THE~ MICHJGAN iAILY 1' . NEW LOCATION Spring Suits, Overcoats Hats and Furnishings In all the latest and up-to-date styles. t ~i '.7 'N , G b e We have a line of SHIRTS and NECK WEAR that com- prises all of the hobby ideas Make your Kodak Autographl'C Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra charge for autographic films. CALKIN'S PHARMACY 524 S. Sta-t. Street I EVEN THOUGh YOU DO NOT INTFNDTO BUY Cothiungsins all and visit the most up-to-date and modern equipped establishment in Washtenaw County a Our prices are reasonable for seasonable goods. Now U f Fo w. _____________________ iI Wadhams & Co's Corner, 201-203 So. (lain St. M The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street Individual Custom Tailoring Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits , . $75,000 That is correct in style and fit TYPEWRITER BARGAIN S We have a few Trial Machines which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms'. Will be glad to have you try them. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TVPEWRITI R CO. INc. A. H.COHEN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue The new fabrics for this season are here in large assortments. CALL EARLY SA. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street MYLES Cloth Shop TAILORS Our cloth patterns are all specials. The woolen house we represent has a monopoly on them. OVERPLAIDS are anong our specials. They are the real attraction this year. An "overplaid" is two plaids crossing at right angles, butiMuch subdued so as to give a rich effect. OUR STYLES ARE EXCLUSIVE DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOu The people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- dially invited to call at the Exhibition Rooms of the COME- PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for themselves the splendid values offered in choice furniture at prices represent- ing, in many instances, A SAVING OF ioo PER CENT, as compared with prices usually charged. The Come-Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are par- ticularly suitable for fraternity and club houses. We also design and make special furniture to order. Builders of new homes will find it to their advantage to em- ploy the facilities afforded by our factory for the production, of "built-in" furniture for libraries, dens, halls, dining-rooms and kitchens. Take Packard Street car to State Street and go one block south and three blocks west to factory of COME-PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY Corner Edwin an DivitIn Streeto -Freshmen engineers held their spring dancing party last night at Barbour gymnasium. The class orchestra fur- nished part of the music and novel dances were featured. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stevens. -Announcements of the courses to be offered in the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture during the year 1915- 16 are nearly completed, and will be ready for distribution within a few days. The announcements include all of the new courses to be added to the curriculum of the colleges next year. A revised register of alumni is includ- ed, as in former years. MAY SCHIEDUTLE ANOTHER GAME WITH KALAMAZOO NORMAL NINE Owing to the excellent showing made by the Kalamazoo aggregation in their contest against the Varsity last Wed- nesday, it is rumored that the Normal squad will be given another game. When asked about the matter last night, Athletic Director Bartelme re- fused to make any statement. The contest, according to the report which Mr. Bartelme refused to con- firm, would take place around the first of June. With Koob in the box against the Wolverines, Michigan would be assured of another tough battle, as the west-stater dbited a world of stuff against Varsity in the mid-week fra r.oob has been secured by Man- ;_ger Rickey for his St. Louis Amer- icans to report after the college year closes MICHIGAN TENNIS TEAMS PLAY TOLEDO CLUB AND SCOTT HIGH Michigan's tennis teams will monop- olize the courts of the Toledo Tennis club today, the All-Fresh being sched- uled to meet Scott high school of that city in the morning, while the Varsity plays 'its first match on the 1915 schedule with the Toledo Tennis club team in the afternoon. The make-up of the squad of six which will represent the Varsity in Toledo was decided yesterday after- noon in final trials. The four men nam- ed for the squad yesterday, Captain Reindel, Crawford, Mack, and Switzer, will go, while Eaton, who defeated Cohen in yesterday's trials, and Polas- ky, who bested Wright, will be the two additional members of the squad. 