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April 09, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-04-09

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.00 LOCAL,





es at 7:304

Special Illinois car leaves Michigan
Central depot, 1:17 o'clock.
Pinal home performance of "All That
Glitters," at Whitefloy theater, 4:15
Spring v acation begins.

Well-Known Wagnerian Opera Singer
Shows Ability in Rendering
of German "Lieder"
and Others

Glee and Mandolin Clubs to Postpone
Concert Until Later Date,
Allowing Other
Entertainment Includes Six Black-Face
Men Prominent in Campus
Arrang'ements to stage a big min-
strel show in Hill auditorium on April
30, the second Friday after spring va-
cation, under the auspices of the Mich-

Faculty Men Give Extension Lectures
Prof. David Friday, of the econom-
ics department, will give an extension
lecture on, "The Social Aspect of In-
dustrialism," before the collegiate
alumni in Detroit tomorrow. On April
16, he will lecture before the Women's
club in Battle Creek on, "Popular Eco-
nomic Fallacies." Dean Victor C.
Vaughan, of the Medical School, will
give an extension lecture in Bad Axe
on the same date.
Eight Enthusiasts Tuern Out for First
Day's Play; Two Courts in
Good Shape


Tour, Two


915 Varsity baseball
on its season tonight
at 7:30 o'clock at the
.on for Toledo. From
vn the boys will go to
the Cincinatti, Ham-
n line, where the sec-
send themrto Lexing-
game tomorrow with
f Kentucky, the Louis-
ille carrying the team
to the home of the
15 men will make the
am, it being probable
go. The list of squad
posted at the athletic
e at 11:00 o'clock to-
field just before prac-
e workout this after-
d for the usual time,
Lt short to enable the
r their journey south.
are bound for Dixie
>le for the packing of
rms in the trunks at
this is supposed to be
y following the after-
Although the list of
ck suits was not given
. last night, he named

Stage Final Local Performance of "All
That Glitters" at Whitney

rives for Encore, Norwegian Folk-Song
"Polska von Darlan," Playing
Own Accompaniment

With a house crowded nearly to its'
full capacity, Mme. Olive Fremstad,
the Swedish-American operatic sopra-
no, captivated her audience in song

recital last evening. Although Mme. igan Union Boat club are under way, A PPAS RAFR


"All That Glitters" makes its final
bow to Ann Arbor at the Whitney thea-
ter at 8:15 o'clock tonight, in the ex-
tra performance staged for the benefit
of those who were unable to procure
tickets for the productions of last
week. Enough seats have been sold
to cover the expenses of the extra
show, but there are a number of good1
tickets left. They may be obtained
at the box office of the Whitney thea-
ter up to the time of the performance
The members of the cast, chorus
and some of the committeemen will
entrain at 9:30 o'clock Monday for
Toledo, where they will present the
initial production of the trip at the
Auditorium theater. The company
leaves the same night for Chicago,
where the second show will be staged
at the Auditorium theater on Tuesday
On the two following evenings, the
opera will appear in Detroit and Sag-
inaw, respectively. After the Saginaw
performance the troupe will break up,
to allow the men to spend part of the
spring vacation at their homes.-
Capacity houses will greet the opera
on the trip, according to the reports
of the alumni in the cities on the route.
Chicago and Detroit have been entirely
sold, out for some time.

rremstad is best known as a grand
opera singer, especially excelling in
the leading Wagnerian roles, she has
won much renown for her ability to
charm in the singing of the German
"Lieder," and smaller forms. Her
musical career began as a mere child,
and, at the age of five, she appeared
in concert as a pianist. Subsequently
she taught music in St. Paul and Du-
luth, and later developed her vocal
Of the first group of songs, some of
the best known of Schubert's, pref-
erence Was strangely given to "Der
Wanderer an den Mond," which she
was required to repeat, while the in-
dominitable "Erlkoenig" escaped with-
out the applause it deserved. In the
group of Brahms' songs, the "Vergeb-
liches Staendchen," and "Von Ewiger
Liebe," were best appreciated, the

the plans having been made at a meet-
ing of the committee yesterday after-
noon. In order that the minstrel show
will not conflict with the Glee and
Mandolin concert scheduled for the
same night, the latter organization has
consented to postpone its concert until
a later date.
The Boat club show comes as the
result of the anxiety of the officials to
take advantage of an offer by the De-
troit alumni backing the Boat club.
The Detroiters are willing to give two
new eight-oared shells to the organ-
ization this spring, valued at $1,200,
provided that the club can raise enough
money to build a boat house for them.
If everything goes well, this will give
the club a big start in the work for a!
Varsity crew, the goal toward which
the club is striving. Some money also
is needed to finance the regatta.


