I THE DAILY FOR BALA4NCE: OF THE YEAR MAILED 74LOCAL The Michigan Daily I SUBSCRIBE I 1NOW N1AILED 75c LOC Vol. XXV, 148. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1915. PRICE FIVE CE HOLD MICHIGAN TO Kalamazoo Normal Plays Varsity in 10 Inning Tie Contest in Which Sisler Stars in Box WOLVERINES GARNER ONLY TWO SAFETIES OFF KOOB'S DELIVERY Ferguson Replaces Sisler in Sixth and Pitehes Air-Tight Ball Kalamazoo .held Michigan to a score- less tie game which went 10 innings yestet'day afternoon, the only shade the Wolverines had on the Western Normal team being in the hitting and strike out totals.Sisler managed to gar- ner two hits off his opponent in. the box, and these two represent the Michigan total in the record of hits. In five innings Sisler struck out 12 of the 15 men who faced him, as many as Koob whiffed in the full game. In the other five rounds, Ferguson, who has been reported as an invalid, came .back and struck out six of the Nor- mal boys. When George Sisler made his first' appeafance in the box the crowd greet-' ed the leader of last year's nine with cheer after cheer. He immediately pro- ceded to show his appreciation of the ovation by pitching nine strikes to the first three men who faced him, retir- ing the side without so much as a hit ball, one foul being all that the Nor- mal men could find him for. In the next four innings the Kala- mazoo men could only make three in- field outs, and Sisler retired nine of the men who faced him by the strike out method. In the five innings dur- ing his stay in the box, only one of his opponents reached first. Walsh was hit by a pitched ball, and when he stole second the next man up was struck out, and the side retired. Michigan was finding the.delivery of Koob for frequent infield taps at the ball, but none of the efforts resulted in any Wolverine arriving 'afely on first. In the first of the sixth, Sisler took Anderson's place in left field, and of the year on the mound. Two out- field flies, and aball to Maltby retired the Normals. Ferguson reached first in the last of the sixth with two out, and died when Sheehy was whiffed by Koob. Walsh, of the Kalamazoo nine, drew a base on balls frqm "Fergie" in the next, and reached second when Bran- dell dropped a peg from Maltby which would have retired the runner. The next man flied to Sheehy, and Michi- gan went to bat. With his. change from the mound to the field, Sisler found his batting eye, and registered the first hit -of the day for either side by beating out an infield ball. There were two down however, and Brandell was unable to help the runner who was left on bases. Hyames opened the ninth for the Kalamazoo boys with their only hit, advancing to second on Ferguson's wild throw. Baxter sent him to third. With one down, Hyames tried to steal home, but Michigan outguessed the runner, and Benton tagged him out when Ferguson threw wide of the plate to avoid a squeeze play. Sisler made his second hit, the third of the day, easily reach- ing first on a hot hit ball down the third base line. The ex- (Continued on page 6.) DISCUSS llABIT-FORMING DRUGS Gthe Address in Chemistry Building This Afternoon "The Regulation of Habit-forming Drugs," will be the topic for lecture and discussion by A. L. Buzzell and Harry B. Mason, associate editor and editor, respectively, of the Bulletin of Pharmacy, at a meeting to be held this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in room 165 of the chemistry building. According to Dean J. 0. Schlotter- beck, of the College of Pharmacy, both of these men have made an exhaustive study of the subject and are recog- nized authorities. While the address is intended primarily for. students and practitioners of pharmacy, medi- cine and dentistry, the public is invit- ed to attend. The lecture will have particular reference to the use of mor- phine and cocaine as habit forming drugs. MINSTRELS PUT ON DEAN V.CVAUGH NaIKELSEkRETURN SEVERALNUMBER GiVENHIGHHNOR Pref. Francis Kelsey, of the col- WT TIN~CS HIGH H '1 ~lege of literature, who Was sent to WIHEU NG I Italy early in February by the univer- STODAY Schradzki and Scanlon to Feature in Elected Member of National Academy sity, returned to Ann Arbor yesterday. Cercle Francais Presents "La Poudre T YCross-Fire of Wit and of Science in Recognition of Professor Kelsey had secured a return aux Yeux," at 