10 cents buys a pound of Dean's fresh roasted peanuts. 214 S. Main St. Crowds of students came last Satur- day to buy B. V. D.'s without the label. 50c. Davis, Main St. FOR RENT-Concert Grand Piano $5 per month; Ceceilian Piano player for sale with 30 rolls in fine shape. $40.00. $312 S. Division. Phone 212-J 149-156 WANTED--Four persons, teachers preferred, to do educational work in Kansas and Oklahdma during Sum- mer Vacation. Salary guaranteed. Call 359-M. 150, to 154 Temple Theatre ADMISSION5 o. (except Friday and Saturday) Saturday, May ist-Francis X. Bushman in "The Ambition of the Baron" Mary Pickford in "The One She Loved." Monday, May 3-"Following the Clue." Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Saturday, May i- George Loane Tucker in "She Stoops to Conquer," in 4 parts. Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 I 'Attention Seniors Now is the opportune time to be measured for NEW LOCATION 322-324 S. Main St. Caps and o wns NO DEPOSIT WITH MEASURE I N 11 Henry &Co. 711 N. UNIVERSITY I Saturday, mayz- Alice Joyce in "The Girl of the Music Hall," 3-part feature. "The Creed of the Clan," i-part drama. "Cupid's Column," i-part comedy. r I OXW OOD THE STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $125,00000 Wm. J. Booth, Pres., WmArnold, Vice-Pres John C. Waltz, Cashier, R. A.Beal, Asst' Cash FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARBOR Capital - $100,000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, B. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. LOST-Seven keyes on a ring in Ec. 101 or U. Hall or on campus. Find- er please phone 765-M. 149-50. NEW LOCATION NEXT TO ORPHEUM THEATRE Low enough in front to be comfortable H ighenough in back to be correct in sjy e. n RED-MAN CO LLAR EARL & WILSON MAKERS OF TROY'S BEST PRODUCT. IIIi JOURNAL BUIL DING DETROIT. MICHiIGAN A Ill II A f' S I ThE WEST 1 If i l ig,, , +.r r Going to Whitmore? Call 1812-A Cook Taxi Co. tf Phone 2255. STARKS TAXICAB LINE F. B. Sta"k, Prop. Touring cars by the hour, sight see- ing, limousines, baggage, etc. Taxi rates, 25 cents 209 West Huron Street Open day and night. KNITTED SPORT COATS For wear with Flannel and Serge Trousers. We have a large assort- ment of these garments for your ap- proval. Our price is right. Sc aing is believing: let us show you. TINKER & COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters ..342 S. Staten 10c rents a kodak today. Lyndon. They are always fresh. Dean's pea- nuts. 214 S. Main St. Everybody is learning that it is cheaper to trade at Davis, 119 S. Main. B. V. D.'s without label 50c. Sport shirts $1.00. When on Main St. don't forget Dean's peanuts. 214 S. Main. Phone 4 Whitmore Lake. Exchange THE LAKE VIEW HOTEL Fish, Frog and Chicken Dinners BOATS AND GARAGE J. E. BURKE, Proprietor . .... WAN= COMFORT Made-to-Order Glasses SOCKlNCHi4 TRADE MARK k . ,, ° ;I' _ We measure your eyes with= out ''Drops," Design, Fit and flake your glasses, all at one cost, with- out the inconvenience, delay, or annoy- ance of the old method of Having eyes tested with drops, and sending away for glasses. Everything right-and it saves time and money. IN THE CLASSROOM ON THE CAMPUS AT THE GAMES IN THE GYM AT THE HOP --Roll collar shirts for students $1.00. ST-Long amber hairpin with fil- Davis 119 S. Main St. gree top, Thursday. Finder please eturn to 714 E. University or phone Dean & Co. give you a pound of pea- 54-J.150 nuts for 10 cents. 214 S. Main S. They are Betting Even at Lloyd's that the war will end by Sept. ist. We'll bet you even that if u take .little fifteen dollar Emil H. Arnold Optometrist=9 ptician With Arnold & Co., Jewelers Victrola with you the next time your go canoe- ing, you'll show your girl the best time yet. Come down and look them over; it won't cost you a cent. III Al University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy. Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaeco. tt University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pna a f +,n. Rnnninstf l Drop in after the game or aftertpi lng tennis and try a 5e soda. Y Doren's Pharmacy, 70; Packard St. University Ave. Pharmacy Dr and toilet articles. Phone 416. GRINNELL BUO. 120-122 E. Liberty: