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April 28, 1915 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-04-28

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Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
I have been asked to give my im-
pression of the honor system as it is
working at Princeton. From my ex-
perience there, both as a student and
as a member of the teaching staff, I
can most heartily attest to its value
in 4iminating the use of the unfair
means in the written work of the uni-
versity in tending toward the building
up of men of character as well as men
of knowledge.
In general outline the organization
is similar to that in the plan proposed
in the last issue of the Michigan Tech-
nic. The vital thing is not, however,
the method of organization, but rather
the spirit instilled into the student
body. The keystone of the Princeton
honpr system is the pledge, buttressed
as it is by the sincere regard each in-
dividual student learns to have for
his plighted word, and his equally
sincere contempt for any man who is
willing to endanger the system by vio-
lating his pledge.
The pledge which the student body
requires at the end of each examina-
tion or written test is as follows: "I
pledge my honor, as a gentleman, that
during this exa1rnination I have neither
given nor received assistance." The
faculty is not permitted to credit any
paper not so signed. This pledge pre-
cludes -the giving as well as the re-
ceiving of aid, and this leads to no
unpleasant situations for, should an
unscrupulous student secure infor-
mation by looking unobserved on an-
other paper, the information is not
given but taken. If the action is ob-
served, there is no alternative but to
report the case at on'ce. The success
of the system at Princeton lies, I feel
confident, very largely in the willing-
ness to expose all violation of the
pledge, a willingness which partakes
in no way of the spirit of tattling, but
springs from a sincere desire to up-
hold one of the traditional institutions
which lends honor and greater influ-
ence to the university.
Violations there will- be, as long as
human nature is human. The syste:m
at Princeton is a success because these
violations, through the influence of
public sentiment, have been reduced
to a minimum, and because such vio-
lations as do occur are brought to
prompt and. summary punishment.
This consists usually, of expulsion
from the university by the faculty up-

t- on recommendation of the student
committee in charge.
Each year brings upon the campus
a class of freshmen to whom the idea
of the integrity of a pledge has not
been emphasized or, perhaps, in whom
it has never been developed. - The
freshmen must have impressed upon
them their vital relation to the honor
system and its relation to the fair
name of the university. This process
of education is begun under the tut-
elage of the juniors and seniors dur-
ing the first days of the college year.
A mass meeting of freshmen is held,
r and the leading upperclassmen explain
fully the workings of the system, and
impress upon them the importance of
entering into the spirit of it. The pro-
cess is continued as long as there is
any evidence that the lesson is not
d well learned. In this way the spirit of
genuine fidelity is developed and fos-
tered from one generation to the next.
The effect of the honor system,
though technically limited to examina-
tion, does not end there. The spirit of
d truthfulness and honesty which is de-
veloped under the stimulus of the
pledge finds expression in the labora-
tory and other class exercises, making
credit received stand for a higher
r plane of scholarship. Its influence is
felt in athletics, making for cleaner
and more honorable sports; in the
relationship between the student and
the instructor, making for cooperation
rather than antagonism; and in the
democracy of college life, making stu-
dents learn to have a higher regard for
the personal rights and property of
their fellows.
In short the honor system at Prince-
ton helps to develop men as well as
scholars, and gives to the university .a
wider field of influence because it
stands above all for manhood.
Registrar Finishes Catalogue . ork
Registrar A. G. Hall completed the
last work in compiling the materials
- for the university catalogue last night,
this being the counting of the Michi-
gan students by counties. According
to the contract, the bound copies will
be delivered by the printers on Sat-
Shoes repaired while you rest. 0. G
Andres, 222 S. State St. eod Tu
University Ave. Pharmacy Martha
Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes
I and Tolbacco. tt

College Women Secure Presentation
of "The Come-Back" on
May 15
Cast, chorus, orchestra and com-
mittee of the "The Come-Back" will
journey to Toledo 'on May 15 for a
matinee performance before Toledo
alumnae and high school girls, at the
invitation of Toledo college women, for
the purpose of interesting Toledo girls
in the university.
The plans for the trip, as formulated
by the hostesses, include the leaving
of Ann Arbor early in the morning, a.
trip through the art museum, and at-
tendance at the annual luncheon of
Toledo university women. The return
to Ann Arbor will be made the same
The first rehearsal for the perform-
ance will take place at 3:00 o'clock
next Friday in Barbour gymnasium. It-
is important that :every participant
making the trip be present at this and
each of the other few rehearsals which
will take place.
The illness of Elsa Apfel, '16, who
carried the leading role, has been pro-
nounced diphtheria. Edna Toland, '16,
will take the role of "Gerald" in her
Tentative plans for the publishing
of more 'of the "Come-Back" music are
now underway. It is hoped to have
this done in time to sell it in Toledo.
Director Rowe to Work with Aspirants
,Every Afternoon
Class track practice will start Mon-
day afternoon at Ferry field, and con-
tinue until the meet for the classes
which is to- take place later on in the
spring. Director Rowe will be at the
field beginning Monday afternoon, and
each afternoon thereafter to work with
class track aspira'nts.
If enough interest is shown in the
meet and special events, it is the
coach's intention that a pentathlon
event will be introduced this year. This
event will consist of a 220-yard dash,
,a mile run, pole vault, discus throw
or 'shot put and a javelin throw or
hurdle race. If enough men express
their wish for such an event, a prize
will be awarded the winner, the nature
of which has not been decided as yet.

