TtiR MICHIGAN' DAILY g n u 8 1 You'll be admired and oft' times envied in one of our swell form fitting suits. Suits of fully shrun- ken pure woolen cloth. There's a dash and class to our tailoring that sets off your figure to the best advantage. And another thing, the suit will hold its shape and wear well. Have you ordered your flannel trousers? t0 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY[ Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class.matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.5o; by mail, $ Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960 Editorial Office Phone 2414 H. Beach Carpenter......Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field.......Business Manager Fred Foulk.....................News Editor F. F. Mc Kinney..... .. ..Associate Editor Chester H. Lang ... .Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping........Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torrey Just what is the "why" of spring football practice? The man who spectates at these in- itiations Is busier than he who participates. I I We Just Received a Shipment of UBBER-SOLED CANVAS OXFORDS They are just the thing for this kind of weather WhteD uck Hats 50c. (. 75c. ALL SIZES STUDENTS',BOOKSTORE Night James M. Barrett, Jr. Tom C. Reid Verne Burnett Editors Z. Rodgers Sylvester Howard R. Marsh C. N. Church TROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE. ited and Expres Cars for Detroit-7:ro m. and hourly to 6:ro p. m., also 8:1o m. l Cars for Detroit-s :4o a. mn., 6:o6 a. mn., d every two hours to 6:6 p. iM., 7:06 p. , 8:*o6 p. mn., 9 :1i5 p. mn., and 10:45 P. in. Ypsilanti only: 7:4 a.n4., 8:2o a. m., n., 12:30 a. mn., o : a. . ited Cars for Jackson :48 a. m., and eery two hours to 7:48 p. M. al Cars for Jackson-5:12 a. m., 6:50 a. M.,' id every two hours to 6:5o p. m., also :15 p. m., 11:15 p. m. If you are Hungry any time of day step in at TUTTLE'S 1 A nnouncing -the appointment of Mr. L. Herd, of New York City, as chef and manager of the new This is the final step in our efforts to bring the Tea Room up to the highest standards in point of ser- vice, appointments and culinary excellence. Edwin A. Hyman . Reporters C. B. Parkter Vera Burridge Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum H. A. Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright L. Greenebaum William F, Newton Henley Hill Leonard W. Nieter Waldo R. Hunt E. D. Slater Lee Joslyn Eugene L.. Bulson Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Kirk White C. T. Fishleigh Thatcher Rea J. J. Herbert TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1915. Night Editor-J. C. B. Parker. THE MASS MEETING. Red-blooded Michigan men will as- semble in Hill auditorium tomorrow evening to hear the case of the Michi- gan Union. The meeting will not be offensively instructive, frivolous or one-sided. It will be distinctively Michigan. The program will be bril- liant enough to demand any man's time, whether he is a third-floor-back boner or a man who is neck-deep in activities. Such names as those of Prexy Angell, Prexy Hutchins and. Judge Thompson are strong induce- ments in themselves. The idea is to tell the student body about the Union, and to make it ap- preciate just how big a proposition the million-dollar campaign will be. There will be stereoptican views to explain the plans for the proposed structure, and the architect, Mr. Pond, will be on hand to point out the details. It is to be a red-letter occasion, and the Michigan man who misses it will be the loser. He will also be the excep- tion. As a gentle reminder, seniors are sending out pictures of "themselves in caps and gowns. Sorority eligible lists can be revised now that the societies have elected new men. Senior women are requested by the judiciary council to wear uniform plain high white collars with their gowns at Swing-out, and to wear no fmowers. Women attending summer school this year will be given an opportunity to act as leaders of girls' clubs at the city Y. W. C. A., most of which will continue their organization as during the college year, if such leadership is forthcoming. University women who are interested register with Miss An- na Pride, at the city Y. W. C. A. The work may be organized as eight- week club work, and credit for it as such received from the national or- ganization of the association. * * * Rehearsal for the university wom- en's dancing fete will take place at 7:00 o'clock this evening instead of at the usual' hour, to avoid conflict with Swing-out. Stylus will meet at the Pi Beta Phi house at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow even- ing. Mortar Board meets with Judith Gins-. burg, 119 Park Terrace, immediately af- ter Swing-out this afternoon. Tennis Lovers, Attention ! It will be of interest to you to know that we have just received a shipment of 150 Tennis Rackets 150 ranging in price from $I.50 to $8.oo--every one of them guaranteed. We give especial attention to Re-stringing Rackets. Your racket made new for $i.5o, $2.50 or $3.50, as you desire. WA HOR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ARTISTIC TAILORING PURE WOOL FABRICS E. C. FLANDERS, ..TAILOR.. 