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May 02, 1915 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-05-02

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as the vast audience thronged out.
"How do they produce that flitting
misty figure seen now and then and
half guessed the rest of the time?"
But "how they do it" is one of the
secrets that makes this picture sQ
charming. "Hypocrites" will be in
Ann Arbor at the Majestic theater for
three days only, May 6, 7 and 8, mat-
inee and night.

from "Hypocrites," at the Majestic Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
May 6, 7 and 8.


1 Photo-Play Comes
his Week; Receives
Much Praise

Last of


ger Hebert, of the Majestic
, has at last secured one of the
great moving pictures of the
, "Hypocrites" written by Lois
and produced by that famous
nd producer Bosworth, of New
.ty. The prices at the Majestic
ee days to see this wonderful
, that was shown at the Long-
eater, New York, night after
'or $1.00 a seat, will be 10 and
s with the boxes at 20 cents.
the only time during the mov-
ure season that the prices will
ed. The raise in price is caus-
the great expense in bringing
nderful picture to Ann Arbor,'
en one stops to think that the
ork public paid $1.00 a seat
fter night for the same picture
* same people went time after
see it over again, the Ann
people are getting a great bar-
see the "Hypocrites" for 10
cents. The cost ofdbringing the
is so great that the manage-
)uld only get it for three days,
ot let those three days' go by
t seeing the great production.
What Ann Lisle Says
Lisle, the well-known writer,
New York Evening Journal,
to say about the "Hypocrites"
e had spent one evening at the
e theater, New York: "There
thing new under the sun and-
ome in the latest development
Eavorite movies."
S"Hypocrites," the new screen
Bosworth, Inc., at the Long-
eater, several new ideas are
ed. For the first time in the
picture the undraped human
s used, and for the first time
new realistic methods of the
theater are employed.
urtain rises on the setting that
its the pulpit of a church. At
r stands the minister with a
honesty and of longing to help
ld in his eyes, and beautiful
i the voice in which he exhortsM
gregation "Even so ye also7
ly appear righteous unto men,1
in ye are full of hypocrisy andl
Behind the altar is a great1
the moving clouds seen
it obscure the moon, and the

glorious simple outdoors is revealed.
Then the minister falls asleep and
dreams, and his dream had to do with
the hypocrisy of the world and the
elusiveness and beauty of the simple
Nonk Consecrates His Life
A monk of the olden times conse-
crates his whole life to a beautiful
work. He desires to hew out of mar-
ble a figure of Truth. When it is fin-
ished all the people gather while the
abbot unveils the monk's gift. There
on the pedestal stands the simple
white figure of Truth without a shred
of clothing-of hypocrisy or illusion
or pretense, of conventionality to
clothe her nakedness. The people
sneer at the monk's conception and
rush upon him and stone him to death.
There are only two whose spirits are
fine enough to permit them to look
upon this spirit of Truth and under-
stand it. They are a little child and
a beautiful nun, the secret of whose
life is her free gift of unasked love for
the monk. There is one other who
appreciates the beauty of the picture.
This is Magdalene who weeps for
what she has lost. She mourns with
the nun for the dead monk.
After 7,000 Years