weiL, anaqme~warL.
n will not be able
ith the squad be-
>rders, but if the
fit by the end of
s, he will probably
to pitch the final
rn trip for Coach

first of which was repeated. Louis K. Friedman, '15, who has
It was probably in the group of folk- charge of the program for the minstrel
songs that the genius of Mme. Frem- show, promises that the entertainment
stad's art was revealed. Of the folk- will include lots of chorus work and
songs representing five different na- new specialty numbers. There will be
tions, three were so vigorously ap-. six blackface end-men to take the
plauded, that they were repeated. leading comedy parts. They will be
These songs were sung with much selected from men prominent in cam-
wealth of sentiment and natural charm,' pus theatrical projects.
being a testimony to the fact that the As the complete cast Chas not yet
old melodies of superior quality al- been determined upon, no announce-
ways endure, ment has been made as to who will
Hugo Wolf's songs were sung in take part in the production. There
splendid style, the "Gesang Weyla's will be an orchestra on the stage dur-
being repeated. At the conclusion of. ing the performance, and in planning
the program, the audience persisted in the acts, the attention will be centered
remaining, and insisted upon an ex- on making the show clever and snappy
tension of the program. Mine. Frem- with lots of action all the way through.
stad graciously responded, singing?
first with tremendous feeling and art- Webster Unanimously Defeats Adelphi
istry, the lovely English folk-song, Webster won unanimously from
"Long, Long Ago." Such a burst of Adelphi in the second of the Cup de-
applause resulted that she again ap- bate preliminaries last night. The
W+ tL1r ^ L!T;'1pr n will tL l .. N U h 11hinh

s are carded for the Wol-
eir 10 days' invasion of
ving Coach Lundgren's
lays of rest. Two games
luled with Marshall Col-
shington and Lee, while
ginia, Staunton Military
i Notre Dame are the
vhich will oppose Mich-
nued on page 6.)

A varied and elaborate program of
entertainments for the visitors is pro-
mised by the alumni. Banquets and
automobile rides are among the offered
Olive Fremstad, who gave a concert
at Hill auditorium last night, stayed
over in Ann Arbor in order to view
tonight's performance of the opera.
'he university committee of the state
legislature, who are now in Ann Arbor,,
will occupy a box. Edward J. McNam-
ara, who is visiting in Ann Arbor on
his way to Missouri to give a number
of concerts with Mme. Schumann-
Heink, will view the production to-
night. McNamara was a student in the
university school of music last year.

Tennis tryouts took their first out-
door workout yesterday afternoon,
when about eight enthusiasts turned
out to keep warm the two courts which
are now in shape for play. The Var-
sity courts have had some attention
paid to them, and were in fine early
season shape for the men who appear-
ed for the initial practice yesterday.
The early appearance of tennis try-
outs this year bids fair to help out the
team in material fashion, the racquet-
ers being on the court two weeks earli-
er than last year's squad. Some mem-
bers of the early season squad which
has been tentatively selected by Cap-
tain Reindel will remain in Ann Ar-
bor to work during the vacation peri-
od, while other tryouts for the team
will take their practice at their homes.
After the holidays, the list of men
who have been selected for the early
season squad probably will be made;
public, and the use of the Varsity
courts will be restricted to them, the
other courts by that time being in
shape to permit the other men taking
their work on them. If the plans of for-
mer years are followed, a tournament
will be held before going east, the
eight high men in which will qualify
for the tryouts for the squad, which is
composed of six men. From the six
men on the squad four are picked to
make the eastern invasion.
C. N. Mack, who won the Comstock
trophy and the campus championship
in last fall's All-Comers tonrnament
was out yesterday with "Chuck" Craw-
ford, runner-up in the fall play. Mack
seems to have lost none of his steadi-
ness through the winter, and if he de-
velops the aggression which he show-
ed in his last match in the fall, he will;
be one of the most likely men out for
this year's team.
Certain Rifle Club Members Will Have
Numerals and Jerseys
Certain members of the Michigan ri-+
fie team will be awarded special in-
signia, as a result of the action taken
by the athletic board of directors at
its meeting yesterday afternoon. To
the men who have shot among the first
high five during more than half the
rifle matches of the year, the new in-
signia will be awarded.
The design will consist of a target
and the year numerals of the man to
whom the award is made. The insig-
nia will be on jerseys, which will be
given to the men.
A petition from the architects, re-
questing extra sets of numerals for
their basketball team, was denied by
the board. The reason for the refusal
was given as the fear of setting a prec-
edent for granting extra numerals.
The architects based their request on
the fact that a couple of their men
were injured in the early games, and
others had to be substituted.