8:1 O'clock Senior engineers hold "Shirt Waist" Humor Research Work passage for April 2, but was delayed Tonight at Whitney party, at Union, 9:00 o'clock. two weeks on account of the war. Theater Classical club meets in room A, Mem- REPORT GOOD SALE OF TICKETS PROF. A. GOMBERG ALSO MEMBER Shortly after the University of orial hall, 4:00 o'clock. Michigan was notified that a large por- SCENE LAID IN FRANCE; TITLE Rehearsals of the Boat club min- As a recognition of his scientific re- tion of the library of the late Thomas SIGNIFIES "DUST IN THE EYES" Cercle Francais play at Whitney thea- strel show billed for 8:00 o'clock to- search work, Dean V. C. Vaughan, of Jerome, 84, who died in Capor, Italy, rkmorrow night at Hill auditorium, are the Medical School, and president of recently, had been bequeathed to it, Short Skit Given by Ruth Crandall Senior engineer's hold class meeting Professor Kelsey was chosen as the and R. Parker, to Precede in room 411 engineering buildclaing ong material improvement every the American Medical association, has official representative and was sent to Larger One 4:30 o'clock.. day, and large returns from the first been elected to the National Academy Italy in the interests of the universi- day of ticket canvassing are encour- of Science. Notification of his elec- ty. Following the final dress rehear TOMORROW aging the managers of the perform- tion to this organization, which is com- Unofficial reports give it that the of the cast this afternoon, the ninth "Cotton Ball" dance at Union, 9:30 university will receive an addition of Ct B aU n : ante.posedof the leading scientists of the2. annual play of Cercle Francais, "La o'clock. Members of the Harmony quartet, country, was received by Dr. Vaughan that if certain other bequests have Poudre aux Yeux," will be ready for Union minstrel show in Hill auditori- which is ranked by many as superior to several days ago. been officially transferred, a residue presentation at 8:15 o'clock tonight at urn, 8:00 o'clock. the popular favorites, the Ragpickers' This is the greatest honor that is of the state will be used to establish the Whitney theater. The production and -the Varsity quartets, will sing accorded a scientist in the. United an endowment fund for a historical has been in the course of preparation Frank Bright speaks on "What I Ex- numerous song hits. Practice has States, and has only been given to one lectureship, in which the university for over two months, and according to pect from a Cub," in room 203 Uni- shown up the brilliant cross-fire of other Michigan professor, Prof. Moses will participate. Director H. V. Wann, of the Cercle, versity hall, 4:00 o'clock. wit between Harold Schardzki, '15L, Gomberg, of the chemistry depart- all is in readiness for the performance. and Leroy Scanlon, '16L, who will act ment, being elected to the body last The action of the play center' as end men, with H. L. Nutting, '15L, year, in recognition of his work in around four leading characters, M. and CUacting as interlocutor. Otto Wismer, organic chemistry. Mme. Malingear and M. and Mme.Rat 15L, and Henry Meade, '15L, another inois. These main roles are support- set of end men, are also working up FINISH ARRANGEMENT FOR LAST 1ed in turn by Emmeline; daughter of new bits of humor. COSMOPOLITAN ENTERTAINMENt ET. the Malingears, Frddric, son of the with corked faces, with wigs, evening Nearly Every Foreign Nationality on Ratinois. The parts of Mme. Malin- dress and white gloves, with the ex- Campus Will Have Share Have Largest Number of Varsity Men gear and Mme. Ratinois are carried Meet at 4:00 O'clock This Afternoon ception of Nutting, Schradzki and in Program Entered, and Should Prove by Lucie Buchler, grad, and Alice' to Receive Necessary Scanlon who will make their bow in . Winners . Taylor, '15, respectively, and the roles Pointers Palm Beach suits minus the blacked Plans have been completed for the of M. Malingear and M. Ratinois are faces. George McClure, '15, has been final Cosmopolitan club entertainment QUARTER MILE WILL FEATURE portrayed by Lloyd Curby, '17L, and PLAN ANNUAL PLAY IN FALL developing surprising interpretations of the year to be given at 7:30 o'clock Manuel del Valle, '16E. Adele Cran- of "Ballin' the Jack," and Abraham Saturday evening in Newberry hall. Although the 10 inning fray with dall, '17, carries