Manager Hebert of the Majestic
theater has booked one of the greatest
photo-plays that was ever shown to
the American public. This picture is
called "Hypocrites." It has had one
of the longest runs at the Longacre
theater, New York city, of any picture
that was ever produced. This theater
was packed for months at $1.00 a seat.
At the Majestic theater the prices for
this engagement will be 10 and 15
cents, for three days only, May 6, 7
and 8. The cost to bring this picture
to Ann Arbor was so great, that the
management had to make a small ad-
vance in the price of seats, but at that
the Ann Arbor public is seeing the
same production that the New York
people paid $1.00 to see.
This picture has just, finished a
month's run at the Washington thea-
ter, Detroit, to the largest' crowds that
ever came into that theater. This is
what the Detroit Free Press said about
the "Hypocrites":
"It will be a blue moon, perhaps,
before Detroiters again see the equal
of the combination of artistic acting
and effective stagecraft in the film pro-
duction of "Hypocrites" the Bosworth
feature, which is continued for a sec-
ond week in the Washington theater.
In the symbolic creation of Gabriel,
the ascetic monk, Courtenay Foote,
brings forth a powerful lesson, depict-
ing the unwillingness of present da-y
well-to-do people to admit the propri-
ety of naked truth as shown in the
nude feminine figure carved in marble
by the truth-seeking monk.
Perhaps most powerful of all the
scenes is that in which Courtenay
Foote, as the Episcopal minister, fol-
lowing out the allegory of the truth-
seeking monk, preaching on "Hypoc-
risy", is found dead before the alter
zfter the service with a Sunday paper.
in his hands. It was that section of
the paper containing an article on the
famous French painting "Truth,"
which he had found one of the choir
boys reading."
Don't miss this great picture at the
Majestic theater, May 6, 7 and 8.
"Shadows of a Great City" at Majestic
A young ne'er-do-well, the son of a
wealthy merchant, falls in love with
the daughter of an inventor, who has
devoted the best years of his life to
perfecting the machinery of his em-
ployer's plants.
After an accident has caused the
death of the inventor, the merchant,
none too scrupulous, lays claim to an
unpatented invention. Not aware of
his father's act, 'the merchant's son
is courting the inventor's daughter-
but parental opposition is interposed.'
Proffering his son a half interest in
his business if he will renounce his
love for the girl, he is dumbfounded
when his son refuses and decides he
wants the girl more than the money.
Ordered from home, the son secures'
a job as stevedore on the docks. The
foreman takes a dislike to the boy and
tries to browbeat him. After a quarrel,
the boy accidently pushes the fore-
man into the river-runs away and
tells his sweetheart that he has com-

Seven thousand years drift by, and
over the bridge of time we see the
sculptor monk,. now the minister, in a
church of today. In his congregation
are the same people who stoned the
monk to death in the prologue. They
are bored or shocked or disgusted by
his fiery denunciation of hypocrisy and
his pleadings for Truth. Two under-
stand him-the nun who loved him in
a previous existence and who is a
choir-singer in this one, and Magda-
lene, still Magdalene after all the ages.
Left alone at the end of the church
service the minister finds a newspaper
one of the choir boys had been scorn-
fully reading while his pastor preach-
ed. In it he sees a picture of the
famous painting "The Truth."
A wonderful panorama follows, for
Truth carries with her the Mirror of
In it the minister sees politics and
society and even love stripped of hypo-
crisy and as they are. But nowhere
are he and Truth received.
Magnificently Worked Out
The whole conception is magnifi-
cently worked out, and is acted with
great cleverness by Courtenay Foote
as the Minister, and lovely Margaret
Edwards as Truth. The flitting figure
of unclothed Truth is beautiful and
like a fairy vision of white mist. The
picture leaves you with a disgust for
hypocrisy and vast admiration for the
beauty of 'Truth, both spiritually and

