THE~ MICHJGAN i AlILY . u....iras.r.awe+.i...rwwv.....ean . F., i k.;:. NEW LOCATION ring Suits, Overcoats is and Furnishings - ? Make yo In all the latest and up-to-date styles. kt o have a line of SHIRTS Come in and get one of v' make your kodak up-to- I NECK WEAR that corn- charge for aut ses all of the nobby ideas CALKIN'8 1 Our prices are reasonable 324 8. st for seasonable goods. Tad hams & Co's Corner 201-203 So. Plain St. tues & Mechanics Bank 9-1,05 South Main Street Individual Capital, $100,000 Custom Tailoring -Work started yesterday on the new Id prolits $75,000 dug-out for the Michigan baseball P a * $ That is correct men. Up to the present time the Var- in %tyle and fit sity players have been forced to sit exposed to the sun, while the visitors 'EWRITER The new fabrics for this have been housed in the ordinary R G A I N S season are here in large baseball players pit. With the com- have a few"Trial Machitesassortments. pletion of the Varsity dug-out Coach we offer at greatly reduced Lundgren's boys will enjoy the same n fe easiest of terms. Will C A L L E A R LY conditions while on the bench at home : to have you try them. as their opponents do. ent typewriters, too. F-. A. Plumb, manager of the Trus- [4TYPEWRITER CO. INC. A. F. Marquardt Con laboratories of Detroit, lectured CoHEN, Resident Salesman CampusTailor yesterday morning in the amphithe- 282 1314 So. University Avenue 516 E. William Street ater of the chemical building on, "The Waterproofing of Concrete Strue- tures." -Junior Research club will hold its 'L EE. regular monthly meeting in the min- eralogical laboratory. at 8:00 o'clock . ',tonight. Reports will'be made by C. D. Hocker, assistant in the chemistry 0-th h p department, and by J. W. Follin, as- C o hh P sistant in the engineering college. Prof. George Harrison Shull, re- TAILORS cently elected professor of botany at Princeton, is visiting his brother, Our cloth patterns are all specials. The woolen Prof. A. F. Shull, of the zoology de- house we represent has a monopoly on them. partment. -Mentor cards for the junior, sopho- OVERPLAIDS more and freshmen classes of the en- are amoing our specials. They are the real attraction this gineering college are being turned in year. An "overplaid" is two plaids crossing at right by instructors today. They will b-' angles, but much subdued so as to give a rich effect. distributed to the various mentors o- " morrow afternoon, and will be b wided OUR STYLES ARE EXCLUSIVE out to students Thursday r ,rning. - -Owing to the fact that a s onsider- able number of members - the G7; uate club will not be dle to attend the banquet planned for Friday night, the dinner has been postponed in- definitely. -Applications for admission to the combined literary-medical and liter- DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU ary-law course must be filed before May 1. The,-blanks may be secured e people of -Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- at the registrar's office. This provi- invited to call at the Exhibition Rooms of the COME sion applies only to those intending zT FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for themselves to enter on the combined course this lendid values offered in choice furniture at prices represent- year. a many instances, A SAVING OF ioo PER CENT, as -President Harry B. Hutchins will fred with prices usually charged. participate in the annual meeting and te Come-Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are par- banquet of the Cleveland Alumni asso- ly suitable for fraternity and club houses. We also design ciation of the University of Michigan, ake special furniture to order. which will be held at Cleveland ilders of new homes will find it to their advantage to em- May 14. he facilities afforded by our factory for the production of -Because of the Soph prom, which -in" furniture for Jibraries, dens, halls, dining-rooms and is scheduled,to be held May 