the part of Emmeline, All students, both men and women, Hart, '17, "the human canary," is pre- Nearly every foreign nation repre- the youths from the Celery city over and harry B. Corwin, '17L, has the who desire membership in the Comedy paring amazing trills and calls. sented on the campus will have a share on the baseball diamond, caused track part of Frderic Ratinois, playing op- club will meet with the tryout com- Large returns have already been in the program, which will be in the ,activities to terminate early, a big posite to Miss Crandall, as Emmeline's turned in from the pasteboard can- nature of continuous vaudeville, in- suitor. Walter Atlas, '18, portrays the mittee of the club this afternoon at vass which opened after a smoker troducing stunts, musical numbers, of candidates were workingseventh part, that of Uncle Robert, a 4:00 o'clock in the Cercle Francais Tuesday night, and was carried on act- and athletic exhibitions. The program out for the Varsity meet. From the wood dealer. rooms in University hall, to receive ively at the Varsity-Normal struggle will be as diversified as that which advance dope, the sophs look like The remainder of the cast is as fol- instructions pertaining to the first real yesterday afternoon. Tables will be wings around the professional cir- slight favorites, as they have the big- lows set out in front of the library and at cult. Un Tapissier...Jacob Braude, '18 tryout which is to be held in about other advantageous points on the cam- E. R. Theis, '16, and J. N. Nichols, gest number of Varsity athletes.Maitred'Ha olla Carpenter17 two weeks. Freshmen are eligible for pus for extending the sales today. '18, will tage the fencing contest. H. One of the feature events of next Alexandrine, a maid . .Vena Marsh, '17 the competition. There are at present Unofficial returns from the work W. Dunlop, '15D, will give an exhibi- Saturday's meet, should be the quar- Josephine, a maid............. about 35 members of the club and among the university women, which tion of Indian club swinging. H. M. ter mile race. The three leading Var- ............Beatrice Lambrecht, '16 about a dozen more will be chosen at Margaret Long, '17, is handling, sudi- Domboorajian, '16M, will demonstrate sity candidates, Max Robinson, Hunt- Sophie, a cook...... . .. . .... the first tryout. Previous experience cate considerable returns. the charms of Armenian folk music,.... . ..,., . .Dora Von Walthausen,1'_ _____________________ ~~~ington and Fontana are about as even-......Dr o atasn 1 in the dramatic line is not necessary while W. C. Achi, '17L, will render sev- Un Chasseur ....Donald McIntyre, '17 for the competitlofi and anyone in- CONDITION LITTLE CHANGED OF eral Hawaiian numbers accompanied ly matched as three individuals can Un Petit Negre. .Chester Fordney, '15E terested may tryout. At a meeting CHENOT, '16, ILL IN DETROIT by W. F. Crockett, '16, on the eukelele. be, and in the impromptu races that Most of the members of 'the cast today, instructions will be given and C. A. Mooney, '16M, will give a recita- the coach has staged, first one then have had some connection with actual parts will also be assigned which must Doctors Make No Statement; Report tion from R. W. Service, the poet of another flashes across the finish stripe French life, and are expected to give be learned for the first tryout. Any- Says That Operation May the Alaskan wilds. Harry Welton, '18E, a real foreign touch to the first pre- one chosen this year will be eligible Be Attempted has beentengaged as accompanist. The in the lead. "Al" Robinson, the fresh- sentation of the French club in a for a part in the scenario, which will entire program is in charge of Wil- man crack, is also entered in the 440- number of years in which a native probably be produced some time this Little change was reported last night Liam Robertson, '16D, and Otto Kreus- yard run, and rumors say that "Rob- born Frenchman has not held the cen- spring. in the condition of James Chenot, '16, er, '17. All Cosmopolitan club mem- by" ran around 49 seconds while in tral role. If present plans of the club are ful- of Detroit, who has been confined in hers, their friends and members of prep school. In all events he's a pret- The two leading male -parts, those filled, the annual play usually given Grace hospital in that city for a week the