TRID MIC131TGAN T AIL Y -r . . ..... 1 NEW LOCATION ? _. - 1 d._.i - , , t Spring Suits, Overcoats Hats and Furnishings 1n all the latest and up-to-date styles. min M1 Fi 'ii ' , t_, - , . We have a line of ShIRTS and NECKWEAR that com- prises-all of the nobby ideas Make your Kodak Autographic Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra charge for autographic films. CALKIN'S PHARMACY 324 S. Stemt. Street Visit the new day light store where you will find the most up to date line of clothing and furnish- ing the city. a, I Our prices are reasonable for seasonable goods. i i i t Wadhams & Co's Corner 201-203 So. flain St. I 1 NEW LOCATION 322-324 S. Main St. } NEW LOCATIOI NEXT TO ORPHEUM THEATRE .. . ; Temple Theatre ADMISSIONSc. (except Friday and Saturday) Tues. May i-In the Park (with Chas. Chaplin) "Chip of - The Flying U" (with Kathlyn Williams.) Wed. May 12--After the Storm (with Louise Vale)% GET YOUR STRAW HAT NOW I I OX 1WYOOD Low enou~ghf in frPont to be comfortable H ig h enough in back to be correct in style. L t n RED-MAN COLLAR EARL & WILSON MAKERS OF TROY'S BEST PRODUCT. Individual Custom Tailoring That is correct in style and tit The new fabrics for this season are here in large assortments. CALL EARLY A. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street rJ ' 1 MYLES Coth Shop TAILORS Our cloth patterns are all specials. The woolen house we represent has a monopoly on them. OVERPLAIDS are among our specials. They are the real attraction this year. An "overplaid" is two plaids crossing at right angles, but much subdued so as to give a rich effect. OUR STYLES ARE EXCLUSIVE FurWOMCN Madame Margaret Ober, the distin- guished German contralto of the Met- ropolitan Opera company, who is rec- ognized as one of the greatest German dramatic contraltos, along with Clar- ence Whitehall, the dramatic Wagne- rian baritone of the same institution, Harold Bauer, known as the "Master Pianist," and Margaret Keyes, of the Chicago Opera company; will appear at the opening May Festival concert on Wednesday night. "New Life," which was given one of its first performances in America in University Hall several years ago, will be offered at the Thursday evening May Festival concert. Theodore Har- rison will have the baritone role for- merly taken by Sydney Biden of Ber- lin, while Olive Kline, the young American soprano who has gained such fame the past few years, will ap- pear in the soprano part formerly tak- en by Syil Sammis. PROF. LOUIS KAHLENBERG TO SPEAK ON THURSDAY EVENINc4 Prof. Louis Kahlenberg, director of the course in chemistry at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, who was sched- uled to lecture here April 29, under the auspices of Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chemical society, has been secured to speak at 7:30 o'clock Thurs- day in the amphitheater of the chem- ical building. The subject for Pro- fessor Kahlenberg's address will be "A Neglected Principle of Chemistry and Some of Its Applications." The lecture will be open to the general public and no admission will be charged. Lovejoy, '16, Reports Positions Scaree After visiting the different motor factories in Detroit last week, Phil. C. Lovejoy, '16,'secretary of the "Y" em- ployment bureau, found that work there is not so plentiful as it was last year. Last year a large number of students were given employment in Detroit, and from the present outlook it is feared that but a few jobs can be secured. IHaislip, '14L, Announces Engagement Edward W. Haislip, '14L, has recent- ly announced his engagement to lone Womack of St. Paul, Minn. The an- nouncement was made at the Delta Theta Phi house last night, and the marriage will probably take place in June. B. YOUNG WILL LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TONIGHT Bicknell Young, C.S.B., who will lec- ture on Christian Science at 8:00 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall, is not a stranger to Ann Ar- bor, having spoken here before under the auspices of the Christian Science society of the University of Michigan. Mr. Young's three sons were former students of the, university. Call 106 for large flat racks for in- itiating parties. Horse and runabouts, everything new, complete livery. Phone 106. The picture of the Soph Prom is said to be one of the best flash-lights ever made. Get one of Daies & Nick- els. May iou-Mon Tues.- lsie Janis, in The Caprices of Kitty. 5-part Para- mount. May 12-Wed.-Mary Pickford in Blphind the Scenes. Rebooked. Paramount. May 13 4-Thurs.-Frl.-Lois Weber in Sunshine Molly, 5 part. Paramount. Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. r_,., ; 11 Attention, Seniors Now is the opportune time to be measured for and Gowns NO DEPOSIT WITH MEASURE I Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4;00: EYE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Mon. May io-"A Theft in the Dark," a 3-part feature with Miriam Nesbit. Ham Comedy. r-part drama. Tues. May u-"The Cipher Key," 3 part feature with Earl Metcafe. The ward of the Mission, 1-part drama, i-par comedy. Wednesday, May 12-CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "Hearts in Exile," Five part Shubert feature. J Henryo 3 ~711 N. 