Lord dTeniysoi's.Famous Poem Will
Be Offered in Moving Pictures on
Tuesday, May .
Lord Tennyson's famous poem is the
basis fdr "Enoch Arden," a four-part
Mutual Masterpicture and the latest
issue in the series inaugurated by the
Mutual Film Corporation to meet the
public demnad for*"better motion pic-
tures." Lillian Gish heads the cast
and is ably supported by Alfred Paget
and Wallace Reid, who so often before
have played romantic leads with this
talented and beautiful young actress,
whose screen work, under the direc-
tion of D. W. Griffith, has won her a
nation wide reputation.
Tennyson's celebrated narrative poem
is one of the jewels of literature and
has remained through the years a thing
treasured and loved by young and old
alike. It loses none of its traditional
appeal by being incorporated in motion
pictures. This production, done by the
Majestic company under the superin-
tendence of William Christy Cabanne,
is adequate in all respects and makes
elaborate use of the wonderful outdoor
scenery the trend of the story lends
itself to.
Setting Close to North Sea.
The scenes are set, presumably, in
England in a village inhabited by fish-
er folk and close to the North sea, now
so much in the public eye due to the
submarine warfare at present menac-
ing British commerce. The time is 100
years ago.
In this village three children lived
and played, Philip Ray, Annie Lee
and Enoch Arden. Enoch Arden was
an orphan, and for this reason, as well
as others, he won a large measure of
feminine sympathy and interest.
Both boys loved little Annie, but she
favored neither while they were still
children together. Maturity, however,
brought to this lovely girl's attention
other claims and considerations. Like
a flame love rose' within her and stir-
red her mightily.
Enoch Arden Chosen.
Of her two devoted lovers in the end
she chose Enoch Arden. Philip was
grieved, but he mastered his disap-
pointment and remained the friend of
both Annie and her husband. When
children came he was godfather, to
them, and so the years passed.
When Enoch and Annie's eldest girl
['ad grown to be seven years old, Enoch
was hurt one day and incapacitated for
work. When he recovered all he could
find to do to support his family was a
job as a sailor on a vessel bound for a
distant port. After tender farewells
he sailed, little dreaming how long it
would be before he saw his wife and
children again. The years passed. Pa-
tiently Annie and the little ones await-
ed the husband and father's return un-
til so long a time had elapsed that they
began to think of him as dead.
Philip' meanwhile had been caring
for Annie and her children. But for
him they would have been destitute.
His love for Annie had not lessened,
and after Enoch Arden had been gone
10 years he renewed his suit. In the
end Annie married hrim.
Rescued at Last
All this time Enoch Arden had been
living, a helpless prisoner, on an un-
inhabited island the waves had car-

ried him to when his ship had been
wrecked. For him the years that in-
tervened between the wreck and his
rescue so affected him with hopeless-;
ness, that he could hardly believe his
eyes when finally the vessel that saved
him hove in sight on the far line of the9
horizon. How all these circumstances
tend to a superb photo-play climax is1
apparent to every devotee of the mov-3
I s, and the situations are handled with
delicacy, force and charm by Miss
Gish, Mr. Paget and Mr. Reid. "Enoch
Arden will be shown at the Majestic
theater on Tuesday, May 4.
Lillian Gish's golden hair floating
free in the ocean breezes, is but a touch
of human beauty added to the natural
beauty of the open air scenes running
all through the four-part Mutual Mas-
terpicture "Enoch Arden.'

Scene from "Hypocrites," at the

Majestic Thursday,.
6, 7 and 8.

Friday and Satu

May 6, 7 and 8, the Majestic theater
will have one of the greatest photo-
plays that was ever produced in this
country, "The Hypocrites." This won-
derful 'picture ran for months at the
Longacre theater, New York City, to
pacled houses and the seats sold for
$1.00. At the Majestic the prices
will be 10 and 15 cents. The
management had to raise the price of
the seats for this engagement because
of the great expense of bringing this
picture to Ann Arbor. This will be the
only time during the Moving Picture
Season that the prices at the Majestic
will be advanced.
Rev. Helvey Appleton, of Brooklyn,
N. Y., had this to say after seeing the
"I give it my unstinted approval, it
is a powerful lesson. I will recom-
mend it to my congregation next Sun-
Rev. Hugo Vianna, Barbadoes, B. W.
I., was much pleased with "Hypo-
crites," and sent the following letter:
"It is a greater moral lesson than any
stage document ever conceived."
This is what Inspector Dryer, N. Y.
city police department, said "Hypo-
Crites" is a clean, moral story. There
is not one single point to be excepted.
In the "Hypocrites" the new screen
play by Bosworth, Inc., at the Long-
acre theater, several new ideas are
developed. For the first time in the
moving picture the undraped human
figure is used, and for the first time all
the new realistic methods of the mod-
ern theater are employed.
".How do they do it?" asked every
one as the vast audience thronged
out. "How do they produce that flit-
ting misty figure seen now and then
and half guessed the rest of the time?"
But "how they do it" is one of the
secrets that makes this picture so
This picture will be in Ann Arbor at
the Majestic for three days only. May
6, 7 and 8, with a matinee and two
shows at night.
Cabanne Produced "Enoch Arden"
Lord Tennyson himself would have
been interested profoundly by the mo-
tion picture based on.his poem "Enoch
Arden." It is a four-part Mutual Mas-
terpicture, one of the series offered by
the Mutual Film Corporation to antici-
pate the public demand for "better mo-
tion pictures." All the care expended
by the great English poet on his pol-
ished verse has been duplicated by W.
Christy Cabanne in that kind of detail-
ed application that results in a great
It required wonderful acting faith-
fully to portray the emotions of 4 man
who comes home after 10 years' ab-
sence to find himself foreyer robbed of
love, his home, his family and then
does one of the bravest things recorded
in the annals of literature, But Alfred1
Paget as Enoch Arden has lived up to'
the full possibilities of an exacting#
role. "Enoch Arden" is a four-part
Mutual Masterpiece based on Tenny-1
son's famous poem.