faculty are invited to attend this ty fleet proposition, whatever the dis- of Malingear, a doctor with a generous by the club in the spring will be given with a leak in the side of his heart. final entertainment of the year. tance may be up to a quarter of a inherited income and no practice, and in the fall this year. If this is done, Hospital authorities said early this mile, and he will have his first out- Ratinois, a confectioner who has re- competition with the opera will not morning that he had been slightly' CARRIES OUT ARBOR DAY WORK door test at Michigan next Saturday. tired with a competence, are the fig- have to be maintained. Those eligible worse during the 24 hours preceding. Hardell,; Kruger, Stevenson, Snyder ures on which the story of the play is now, will not be replaced in the fall The patient's physicians made no University, by Planting Shrubs, Acts and Scofield will start in the quarter built. Their wives are shrewd and on account of poor scholastic work. statement yesterday as to which way with 'Ferris' Proclamation - making a big field, and a race that economical types of the upper French This plan is in vogue in many of the the case might trn. Whether the university authorities should be fast and hotly contested all bourgeoisie. The confectioner has a eastern coleges and after the big play Reports from Detroit yesterday said are aware of it or not, they are by the way. son and the doctor a daughter, who is given in the fall, numerous small- that the hope of attempting a second their planting of the various shrubs The coach stated last night that Uf- have met and loved. The parents, in er ones will be given during the year operation on the patient's heart was about the campus, working in full ac- er and Fox would probably start the an effort to promote the match, are to give all members of the club a being revived, since his vitality had cord with the Arbor and Bird Day 880, although he wasn't sure. Shad- so bent on seeming more aristocratic chance to display their ability, succeeded in keeping him alive for so proclamation recently issued by Gov- ford, Matteson and Wolf will also than they really are, that each couple According to a new system invoked long a period. ernor Woodbridge N. Ferris, of this compete in the half mile. in turn dazzles the other, while they by the club some time ago, the play state. The proclamation is issued an- Lapsley may run the dashes, if he is both strain their purses to present a for next year will be chosen before the PROF. FRIDAY WRITES NEW TEXT nually and provides for the keeping up back in condition by the end of the display of opulence. When each fam- close of college this year. Parts will ON, PROBLEMS IN ACCOUNTING of a custom instituted 25 years ago by week. This would mean Captain ily has promised to give the young be assigned members of the club to Governor Morton of Nebraska, where- Smith, O'Brien, Al Robinson, Scofield, couple more than either can possibly, learn during vacation and when Prof. David Friday, of the economics by the bird and tree life of this state Kretzschmar, Davis, Page and Laps- afford, both determine to break the school opens in the fall, the first try- department, has just received from is fostered and cared for. ley, if the colored youth is in condi- match by outbidding the other in ex- outs for the play will be held. This the press his new book on accounting Governor Ferris brings out the ad- tion. travagant promises. This effort to will give members of the club ample which will be used in all accounting vantages of cultivating the growth of The two-mile event will probably blind each other, to cast, as the time to learn their parts. classes. This book, "Problems in Ac- beautiful birds and trees because they see five starters at least, as Donnelly, French say, "the dust in the eyes," is counting," is the third in the "Michi- call forth in people the noblest emo- Kuivinan, Watt, Walters and Trefla brought to a sudden close, by the ad- BUSRAH PROJECT FALLS SHORT gan Text in Economics" series. tions. He says in part, "Farms with- are almost sure to compete. vent of a bluff, burly uncle, who bursts BY $950 OF PROPOSED BUDGET Like Prof. F. M. Taylor's "Principles out trees, schoolyards without trees, Catlett, Corbin, Crumpacker, Wick- the bubbles of their contentions, and of Economics, "Prof. W. H. Hamilton's