TA~B MICHIGAN: 2AIL Y _ __ - - -- - I__ .I .i MEN who select their attire with punctilious care, with an eye for exclusiveness and individuality as well as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of* all that is new in Stein- Bloch Smart Clothes, Hats and Haber- dashery for warm weather-a comprehensive assortment to meet every need for town or city wear, for sport, vacation, travel or every day. The little subtleties of style presented in our apparel will be valued by those wo avoid the commonplace. CAMPUS COATS, all colors - $8.50 STRAW HATS, - - - $1.00 to $4,00 PANAMAS, - - - $5.00- to $10.00 LIGHT SERGE TROUSERS, - - $4,00 to $6.00 Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear in a very large variety of approved styles Reule, Conlin, Fiegel ( I READY AT YOUR SERVICE E Correct Spring Attire for M Suits Balmacaans Topcoats Raincoats $15 to $30 $12 to $25 . $8 to $20 . $8to $18 'I Lindenschmitt, Apel & Co. PLANS TO CURTAIL Committee Puts Ban on Large Number of Annual Honors Given Out SMITH SAYS ONLY WORK COUNTSI . F. HOPPE Photographer Of Portraits and Commer- cial Work Our Motto: "PROMPTNESS" Fine Spring Haberdashery Headquarters--r Manhattan Shirts, $1.50 to $4 Perrin's Spring Gloves. Beautiful Spring Neckwear The World's Best Underwear Hosiery and other Quality Fixings DIE! ERLE AND TAILORS RUN DELL The Big Store 200-202 South Main NINT'-FOUR WUST FORT STRUET DETROIT, MICH. FORMIERY WM. A. DIETERT.$ SPRING ORDERS TAKEN NO W V 1 ON THE WAY TO THE BANK DON'T FORGET DEAN'SFR E S DEAN SROASTED PEANUTS 1e POUND 124 S. MAIN ST. THEY SATIFY THAT EMPTY FEELING 'S." N ti FnI.k j dAIE IGUTC , _ .7 ,i r > . ' a ' ' O : s ~ - ,4. ' __ 1 ' , : _ a General campus opinion, it is be- lieved, will support the committee re- cently appointed by the board of direc- tors of the athletic association, in iuz proposed plan to curtail the number of class numerals awarded annually. With one or two exceptions, the lead- ers in campus activities are in favor of giving many less insignia than the number now awarded to the class' athletes. One of the men approached cited 'the case of a junior lit, who finished a bad third in a race in which only three were entered, but who received numerals for his efforts. The speaker stated that several occasions have arisen in which men could gain their right to wear the class insignia by merely appearing on the track. One of the relay teams won their numerals last season without having to run a' single race, all the other teams in their department failing even to organize teams. "I think that too many teams are given numerals," said Intramural Di- rector Rowe yesterday, "while too few men on each leading team are given the insignia. In my opinion, numerals should be awarded upon a sliding scale, depending first on the number of men engaged in competion, second,' the number of teams and third, the length of the season. More men who place on leading teams in a sport in which several hundred engage, and which lasts several weeks, should be awarded numerals, rather than on teams which engage in a sport which lasts only two weeks, and draws only a few men to compete. This has not been true in the past." "Too many numerals are awarded to men who do not earn them." said Varsity Track Captain Smith. "They should be givenonlyto men who have had to work for them, and have earned them in actual competition." The committee from the board of directors of the athletic association, consisting of Varsity Track Manager Emmett F. Connelly and Phillip Mid- dleditch, secretary of the athletic asso- ciation, will meet with Director Rowe this afternoon, and it is likely that a new plan for the awarding of the insig- nia will be presented to the board of directors at the next meeting. Temple Theatre ADMISSION 5o. (except Friday and Saturday) Our patrons' interest carefully considered. Our best refeirence is those who have dealt with us. Our success indicates our ability to please. If you have failed to get satis- faction elsewhere give us a trial. We will please you Monday-"Jared Fairfax's Millions." Tuesday-"In the Shadow of the Har- bor," with Edna Payne. Wednesday - "Colombia," Gretchen Hartman. Frday-"O'Garry of the Royal Mount- ed.' Saturday-"The Ambitious Baron" with Francis X: Bushman. I I I e "" I Look at our Show Windows for I DIAMOND MOUNTINGS I STONE SETTINC I . 11 I FINE REPAIRING OF JEWELRY Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. April 2627, Mon: Tucs-W. H. Crane in "David Harfum." 