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April 04, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-04-04

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poultry with a side-line of breeding a
fine species of English and Irish -set-
ters. Her estate at Ossining, N. Y.,
changed from Sing Sing on account of
shut-in memories, is not only a famous
show place but is managed in such a
way that buttermilk doesn't cost the
same as champagne, and it isn't cheap-
er to buy eggs than raise them. This
is accomplished by means of a vic-
arious superintendency. She gives the
farm as much attention as she can di-
rectly, and then gets the best cast
possible to play the piece during the
time she is away.
Never talk to Miss Bates of trying a
play "on the dog." She has too much
respect for the dog. She would flame
into anger at once. Even now her ken-
nels are famous, and when she does
settle down to the life of a farmer
there will be a side line of breeding
dogs quite as important and probably
even more profitable.
"I wish I could have them with me
on the road," she said the other day.
"But it is cruel to make a dog ti'avel
about the country on trains and en-
dure the tortures of hotel-life.. I think
that the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty of Animals should stop travel-
ing people from taking dogs about
with them.
"How did I first get interested in
setters? Well I'll tell you the abso-
lute facts and you can accept them for
just what they are wtrth. One day in
New York I was driving through the
lower section of the city with a friend,
an actress, and we came into the midst
of a crowd around a burning tenement.
"The firemen were helping people
out and taking them down the ladders.
After they seemed to have rescued
everyone, a dog appeared at the wi'n-
dow of a room on the fourth or fifth
floorv He was an Irish setter, and I
shall never forget the human expres-
sion of the poor beast as he looked
down at the crowd with fmute appeal
to rescue him.

Scene from Richard Bennett's co-workers in "Damaged Goods," at the Whit ney theater, Thursday evening, April 8.


Brieux's Notable Sex Drama Draws
Remarkably Large Xat-
ibee Crowds

Three Star combination of William Gillette, Blanche
at the Whitney theater, Monday night, April 5.
STI- standard. The show will be opened by
the "Two Burns Sisters," who will offer
the Majestic, a piano, violin, and harmony singing
-anged for two act. The girls are both good looking,
and the advance notices claim that they
'f Bhave an act of merit. Howard Burk-
at opens Mon- holder is a well-groomed chap .who
ave to be one offers a singing,:dancing and talking
the Majestic number that contains a lot of good
comedy dialogue, which he puts over
to the desired results. Hale Norcross'
& Co., in the comedy playlet "Love In
The Suburbs," have a funny skit that:
depicts suburban life in a big city.
The story shows the woman of the
house being mistaken for a servant
girl by the policeman on the beat, and
the act is full of bright lines and clean
comedy. Betty Wells is a good look-
ing girl, who has a hodge-podge of
patter and songs, and her offering in
number four position should go over
to a solid hit. Josie Flynn and Min-
strel Misses . present a minstrel first
- part that is fjull of "pep" singing, danc-
ing and talking, and the eight girls in
this act are said to be all good look-
ing, and to give a first part that would
do credit to any minstrel show ever

wrong and out of it grew a great good
to the French stage. At the time that
"Damaged Goods" was produced in
Paris 'in 1900, there was a censor of
the Theater of France, and 1e exe-
cised his legal right in suppressing the
sermon play after one performance.
The great sociologists and physiolans
of the nation raised such a storm of
protest at this injustice, that the doom
of the French censor was sealed, and
shortly thereafter his office was abol-


Comedy, in Which He Appears,-
Said To Differ Vastly From
Usual Celtic Plays

While Chauncey Olcott's new comedy Richard Bennett's co-workere t
by Rachel Crothers is -a romance of Eugene Brieux's wonderfully interest-
ing sex drama "Damaged Goods," is
Ito be the attraction at the Whitney
4 ~ theater, for one night, Thursday,
.,. % April 8.
k 4 One of the most striking features
about Brieux's "Damaged Goods
which Richard Bennett's co-workers
q k present here, is the remarkable ap-
peal which the play has for the mat-
inee audiences. In every city the dra-
ma has been given invariably to capac-
ity audiences in the afternoon. This
fact came near having a serious as-
pect in Cleveland, recently. The women
flocked to the Euclid Avenue opera
house in hundreds, and by one o'clock
there was such a jam of humanity in
front "of the theater that traffic was
blocked, and the mounted police had
a to be called out ivert curious spec
tators to other streets, fqr the crgwd
of theater goers ws being pggmgnted
at an alarming rate by thoge who
merely wished to see the "uee of the
excitement," It was fully 0 mutes
after the curtain rose that the sreet'
outside the theater resumed .its normal


There seems to be something almost .
he Bates incongruous,An. the idea of Blanche,
lomacy," Bates, . theain ous, sleek, supple and
y night, subtle siren.,,' icka" in "Diplomacy,' cene from "vamaged Gc ds," Whitney
being a farmer, a breeder of prize, theater, Thursday night, April 8.

It has been the history of civilization
that our, greatest advance has been the
direct outgrowth of great wrongs or
of oppression. Eugene Brieux, author
of "Damaged Goods," suffered such a

Marie Doro with William Gilltte an4
Bianche jgtes in "Diplomacy," Whit-
ney theater, Monday night, AprilS .

Chauncey Olcott at the Whitney thea-
ter, Tuesday night, April 6, in "The
Heart of Paddy Whack."

old Ireland, advance reports credit. it
with being vastly different from the
usual run of Celtic plays. What it
lacks in red-coated British soldiers
and evictions, hard-hearted landlords
and other conventions of the old-style
Irish drama, it makes up in a fine
clear-cut story of a bachelor's romance
set amidst the picturesque surround-
ings of the Emerald Isle iu 30,
Rachel Crothers' former work in "TlAr
Three of Us" and "A Mans World"
convinced Henry Miller that she was
the author who could give Mr. Olcott I
a vehicle which would show the actor
at his best, and reports say that Miss
Crother's comedy is a delightful and
charming play in which Irish senti-
ment and humor give embellishment
to a story of strong appeal to the
Henry Miller, who directs the Olcott
tours, has given his star an elaborate
production, the scenes being a series
of pictures of Ireland at a time when
bell-crowned hats, long coats, poke
bonnets and full skirts for women
were the fashion of the day. The
play gives Mr. Olcott many opportun-
ities for the introduction of a half
dozen or more songs.
Surrounding the actor-singer will
be a notable company. Among those
in the cast are: Miss Edith Luckett,
Charles Verner, Fleming Ward, Wal-
ter Colligan, Richard Quilter, Stephen
Davis, Maud Hosford, Bessie Lee Lest-
ing, Jessie Cromette, and Nina Saville.
^ess, The engagement will be at the Whit-
k_'r ney theater, Tuesday, April G.

r theater,


I, -

Betty Wells "Syncop

Majes tic. Monday, Tuesday, W

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