homes without trees, roadsides with- ersham, Dunlap and Fischer will run unites the lovers on a common-sense According to reports issued by the "Readings in Current Economic Prob- out trees are desolate and unfriendly. the hurdles, provided that all of the basis. university Y. M. C. A. last night, $2,750 lems," and Prof. G. W. Dowrie's "Syl- Plant a Tree......Therefore I request gentlemen in question are in shape. Preceding the play, a shorter skit, have been subscribed to date in sup- labus," this new book is published by that this day be observed by all Wilson will have a big field against "Il Faut qu'une Porte Soit Ouverte ou port of the Busrah project. This sum the university without any pecuniary schools, public and private, and other him in the pole vault, as Chatfield, Ferme," will be given by Ruth Cran- is about $950 short of the budget of profit to either the author or the uni- educational institutions, for the beau- Cross, Kesslar, Livingston, Scott and dall, '15, and Rodney Parker, '16. The the mission which was placed at $3,718 versity. Any surplus that may emerge tifying of school grounds and parks, Goodspeed will be on hand. The shot story of the piece deals with the strat- for this year. is to go into a departmental printing and by conducting suitable exercises put will see Cross, Bastian, Phelps, egy of a woman in attempting to force There are still some reports to be fund to be used for the revision and for promoting the spirit of protection Leach, Pat Spith, Walls and Johnson a bashful lover to propose marriage or received from fraternities and sorori- expansion of these texts and for the of trees and birds." in action, while the majority of this show why he does not. ties where the matter was to come up printing of other class helps. The date set for the observance is number plus De Gowin will compete Seats for tonight's play will be on in chapter meetings, and there are ex- May 7, and school children all over the in the hammer throw. sale from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock this af- pectations of receiving several large IRONWOOD MOUNTAIN CLUB TO state will enter into various special! Waterbury, Corbin, Davis, McCabe, ternoon at the box office of the Whit- sums from alumni who have manifest- MEET SATURDAY, 7:30 O'CLOCK celebrations. Barry, Dunlap, Simmons and Persch- ney theater and again tonight before ed an interest in the project in former backer will do the high jumping, while the show. years. Maurice Lieberthal, '16, and Harry Prof. Adams to Attend Inauguration' Ferris, Leslie, Thurston, Begeman, Pledges are stilt being received at Lundgren, '16, will give instrumental Prof. H. C. Adams, of the economics ,Mettie and "Al" Robinson will com- Dean Bates. Takes Plans to New York the association offices, more than $200 selections, Leonard Thalnard,-'17, Ar- department, will attend,as the repre- pete in the broad jump. Proposed plans for the new Michi- having been turned in since Monday. vid Erickson, '16, and Charles Ander- sentative of the university, the inau- The entries in the mile are some- gan Union home were taken to New A number of the men and women on son, '16, will give readings at the guration of Prof. F. J. Goodnow as what uncertain, but a majority of the York City yesterday by Dean H. M. the canvassing committee are still meeting of the Ironwood Mountain president of Johns Hopkins University, j following list will probably start: Car- Bates, of the Law School, H. E. working, and the executive secretary club at 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening. on May 20. On the following day, the roll, Donnelly, Grauman, Galloway, Bodman, of Detroit, accompanied Dean of the campaign, P. C. Lovejoy, '16, Harold Walples, '16, and N 0. Nich- new academic buildings for Johns Cherry, Dennee, Fishleigh and Davis. Bates. They will consult with Cass will be at the "Y" offices every after- olson, grad., will talk. A banquet, at Hopkins will be dedicated, and Profes- Anyone is eligible, and Farrell is Gilbert, and with Goodhue and Cram, noon this week to receive any delin- which several faculty men will be sor Adams will read the dedication ad- anxious to have as big a field as pos- ill three of whom are prominent ar- quent reports of canvassers. present, is being planned by the club, dress. sible in each event. chitects of New York City,