THE MIC HI QA DAILY. Y Y t __--. t Manager Try-Outs to Repor i Ballentine, '16, manager of the d Alandolin clubs, wishes all 11 who desire to tryout for as- manager next year, to report n room 8 ofthe600Prs huilding 3:0-ad-:- ooktdy ETTY NANSEN (Royal Actr:ss) in he Celebrated Scandal" Live A.cts, and JESS WILLARD he World's feavyweight ehampion in "The Hears Punch" A great Piize Ring Picture dies' Souvenir Matinee Today, atinee 3 P. M. Nights 7 & 8:30 ALL SEATS TEN CENTS The $10,000 ",Golden' Gown" of jeweled brocade, she displays in The Celebrated Scandal" Tenil 1 atehes Post peiwd U ni Today Because of the heavy rains yester- day no matches in the Freshman tennis tonunament were played. This means tha thre ili bea i emand i!for ,the court's !durC]ing the neixt woro dayis pro- vidig ic Teth ris favorable. All, athsin the fir,-' round must be playel by Satarday or be defaulted. t soo aO the tc1es 1 hav been pJaclae te e ' tstinae to lic posted onl thfe sclhdule ont ist floor oC the Ferry field clubhouse. A good servicc- able Suit - 2.00 A better one for $22.50 An exception- alY fine Suit. for - -$25.0 Palm B ea chI Boaits - -$12.00 Made to your measure lercfarnt :Tailor xo8 k,. Washington St. 2nd Floor WAR LECTURE SETS CENSURE*";OF HOBBS I saw II. - , ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Ing Electrical Repair Work Electrical Fixtures and Supplies "IF IT'S ELECTRICAt COME AND SEE LS" Main St. Phone 2135-'M Ir lir DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU The people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- dially invited to call at the Exhibition Rooms of the COME- PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for themselves the splendid values offered in choice furniture at prices represent- ng, in many instances, A SAVING OF Ioo PER CENT, as compared with prices usually charged. The Come-Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are par- :icularly suitable for fraternit)' and club houses. We also design and make special furniture to order. Builders of new homes will find it to their advantage to em- loy the facilities afforded by our factory for the production of built-in" furniture for libraries, dens, halls, dining-rooms and ditchens. Take Packard Street car to State Street and go one block south and three blocks west to factory of COME-PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY Corner Edwin a nn Division Streeis' Commnunicat ion to New York TnesF RN Aitacks Sirit of Archibald FR A N Terms It Pro-German WAR. IORRORS NOT PORTRAYEJD GREAT In a recent communication to The New York Times written by Prof. W. iI. Hobbs, of the geology department, strong censure was applied to the war lecture given here some weeks ago by James F. J. Archibald. Professor Hobbs states that the Pol- ish relief commission of Ann Arbor, which was instrumental in arranging the lecture, advertised that it would be neutral in spirit, and was extended free use of Hill auditorium under that condition. The favorable terms offer- ed by the lecturer aroused some sus- picion on the part of the local author- ities and especial precautions were taken to investigate the nature of the lecture. Every assurance of its neu- tral position was extended by both the local commission and the lecturer him- self. The pictures shown by Mr. Archi- ald in connection with his talk though interesting, according to Professor Hobbs indicated a clever selection to set forth the German view-point. They did not indicate that Mr. Archibald had seen any of the horror scenes of the war, and only depicted the chival- ric spirit of the German soldier as he shared his comforts with the Belgian ; prisoner. The motion pictures while excellent in themselves did not meet with the approval that the lecturer expected, and when the scene which showed the Kaiser reviewing his troops did not +$50 P & u wring cheers from the audience, Mr. Archibald halted to state that at Wash- ingtonl, and West Point the Kaiser was greeted with applause. "It may be stated," said Professor Hobbs, "that the lecture could only be described as strongly pro-German. Statements were repeatedly made1 of known fact, or else present the extreme German viewpoint. Such a OS STEM lecture, with its professed neutrality, O was an attempt to sail under false colors and is deserving of strong cen- sure." Prof. Mathews, Registrar of University ___re.__of Texas, Says System Has Been Successful f GOVERNING-BODY IS BIG FACTOR With the installation of Allan T. Ricketts, '15E, as chairman, the com- mittee of eight men, chosen by the Edi~tor, The Michigan Daily,- presidents of the engineering collegen Editr, zhe Mchign Da~y.