hill auditori-
um, 7:30 o'clock.-
Senior lit "Swing-out" party. Car leav-
es State and Packard, 8:00 o'clock.

Venerable President-Emeritus Says
Intimate Companionships Are
Abiding Joy In
Later Years

. F resh m en an d S op ho m ore s M ill I No
Trials for Relay Races t
Fair Grounds in .
Campus Leaders to Address Uider-
elassmeii in Mass Meetings
Next Week
Active preparations for this spring's
annual fresh-soph contests of May 21
and 22 will commen'eb tomorrow af-
ternoon, when tryouts for positions in
the obstacle races will be run off at
the fair grounds, and weighing in for

@l id ina4 'i'ofs . ., .6" s f Ft lui1e of
"Taeuios .nt attempirt to
overthrow cpita lismn and they are not
revolutionary movements," said Pro-
fesor Slockton, of the University of
Indiana, in his speech on the subject,
Some Co-operative Egxperiments in
the Moulders Union," before the eco-
nomics class in room 101 yesterday.
Prbfessor Stockton, in giving the
causes for the failure of cooperative

Expect Almost Eivery Man on
to Attend Mass Meeting
Auditorium at 7:30
Program Includes Dr. Angi
Judge Thompson, Presidt
Hutchins Presiding
Tonight will see the bigge:
igan Union meeting ever hel
place will be Hill auditorium,


After Exercises, Seniors March
Campus between Aisles
of Onlookers


an and M. A. C. clash for the
e on the baseball diamond
e two teams line up at 4:05
oday at Ferry field. Reports
home of the Aggies indicate
.nger will work on th.e mound
visitors, while Ferguson will
obable choice for Captain Mc-
men. Coach Lundgren was
d on his batteries, but Fer-
,s the call over Davidson and
ra, either one of whom pos-
y face Coach Macklin's men.'
35 games played in former
have been won by the Var-
while the other seven have
:ured by the aggregation from
sing. Michigan has amassed
f 356 runs in the 25 games,
. C. has scored 143 times on
igan nine. The contests have
tributed over the years be-
87 and 1914, in which year
won the first two of the three

Dr. Louis Kahlenberg lectures on "A
Neglected Principle of Chemistry
and Some of Its Applications," room
165 chemical building, 7:30 o'clock.
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's class in in-
terpretative reading will give Ten-
nyson's "Maude," room 205 north
wing, 8:00 o'clock.
Combined Glee and Mandolin club will
banquet at Union, 5:30 o'clock.
Coach Centers Attention upon Meet
with Orangemen on Saturday;
Squad Feels No Ills
from Last Week

"My young friends," began Presi-
dent-Emeritus James B. Angell, in his
address to the seniors assembled in
University Hall for the Swing-out ex-
ercises yesterday afternoon, "suppose

i game will see no change in
ig order as used in last Sat-
ame, the only shift being ne-
t when Sisler returns to his
eft field. Niemann's place in
g order will be taken by the
i today's contest.
ch had his men hitting again
and if his drilling of the
any effect, the team should
the batting form showedj
its southern invasion. Since
squad has been in a slump,
's game should be the begin-
climb in the regulars' batting
in spite of the strong pitch-
boasted by the Aggies.
n the dug out, which is to
late the Varsity while off tiie
almost completed yesterday.
canopy or awning has been
over the bench which is set
feet under ground. The ce-
walls have not yet hardened,
rms should be able to be re-
>m the cement soon.

Think Ufer May Run Half-Mile
Two Minutes If Hard



Despite the rain, mud, wind and hail
at Notre Dame last Saturday, Coach
Farrell's Varsity track squad pulled

through the meet in excellent shape,
and the coach has centered his atten-
tions upon the Syracuse struggle
which comes next Saturday.
The coach stated last night that
there would be ,no trials for the Syr-
acuse meet, with the possible excep-
tion of the low hurdles. It is his in-
tention to use everyone on the squad
that he can, and only the fact that
each team will be allowed but two
contestants over the low sticks, makes.
the trials necessary.
The showing made by Fontana in
the quarter mile last Saturday against
Notre Dame pleased Coach Farrell
mightily, for although "Stan" did not
win, his defeat is attributed to the
weather conditions. Fontana was lead-
ing by 10 yards, but when he struck
the final stretch, the combined wind
and mud proved too much for him.
The time was several seconds slower
than Fontana did in the Varsity meet
the week before. "Stan" will be up
against Captain Donohue o'f Syracuse
in the 440, and Michigan track follow-
ers are going to see a pretty race.
Max Robinson and lIuntington have
both been running right on Fontana's
heels, and the 440 should prove to be
one of the feature events of the after-