5 parts, April 23, Wed.-Katherine Kaelred in "Your Girl and Mine," in 5 parts. Price 15 cents. April 29-3o.,Thurs.Fri.-Winifred Kingc- ton in "The Love Route." 4 parts. HALLER JEWELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS __ .p_ CANDY SPECIALTIES Every day in the week. THE SUGARBOWL 104 S. Main St. I Attention SeniorS, Now is the opportune time to be measured for Arcade Theatre Men of Fashion Smoke "Bull" Durham After a big night at the opera, men who subscribe to Loxeis for the season-masters of the fine art of enjoyncnt-relish fresh, delicious cigarettes of "Bull" Durham tobacco while waiting for their limousines. Theirs are the strong, active hands of self-achieve- ment-capable of controlling the destinies of an industry, or of "rolling their own" "Bull" Durham cigarettes with equal success. GENUINE U LL DUR A SMOKING TOBACCO Cigarettes rolled with this pure, mild, sun-mellow- ed tobacco are supremely gratifying to the trained smoke taste-their freshness, Ask for FREE smoothness and distinctive, with each 5ceach. uinque fragrance, delightful be- yond comparison. That is why connoisseurs throughout the world prefer to "roll their own" cigarettes with "Bull" Durham. DURH AM SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 6:15; 1:45; 9:15 Wednesday, April 28-Vivian Martin in "The Arrival of Perpetua," 5-pt.World Film. Special matinee at 2:30. Thursday, April 29-"The Millionaire's Hundred Dollar Bill," with Leah Baird, 2-part drama. "A Foothill Problem," i-part drama. Also a a- part comedy and a i-part drama. Friday, April 30-Robert Edeson in "The Girl I Left behind Me," 5-Part Fox fea- ture. extra matinee at 2:3o.. I I Men's Spring Hats EVERYTHING THE LATEST In Hats for Spring STYLE Is Our Motto G.t Your Hat Today I -ACTO Y H ew.AT.ST ORE 118 E. Hlzrorn St. ar. Allenel hotel W.W. MANN,Prop and * Gowns NO DEPOSIT WITH MEASURE Henry&Co 711 N. VNIVERSITY It is not Necessary . . Webster Society Holds Diner at Union Prof. R. L. Bunker acted as toast- master for the banquet of the Webster debating society, held at the Union last night. The following responded to toasts: A. J. Mickelson, '16L, C. M. Van Benschoten, '15L, George Claassen, '17L, J. H. Collier, '15L, and H. D. Oppenheimer, '16L. .R. Macdonald, an honorary member of the club, played several solos. To send away for your Canned Goods. and we make the Price. We guarantee price will interest you. We have the Goods the quality, and our Phone 2255. STARKS TAXICAB LINE F. B. Stark, Prop. Touring cars by the hour, sight see- ing, limousines, baggage, etc. Taxi rates, 25 cents 209 West Huron Street Open day and night. Our Gallon Catsup at 60c per allon Made from wholesome ripe tomatoes. It's a winner. KYER WH.TKER Phones 326-327-229L 114-11b E. Washington St. EE An Illustrated Booklet, F E showing correct way to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and a package of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in U. S. on request. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C Room 1400. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Music Sounds Great on the Water t$15, buys a Victrola which you can easily carry with you when you go canoeing. Between times you can enjoy it in your own room. We make terms to suit the buyer. GRINNEL L BROS. 120-122 E. LIBERTY ST. Canoes by the nour and storage for private canoes. P. G. Tessmer. University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf FOR SALE-Up-to-date white enamel Harvard Dental chair; new Webber cuspidor, not been used one month; vulcanizer, flasks and other small in struments. Will sell very cht Mrs. E. B. Stafford, 17 E. Maple enue, Adrian, Mich. 146 WANTED-Tvo young women to sist in Delineator campaign. W may be conducted entirely at ho See Mrs. Benedict at the pati counter, Mack & Co. I We havy six new Morris canoes for sale. U. of M. Boat Livery. Phone 65b. Dancing classes and private lessons at the Packard Academy. Phone 1850-M. Confectionary,cigars and soft drinks and canoes for the Lakeland and Ypsi- lanti trips. Y. G. Tessmer. A strictly high grade Paint for boat. Also recommended for automobile bodies, carriages, set- tees, lawn swings, chairs, bench- es, or any article exposed to the weather. Made in all the leading colors-non-fading. Manufacturing the paint ourselves enables us to use the very best materials money can buy. C. H MAJOR & CO. 203 East Washington Street PHONE 237 University Ave. Pharmacy Drugs I2 and toilet articles. Phone 416. t ..-_.