-- . for the consideration of a honor sys- It is hard for one who is at all in- tom he terested in tennis to understand the terhy itsrnizaton eetng utter indifference with which the ath- yesterday afternoon. An outline of the Ictc asocatin vies te dman'sfirst steps to be taken by the com- for proper recognition of this sport. mittee was made, and another meet- 'With the opening of the season after ing of the committee will be held next vacation and the consequent rush for Tuesday. In the meantime, all of the the Ferry field courts, the Association data in possession of the committee is found unprepared to accommodate will be tabulated andmade ready for a tenth of the men who desire to play. presentation. This fault is due not so much to the Prof. E. J. Mathews, Registrar of insufficient number of courts as to the the University of Texas, who was in rotten condition in which the present Ann Arbor during the first part of the courts are found and lack of provision week to attend the convention of the cot refontaAmerican Association of Collegiate Yesterday and previously there were Registrars, was interviewed yesterday only eight or ten courts on which it in regard to the working of the honor was at all possible to play. These system at Texas. An opinion on the were in very poor condition. The sir- operation of the system at this col- face on the remaining courts twenty lege was received by the Michigan fac onti reainng ours tngTechnic about a month ago and a or so, was chopped up to a depth ofTehiabuamotagan a two or three inches. It willrequiresummary of the letter was published a, week atreleasttoes.temindecenrtin The Michigan Daily of March 28. a week at least to get them n decent Professor Mathews said yesterday condition. ta h oo ytmhdbe no- It cannot be that those responsible that the honor system had been in op- for these conditjgns are not cognizant eration at the University of Texas for of the growing popularity of tennis a number of years, and that there was and the demand for courts. There now very little cheating going on. The were at one time fifty men by actual system, he said, is administered by cout o te fel - L hestuen conci rpreeningtn count on the field who were unable to t play. With this fact known to the different classes of the different col- authorities, the utter indifference with leges and schools of the university. which the latter view the demands i Cases are reported by students and in- typified by the following. There were structors alike, and although it has four or five workmen engaged in build- been found that a number of students fug one experimental concrete court dislike to report cases of cheating, There was a gang of men engaged in there are always a number in every cutting the grass on the baseball dia- class who accept the obligation of the mond,---with the first game scheduled system and tell of offenses which they for Saturday. Vacation week, it was see in classes. learned, was one in which the work- Irofessor Mathews said that the men ebuployed at Ferry field were only aversion to reporting is gradually be- 'engaged. Yet little work was ing overcome so that men will report done on the courts to prepare them for cases of stealing in exams just as they tme sprng rus Yestrdayrne man rreport cases of stealing from their the sir-.1 rush. Yesterday one man j rooms. He said they also realize that only was e ngaged in rolling and mark- rom.H!adte loraieta ing the courts. ! they are protecting the entire student TIhese facts are related to put the body, and are preventing the cheapen- matter up to those who are responsible ing of university degrees by exposing for the absolute lack of provision made any work not earned. for the most popularly engaged-in The administration of the system, sport at Michigan, and the only one according to Professor Mathews, de- in which students in general can en- ' pends largely for its efficiency upon gage. . the personell of the committee or or- JUNIOR ENGINEER. ganization which governs it, and he ___ believes that the plan has been sue- LOST-Pink cameo ring. Please re- cessful and that few students there . turn to 1520 S. University Ave. Re- would favor a return to the old non- ward. honor plan. IKEL-FIFTEEN AMERIC ' EST $15.,CLOTHES Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits in newrest models with dash and snap of clothing at higher prices in values that will astound you, at $15.00. Specialization on this one price of clotig places me in position ,tobeal all 'com- petition. I will leave it to you- coie in and see the el 3ahes. You will consider the $15.00 invested well placed indeed. ONE POLICY 123 E. LIBERTY ST. RECORI)-BREAKING FQarIJ)I LIE Cross in the iscus. Michigan will be TEAM LEAVES FOR I'ENN RACES repre'ented by a mugh smaller squad Three Meni Entered in Special Eyenits; than several of the other universities, Farrell Feels Certain of but the coach believes his men will Good Showing make a good showing. All of the events in which th Michigan men have Carefully chaperoned by Coach Far- entered are run off Saturday afternoon, rell, seven track athletes left this city and the squad is expected to return to this city some time Sunday. yesterday noon over the Ann Arbor for the Pennsylvania relay races. Cap- - - tain Smith, Wilson, "Cross, Carroll, Frvsh Engineer roup Leaders to Meet Ufer, Fox and Donnelly composed the Group leaders of the freshman en- party. gineer class will meet tonight at 7:00 Carroll, Ufer, Fox and Donnelly will o'clock in room 1 of the old engineer- make up the four-mile relay aggre- ing building. The subjects for discus- gation, while the other three men will sion are: the class pm'ogram