I were to ask you for what in your
college life you are most grateful?'
Then he proceeded to find his answei
in picturing the joys of college friend-
ships with the characteristic, kindly
way which has won for him the title
of "Michigan's grand old man," and
endeared him to thousands of students
and alumni.
About 1,000 near-graduates 1clad in
their black academic robes gathered
for the traditional exercises. On the
platform sat Doctor Angell, President
Hutchins, the Reverend Stalker, Dean
Victor C. Vaughan, of the Medical
School, Assistant Dean W. H. Butts, of
the engineering college, and Registrar
A. G. Hall. The program opened with
the invocation by the Rev. Arthur W.
Stalker, of the Methodist church, fol-
lowed by a solo by Chase B. Sikes, '16,
and the congratulatory remarks by
President Harry B. Hutchins. When
Dr. Angell spoke, he touched the key-
note of the occasion.
"Judging from my own remem-
brance," he said, "the finest thing in'
college is to form intimate friendships
which are a source of abiding joy
through later years. It is a great com-
fort for us to know that they will leave
their. glow and form your strongct
bond of loyalty to Michigan. For a
long time, I met with four friends a
few days each year somewhere by the
seaside to renew old acquaintance-
ships. What better hope can I wish
for you than that you carry away such
a blessed memory?" Dr. Angell was
looking well, and appeared to enjoy
the exercises. He spoke with remark-
able clearness and force.
President Hutchins counselled the
seniors to do independent, constructive
thinking, and exercise self-control.
"Don't depend for the future on what
you have done here," he said in part,
"If you have not gathered power to
think constructively and independent-
ly, you have not gained much from
your books. Every man who would
control others must control himself
first, and be able to analyze and meas-
ure himself. Never has the student
had the same wealth of opportunity
to take a great variety of subjects. In
this liberal freedom of choice, how-
ever, there is the danger of over-spe-
cialization. When you get out in the
world, be bigger than your profes-
After the program, the seniors
marched around the campus between
aisles of onlookers, describing an M in
their line of march. The procession
broke up at the law building, where
pictures of the classes were taken.

the tug-of-war teams will be started
in Waterman gym.
Both first and second year men will
enter the relay tryouts, which will be
held from 2:30 to 5:00 o'clock tomor-
row and Friday afternoons. Each man
will be timed in the 220-yard dash,
and three teams of 16 runners each
will be picked from each of the two
classes. Clair Ditchy, '15A, will be on
hand to direct the running.
Tug-of-war aspirants will be given
their opportunity to weigh in from
2:30 to 5:00 o'clock tomorrow and. Fri-
day afternoons in the gym. The cus-
tomary three battles will be staged,
the lightweight team including those
men weighing under 135 pounds, mid-
dleweight under 160 and the heavy-
weight above that mark. The teams
will be composed of 50 men each.
It was decided at the student coun-
cil meeting last night to start the re-
lay races and pushball contest at 8:30
o'clock on the morning of May 22 at
Ferry field. This means that the un-
derclassmen will assemble on the cami-i i
pus in time to leave for the field at]
8:00 o'clock. Pep for the contests will
be stirred up at the fresh and sopl,
mass meetings to be held at 7:00
o'clock in the west physics lecture-
room on Wednesday and Thursday
nights of next week, respectively. Car-
roll B. Haff, '15L, will be on hand at
both of the meetings, while Earnest
F. Hughitt, '15, W. D. Cochran, '16P,
and George Sisler, '15E, will address
the yearlings, James Raynsford, '15E,
Edward Saier, '14L, and E. P. Mc-"
Queen, '15E, taking the'task of liven-
ing up the second year men. t
The student council will take only1
general supervision over the all-cam-
pus selection, to be held from 8:00 tor
1:00 o'clock on May 29 in the corridors
of University hall. The council de-<
cided not to extend their activities-at
the election further than acting as
judges of the polling and the advertis-
ing of the election.t