7, in the Armory, the Wright Saxophone Party, ke Packard Street car to State Street and go one block south which was to have been held on the iree blocks west to factory of same night at the Union, has been VIE-PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY postponed until May 28. Corner Edwin and Divisiem Streets To Give Suffrage Talk in Harris Hall Miss Laura Grover Smith, of Los Angeles, will speak on "The Unintel- ALL-FRESH TENNIS TOURNAMENT ligent Position," in which she will give WILL BE FINISHED THIS WEEK her views on the woman suffrage ques- tion at 7;30 o'clock tonight in Harris Four matches are to be played in hall. The lecture is under the aus- the all-fresh tennis tournament today pices of the Ann Arbor Suffrage asso- providing the weather is favorable. ciation, and will be open to university Jnion rehearsal will be held The matches were arranged by lot and students and the public in general. lock tonight. Women meet those winning their matches today will f muic nd mn a the. .FRENCH INFLUENCE IN MOROCCO of music and men at the be the ones to enter into the semi- ional church. finals which will be run off tomorrow. SUBJECT OF ADDRESS SUNDAY it baseball practice at Ferry ,The matches as drawn were as fol- o'clock. os on s tcig odig Prof. A. de Lapradelle, of Paris, .lows:Coons vs. Stocking; Goodridge spoke in Alumni memorial hall yes- vs. Epstean; Stebbins vs. Sherwood; terday afternoon on, "La France au [It VISI'TS NAS.VILLE Steketee vs. SharteL.Maroc." Professor Lapradelle was for- The finals of this tourney will be mrya gn fteFec oen .C.A. Chiefs A ssail Lansing staged at 3:30 o'cl6ck on Thursday merly an agent of the French govern- on Deputation Trip afternoon between the winners of the me t in Morocco, and outlined the . Reimann, '17L, president semi-final matches. The next freshmen history of French .influence inthat iversity Y. M. C. A., went match will be with Albion College at national law In the University of Paris, lie Saturday where he ad- Albion on Saturday afternoon. and is making his first trip to this "Fathers and Sons" ban- boys of Nashville circula- "EFTIE" JAMES GIVES GRIDIRON country. tion which was signed by ASPIRANTS HEAVY WORKOUT: --- - 233 of them, and then sent ann urging him to come. "Eftie" James, veteran of the 1913 I Hear Y ou T. . A. also sent out a dep- and 1914 football teams, had charge of am to Lansing, composed the spring drill of the gridiron candi- -is the name of John McCormack's Lovejoy, '16, W. H. Tinker, dates yesterday. With Yost gone and will want this wonderful record of M Naglergrad The work Captain Cochran not out the big end Concert. If you buy yours now you g Tmarkably low price of one dollar make began on Thursday of last took command of the men who report- will deliver yours 'N extended over Sunday. Sev- ed and put them through several hours ' trips have been planned of hard work. Inasmuch as James is No. 64120 st of the semester, and offi- planning to enter the "big-league" >unced yesterday that new field next year as a regular coach this GRINNELL BROS. , are coming in. work is good training for him. EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT INTEND TO BUY Clothing, Hat ur Kodak raphi the new backs that will date. There is no extra ographic films. PHAR.MACY a.te Street or Furnishi Call and visit the most up-to-date and modern equipp establishment in Washtenaw County ""x," t Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (except Friday and Saturday) NEW LOCATION 322-324 S. Main St. NEW LOCATION NEXT TO ORPHEUM THEATRE 1 11 ill, 111 1111" low" Tuesday May 4-Francis X Bushman in "The Mongrel and Master." Wednesday, May 5- "Aurora Floyd," with Jrouise Vale. Friday, May 7-"The Still, Small Voice," Broadway star feature, with Helen Gard- ner. I Orpheum Theatre- The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Monday, May 3-Wallace Uddinger in "Gentlemen of Leisure," in five parts. Paramount. Tuesday, May 4 - Hall Caine's "The Christian," all-star cast, 8-part. Matin- ees 2 and 4, 15c. Evening, 6.45:8:45, 10:45. 