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October 14, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-10-14

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Signal Practice and Scrimmage
Furnish Yearlings Drill
For Fracas On


Application For Representation
Council Turned Down By
That Body Last


Tau Beta Pi smoker, Michigan Union,
7:30 o'clock.
Organ recital, Hill auditorium, 4:15
Illini club smoker, Michigan Union,
7:30 o'clock.
C. H. Hirshfeldt speaks on "The Con-
nor's Creek Power Station," room
3 4 8, engineering building, 7:30
Red Cross mass meeting, Hill auditor-
ium, 7:30 o'clock unless otherwise
Designer Will Lecture 'to Engineers
Under the auspices of the student
branch of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, H. C. Hirsh-
feldt, the designer, will speak on the
"Connor Street Power Station" at 7:30
o'clock tonight in room 348 of the new

Lineup For Coming Battle Probably
Will Remain Same
As Before


Two of Last

21) MEN

>r their class football
uber of twenty appear-
ry field for the second
yesterday afternoon.

Driving signal practice and frequent
scrimmage is the program which faces
the All-Fresh squad in their prepara-
tion for Saturday's game at Adrian.
A 15 minute fracas with the reserves
furnished tle excitement for Fresh-
man Coach Douglas' men yesterday
afternoon, neither side being able to
gather in any tallies.
Withthe exception of fullback.
Brown, the yearlings came through
the Normalite game in fine shape.
Brown received .a bad kick in the
small of the back, and has been con-
fined to the hospital since Saturday.
Those in attendance have thus far
been unable to ascertain just how'
badly the freshman star was injured.
Dunn, the peppery little quarter-
back who played the Ypsilanti game
with a lame leg, is rapidly rounding
into shape, and is expected to make
himself heard of in the coming con-
test. Shadford, who starred for three
years at quarter on the Ann Arbor
High Sehool team, has reported for
active work, having entirely recovered
from an early season injury when he
had his shoulder ligaments badly torn
while scrimmaging the High School
As near as can be determined, the
lineup which will face the Adrian
boys will be practically the same as
that which started last Saturday, with
the exceptions that Pobanz and Ewark
will probably be shifted to tackle posi-
Work on the new residence halls for
women is progressing with leaps and
bounds, as the contractors are anxious
to complete the major portion of the
task before the snow flies. The last
nail will be driven in the Newberry
Residence hall by the beginning of the
second semester, although it is still
doubtful as to whether it will be open-
ed at that time or not. It will accom-
modate 60 women.
The building on the corner of In-
galls and South University, provided
for anonymously by a former Michi-
gan student and friend of President
Hutchins, will be completed by the end
of May, although it will not be ready
for formal dedication until June. This'
structure will house 112 women.
Freshmen women will constitute
the majority in both houses, although'
a limited number of sophomores and'
upper class women will be allowed to
room in each.

Decide Not To Allow Union To Take
Charge Of Festivities After
Big Battles
In a long session last night, the sta-
dent council denied the petition of the
soph medics for a class representa-
tive on the council, appointed a com-
mittee to devise a plan of celebration
for the big football victories, and put
off class elections until Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday of next week. Ac-
tion on the monthly meetings of the
student body and consideration of
electioneering were laid on the table.
The petition of the soph medics was
denied because the council held that
the class was already represented,
since members are elected not by
classes but by departments.- Council-
men are apportioned according to the
enrollment in the departments, upper
classmen being chosen because they
are supposed to know best the needs
of the department. J. B. Marks, '17M,
president of the.class, was present and
presented the case for the class.
The nominations of the class were
accepted with the provision that the
class hold its elections under the
supervision of the council. President
Marks said last night that he was
not certain what the action of the
class would be in regard to the coun-
cil's action on the petition or nomina-
The body of representatives voted
to take upon itself the duty of arrang-
ing for the celebrations after the big
games. Since the council was blamed

