THE MICHJGAN .I AILY - a e 9 L I h g Suits, Overcoats and furnishings In all the latest and up-to-date styles. We have a line of SHIRTS and NECK WEAR that com- prises all of the hobby ideas 1 emu. " ,i GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 S. STATE STREET WE CARRY HIGH GRADE BOX CANDY WHITMAN'S SAMPLER "The National Candy" TAKE ONE TO THE OPERA GET IT AT CALKIN'S PHARMACY 342 SOUTH STA'TE STREET ON ACCOUNT OF DELAY IN FINISHING I THE OUR So we are same 209( going to give the off as we have NEWSTORE We cannot have our removal for a few days. lately until. we go. Our prices are reasonable for seasonable goods. ALL SUITS AT- ALL FURNISHINGS AT 2 O$lo Off ITTLJE THEATER VAST PLAYS EVt RI1'Dl35DJ)AMA tO3N1G~iIT i I WADHAMS & CO. Temple Theatre ADMISSION 5o.' (except Friday and Saturday) 121-123 So. (lIain St. - 1' The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 1011-115 South Manin Street Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits , $75,000 The Ann Arbor Savings* Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,o00 Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas. F. .Hiscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz, Cash'r, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl F. traun, Asst. Cash'r, Win. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r Savings DeA. Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking Individual Custom Tailoring That Is correet in style and fit The new fabrics for this season are here in large assortments.. CALL EARLY A. F.* Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street' Eur'ipides' drama, "Trojan Women," will be presented at the Whitney the- ater at 8:15 o'clock tonight, by the Little Theater company of Chicago, under the auspices of' the Drama, Women's leagues and Masques. The purpose of the play is to forward the peace movement. It has aroused 'fa- vorable comment from many of the leading critics and educators of the present day. The company carries its 'own spe- cial scenery, and something unusual in the way of lighting effects is _prom- ised. Gallery tickets may be obtained at the Union today. Buy your Conklin Pen at Tant Dor- eni's Pharmacy, 70.3 Packard street. If "Fixem-for the Feet," the only, prep- aration known that is a'positive cure for sore, sweaty, odorous feet. Money back if 'it fails. For sale at Sugden's Drug Store and Calkins' Drug Store on State St. Also at Mack Drug Co. store, 117 So. Main. FOUND-On State St. Engineering set of instruments. Owner identify and pay for advr. Quarry Drug Co. Thursday, April 22-"A Horse of Anoth- er Color," "Patsy in Town," "Peggy of Fifth Avenue." Friday, April 23 -"The Wrong Gi," (with Nitra Frazier). Saturday, April 24 - "Lieutenint 005- nar," (with Ruth Stonehouse). Next Week - "O"Garry of the Royal Mounted," (with Edith Story). FIRST NATIONAL BAN 1K ANN AaBOR Capital - - $100.000 Surplus and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Ab- bott, S. WV. Clarkson, 9. D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. A N N A R B O R , M IC . ,, o U. Call 1812-Al Cook Taxi Co. tf MYLES FOUND-Fountain pen on Washtenaw Ave. near Hill, Phone Grant, 1016. University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. tU N. Six rides for a dollar !! 348 C. H. Brock 348 Taxi-Cab Livery LOST-S. A. L. sister piny Wednesday morning between Medical B3ldg., and State St., Call 240-J. 3. DAYS STARTING APRIL 22 The world's heavy weight champion In The Heart Punch A Great Prize Ring Picture TODAYF QU S INE5 ACTS ONLY UEE FEATURING Mo,.rgarjit IrFi cher SUPPORTED BY AN AL.L STAR CAST INCLUDING Harry Pollard and Joseph Singleton AND 100 OTHER STARS OF UNUSUAL ABILITY " Cloth, Shop. TAILORS !I Our cloth patterns are all specials. The woolen house we represent has ainonopoly on, them. Matinee, 3:00 P. M. Nights, 7:00 and 8:.30 OVERPLAIDS are among our specials. They are the real attraction this year, An "overplaid" is two plaids crossing at right angles, but much subdued so as to give a rich effect. OUR STYLES ARE EXCLUSIVE I FuniturI John McCrkack is Coming You will want to hear his famous records on the Victrola. Our stock is most complete NOW. Comle in and hear McCormack's most favorite records before going to the May Festival -r GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty DIRECT' FROM FACTORY TO YOU The people of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County are cor- dially invited to call at the Exhibition Rooms of the COME- PACKT FURNITURE COMPANY and examine for themselves the splendid values offered in choice furniture at prices represent- ing, in many instances, A SAVING OF ioo PER CENT, as compared with prices usually charged. The Come-Packt Mission and Craftsmen Designs are par- ticularly suitable for fraternity and club houses. We also design and make special furniture to order. Builders of new homes will find it to their advantage to em- ploy the facilities afforded- by our factory for the production of "built-in" furniture for, libraries, dens, halls, dining-rooms and kitchens. Take Packard Street car to State Street and go one block south and three blocks west to factory of COME-PACKT ±FURNVITURE COMPANY Corner Edwin and Division Streets Whenever you . see an Arrow au Cocxa-Cola Take a tip from the. men -who top all the average tables. Drink They know, it's good to train on-to work on. The one best, out-and-out thirst- ~ quencher-full of refreshment,' pleasure Sand wholesomeness. s h- +Y ; Delicious -, Refreshing a Thirst- quenching ESTABLISHED ISIS B3ROADWAY coR.TWENTY-SECt ND NE4W YORK~. Our representative, Mr. Gorman, will be at the "Hotel Pontchartrain TODAY with Samples of ready made Garments Furnishings Hats and Shoes BOSTON BRANCH'. 1 49 Tremont Street NrWPOR'r BRANCH: 22o Belleue Aveniue ", ° i GUS PRACHT ROY P.HER co-.Op TAILR3 We are now located in our temporary store, north of our old .site, pending the erection, of the Nickels Arcade. In consideration of our giving up our old place, we will have no rental, building, or moving expenses for six months, Besides, we, do the work on the garments ourselves, so we have no unnecessary work- men's salaries. We have the smallest overhead expense' of any tailor sop in the city. That is why we can cut down our prices, get the same profit, an dgive good quality. N OTI UN OVER $3000,0 CO-OP TAILORS STATE STREET -.. K - ..