EAST LANSiNG, May 11.-Coach
MacklIn's men have been looking for-
ward to the Michigan game since the
opening of the Aggies' season, and;
have been bending every effort to get
into the best possible condition for the
opening game of the series with the
Wolverines tomorrow. There are
those among the Aggie supporters who
expect to see their nine romp away
with a victory over Coach Lundgren's
men, and the team itself is not lacking'
ii confidence. .
Three good reasons for the confi-
dence of the M. A. C. boys are Sprin-
ger, Weeder and Miller, the slab art-
ists for Coach Mackim. Blake Miller
won his opening game against Albion,
while Weeder has been working in
good shape, winning three out of the
four games he has pitched. The game
that counts against him is the 4 to 3
overtime session with Syracuse.
Springer has tbe best record of all
of the ,.- A. C. twirlers, having pitch-
ed the last three innings in each -of-
the last five games, prior to the Syra-
cuse contest. In addition, he worked
three innings at the beginning of the
year, making a total of 18 rounds for
the lad. h alf of the men put out in
this time have been struck out by him..
On top of this he has allowed the op-
Ionents but seven hits. Macklin has
been saving him, and he may be ex-
pected to face Michigan.'
In addition to a strong pitching staff,
M. A. C. boasts six regulars on her
team who are all clouting the ball for
an average of more than .300. In the
field the nine looks almost as well,
having an average of less than one er-
ror to a game.
With all these assets to favor them,
the Lansing rooters are putting hopes
of a victory into their caps and are
preparing to invade Ann Arbor with
their team. At least 100 rooters prob-
ibly will make the trip with the team.

industry, said, "Men soon forget the
idea that they are going to amehorate
lalbor conditions, and set out on the
highway of profits. Greed for gain
lowers the general moral." The other
causes which he gives for the failure
of ce-operation in production are bad
organihation, faulty business practic-
es, -iadequate capital reserve, lack Qf
proper. markets and a gross failure to
aporeciate mianagership.
i - ---- -- - - -- --°.,-L.
East Lansing Supporters Put ilopes on
P'itchers Springer, Weeder
IndI i lle', Sa
Expect Nearly 100 Imen to Accompany
Ann Arbo

hour will be 7:30 o'clock.
every man on the campus will
to participate in the mammc
which is to initiate the camp
the million-dollar clubhouse
doors will open at 7:00 o'clock
Stirring speeches, band mi
ceptional solo singing, ste:
views and balloting on const
amendments will be the orde
evening. Those in charge
that it will be a live affair,
"not a dull moment" flag
high. There will be no admi
and every man in the student b
be welcome. Women and to
ple will be admitted to the up
cony. No tickets will be requ
Tonight's meeting is called
plain to the campus the ide
aims of the Michigan Union.
be done in a virile, interesti:
ner by a galaxy of speaking
which has never been equaled
stage of the auditorium. No
will be solicited.
The Varsity band will meet
of Alumni Memorial hall
o'clock, and march to the auc
where the members will hav
reserved for them on the sta
give added dignity to the af
deans of all the colleges ha
asked to occupy seats with the

rence authorities have put a
on the proposed football game
n the Ripon, Wisconsin, institu-
d Michigan. Yesterday, Director
3artelme, of the athletic associ-
received a letter from the Law-
authorities stating that their
n control of athletics had deem-
aadvisable to place the Wolver-
i their schedule. As the orig-
port of the scheduled game came
the Wisconsin school, the
that no game will be
makes little difference
e Michigan authorities, al-
the coaches of the two schools
like to see a game scheduled.
contest would be a means of
°ing Michigan with the Univer-

* * * * * *


o express the hope that
be a large attendance
student body at the
in Hill auditorium,
y evening. . The cam-
a permanent home for
is one that should ap-
all."- HARRY B.


