THE MIC-HIGAN LAILY ,... __ _ ring Showing of 4 BLOCH SUITS SPRING SHOWING OF CROFUT & KNAPP SOFT and STIFF HATS andj The Largest Assortment of Golf Caps We Have Ever Shown WE ARE NOT KEEPING THEM, WE ARE SELLING THEM LET US SELL YOU YOUR HEAD-WEAR TiCnker & Copany CO.S. STATE aad WILLIAM STS.' Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. READY AT YOUR SERVICE 4IPERIAL HATS Correct Spring Attire for Men .11 the new shapes and colors in CAPS Suits Balmacaans Topcoats Raincoats $15 to $30 $12 to $25 $8 to $20 . $8to $18 Fin* Spring Haberdashery t t i tt, Apfel & Co. A1 DIETERLE AND RUNDELL TAILORS, W. NINTY-FOUR WEST FORT STRI T DETROIT, MICH. . FORMERI, V WM. E. DIETERIE SPRING ORDERS TAKEN NOW Y TO THE BANK T FORGET ROASTED UTS A FULL c. POUND 124]S. MAIN ST. er Vacation, be here and you may want [MS DECORATED or painted. We are prepared to do any- orative business, and shall be glad to give ir work. ALLFIESH TEAMS STAGEFIRSTGAME Second Team Wins from First Squad by 4 to 2 Score; Andrus Falls and Hurts Knee TO HOLD PRACTICE TOMORROW In the first practice game of the All- Fresh baseball season,the second team won from the first team by two runs in a clash which ended with the score 4 to 2. The second choice team started with a rush scoring two tallies in the first two innings. After the first team had tied the score in the third round, the seconds came back aid put over two counters in the last period. Andrus, who showed up well in the gym last week as a pitcher, fell, and as a result has a bad case of water on the knee. Practice will be held on south Ferry field tomorrow after- noon and all those wishing, to try for positions are urged to report as only 30 turned out today. The lineup of yesterday's game is as follows: Team No. 1-Lambert, c; Hydon, Mattsson, Brockman, 1b; Brit- ton, Biolosky, 2b; Ream, Martin, 3b; Baribeau, Biolosky, ss; Knowleston, Draper, Bolton, If; Norton, C. Lutz, Waymeher, rf; Roberts, Gariepy, p. Team No. 2-Perry, Newton, C; Hib- bard, Field, 1b; Robinson, Brown, 2b; Piggot, 3b; Walterhouse, ss; Sykes, Drummond, If; Hendrickson, Hateman, cf; Roskosky, Golden, Ippel, Donald- son, rf; Ohlmaker, Goetz, Goodspeed, p. Shipments Come in Spite of Blockade While Germany and England are fighting to establish a blockade on all foreign commerce, the university l. brary is receiving two shipments of books almost every week from across the Atlaitic. From the library's Span- ish agent, two sets of classics and about 20 other volumes, were received last week. Yesterday, Assistant Libra- rian F. L. Goodrich ,reported that a consignment had been received from England, containing among other vol- umes, several old pamphletston the slavery question, which were printed before 1800. A complete history of all the colleges of Oxford was also receiv- ed in this shipment. Confectionary,cigars and soft drinks and canoes for the Lakeland and Ypsi- lanti trips. P. G. Tessmer. Buy shoes and satisfaction at the same time from Gross & Dietzel, 119 E. Washington St. We have all colors for canoes and spar varnishes for canoe repairs. P. G. Tessmer. University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf Shoes repaired while you rest. o. G. Andres, 222 S. State St. eod Tu Results Count Continued re-orders prove the quality and merit of our work in both Portrait and Commercial De- partments. Our satisfied customers are our biggest advertisement. S e e us about yours work; we compete with one and all. We have recently received a fine new lot of Moldingsand are mak- ing a specialty of artistic picture framing. Films developed for ise per roll. Prints made from 3c upwards HOPPE'S Ann Arbor's Finest Studio 619 E. Liberty street I Look at our Show Windows for Headquarters fer Manhattan Shirts, $1.60 to $4.00 Perrin's Spring Gloves. Beautiful Spring Neckwear The World's Iest Underwear Hosiery and other Quality Fixings I I CANDY SPECIALTIES Every day in the week. THE4 SUGAR BOWL 104 S. Main St. U I 11 Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (except Friday and Saturday) Wed. April? "Pere Goirot" Fri. April 9 "The Game of Life" Sat. Aprl 10 "Surgeon Warren's Ward" with Ruth Stonehouse- Also Mary. Pickford. The Big Store 200-202 South Main St. I SPECIAL ORDERS IN Rings, Pins and Jewelry -FOR- UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONS FINE ENAMELLING, DIE WORK, and STONE SETTING i have an elegant line of i915 paper patterns to select from our prices are right. H. MAJOR & CO. ton St. Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Apr, 5-6-Mon. Tues.-Lewis J. Selzuick in The Adventures of a Boy Scout in 5 parts. Apr. 7-Wed, Quo Vadis, by George Kleine Apr.8.9--Thurs..Fri.--America in 6 acts as shown at the New York Hippod- rome, cast of iooo. Pickford in Cinderella 4 parts, rebooked. Free show to poor children at io o'clock Arcade TIeatre SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Tuesday, April 6-"The Hermit of Bird Island," 3-part Lubin feature. "Hearts to Let," Vitagraph comedy. Wed., Apr. 7-"Alias Jimmie Valentine' with Rbt. Warwick, 5-pt. World feature. Coming Friday-wilton Lackaye in Zangwill's " The Children of the Ghetto," 5 parts. I HALLER ,JEWELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS ,,,, ..r.Y . .. I _ 1 ( I - L. _ ,L_ ...-' ... .-- CA a ti 4 a 11 Phone 237 Everything that's New in Millinery Dana Richardson- 115 E. Liberty St. Men's Spring Hats EVERYTHING THE LATEST In Hats for Spring STYLE Is Our Motto Get Your Hat Today FACTORY HAT STORE 118 E. HtAror St. nr. Allead Hotel W.W. MAN N,Prop "Bull"Durham, the Smoke of Hospitality At fashionable house-parties, gay week-end gath- erings, wherever smart American men assemble for recreation, mellow "Bull" Durham tobacco adds to their enjoyment.. It is correct, up-to-date, notably stylish to "roll your own cigarettes with "Bull Durham-stamps you as a smoker of experience- and that delicate, distinctive "Bull" Durham fragrance is always very agreeable to the ladies of the party. GENUINE BU LLDURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO "Bull" Durham is unique among the world's high-class smoking tobaccos-and has been for generations. Millions of smokers find in the fresh cigarettes they fashion to their own liking from this deliciously mild, fragrant tobacco, supreme enjoyment and satisfac- Ask for FREE tion obtainable in no other way Aske o"pper " Thousands of everyday usefus sold for less at Hoag's Home Supply Store. Corner Main & Washington. Don't forget the The Dansant at the Allenel Hotel, Friday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 P. M. Miss Chamberlin in LOST-An Alpha Phi pin, set with three diamonds. Name on the back. Reward if returned to 727 East Uni- versity Ave. FOR SALE--AT FORCED SALE PRIC ES. The only two lots in the city suitable for clubhouse sites. About 30,000 square feet of area in each and four blocks from Campus. This is an opportunity. Call 315 from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and ask for Elmer E. Brooks. ..1 University Ave. Pharmacy Drugs and toilet articles. Phone 416. tf Don't forget the The Dansant at the Allenel Hotel, Friday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 P. M. Miss Chamberlin in attendance. Fischer's Orchestra. .1 iith each 5c sack. ARE YOU GOING HOME? pr Real Year Round Comfort on why you're RBIND. It can't vays lifts on the ve,them smooth Better take some of that Opera Music to Sis or to your Best Girl. It will be a good way to get in right with the whole family. The score contains the entire music from the Overture to the Finale. ' ~ 1 GRINNELL BROS. 120 East Liberty St. * Roll a cigarette with "Bull" Durham today. Learn that orig- inal, exquisite aroma - the re- freshing smoothness and mellow- ness - the irresistible appeal of this world-famous tobacco. An Illustrated Booklet, FREE showing correct way to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and a Package of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in U. S. on request.. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C. Room E 1400. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. . .. . . . . ictical and Scien- e of the Electric Dish, Toaster - I Range Is shown THE EASTERN MICHIGAN EDISON CO. Invites you to attend a Demonstration of Electric Cooking USING THE NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC RANCE Electrical Household Ap pliances make handsome and useful Presents We are selling the devices manufactured by the General Electric Co. at very attractive prices ELECTR IC At their Display Rooms By Miss AGNES A. ARTERBURN, B. S. in Domestic Science Two to Five each afternoon April 1st to 15th IF