Musicians Play at 29 Evnts during
Spring Season, Including
That Varsity band men will have a
busy spring seasonis evident from
the list of events at which the mu-
sicians appear, which has just been
issued to the members of the organ-
ization. According to this list, the
program calls for no less than 29 ap-
pearances, counting the rehearsals,
concerts, baseball games and other oc-
casions, among which are the inter-
scholastic meet, send-off when the
track team leaves for the eastern in-
tercollegiates, Cap Night, Boat club
regatta and events in commencement
An innovation in the tryout system
will be made this year, when trials for
making the band next season will be
held during May, the dates to be an-
nounced later. As bandmen can not
now be recruited from the freshmen
class, the material at the end of this
season will be practically the same as
next fall, and with the band in organ-
ized shape next fall, it may be possible
to give some open air band concerts
during the early part of October.
As about 10 men in the band will
graduate this year, there will be open-
ings for a number of musicians. The
tryouts will be open to all.
With the rehearsal at 7:00 o'clock
tonight in University Hall,.the Varsity
musicians will be ready for the first
open air concert on Saturday evening,
starting at 6:45 o'clock and lasting for
about an hour. H. E. Richards, of
Detroit, musical director of the band,
will come out for the rehearsal.
The band will not play at the ball
game this afternoon.
_ Z
John McCormack, vho is to appear
in the May Festival concerts, has late-
ly accomplished the feat of turning
away hundreds of persons who throng-
ed Carnegie hall, New York, for his
10 concerts given there.
Those who have admired the Frieze
Memorial organ wil rejoice at the op-
portunity of hearing so distinguished
an artist as Mr. Llewellyn L. Rens-
wick in recital during the Festival-.
Among the important choral works
produced during the last decade "La
Vita Nuova," which will be given at
the Thursday evening Festival concert,
ranks with the best. It is in many re-
spects unique, for an ordinary setting
could not do justice to Dante's immor-
tal poem. It contains many unusual
vocal effects, and in the orchestra one
meets many innovations, such as the
use of the pianoforte as an orchestral
instrument, and the employment of
seven kettle drums to reinforce the
pizzicato of the contra-basses, not as
noise producers.
The soprano part really represents
Beatrice, but is secondary to the won-
derful part for baritone (Dante). This

year Mr. Theodore Harrison will sing
these difficult solos. He is particularly
qualified for this role from the fact
that his vocal art is so illustrative of
the Bel Canto that he can not only
cope with the enormous technical dif-
ficulties of the part, but can give theI
hard melodic phrases *ith the proper'
interpretation. It is evident that all
who listen to his performance will re-
alize that in him the concert possesses
an artist second to none.
The part borne by a large chorus of
boys is a most interesting feature of
the work, and will win the hearts of
Part II of this evening's program
will be given over to miscellaneous
numbers by Frieda Hempel, the dis-
tinguished coloratura soprana of the
Metropolitan Opera company.
Schedule Only One Meet for Freshmen
Although the athletic association
officials have not given up hope of
scheduling other meets for the All-
Fresh track team, the only contest
which has been definitely arranged is
with M. A. C., on May 29; The fresh
classes boast several strong track ath-'
letes, and with more than a month to
practice, should be able to turn out a
team which could defeat the Farmers,
as has been done regularly in the past

University Expends $1,830 in Nine
Months on Maintenance
of ('rounds
Little breaches of campus etiquette,
like cutting corners and throwing
waste paper on the lawns, have proven
costly to the university within the past
year. For maintenance alone, the
building and grounds department has
expended $1,830 in the nine months
just past, or an average of about $200
a month. Regrading paths and sow-
ing grass seed has been the biggest
item in the expenditure, while picking
up papers and putting in new "Please"
signs have involved considerable cost.
One man was constantly on the job
from last April until December going
over the grass for stray papers, in an
effort to rid the campus of waste.
In addition to this sum expended for
campus repairs, the university has
also spent $3,400 in the last year for
general beautification of the grounds.
Shrubbery has been planted at various
places over the campus, and new side-
walks have been put in where pedes-
trians formerly had made paths. Much
regrading of unsightly places has also
taken place, and grass has been sown
in most of the spots which have been
- The university is now entailing an
added expense of nearly $1,000 in trans-
forming the State street front of the
campus into a veritable flower garden.
Plants and shrubbery of more than
100 different varieties have been pur-
chased at a cost of $412, and are being
planted in about 100 beds in front of
the law building, University hall, the
museum and the Memorial building.
The total expenditure for the year's
repairs and new improvements, when
the planting has been finished in the
front of the campus, will amount to
about $6,200. Of this figure nearly a
third has gone for repairs.
June "International Polity" Number to
Contain Articles by Many
Noted Men
.University of Missouri professors
have contributed the majority of the
articles for the May issue of the Cos-
mopolitan Student, which will go on
sale Tuesday.
"Intellectual Pan-Americanism," by
Prof. J. Warshaw, is a plea for closer
relations between the United States
and South American countries. Prof.
Walter J. Shepard has contributed an
article on "An Intern'ational Public
Opinion." Prof. R. J. Kerner has writ-
ten a survey entitled, "Nationalism."
"The Cosmopolitan Ideal" has been
set forth in an article by Prof. Max M.
Meyer, while Prof. M. S. Handman has
sent in a paper entitled, "The Provin-
cialism of the American Student."
The "International Polity" number,
which will be published in June, will
be the most important issue of the
year, according to Fred B. Foulk, '16L,
editor of the magazine. Men of inter-
national reputation have been secured
to write for this number. Andrew
Carneg4e, John Barrett, director of the
National Peace Foundation, David
Starr Jordan, chancellor of Leland
Stanford University, and Norman Ang-