A Much Married Pair
As far as the moving picture se
Is concerned, Wallace Reid seems I
a satellite of the adorable Lillian G
and they are seen together again in
four-part Mutual Masterpicture "E
Arden," a poem in pictures which
been founded on Lord Tennyson's
mous poem in words. Once more
sues successfully for Miss Gish's h;
though this time the exigencies of
story prevent her immediate ace
ance of this handsome lover, who
won and married her so many 't
that moving picture audiences w
not know quite what to make of
any other eventuation proceeded f
heir joint appearance. "Enoch Ar
will be shown this week at the Mi
tic theater on Tuesday. May 4.

Scene from "Hypo.
tic Thursday, Fr
May 6, 7, and 8.

Lillian Gishin "Enoch Arden"
Lillian' Gish, whose golden beau
has added distinction and charm
many a society drama shown in I
Mutual program, graces a part dec
edly in contrast to those she has
cently been so much associated w
when she appears as Annie Lee, i
heroine of "Enoch Arden," the fou
part Mutual Masterpicture based
Lord Tennyson's famous poem. T.
simple daughter of the fisher folk liv
in a village on the shore of the nor
sea. In this unadorned setting Mi
Gish remains as lovely as ever. ;I
trionically her performance measur
-up to the high standard established
D. W. Griffith. "Enoch Arden" will
shown at the Majestic theater on Tue
day, May 4.
Paget Plays Arden With Feelig
The pathetic spectacle of a maroon
man, the doubt of his own eyesig
when he sees a ship heading in to re
pue him and the tragedy of his retui
to a home, wife and children, barr
from him forever, is acted 'with 4 tr
feeling for the circumstances and th
effect upon a human being by A4fr
Paget, who plays the part of Eno
Arden in the four-par't Mutual Ma
terpicture of that name, which wv
be shown at the Majestic theater
Tuesday, May 4. Mr. Paget has do
some excellent work in Mutual play
but none surpassing his depiction
the unfortunate hero of Alfred Tent
son's famous poem,

figuratively speaking. mitted murder. Detectives pursuing
"How do they do it?" asked every him, arrest and bring him to head-
quarters where he is sentenced to
Blackwell's Island, a penal place out-
side New York. During his sojourn on
Blackwell's Island, he learns that the
man he is supposed to have murdered,
is alive, and enraged at the injustice
of his sentence, he breaks jail and
swims the icy waters of the dread
East River, chases through the crowd-
I ed East Side streets of the great city,
eludes his pursuers, takes a train at
the great Grand Central terminal,
rushes through the new Equitable
z building to the top of the Woolworth
building, the tallest in the world, dan-
- gles from this dizzy height on the pain-
" ter's rope. In the meantime his young
sweetheart is-well see it for yourself.
At the Majestic, Monday, May 3.

No more compelling emotional cli-
max has ever been devised than the
one Lord Tennyson availed himself of
i'n writing "Enoch Arden." It loses
none of its force when incorporated in
motion pictures. The four-part Mu-
tual Masterpicture is based on Tenny-
son's narrative poem. -

Wallace Reid as the disappointed
Philip, who proves himself "a man for
a' that" in "Enoch Arden," the four-
part Mutual Masterpicture based on
Tennyson's poem, does acting of a sort
to please his most ardent, admirers.

c Thursday, Friday and Saturday,

Scene from "Hypocrites," at the Majestic Thursday, Fr
May 6, 7 and 8.

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