209 E. LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. EVERY thinking man realizes the importance of presenting a good appearalice. Well tailored clothes give you that mark of distinction, they cost no more than the ordinary kind. C" Let me show you what it means to get SMART STYLE and C 0 R R E C T F I T cut and moulded to your figure, with shapely lines. C I have the latest correct fashions, the choice all wool fabrics in all the new colorings and very reasonable prices to quote you now. C Another thing; if you order before I am too busy, I can give every little detail the attention required, it's never wise to rush, for it takes time to do good work. COME IN AND LET ME SHOW YOU THE VALUES I OFFER UP-TO-DATE STYLES MODERATE PRICES We are always ready to serve you. ON STATE PARTICULAR LAUNDRY i Ann Arbor Savings Bank Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Resources $3,000,000 moral Banking Business Transacted ?. Hiscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl F. Asst. Cash'r, Wm. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r Dept. n- callakin s Is ank berty and Main Sts. it Convenient Place for Your Banking FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE PLAN FOR 1916 CHARITY 5S1OW Part of Fends Secured to Be L ('4l for Free Dental Service Next year will probably see the rep- etition of Charity vaudeville, accord- ing to a statement of the committee in charge of this year's show. All the work with this year's production has been completed with the exception of the final estimate as to the financial outcome. Much of the success of the vaude- ville is credited to Miss Frances Cas- pri, who had charge of the choruses, and to Miss Helen Ely, '16, who had all. the dancing under her direction. The funds secured will be used for the free dental service and other char- ity purposes. The dental service treat- ed 291 children in the last year, and has proved a success. A dentist has been employed who treats the children every Saturday morning from 8:00 o'clock to 11:00 o'clock. NOTICE There are several positions to be filled on the business staff of 'TIE WOLVERINE for this summer. .T'ry- outs are now in order. Ferris IL Fitch, business ananoger0 Phone 960 or 236. If you want to be sure of getting the best results from your Swing-out films take them to Daines & Nickels to be developed and printed. Confectionery, cigars, soft drinks, and canoes for trips. P. G. Tessmer. HE race ain't a1wiys to the y swift. VELVET is way x0 ahead of those quick-cured 0 tobaccos, even if it does wait two years for ageH A complete line of Drug Sundries Quality and Prices Right 4 LET US SHOW YOU CITY LAUNDRY TIOS. ROWE, Prop., Detroit St. Phone 457-M .. . PHONE "13" i FOR BUSY BE "THE POPULAR PLACE" I CE C R E AM All's well as long as this race hatred doesn't corrupt the track candidates. Has roomy figured out on paper how to make several hundred this summer? Among the disturbing elements in Ypsilanti, carnivals should be, noted. Profs are getting free meals now with the end of the semester near. Ask a Phi Beta Kappa to tell you about the Lusitania sinking. That eastern schedule looks weaker as it comes nearer. Thankful that Mr. Dodge is not in the Aggie line-up. ALBERT MANN, Successor to MANN & WALKER 1 213 S. Main Street Phone 876 al yam Burchfield & Co. Taxis 25c. Phone Starks Taxicab Cars by the hour, Baggage. 2255. 209 W. Huron. r "& If you want to be sure of getting the best results from your Swing-out films take them to Damnes & Nickels to be developed and printed. Call 1812-M. Cook's Taxi and Livery. If you wish to take the wind newly-filled sails. out of We can offer you the finest and best tailoring service to be had in the state, with no exception. Evening dress is our specialty. 4 .- Burchfield & Co. 106 E. HURON ST. 599 i Races Are Run and Won by those athletes who have acquired fleetness of limb, clearness of brain, keenness of eye, and sturdiness of body through a daily diet of Shredded Wheat This most nourishing food restores mental and physical strength and stamina, for it contains all the nutritive, tissue-building, health-foster- ing elements of whole wheat. It is most palate-satisfying and is unexcelled in digestibility. Ready to eat whenever desired with sugar and cream, preserved or fresh fruits, stewed prunes, etc. HATS on Zhe. "All the Meat ofthe Golden Wheat" Shop Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. U