Applications For Seats to Big Local
Battles Continue to Pour
Into Office
Every M. A. C. ticket sent by the
East Lansing management to be dis-
tributed by the athletic authorities has
been disposed of, and all students In-
tending to make the trip, who have
not yet exchanged their coupons for
tickets, will be admitted to the M. A..
C. field. upon presentation of coupon
number five from the student admis-
sion book. This admits the student to
the general admission sections, but not
to the reserved sections. The local
authorities state that it will be impos-
sible to secure reserved seat tickets
from the M. A. C. management, as all
tickets not disposed of to students will
have been sold before this time.
Applications for the Cornell and
Pennsylvania games continue to come
in in great numbers, and are being
filed at the athletic association office.
The Pennsylvania tickets will be mail-
ed about November 2, and the Cornell
tickets about November 9. While no
record has been kept of the number of
applications received, the local author-
ities are of the opinion that every -seat
will be sold for both contests before
the day of the games.


Captain Trelfa and a Squad
Candidates Take Jaunt
in Afternoon

of .5 1


3aier of
cts for
.ss are

In Case of Rain, Place of I
For Classes Will Be
"Step Lively" is the motto s
by Dean M. E. Cooley, who has
of the arrangements for the
bling of the faculties and clas
Convocation Day, Friday, Oeto
All faculties.and classes will i
3:00 o'clock.
Members of the band, in u
will meet at the bandastand
o'clock, and begin playing a
o'clock. After playing for 10 n
they will march to the west fr
trance of University hall, an
their place at the head of the
The president, board of reger
the orator of the day, Dean
Vaughan, will assemble in the
dent's room. The members
several faculties, in cap and
will meet in University hall, an
in columns of twos in the main
dor facing the front entrance.
Students in the graduate 4
ment, in cap and gown, will as
in single column on opposite s
the main walk in front of Uni
hall; candidates for the docto
gree at the west end; next, cane
for the master's degree; then
students, the latter near the fr(
trance. Students in this denpa

Dean Mortimer E. Coo
Of Arrangement
Motto of "


played Soph lits were next in numbers with
six try-outs, who took their practice'
W. Jen- with the men from the other classes;
-4, 6-1. a couple of medics and some engineers
litions, made up the rest of the roll call.
which Several men were turned away on
iveness account of trying to play in common
te used shoes. In order to take part in the
t Jen- activities on south Ferry field it is
game, necessary to have on either football
in the or tennis shoes. This rule is being
s just enforced rigidly, and it will save
trouble to have the proper shoes the
cellent first time.

Lould be in ex

by this afternoon and the
e hopes that those, for whom
Bible, will play two matches.
hedule follows:
round-Vedder vs. Allan;
vs. winner of Trost-McDon-
hi; Angell vs. Grylls. Third
aton vs. winner of Vedder-
atch; Mack vs. winner of
s match with winner of
Donald match; Steketee vs.
zer ; Cohen vs. Alexander;
. winner of Angell-Grylls
udd vs. Crawford.
ontracts For Michiganensian
s for contracts for the 1915
ensan were called in yester-
a contract will be let within
time. The Michiganensian
moved to its new quarters on
loor of the Ann Arbor Press
The business staff began
eral weeks ago, and advertis-
acts have already started to
reau Offers a Few Positions
employment bureau now has
a few soliciting jobs, a posi-
a law student willing to sell
ance, an agency for certain
d periodicals, and selling of