ell, author of "The Great Illusion,"
will contribute to the issue.
Members of the University of Mich-
igan club of Detroit will convene at
one of their regular luncheons at the
Hotel Statler today, when they will
listen to a popular presentation on the
present day method of preventing
communicable disease, by Dr. B. R.
Shurly, of that city. *
The attention of the alumni is also
directed to the fact that "Duke" Du-
Charme has been appointed general
chairman for the annual boat ride,
plans for which are now well under
Purdue Man Speaks on Floods Today
Prof. W. K. Hatt, head of the civil
engineering department of Purdue Uni-
versity, will speak to senior engineers
at 11:00 o'clock this morning in room
311, engineering building. The sub-
ject of his talk will be "Floods and
Flood Prevention." Professor Hatt has
made a special study of the Dayton
flood and other inundations in recent
years, and will tell of the results of his
Buy shoes and satisfaction at the
same time from Gross & Dietzel, 119 E.
Washington St.

A- Arbor's Hans Saes

A Loving Thought .
In loving thoughts I am sending
For a birthday gift for you,
Not money, butlove that's blending
With mine, over the ocean blue.
A love that's warm and steadfast,
That's not puffed up, but is kind,
I trust that you will take this from
my heart
As a gift from a sincere mind.
Diivide University into Six Groups,
Each Team Playing Others
in Division
Intramural Director Rowe yesterday
announced the schedule for the 1915
class baseball league, which will start
ne't Monday afternoon at south Fer-
ry field. The departments of the uni-
versity have been divided into six
groups, the lits, engineers, laws, med-
ics and dents making up the separate
school divisions, while the combined
body is made up of the architects,
homeops and pharmics. Each team
will play all other teams 'in its divis-
ion. There are four teams in both the
lit and engineering division, three in
the law, dent and general divisions,
and either two or three in the medic
The teams .'nishing with the highest
percentage in each division, together
with the best of the second division
teams, will play for the sets of numer-
als. All managers of class teams must
have eligibility blanks turned in and
signed by Saturday of this' week.
These blanks can be secured from Di-
rector Rowe at the Ferry field club
house. All players must also be ex-
amined physically by Saturday to be
eligible for play.
Any men who are on the Varsity or
All-Fresh teams, and who hold lock-
ers of the athletic association and wish
to play on class teams must turn in
these lockers by Friday of this week.
This rule also applies to all equip-
ment held by the athletic association.
Men out for spring football practice
will have club house lockers taken
away from them if they are used for,
class baseball.
The schedule of games is as follows:
Monday, May 3,
Fresh engineers vs. senior engi-
neers, senior lits vs. fresh lits, senior
laws vs. fresh laws.
Tuesday, May 44
Senior dent vs. fresh dent, homeops
vs. pharmics, junior eng. vs. soph eng.
Wednesday, May 5.
No games scheduled.
Thursday, May 6.
Junior lits vs. soph lits, junior laws
vs. fresh laws, junior dents vs. fresh
Friday, May 7.
Architects vs. pharmics, junior engs.
vs. fresh eng., junior lits vs. fresh lits.
Saturday, Maiy .
Medic teams will play on Saturday,
junior engs. vs. soph engs., senior lits
vs. soph lits.
Monday, May 10. "
Senior laws vs. junior laws, senior
dents vs. junior dents, soph engs, vs.
fresh engs.
''uesday, May 11.
Soph lits vs. fresh lits, senior'engs.
vs. junior engs., senior lits vs. junior
Wednesday, May 12.
H-omeops vs. architects.

WANTED-Two young women to as-
sist in Delineator campaign. Work
may, be conducted entirely at home.
See Mrs. Benedict at the pattern
counter, Mack & Co.

Flowing from the
effective pen of-
A pamphlet just produced by him

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