Farrell Undecided on Entering
or' Two-Mile Squad at Relay
Races Next
Makes Initial Appearance of Michi
Team at Des Moines
Michigan probably will enter bul
team at the Drake relay races, acc
ing to an announcement made
Coach Farrell last night.
The track mentor stated that
was not certain, but that present:
cations pointed to the entry of a si
quartet in the western classic. W1
er this will be a four-mile or
mile squad will be determineI 1i
and is dependent upon the sho"
made by the men. ,If the four-
team is the one selected to repre
Michigan, Ufer, Carroll, and Fox
practically certain of their posit
The fourth runner Will either be ]
nelly or Grauman, and the competi
between this pair for the posit
promises to be keen.
If Farrell decides to take a two-
team alone, and passes up the
mile race, Ufer, Carroll and Fox s
certain to win positions on this sq
with the other place the object of n
than a half dozen candidates.
The teams .or team, and accor
to present outlook a single aggrega
will make the trip, will leave M
nesday or Thursday of next week,
arrive in Des Moines some time
day. It is understood that arra
ments have been made by the alu
and some of the und ergraduate
care for the entertainment of the:
in Des Moines.
This will be the first appearanc
a Michigan team at the annual Di
relays, and the entrance of the
verines has been featured promine
by the officials, who believe that M
igan will prove a big drawing c
The alumni have taken up the ma'
and a big Michigan following is exi
ed to turn out.
Several of the Conference col
are known to possess relay si
that are running in record time.
year Illinois turned 'up with a I
mile squad that broke the prey
record, and they will be on hand,
another two-mile aggregation
In the four-mile race, Chicago
haps loons up as one of the i
prominent contenders, if the Mar
center their attention upon that
tance. The Windy City is harbo
several milers of real ability, and i
'Carroll, Fox et al will have their h
full if the coach starts them ag
the Conference cracks.
Half mile trials will be held t
or tomorrow, and following these
coach will determine in which of
events his men will run.

One Team, Probably'
Men Going to
ake relays are draw-
hare of Coach Far-
.ese days, neverthe-
ing relays at Penn-
ing up in the near
,l of the track team
g out for the special

peared, this time singing a Norwegian
folk-song, entitled, "Polska von Dar-
Ian," and playing her own accompani-
ment. As a final encore, she sang the
famous, "Filles de Cadiz" by Leo
Mr. Frank Bibb played exceptionally
competent accompaniments. It is al-
ways a pleasure to find accompanists
who regard their art seriously enough
to devote their entire energies to that
specialty, instead of disrupting the
continuity of a program by the inter-
polation of indifferent piano solos
played negatively.

former team wii meet ii na u,wnicn
won from Jeffersonian Wednesday
night, in the finals scheduled for April
30. The Webster team is composed
of P. G. Eger, '16, T. F. McDonald, '17L,
and L. W. Lisle, '17L.
Faculty Men Will Speak at Banquet
Prof. Evans Holbrook, of the Law
School, and Dean John R. Effinger, of
the literary college, will represent the
university on the program of the ban-
quet given by the University of Michi-
gan Alumni association of Grand Rap-
ids, April 17, in that city.

mn will enter one relay team.
bably will be selected from,
nts who are now battling for
on the squad which will be
es Moines. The Wolverines
red in the medley affair, but
stated last night that in all
y Michigan would pass up
rinter will be taken along to
100-yard dash, and competi-
this honor promises to be
ptain Smith, O'Brien, Laps-
'Al" Robinson are the four
n the coach will pick the
dash man, although if Kretz-
urns 'out, a fifth contestant
dded. However, the Detroit
iiled to put in an appearance
Robinson is a frehsman, but
men are eligible for the Penn
es,. and he will be numbered
ose trying for the nosition.