Pharmacy Club Eleets Year's Officers
At a meeting of the Prescott club
Friday evening, the following officers
were elected for the year: president,
R. E. Morse, '13P; vice-president, Wil-
liam Feek; secretary, 0. A. B1rines,
'16P,; treasurer, C. P. Field, '15P.
The club is planning several activi-
ties, to be held throughout the year,
for the purpose of bringing the classes
of the pharmacy department in closer
touch with each other. The first of
these will be an acquaintance smoker,
principally for benefit of the fresh-
men, to be held some time in the near
future, the exact date to be determined
at an early meeting.
Professor Adams Delayed In China
Word has been received in Ann Ar-
bor, that Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Adams
did not sail from China on September
20, as expected. . They were detained
by the illness of their youngest son.
Professor Adams, who has been in
China for the last year devising a
system of railway accounting for the
Chinese government will, according to
the present arrangement, resume his
duties in the economic department in
the second semester.'
Place Adequate Equipment on Campus
An adequate fire station is now situ-
ated in the middle of the campus, to
meet the requirements of any ordinary
fire that may break out. All the em-
ployees of the campus, 125 in number,
are specially assigned to certain duties
in case of fire. The alarm, in case of
fire, is a continuous shriek of the whis-
tle that blows each day at the noon.
The equipment in the campus station
consists of two hose carts, one ladder
wagon, two dozen pairs of pants and

for the trouble after the Pennsylvania
game last year, it decided to take
charge of the preliminary arrange-
.ments. Before the meeting, an inform-
al intimation had been made that the
Union was willing to make provisions.
The members of the council felt, how-
ever, since they represented the whole
student body while the Union repre-
sents only a part, and since the re-.
sponsibility would be theirs, that it
would be better to control the affair
from the start. Kenneth Baxter, '15E,
A. W. Mothersill, '15, and T. P. Sod-,
dey, '16E, were appointed to report
some method of celebration at the next
meeting. It was announced that any
suggestions from students will be
gladly welcomed, and should be ad-
dressed to K. S. Baxter, 607 S. State
The nominations of the junior med-
ics made at a meeting at which no
student councilman was present, were
also confirmed.
Elections in all departments will not
be held this Friday and Saturday as
is the custom, but will be postponed to
the first three days of the following
week, on account of conflicts with
Convocation and the M. A. C. game on
Saturday. TlW exact hours and places
must still be arranged, and will be an-
nounced later.
Howard McDonald, the new repre-
sentative from the graduate depart-
ment, made his first appearance.
All freshman class nominations will
be held Tuesday.

Captain Trelfa and a squad of 65,
cross-country candidates have been
making daily trips along the various
routes leading out of Ann Arbor. The
showing made to date by these anx-
ious ones has been pleasing to those
in charge, but Intramural Director
Rowe, coach of road speeders, has is-
sued another call for aspirants.
Rowe believes that the squad should
consist of 150 men, and he is hoping
that any man in the university inter-
ested in cross-country running will
respond to his newest summons. The
squad leaves Waterman gymnasium
every afternon at 4:15, and the route
is changed each day. Splendid time
has been in the made In the trips al-
ready, yet none of the men have had
sufficient time to come into their own.
October 28 has been set for the day
on which the novice race is to be held.
This will be the first event of the seas-
on, and with continual training until
that date, most of the men will no
doubt be able to display the best that
is in them...
On the morning of the Pennsylvania
game, November 7, Coach Rowe will
stage the first handicap race. Many.
of last year's team are still on the
squad, and this should make the com-
petition in that race interesting.

Regents' ruling, that no smoking
will be permitted on the campus, will
be more strictly enforced this year
than ever before. A fire inspector, in
uniform, will patrol the campus this
year to see that the order is enforced,
and in case of any persistent willful
violators, the offenders will be taken
before the regents.
The university is compelled to en-
force the order strictly to adhere to
the provisions in the insurance poli-
cies on the buildings. The only place
smoking will be tolerated is in priv-
ate offices and private laboratories.
Electrical Engineers Elect Officers
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers met for the first time this
year last Tuesday afternoon and elect-
ed the following officers for the en-
suing year: chairman, H. A. Enos;
secretary, H. W. Stubbs; treasurer,
W. C. Weilbacher. Committees were
appointed and the regular business,
To Sell Gymnasium Suits Tomorrow
Middies for gymnasium use will Pe
sold to women at Barbour gymnasium
from 8:00 to 9:00 o'clock, and from
1:00 to 3:00 o'clock, on Thursday, and
from 11:00 to 12:00 o'clock, and 1:00
to 3:00 o'clock on Friday.

