THE MICHIGAN DAILY /Your xein here has prov l, we hope, that you can put your trust in us, believe, in us, have conifi- dence in our 100 per cent. SATISFACTION GUARANTIE, 1 1915 Kodak Catalogs, showing the new models, received this morning One to you for the asking NEW MOD)ELS NOW ON' SALE Make Your Kodak Autographic with a Now Auto Back { To those who have Panama hats wich are of any value at all, the fol- lowing article, copied from "The Amuerican Hatter" of ,June, 1914, will be of interest.. "L ook out for the bootblack renovator. If anything more than another will succeed in giving the Pa iauma a black eye, and bring the seller into disrepute, it is this happy foreigner who, with a block, a brush, and a dollar's worth of acid, can ruin more good hats than ever were spoiled by wear and weather." We want you to feel that way; to pt the most liberal construction on it; to test our goods by wear,, and our guarantee by any=' thing you please. There are hundreds of University men wering'Ial- coim-made Clothes with entire~ satistaction. Why not you? I If NAE EXECUTIVE GOLF CO "MITTEE 6 Shirts to Order * Guess Suits for Rent J. ,K. MALCOLM resi fnt 'l i er (I'>'4a ls Met j for1 604 E. Liberty Malcolm Block MAJESTIC jTHE I& GGEsT as~nd BAST PHOTOPLAY S THURS. APRIL 29 SATAN SANBERSON Featuring Orrin Jobson- 5 parts and a good Comnedy FRI. APRIL 30 FOOL THERE WAS Cance'lled until a later date. Nearly all importers of Pa±nama hats have slips printed and placed in the hats which they sell to warn the public. These read as follows: "This hat is guaranteed to be a genuine Panama, but it is not indestructable. The wearer is cautioned against entrusting it to unskilled hands for cleaning and blocking, as the importers will assume noo responsibility for damage so' caused." We do only first-class work; whe use no acids whatever. We cannot, however, clean your hat while you wait, or do it in a dlay, we must have time. We therefore urge those who wish us to do their work to bring in their hat at once so we can have th em ready when wanted. May 15th is set as "Straw Hat Day." If you bring your hat in now we will Dave plenty of time to get it done in nice shape and have it ready when you want it. FAC TORY Af T STORE Near Allenel Hotel 118 E. Huron St. Made-*o'-You'r-'Me asure loekes KCUS~fSTYLES will alwaysJb BEN'S SfE ound here. jOur Prices and our Shoes are RIG 1 and WE FIT YOU RIGH1T Try us we save you money. 119 E. Liberty St. Rubber soled shoes re-soled as they should be _ ..r. S IL L 11))Ipo TOU'RNAMiENTS presidenlt W+ . .ofa er' 7 1the Uni- versitv, of Miehikau (colt club, has an- nnonced]As aJpointillnnt of1.11e ~execu- tive ('Ofllflitte ofthe rganiza.tion. 'fhie commnittee is ecu ilposed of: (Glean ?Io lao\Vian, '17r1, I dw ncmnt xviii be feuglit uttwe t1 motfor enechl :, ep resea ponin,, to lastya'swllaanb dry ided into txwo Btl us. i The Ann Alrbor Golf andt Outing. club, whopc;e links the university club wx'ill u.,e, a-gAinthis yea ,: a s ssoredt ht officer:- of the organti atio~n Vit the coursei will be xwell patrolled in order to ke off all "golf ,hobos." These consist usually of men, not memnbers of the club, xwho impinge uion tihe rights of the ink~is. interest in the sport has been raised( consid~eraly, by line-xx eat her o1 ie last tow das, a 11(1it is expected that thlere w«ill be many enthusiasts to ai eaSaurday for th'nain ut of the. clu's memt (,ibership iapplications. I)re2 viously, a limit hams Lbeen:i set as to the nnlael hat ightjoi1, slut. this yea r's agreemnt prov iiler fur atluntilil ied tnein herl"iip. c' vigcisdrto ttehands of the n omtinat ing committee. The ani- nouneelment O of 11he'men sel;te o ted 0i xviwil~emb e r in The 1110inaily eilter to- mnorrowvN or Saturday morning. IL A j C~ . ll, md l et us tell the rest. CAMUSBOOTFI"Y 308 S. State Street .TApICY. --. ,'= fi."Fl4I'GiAA "11 9:'l':-,i .T i ¢ eiltew Park cbool of fphitantbro le AN NOU NOES FOUR COLLEGIATE FELLOWSHIPS $800 EACH FOR TRAINING IN SOCIAL WORK To recent graduates o colleges in recognized stand ing Classes of 191 5, 1 914, 1913. These fellowships will be awarded to the two women and the two men, from among the eligible candidates, who write the best paper in the entrance ex- amination Saturday, May ms, and present in other ways evidence ofgenerai ability and aptitude for social work. Application shonid be filed by MAY I Address all inqutires to: EDWARD T. DEVINE, Director 105 E. 22d St. New York,. City , r ]~ . I JOURINAL BUILDING DETROIT, I CIGAN FA5 ST E', yi7AVEr S 114 T m,.V W ST FRANK-E .,FFEE AERICA'SGMEAT EST $1 ' if".l S ECIALIST MADE- SPECALSTSL .. Men's and Young. Men's Spring Suits fn newest models with dash andi snap o l clothing at higher prices. In vakie,?s that will astound you,, at $15.00. Specialization on this one price of clothing places me in position to beat all com- ,petition. I will leave It to you- ;come In and see the clothes, You wifll consider the 1,15.00 Invested Ywell placed indeed. ONE PRICE ONEPOiC TOTALS Hyamnes, sc Bauter, cf Gorbat, 2b H-Iutchins,1 \Valsh, c Mlclntosh, Krentler,1 Chilson, rf 1()'I, p .. . ..32 0 2 30 9 5 Western N oria Al R 1IP0 A E . ...,.4 04110 0 .4 0 0 2 0 0 .. . . ..3 0 0 1 1 0 lb ........4 0"012 0 1 .... ... 0 012 0 0 3b .......4 00 02 0 if.........3 00 00 0 . ....3 00 20 0 .. . . . . 2 0 0 0 2 0. w . . . . 30,.0 1 30 5 1. TODAY "(omc by 1Innings 12 345 67 8 910 W. Normal . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 _Michigan . .. .0 0 0 0 0 l} 0 0 0 0-0 Summaries: Struck out--by Sisler. 12 in 5 innings; by boob 12 in 10 in- nins; by Ferguson 6 in'S innings; hit by iteher-Kreutler by Sisler; left on bases-Michigan 2., Ka lamazoo 3; stol- en bases--Sisler l, Sacrifice hits- Maltby 1. SATAN SAN'DERSON WITH ORRIN JOHNSON F~romn the Novel by Halfite 1rminie Rives Come Once, Come Always, and See the Best and Biggest Photoplays Ladies Souvenir Matinee Friday Matinee, 3:00 P. M. Nights, 7:00 andx 8:30 a FOR Tennis Raoquets, Tennis Balls, Base Balls, Finger Mits, and Kodak Supplies - -OS--LL1bry t i TRY US-WE ARE THE ONLY Students' Supply Store i I11113 S. Univ. Ave. Phone 11806OR wwmmww smomm"Nom V