meet is a faster event than at the in-
tercollegiates, as men ineligible for the
latter are allowed to compete in Phil-
adelphia, which gives Robinson a
chance. Howard Drew, the colored
sprinter from the coast, will be on
hand, and with a record of 18 races
which have beentimed officially in 9
4-5 and better, the dusky champion is
a heavy favorite. Last year he won
the 100 with ease, "Howdy" Seward,
the Michigan entrant, finishing third.
The coach has announced that he
will take a broad jumper who can ne-
gotiate 22 feet, and Johnny Ferris is
already working out with this in view.
Ferris is jumping much better this sea-
son than he ever has before, and if he
continues at the present rate, should
make the grade. "Al' Robinson, the
freshman sprinter, may also take a'
crack at broad jumping. "Robby" has
a sneaking no," that perhaps he can
do the required distance, although he
never spent much time working at
this in "prep" school. Many sprinters
develop into good broad jumpers, as
is evidenced by the fact that Drew, the
California entrant, frequently com-
petes in the leap.
Wilson is working at the pole vault,
and the coach states that if he betters
the 12 foot mark by a few inches, hye
will take him along. Corbin is work-
ing at the hurdles, and the classy race
the youngster ran in Chicago at the
A. A. U. indoor meet, indicates that he
stands an excellent chance of making
the grade. Cross is working with the
weights, although an injury has laid

"Back to your room!" said a burly'
Ann Arbor policeman to a student who
thought himself clever enough to out-
wit an Ann Arbor landlady about the
hour of midnight last night. After
much thought and a great deal of de-
liberation, the freshman decided that
the only way to be within the law, and
at the same time leave his lodgings,
was to quietly and stealthily leave his
erstwhile abode and hie himself to
quarters more pleasing than the suite
of rooms which he occupies at pres-
Just at the weird and ghostly hour,
when the spirits stalk, and as the li-
brary chimes were chiming, the trem-
bling youth, blushing at his own bold-
ness,by means of a confiscated clothes-
line, lowered his trunk and other sun-
dry articles to the ground. BUMP!
BUMP! BUMP! Ah! the load was
bumping against the house, and what
was worse, at about the same time the
villianess (that is the landlady) heard
a noise as if something were "tapping,
gently tapping, tapping at her cham-
ber door."
Quickly adjusting her teeth, after
seizing them from the glass of water
in which they were reposing for the

night, she stepped to the phone and'
called up police headquarters, asking
them to send up two of their huskiest
men at once. With the usual speed,
celerity, grace and all the rest of it,
which characterizes the Ann Arbor po-
lice, two burly members of the force
rushed to the rescue of the distressed
Now, in the meantime our hero (that
is the escaping frosh) was lowering va-

Second Nine Beats Out
Men by One Tally; I
Big Innings

Policemen, Freshman And Landlady
Stage Comedy At Hour Of Midnight

rious articles unknowingly into the Maulbetsch Voes under Knife Monday
hands of the protectors of our public "Johnny" Maulbetsch, star halfback
safety, not realizing that a few min- on the Varsity football team, will. go
utes later he would be carrying the to the St. Joseph's hospital tomorrow
same articles back to their former morning to prepare for an operation,
resting place. That is what happened to take place on Monday mornitig. le
though, and, what's more, instructions has been suffering for some time with
were telephoned from the dean of his ailments, the nature of which have not
college, who was rather peeved at be- been known, but upon a recent exami-
ing disturbed at such an unseemly. nation it was found that the trouble
hour, to the effect that no ,action , was a case of chronic appendicitis.
should be taken until a conference had
been held with him(meaning the prof,) Start Class Baseball After Vacation
and the poor, discouraged, unsuccessful Immediately after the close of the
freshman, who thought he was clever- spring holidays, the class baseball sea-
er than an Ann Arbor landlady, didn't son will start on south Ferry field. It
get much sleep last night, thinking is expected that more teams will enter
over that interview which is due to this year than ever before, and that the
take place at 9:00 o'clock this morn- quality will also be better than that
ing. of previous seasons.

Coach Hughitt's All-Fresh ball tos
ers staged another close contest ye
terday afternoon on south Ferry fiel
when the second yearling nine nos(
out the first choice aggregation by
9 to 8 score. The first team start(
out with a rush, counting six talli
in the first three innings, but the se
ond string came back in the four
and fifth rounds, shoving seven ru
across in their two big innings.
About 50 candidates reported, ai
Coach Hughitt used 35 of this numb
at least for one inning or more. Gai
epy pitched good ball for the secom
and.held the first choice men witho
a score when they threatened to tal
in the last inning. Riddle and Walte
house performed well at third a
shortstop for the losing team, wh
Piggott held his position at third
good shape for the winners. The lin
ups for the teams were as follow

at this him up temporarily.

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