TUE MICHIGAN DAILY "'' {Y. 4 1 , You'll be admired and oft' times envied in one of our swell form fitting suits. Suits of fully shrun- ken pure woolen cloth. There's a dash and class to our tailoring that sets off your figure to the best advantage. And another thing, the suit will hold its shape and wear well. IHave you ordered your flannel trousers? .6" S OES We Just Received a Shipment of RUBBER-SOLED CANVAS OXFORDS They are just the thing for this kind of weather White Duck Hats 50c. (Q 75*. ALL SIZES S h ENSOSO STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE TROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE.X ed and Express Cars for Detroit--7:10 m. and hourly to 6:zo p. m., also 8:1o m. 1Cars for Detroit-5 :40 a. in., 6:06 a. m., every two hours to 6 :6 p. in., 7:o6. p. 8:06 p. m., y:15 p. m., and 10:45 p. m. Ypsilanti only: 7:4 a. m., 8:ao a, m., 06 a. m., 5:06 p. m., 1x:15 p. m., 12:15 M., 12.3o a. M., 1:oo a. n. ted Cars for Jackson-7 :48 a. in., and ry two hours to 7:48 p. m. Cars for Jackson-S: z a. m., 6:5o a. n., Severy two hours to 6:54 p. m,, also 5p. m., 115:Is p. in. r Typewriting -- Mimneographig Typewriters of best Quality at Moderate Rates; See 0. D. MORRILL (Over Baltimore Lunch) S. State St. Phone 682-J is here in our Greenery Come in and see our CUT FLOWERS and PLANTS Cousins &Mall Cor.12th and S. Univ.. Phone 115 Chopoff a few minutes and eat some of GEORGE'S Sizey WAI KINGg LOO 314 S .State St. Phone 1244-M BEFORE THE DANCE Let D. C. Burrett 514 E. William Cut your H'air THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Publisheduevery morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.SO. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. 11. Davis, cr. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 9(fo Editorial Office Phouc 414 11. Beach Carpenter.......Managing Editor W, Sherwood Field........ Business Manage Fred Foulk.................News Editor F. F. McKinney......... .Associate Editor Chester H. Lang .........Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping.........Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hlofman Arthur H. Torrey Night Editors- James M. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester Tom C. Reid Howard R. Marsh Reporters Edwin A. Hyman Eugene L. Bulson J. C. B. Parker Vera Burridge Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum Verne Burnett C. N. church H. A. Fitzgerald Edw~ard P. Wright L. Greenebaum Witam F. Newton Henley Hill Leonard W. Nieter Waldo R. Hunt F . D. Slater Lee Joslyn Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Kirk White C. T. Fishleigh Thatcher Rea J. J. Herbert WEDNDESDAY, APRIL 28, 1915. ' Night Editor-James M. Barrett. ATHLETIC BOARD ELECTIONS Three students will' beelected to the board in control of athletics in a few weeks, for terms extending through next year. The student members of the board of directors, the low- er board, will do the electing. Only three out of the 11 members of the up- per board are students; student con- trol of athletics is a myth even numer- ically. But the main trouble has been that the three student members of the upper board have not represented the student body. They have either re- mained silent, and allowed themselves to be completely dominated by the alumni and faculty members of the board, for the most part, or they have made a little noise in a safe key. It would be unfair to blame either the student members or the faculty and alumni members unqualifiedly. He who knows how, does things. The stu- dent members have been uninformed and modest, and the older men on the board, quite naturally, have gone ahead and run things by virtue of their experience and prestige. But there is one remedy that will go a long way. That is to elect strong men, who will not be over-awed orcajoled, -men, too, who will not lay back when once chosen, and look upon their job as just another campus honor. If stu- dent opinion Is to have a hearing on the board which controls Michigan athletics, virile students must be chos- en for that board. They should be fighters, whether there is fighting to be done or not. The star who returned from the Penn relays with a loving cup couldn't see his way clear to let roomy use it. for a tobacco jar. Sing of the joys of being a law or engineer, with no restraint as to tak- ing off coats. Notice that 22 percent of Princeton seniors said they'd never been kissed? The heaviest mind work is to decide on what the next fizz-drink will be. Speaking of these bolts, aren't you glad now that you saved 'em up? Let's organize posses to get the man' who kicked at zero weather. Soft air, soft breezes, soft moonlight and soft speeches. Easy to ride in a car, if you don't It will be of interest 'to you to know that we have just received a shipment of care with whom you go. Blessings on the prof on the topic of icebergs. Just when the campus to aim 'em pretty well, Comes the injunctioni 'em any more. Moved back now that passed over? Think of puttinr on these days. who dwe iGs was getting not to hurl Busrah has burnt cork 150 Tenns Rk 150 ranging in price from $r .50 to $8.oo-every one of them guaranteed. We give especial attention to Re-stringing Rackets. Your racket wade new for $1.50, $2.50 or 3.5o, as you desire. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE O mmmm Hard weather for roll-neck sweaters. But numerals be numerals. Outdoor Athletics bring Plans for an all-campus dance, to be given from 1:00 to 6:00 oclock Friday, May 14, in Barbour gymnasi- urn, are now being worked out by the Women's social committee andl the freshman spread committee of the sophomore class, of which Frances Way, '17, and Virginia Morse, '17, are the chairmen. Tickets vill be distrib- uted today or tomorrow at 25 cents each, and dancers will be asked to come singly. * * * The by-law revision committee of the Women's Letague, of which Judith Ginsburg, '15, is chairman, will hold an important open meeting at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. University women are all in- vited and urged to attend. At this meeting the issues involved will be formulated and presented by the chair- man with the tentative plan; for re- vision. Suggestions with regard to management of representation on the League Board, League elections and the appointment of League commit- tees will be in order. * * * Rehearsals for the dancing fete, the time for which has been announced as 8:00 o'clock, May 2G, following the an- nual women's Field Day, are being held almost daily, and Miss Evans, who is director, expressed herself yes- terday as being highly pleased with their progress. More'women tried out than could possibly be used in the fete, which is an adaptation of the Perse- phone myth, in an arrangement of group and solo dances. Sixty univer- sity women will take part. The fete will soon be open to the general pub- lic. Convening in their eleventh annual session, the Michigan State Nurses as- sociation will gather in Barbour gym- nasium May 4, 5 and 6 in meetings which are open to the general public, which is cordially invited. The second annual meeting of the Michigan State league of Nursing Education will be held at the same time. Prominent physicians, hospital administrators and nurses from various parts of the state will speak, and there will be social meetings in addition to those of an educational and business nature. The university, administration will be represented by President Harry B. Hutchins, who will give an address of welcome. Dean .Reuben Peterson, Dr. A. M. Barrett, and Professor A. S. Whitney are also to make addresses. Sore Us 4 "Limber Up" Made by Tennis Lovers, Attention! Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner. State and North University MRS. M. M. ROOT Corner Maynard and William Streets NEW MAYRECIRDS "MAV 9 New song sung by McCormack AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS DAINIES & NICKELS Muscles - Buy Now -1915-- Made in AmericaMerchandise Our Stock Always Shows You Something New DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN PHONE oo - 44~ The only Studio on the Campus 334-336 S. State St. . Official Photegraphers For The. MICHIGANENSIAN. Phone 130.J ... THE NEW ARROW COLLAR 2 for 25 Cents PHONE "13" FOR BUS*Y BE ! ,A *THEPOPULAR PLACE" ICE C EAM IT fl[ATS SNAVINIJ WAJ[R IN' TWO M'INUI[S Our Stock of Sring Footwear For Ladies and Gents is now complete ' r' 1' < o, m a ® o ea . ' c s: B ^I} Fyn. Do you know the Immersion Water Heater? It is a nickeled instrument about a foot long that quickly heats water to the boiling point by merely turning on the current and putting the heater in the water. Let us show you the newest Wahr's Shoe Stores Main St. State St. For $3.oo at I rn-rn 'ingle Passenger Taxi Rates Reduced From 50c to 25c from 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. Eastern Michigan Edison Co. COR. MAIN and WILLIAM STSO Meet New Menl to To stunasters Club J. A. Heist, '16, E. R. McCall, '16L, and J. F. Scott, '16L, were elected in- to membership of the Totistmasters' LOST-Black leather loose leaf note book on M. C. train, April 19. Please call Henderson, Phone 344. LOST-A. J Arbor Taxi Co. club last evening at a banquet held between 5 in their honor at the Union. Accord- evening. ing to the custom of the club, every- mileage, n one responded to a toast. Return to Thenext banquet of the club will avenue. T be held intwo weeks, when several----- new initiates will be taken into the LOST-A gi society. pin. Call . & C. mileage on William th and Main at 7 Monday Contained 425 miles of ame F. Day on the cover. W. A. Bellows, 325 S.5th Reeward. Phone 978. E. Liberty I