THE MICHIGAN DAILY *1 STUDENTS We are ready to show you the best line of THAT NEW MICHIGAN Most of you young r 'e;i who read this ad know, good style SCRAP BOOK N Is Just Right flien's Suits, Overcoats, Balmacaans, Raincoats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings Shown in the City Better Pape Better Cover Better Better Binding Price You can tell at a glance whether a suit or overcoat has the exclusive touch that puts it in the favored class of smartness. And it is this that has won so many of you to Society Brand Clothes. You know they are right when you see them. The whole effect of our clothes is one of slimness and trimness of the supple- ness and ease which one must have to be cor- rectly dressed these days. Sild only at CALKINS' Pharmacy 324 So. State Street WADHAMS & CO. 121-123 So. [lain St. - - - s /' _ "' '7t ( "a.. .. i TEMPLE T HEA TR E MON. Oct. 1 2-The Gilded Kidd, with Elsie Mc Leod TUJES. Oct. 1 3-14.arst-Selig Pictorial News WELL. Oct. 14--The Billionaire THUR. Oct. 1 S-7th Story of Pauline FRI. Oct. 16-Willis, with W. Onkman SAT. Oct. 17-His Stolen Fortune, with Francis X. Bushman I~an MY Air AF-M MIAdlk Im" ow 4A C'I jo too " (W w co i he Ann Arbor Savings Bank pital Stock $300,000 Surplits $100,000 Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted as. F,. Hiscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz- sh'r, W. 1D. Harriman, Vice-lres., Carl F. aun, Asst. Cash'r, Win. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r wings Dept. Liberty and Main Sts. Most Convenient Place for Your Banking he Farmers & Mechanics Bank 01.105-105 south Main Street Capital, $1000,000 irpius and Profits . $75,6000 ITreason that we can make you suits cheaper but of the same quality as o thler tailors be- cause we pay less rent. A. Marquardt is sit= uated over the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. An nouncenient Having enlarged and remodeled our Studio we are now repared to give even bet,-r service than here-to-fore. Try Us )AN~S& NICKELS PIIOTOGRA P11 iRs --Aibout 20)men eligible fornieniber- CMar ingkNext Week-SRoih ,enar ship were entertained at a smoker by i Cmn Nx ekSrn er the Commerce club last night. The __________________ election of new members will take place next Monday night, and the an- R y lip ' rtr nual banquet will be given on Tues- Ro a Ty e rt s day evening, October 20. -Junior medics nominated the fol. FOR SALE lowing candidates for class officers at On Easy Terms a meeting fheld yesterd1ay: president- L. B. Kin gery, L=. Bater, J. 0. Dieterle; Machines for Rent at low rates vice-president-E Arnold; treasurer--' D. 11. Jeffers, L. C. Todd; basketball A. H. COHEN, Resident Salesman manager-F. P. Currier, Dobbin; track 1314 So. University Avenue manager-L. B. LEI s' y, 11.° D. Funk; Phone 2282 baseball manager--P'r. 4'N onalson. _________________ -Dan ('. !filler, iuistz'iictoi' last year in descriptive geometxy and drawing,1 THE KEMPF MUSIC STUDIOS, 312 has b~een this year 'ap pointed assistant S. Division St. . Phone 212-J. Piano, professor of civil en gineering at the Voice, Pipe Organ, Harmony. Leave Agriculture and Mechanical College of orders for fine piano tuning. Good Texas, at College Stvtion, Texas. H-e tenor soloist wanted for church work is 'pecidizing in hyd raulics. -Work ont the Cosm DIpolitan club tab- Standard Loose Leaf note books- leau to be presented at the Red Cross! your name on cover without expense mass meeting Thursday evening, Oc- at Wahr's University Book Store. tober 15, is progressing rapidly. All -- participants are requested to meet in Aprons and Lab. supplies in general Hill auditorium at 7:30 o'clock this! at Wahr's University Book Store. eod evening for a rehearsal of the tableau.'________ -The botanical department will hold The 'best chocolates--Cranes and its annual chrysanthemum exhibit in Gilberts at Quarry's. eod. Alumni Menmorial hall some time dur-___________ in~ ovemer.Bear Grace Cameron sing "Cause. -Prof. Robert M. Wenley :lectured in I'm Pigeon Toed." tf Detroit, yesterday, under the auspices of the University of Miiigau Exten- Pianos to rent at Schaeberle & Sons sion on "The Elements of Philasophy." IMusic 1.ouse. tf. Everyone who really knows the Gas Meter, thinks well 'of him. That's because in the long run he is true and honest and what he says is always open to proof., He measures for what the most useful and helpful com- modity that eomes into your house. He tells you whenever you look at him just where you stand; just how much light and fuel you have used in a given time. From that you know just what they have cost you. Make a friend of your Gas Meter. Get acquainted with him. Phone to the Gas Office for ain introduction. Nancy Gay knows him and likes him. "'The story of Nancy Gay" recites her experiences. Call at our offiic for a copy.: is FREE. .l 336 S. State