'VNIVZRSITY I I t 1 t FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARDOR Capital - - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65.060 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, . D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. The Farmers & Mechanics Dank 101-103-105 South MaIn Street Dr. Tom Lovell on "CAPS AND GOWNS" The caps and the gowns are ready, For the boys and the girls to put on When once more the Yellow and Blue On-counencemnent day will be sung. Hurrah for the girl who has conquered Like the boy deep problems through And have won for themselves a victory Since in the University School. "Now Tom, do you think you will sel 1 your books?" "Why, no, Wahr's and Sheehan's are selling them. I am only pushing them." PRICE 0c. Fetch your old shoes 11 . ..o.. .. lII Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits . . ll You needn't No Rubber Choke yourLegs in Leg Band ONE LOOK tells you why, you're going to wear NEVER BIND. It can't choke your leg - alwave lifts on the socks i ust enough to keep thems smooth U Mercerized, 25c; double grip, 35c; silk 50c. CEOR'E FROST CO. Makers. Boston. Mass. $75,0001 DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU The people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- dially invited to call at the Exhibition Rooms of the COME- PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for themselves the splendid values offered in choice furniture at prices represent- ing, in many instances, A SAVING OF 100 PER CENT, as compared with prices usually charged. The Come-Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are par- ticularly suitable for fraternity and club houses. We also design and make special furniture to order. Builders of new homes will find it to their advantage to em- ploy the facilities afforded by our factory for the production of "built-in" furniture for libraries, dens, halls, dining-rooms and kitchens. Take Packard Street car to State Street and go one block south and three blocks west to factory of COME-PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY Corer Edwin and Division Streets Notice. The following amendments of the constitution of the University of Mich- igan Union have been proposed by the board of directors and will be voted upon at the mass meeting to be held in Hill auditorium, on the evening of May 12. Article III. Section 2. To be amended to read as follows: Any person eligible to ac- tive membership may become a life member on payment of $50.00. Article VII IM If I Diamonds 7Ti nk ,qf our stock af diamonds lvhen you think *f diamonds Section 2. as follows: To be amended to read Any 25 members of the NOTICE LOST OR STRAYED-Brindle bull- dog. White paws, white breast, weight 30 pounds. Call 753. Reward. 158-9-60 LOST-On the streets of Ann Arbor, Saturday, a pair of eye-glasses. Find- er please call Alpha Phi House 368. WANTED-Ten students for work in Mlichigan summer resorts. Entirely new and most up-to-date proposition on the market. See Mr. Muir, Allen- el Hotel, Thursday and Friday. A BARGAIN-Touring car in good running order for less than street car fare fer the summer. Must sell before Friday. 209 W. Huron St. FOR RENT-Modern, five room, steam heated flat. Inquire 604 E. Liberty, J. K. Malcolm. Call 1713-M or 1661- Caps and gowns can be obtained here today at a moments notice in all sizes and for all departments. This is a special "last hour" service. Mack, University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf Just the thing for evenings and Sat- urday's sport. Good automobile cheap. 209 W. Huron. At once. The picture of the Soph Prom is said to be one of the best flash-lights ever made. Get one of Daines & Nick- els. Union may nominate candidates for any or all offices for which the nom- inating committee nominates by sign- ing a petition and filing it, properly signed, with the recording sec- retary before 9:00 o'clock of the fourth day preceding Cam- pus Election Day. On so re- ceiving the nomination of one or more candidates,' the , recording secretary shall at once cause the list of nomi- nees appearing in The -Michigan Dai- ly and on the bulletin boards to be accordingly revised. Article VII. Section 3. (a) The election of offi- cers shall be held in University hall, or such place as the board of direc- tors designates, on the third Saturday in May, or on such day as is fixed for campus election day. The polls -shall be open from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock; or during what ever time the polls for the Campus Election Day shalbe open. 5-12 it will pay you to know that we have the largest assortment for your choosing, sold at the first cost of sellingdiamonds--because we buy direct-buy in quantities-buy for cash--and give you the# benefit of the saving-also the service which can only be had from years of experience in the diamond business. 11 11 ARNO ,LD & ICO. JEWELERS 220 South Main Street Going to Whitfmore'? Skate at Weinberg's Friday Night. Roller Rink 2280 Call taxi 15 522 Buy Vulcan films for Swing-out. They give best results for pictures made late in the afternoon. For sale at Daines & Nickels or at The Delta. University Ave._ Pharmacy Drugs and toilet articles. Phone 416. tf Buy Vulcan films for Swing-out. They give best results for pictures made late in the afternoon. For sale at Daines & Nickels or at The Delta. Phone 4 Whitmore Lake Exchange THE LAKE VIgW . HOTEL Fish, Frog and Chicken Dinners BOATS AND GARAGE Victrola Owners Beware Do not buy a cheap inferior steel needle which is being sold in this city. Notice the difference between the Victor needle point and the inita- tion. The Victor is sharp and fits the grooves in the record for which it was made. You will not notice the wear in your records now but you will in adfew weeks when they will begin to scratch because the imitation needles do not fit the grooves. Always use the combination Victor needles with Victor records. GRINNELL BROS. 120 E. LIBERTY ST. J. E. BURKE, Proprietor 11 J Canoes by thee hour and storage for FOR RENT-,Concert Grand Piano $5 private canoes-P. G. Tessmer. per month; Ceceilian Piano player for 'sale with 30 rolls in fine shape. Skate at Weinberg's Roller Rink $40.00. $312 S. Division. Phone 212-J Friday Night. ---- Ave. Pharmacy Martha Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes Drop in after the game or after ing tennis and try a 5c soda. play- Van ti jDoren's Pharmacy, 703 Packard St. tf. ....