25c. Wednesday, May 5-Anthony Novelli in "Savage and Tiger," 6 part, by George Kleine. Thurs -Fri., May 6.7-Kathleen Emerson in "Rule G." 5-part. Paramount. Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERKOONS 4:00:EVE. 8:15; 7:45; 9:15 Tuesday, May 4-"The White Mask," with Litle Leslie, 3-part feature. "The call of Her Child," i-part drama. Also i-part comedy. Wednesday, May 5-Robert Warwick in a 5-part Bradyfeature, "The Man Who Found Himself." Thursday, May 6-"Lifting the Ban of Coventry," 3-part feature with Lillian Walker. "Destiny Decides," 1-part dra- ma. "Her country Cousin," 1-pt com dy THE STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $125,000.00 Wn. J. Booth, Pres., WmArnold. Vice-Pres John C. Waltz. Cashier, R. A.Beal, Asst' Cash tr&lST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARDOR Capital - - $100.000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt .Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, E. D. Kinne.tHarrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. CAMPUS ELECTION PAY CAUSES UNION CONSTITUTION CHANGES Attention Seniors Now is the opportune time to be measured for Cap- an d NO DEPOSIT WITH MEASURE 711 N. VNIVERSITY r'1- ?i % L _ L - \ FASĀ§TEST FNGRAVEIRS IN THE WE T OXWOO D Low enough in front to be comfortable Yligh enou gh in back to be correct il stye. Afl RED-MAN COLLAR EARL &YWILSON MAKERS OF TROY'S BEST PRODUCT. I At a recent meeting of the board directors of the Michigan Union, was decided that a change would required in the constitution of the+ ganization, because of the Caml Election Day, and the resulting diff ent plan of election. The propo: alteration will be presented att mass meeting for the building fu campaign in Hill auditorium on WV nesday, May 12. Article 7, section 3, of the consti tion, now reads, "The elections of o cers shall be held in University hr or such place as the board of direct shall designate, on the third Satur in May. The polls shall be open fr 9-12 a. m." It is proposed to maket following changes: after the woi "Saturday in May" to add, "or such day as is fixed for the Camp Election Day;" and after the wo "9-12 a. m." to add, "or during wh ever time the polls of the Camp Election Day shall be open." Minnesota Club Holds Smoker Toni! Minnesota club will hold a smol at the Michigan Union at 7:00 o'clo tonight. Dr. H. H. Cummings has be secured as the principal speaker the program, while C. S. Lamb, '18,t ex-vaudeville comedian, will holdt floor for a short time, and T. Geor King, '15L, will make an address Swedish. Every "yahoo" from Mini sota is expected to attend, accordi to officials of the club. Calling Me" best record and our best seller. You dcCormack's after the May Festival i will not be disappointed. The re- es this record extremely popular. We 4OW. Phone 1707. of it be or- pus er- sed the and ed- tu- fifi- all, ors day om the rds - Going toWhit ore? Phone 4 Whitmnore Lake Exchange THE LAKE VIEW HOTEL Fish, Frog and Chicken Dinners BOATS AND GARAGE J. E. BURKE, Proprietor on pus rds kat- ut Wedding Gifts Choose your gift here and be assured kerof having an article that will be appropri- )ck en ate, tasty, and appreciated, on the SILVERWARE CUT GLASS the CHIME CLOCKS ART GOODS rge NOVELTY GOODS CHINA in n- We. choose our stock writh the knowledge of mng Lg experience. Every article packed in the Arnold Way - it pleases the bride. Arnold and Co., Jewelers 220 SO. MAIN ST. Arthur J. Abbott, '11L, Acting as Dean member of the law firm of Abbott Arthur J. Abbott, '09-'11L, has been Pearce, of that city, and he will appointed acting dean of Southwestern tinue to practice law, devoting pa: University Law School, which is lo- his time to both pursuits. He cated at Los Angeles. Mr. Abbott is a brother of Harold B. Abbott, '15A t. - $1.00 120-122 E. Liberty I I.