noon program.
Clarence Ufer will be ready for a
speedy half-mile next Saturday, and
Michigan track followers need not be
surprised if the 880 man does under
two minutes if he is pushed. Fox will
run in either the half or the mile. The
coach has not yet decided, and the en-
trants from Syracuse may have much
to do with the final determination.
Niemann's Wildness in Oi1ening Ses.
sion Loses Game for Second
Year Men
Two more games in the class base-
ball tournament were played yester-
day afternoon at Ferry field. Although
thfee games were scheduled, together
with a postponed game, only one
scheduled fray was played, the fresh

nervous, pitched a good game for the
yearlings and Reem showed ability
around third base.
The lineup and score follows:,
Soph lits-Trost lf, McIssac 3b, Shel-
ley 2b, Neimann p, Birmingham 1b,
Oppal c, Levison cf, Fowler rf, Ellis ss.
Fresh lits-Martin c, Waller .b,
Britton 2b, Reem 3b, Ohlmaker p, Ril-
ey lf, Sharp cf, Sikes, cf, Foley rf, Per-
ry ss, Schmidt ss.
Fresh lits ..........5 0 0 0 0 1 0-6
Soph lits ..........1 2 0 0 1 0 0-4
Hits-off Neimann 5; off Ohlmaker
The junior dents had little trouble
in the first few innings, but as the
game aged the freshmen got together
and threatened their older oopponents.
The lineup and score follows: F
Fresh dents-Crosby 2b, Glarum 3b,
Hapeman lb, Honey p, Putt c, TuttleJ
.ss, Hubbard lf, Miles rf, Steveys c0. t
Junior dents-Bolt c, Wright p, Mo-
ran ss, Kane lb, Rich 2b, McKinna 3b.
Chichester If, Hawn cf, Quikley rf. I
Junior dents.........3 3 0 2 0 1 0-9


The unusual program, with 1
dent Harry B. Hutchins presidia
as follows:
Dr. James B. Angell. A brie
pression of personal interest 11
P. D. Koontz, '14-'17L, will next
duct the balloting on the pro
constitutional amendments.
I. K. Pond, '79E, of Chicago, a
tect. Explanation of the plans fc
new clubhouse, with the aid of la
Henry E. Bodman, '96, chairm
'the Detroit committee. Explanati
the committee organization whi
to raise the funds.
Edward J. McNamara, baritone
Canandaigua, N. Y. "What the I
Means to Michigan Men."
Varsity bandmen will appear or
occasions today, playing both a
ball game in the afternoon and
Union mass meeting in Hill aud
ilm tonight. They will assemb
front of University hall at 3:45 o'
in marching costume for the tr
Ferry field. They will meet in
of the Union clubhouse at 6:45 o'c
wearing the concert uniform cor
ing of blue coats and white trou
and parade down State street
around the campus before ent(
Hill auditorium.

lits romping away with the sophs in a
6 to 4 contest. There is only one game
scheduled for tomorrow between the
homeops and the architects, and it is
hoped that the postponed games will
be played so as not to delay the sec-
ond round, which begins on Friday.
The freshmen sewed up the game in
the first inning, when Neimann passed
four men and let the other reach first'
when he was hit by a pitched. ball. Af-
ter the first inning, he settled down
and the freshmen failed to score -until
the sixth, when Martin crossed the

SelI Near4 AlTickets for Party
Nearly all the tickets for the senior
lit "Swing-out Party" to be held at
the country club tonight, have been
sold. The few Yremaining can be pro-
cured from members of the social com-
nittee totay. The special car, the fare
for which is included in the $1.00 tick-
ets, will leave the corner of State and
Packard soon after 8:00 o'clock.


* * * * * * * * * *,
WHERE?-Hill auditorium.
WHEN?-Tonight at 7:30.
WHY?-To disseminate the Un-
ion idea.
WHOM?-For all Michigan men
WHAT?--The livest meeting.of


the year.
* * *

* ** * *


Ohlmaker, although a

little IFresh dents........0 1 0 2 2 0 3-


* * * *

, . .



higan Agricultural


. =


P. M.


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