St. Phone 3104 a \1YLES oth Shop Washtenaw Gas.Company F. A.MY LEIS. t 8Begs to 81.1tuoxxt-kce that his Clots Shop 'is SO&w located at 616 EAST LIBERTY T. Yours -s epeci fully. WE ARE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR. HEALTH Buy Your DRUGS .and DRUG SUNDRIES1. Prof. Edward R. Turner lIectured at the same time on English. history. --C. 1. llirshafeldt, of 'Detroit, Will speak on "The Connor's Creek Power Station of the Detroit T ldison Illum- inating Company," at 7.:KdO o'clock to- morrow night, in room 34 8 of the engi- neering building. Thi4, plant, which is one of the largest andl most modern stations in this country, was designed by Mr. Hirshfeldt. -1llini club, an orgaiza Lion of stu- dents from Illinois, will b old its first smoker and get-to-geth~er: next Thurs- day night at 7:30 o'clock,: at the Un- ion. All students from :Illinois are asked to attend this me adng. Nomi- nation and election of officers will take .place and plans for the year wil be discussed. -Walter IL Cohn, '18, -wbo suffered a dislocated shoulder in ithe fresh-sophi rush last Saturday, has. left the home- opathic hospital, where. ;his injury was dressed, He is now ab.le to attend his classes. Grace Cameron is coming to the Ma- j estic. tf Get your kodak supplies at the uni- University Ave.. Pharmacy. Open day and night and Sundays. tf Grace Cameron coming to the Ma- jestic is the biggest single act ever booked on the "Butterfield Circuit." tf We shine shoes bright, and block hats right. The Athens on Liberty St. Try us once. tf. University Ave. Pharmacy. The new store. Drugs, sundaes, and toilet ar- ticles. At the Majestic Grace Cameron will sing "Little Dolly Dimples." tf Waterman Fountain Pens of all kinds. University Avenue Pharmacy. tf 11 1 - - 11 MANN &t WALKER 213 S. Main St. Phone 876 II' f 7 11 II alads made with a home flavor. In fact, all our confectionis are strictly home made; such delicacies as candies, ice creams and'dainty lunches we claim to be the best you can find. THE CRST _ -_ ... For Professor, Teacher,, Instructor and Student-.for Busy Men in All Walks of Life. Here is a ;remarkable chair-much more than a chair, too, though it takes' up jabout the same room as a big Turish rocker. Within easy reach are all the conveniences of a study. The chair is a fine piece of furniture in itself--made of solid quarter-sawed oak and upholstered in leather. The price is $65.00. I C) YOU KNOW "That you can purchase all editions Schirmrer and Wood Librar~y one Half Off Thaeot'y and Practice of Tone Relations by Goetschenls for $1.20 Volk Songs and Fart Songs by Davmroscll for ...............E Call and gel our prices on all Classical Music FREE DELIVERY GRINNELL BROTHERS 1 20.122 East Liberty Street Phone 1707 I .i i Classes in SHORTHAND, TYPE- WRITING, BOOKKEEPING and PENMANSHIP for University Students will be organized next week at the SCHOOL4 OF SHORTHAND, 711 N. University Avenue. Watch for Announcement oif the OPENING OF THE ARCADE THEATRE ON NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. FURTRE HALL 1 HILL AUDITORIUM, Ann Arbor, Mich. CHORAL UNION CONCERTS ALBERT A. STAN LI'Y, Director I~ Nral Concer I t I l p I rt Course fI I I I Oct. 28-Johanna Gadski Nov. 1 1-Ferruclo Bussoni Dec. 2-Philadelphia Orchestra Feb. 1 7-Cincinnotti Orchestra Mar. 1 2--Lo lezak May 19-22-May Festival Pre~festival Course Tickets (Pe- serve d) $3.00, ,$3.50, $3.75, $4. Single Concerts $1, $1.25, $1.50 Mail orders filled In order of re- ceipt from special sections after Oct. 14. Public sales begin Oct. 19. I' YPSILAN-TI, jLima. FREDERICK ALEXANDER, Director i-Oct. 22 ANNA CASE isoprano from the Metropolitan Opera Co., N. Y. Flngle admission SI1.50 i-Oct. 28 Matinclk 3 'clocak. RUSSIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. Modest Alt p uler, Cn nductor. Single admission $1.50 11l--Deo. 4 DAVID A ND CLAft A MANNES. Sonata Recital. Violin and Piano IV-1380. 1 0 Christmias Carols.. NORMAL CHOIR. 200 Singers. Alla cappella, V-Mar. 1I* ELEANOR SPENCk-R. Piano Recital. VI-Mar. 10 Matinee .3 o'clock,. BARRERE ENSEMBLE. The Wood-wind In- strumnents of Ne-w York Symphony Orchestra. Vll-APR. 1S DETROIT SYMPI4'OPY ORCHESTRA, Weston Gales, Conductor. Soloist: Georgia 5~cardson JBaskerville, Piaxist. Single $1.50 Vili-May NORhIIAL CHOIR FESTIVAL Season: Seats,' Reser'wed, $2.50 for Eight Concerts Monday,, October 12_, fronl,4t t 5 p.-n, At Conservatory. For all seats located in 7Tlcst-,'.lJ C:ther 1;, f'urn ' -n ; p :u~. A' SIle, i ardware ,tore.Fral sr t luract..LuWorth 4Half ou( \orm.ti 1i all. y , T ' 5 ,I' ;II I 1, : ,, I' ,, HALLER 'JEWELRY C( State St. Jewelers Conklin Fountain Pens Alarm Clocks 75. u Michigan -Jewelry Novelties Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Watches SCHOOL OF MUSIC FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT R[AS A. SIKS.ut Liy- ' 1 _ - -te- - i -