Address "Y" Meeting
ichards, pastor of the
ongregational church,
give the address for
Y" Majestic meeting.
announced later. Dr.
pared very favorably
:essor, President Al-

At a meeting of the literary facul-
ty on Monday, it was unanimously vot-
ed by the assembly that they approve
of the action of the dean and the at-
tendance committee in refusing to
excuse absences to attend games.
The following also were appointed
to serve on the library committtee:
Prof. I. N. Demmon, Prof. E. C. Case,
Prof. A. G. Canfield, Prof. K. E. Guthe,
and Prof. J. S. Reeves. With the ex-
ception of Professor Reeves, the ap-
pointments were the same as those of
last year. Prof. J. L. Markley and
Prof. A. H. Lloyd were elected to rep-
resent the literary department in the
senate council.
Degrees earned in the last summer
school, including 34 A.B.'s, six B.S.'s,
and 13 teacher's diplomas, were recom-
I mended to the board of regents.

Affair to Be Held in Barbour Gym'
Convocation Day
New members of the faculty will be
formally introduced to President Har-
ry B. Hutchins, the board of regents
and the university senate at the Con-,
vocation Day reception, to be held in
Barbour gymnasium Friday night at
8:00 o'clock. The arrangements pro-
vide for the dividing of the affair into
two separate receptions, at the first of
which the new members and the la-
dies of their families will be introduc-
ed to President Hutchins and the re-
gents, before the other members of
the senate are presented.
The new members and the deans of
the various departments are requested,
upon arrival, to assemble in the par-
lors of the Women's League, where
they will be received by President
Hutchins and the regents. At the
same time, the other members of the
faculty will congregate in the gymna-
sium. At about 8:45 o'clock, there will
be a grand march, led by President
Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, and, fol-
lowing this, the new members will join
the receiving line, and the other mem-
bers of the faculty will be presented
to them.
The reception will be followed by
dancing and refreshments. Music will
be furnished by the university band.

south of the main walk. These stu-
dents may or may not wear cap and
gown, as desired, but those so attired
are to head the column.
Senior and junior medics,' who do
not hold degrees, will meet on the east
walk of State street, in the rear of the
degree students.
Undergraduate seniors of all depart-
ments, except those noted in the pre-
ceeding paragraph, will assemble on
the lawn west of the law building in
five columns of twos, the head of the
column in line with the north end of
the building. Literary seniors will
compose columns one and two on the
east side, engineers and arc'tects in
column three, medics, (secjnd year)
and laws in column four, and phar-
mics, homeops and dents in column
five on the west side.
The juniors of all departients will
gather on the pavement of North Uni-
versity avenue, west of Thayer street,
in four columns of twos, the head of
the column to be 50 feet west of Thay-
er street. Literary juniors will be in
columns oner and two on the south
side, engineers and architects in col-
umn three, medics (first year), laws,
pharmics, homeops and dents in col-
umn four on the north side of the
Sophomores from all departments
will assemble on the lawn of the north
wing of University hall in five col-
umns of twos, the head of the column
to be in line with the north .end of the
wing. The lits will compose the first
three columns on the east side, the en-
gineers and architects column four,
laws (first year), pharmics and hom-
eops column five on the west side.
Freshmen, comprising all depart-
ments, will meet on the pavement of
North University avenue, east of In-
galls street, in four columns of twos,
the head of the column on Ingalls
street. The lits will be in column one
and two on the north sde, the en-
gineers and architects in column
three, and the pharmics, homeops and
dents in column four on the south
side. All freshmen are requested to
wear fresh caps.
In Case of Rain
In case of rain, the plans for as-
sembling will be altered. A slight
sprinkle will not be considered rain;,
the rain must fall hard enough to wet
clothing so as to make its wearing
unsafe. In event of rain, the band
(Continued on page 6)

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