for next compete in the special events. Captain year, the mentor system, and the hon- Smith has been entered in the 100-yard or system in examinations. Fall at- dash, Wilson in the pole vault, and tendance is especially desired. JACKSONCOTTON BALL, DEAN UNION DANCE--DO YOU FALL? B I ant HarrinFihr Famous Artist and Illustra or, says: "I have yet to find the equal of Txed." TCUDn a C lS~S by a¢° Tuxedo was put on the v Y arket 10 years ago. It was e first tobacco ever made at absolutely will not bite the tongue. Since then aitators have sprung up, and after having failed to eal the famous "Tuxedo Process" have put out 'ocesses which they claim are "just as good.". The Perfcc Tobacco for Pipe and Cgarette Jackson isn't such a mean town af- ter all. Nice town. Purty aid ev- erything. Once a feller went there: Not so purty and everything, but he was a cdllege guy, a Ann Arbor College guy. He went there to a dance. (This would be a swell place to use asterisks, be- cause we aren't going to tell what a perfectly gorge and delish time he had at the dance. Suffice to remark, it was a dilly affair and he -said some weeks later when his feet got well, that it was magnif.) The affair was the Cotton Ball. They have a Cotton Bali every year in Jackson. It's grand and ultra, and peachy people go to it. Just to give our 89,000 readers a idea how society it is, the street on which the ball was held, or rather the street on which the building within which tihe ball took place-well, anyway, that street was lined for nine miles with motor cars and Fords and jitney busses and things. And the men got stuck for-- that is to say, the women wore beauti- ful corsage boquets at their lovely slim waists. Now let's talk about Rus Dean. Oh, he didn't go to the Cotton Ball. His social duties confine him to Ann Ar- bor. That isn't the point at all. (Cho- rus of 89,000 voices: Well, what in Sam Hill is the point?) This is, folks, this is: The Ann Arbor College guy told Rus all about the Cotton Ball. Rus listened, eyes glowing, and a beautiful pink suffusing his cameo countenance. His 68 pounds cf pep and energy limbered up. He made up his mind to put over the one party which would put cotton in the diction- ary. And once bus makes up 'his mind, he won't stop for tea shops or anything. He hustles. Y'see, lie's General Chairman of the Michigaim Union dance committee. Rus walked into the office of Mr. Koontz, President of the Union, and blithely chirped: "We're going to have a Cotton Ball." "That so?" asked Mr. Koontz. "Yeh," answered Rus, and strolled out. le visited Homer heath in his office and told homer the same thing. "That'll be nice," said hormer. "Have a good time." Denny Donovan, god of chicken croquettes, was standing nearby. "If I may make so bold," said Den- ny, "might I enquire just what is a Cotton Ball, Mr. Dean?" "It would b- a lpleasuire to eilighten you," rnepied the courteous Ml'. Dean. And he began to enlight: "The irst Annual Cotton ll of the niversity of Michigan Uion," Rus briskly said, "will be an evnit in society circles that will be remewber- ed for all tinme. The idea of Cotton Balls brims with summer, white lan- nels, gingham trocks and the like. It is the one event in undergraduate iis- tory wihere anl exclulIve party is _i9w- erless, carriage-and-taxiless, and in all other ways expensiveless. .Men come in Plam Beah suits, white trousers, soft collars and straw hat- ted. Girls,'attend in dainty summer -but hevings, you don't expect nue to describe that part of it, do you? They just come in what corresponds to the attire of the men. Get the idea?" But by this time Homer was calling up his wife to see if she'd care to go, and Mr. Koontz was figuring on the back of an euvelole. Denny was run- ning his fingers through his hair and talking to himself. The party was on. The party is on. Ruis says that. all the details-that interesting stuff about when it Ihappens and how m~uch it osts and what extra special featur- es are to be introduced will appear later in those columns. Jackson isn't such a mean town af- ter all. Nice town. Purty and every- thing. This "Tuxedo Process" i3 the oal and best process for removing all irritation from the natural tobacco leaf. This process is a secret, known only to the makers of Tuxedo,. To get the best-get Tuxedo. When you smoke, you smoke to get joy and repose- that comfey, gosh-but-life-is-good feeling. That's why you'll like Tuxedo. Tuxedo is all pleasure and a yard wide. Roll those old creamy puffs of Tuxedo, from your pipe or cigarette, around in your mouth! Get that aromatic fragrance! Get that smooth-as-cream tobacco richness! And it's all so mild and gentle you can smoke Tuxedo all day long if you like. No other tobacco compares for an instant with Tuxedo. Get some and see for yourself. Tuxedo stands absolutely in a class by itself. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glassine-wrapped, Famous green tin, with gold i ti moisture proof pouch. . . . C lettering, curved to fit pocket LUC In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c In Glass Humidors, 50c and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY 11 11 =3UMMENAM Sit