THE MICHIGAN DAILY8 . Optical Repairs, There is but one shop in town that specializes in Optical Repairs A skilled optician who can grind your lenses accurately in- our own shop, saving you time, worry and expense, Why wait two day s when you can have a lens in two hours? Other eyeglass and spectacle repairs made by him who knows how. Bring your eyeglass and spectacle troubles here. Arnold & Co., Jewelers 220 S. MAIN STREET a WHITMNEdY THEATRE Monday Night, April5 Extraordinary Triple Star Combination: This Season only Charles Frohman Presents Mario Doro In Victorien Sardou's Masterpiece aDPLOMACY" Curtain at 8 o'clock sharp COMPLETE INTERCOLLEGIATE SUPPLEMENT ISSUED GIVING CORNELL CREWS TO PRACTICE desires to see the change made, and PROHIBITION CONTEST PLANS SUMMER COURSES' DESCRIPTION THROUGHOUT EASTER VACATION has offered to provide money for the . _building of several women's dormi- Enter Upon Preparations For State, Canip Life Attracts Many $Vomen to ITHACA, NEW YORK, April 3.- tories. The college officials maintain Inter-State and National Douglas Lake; Chicago Stu- Five complete crews will remain in silence on the subject., Up to the pres- Meetings dents to Visit It I ent time women have been given only Ithaca during the spring vacation, in gaut ere rmDrmuh ---- - graduate degrees from Dartmouth an attempt to regain part of the three With the exception of a definite de- In -addition to the regular summer weeks lost because of inclement wea- Wishing to be represented in the cision as to the amount of the local session bulletin of the biological sta- weks Tos daseinem n w a rtmsuthtenreenidingth prize, the Intercollegiate Prohibition tion, a supplement has just been is- r.s y oonthe mtfn dtmd ullymeuipedrmosorg' ing and one in the afternoon, are set fund to send a fully equipped motor contest preparations are complete for sued which gives a more detailed des- ambulance to thefront for "every man who remains with theamunctohefn. April 7. Officials of the organization cription of the work and the require- Corellry squa.I is rexp wtht the - announced yesterday that five students ments for entrance. For the first time, Cornell, for the second time has won crews will be transferred from the Crl o the eatr snecolegitewrestling. have already entered. All orations elementary courses in zoology and bot- the eastern intercollegiate wrestling have been limited to 1,500 words, ac- any are to be given, and present ind- gigs, in which they have practiced, to title. Lehigh took second, Pennsyl- cordng o arecnt ulig o th co- caion pont o arecrd-reaingshells during the vacation period. The vania third place. Columbia's captain, cording to a recent ruling of the cor- cations point to a record-breaking .en will also be given an opportunity Pentelton, proved their only star, mittee in charge and those who desire attendance at the station this summier, to row on the lake during the week. cinching the".light; heavyweight title. to enter the contest are urged to hand Twelve instructors and assistants w neretofore rowing has been confined -in their names to R. B. Penzotti, '18, will take charge of the six courses to tshe Inlet.Twlevcoisadn dfat 'before tomorrow night. in botany, which is the largest fac - Twelve victories and no defeats The Intercollegiate association has ulty and the greatest number of gives Illinois the middle west chain- made final plans for state, inter-state courses that have ever been given at NITERCOLLEGIAE. ' pionship in basketball. Chicago holds and national contests which are to the station, second place. follow the local contest. The state con- The location of the station, on the Every man at Washington State col- -o- test will be held at Adrian, not long shores of Douglas Lake, is most pleas- lege, who has won his letter in any No more cases of smallpox have after the winners in the local contests ant, with good boating and swimming form of athletics, will be -given, a life been dscovered at Illinois. The auth- are chosen. Shortly after, the state facilities. The camp life is the attrac- pass to all of the University's athletic orities are taking the strictest care to contest the inter-state and national tive feature of the summer's work contests. . prevent the spread of the disease. contests will follow. The prizes to be and most students return a second or -- -0- given in the respective contests will third year for further advanced work. Princeton will receive $250,000 from Vassar. College has commenced a aggregate $210, and it is expected that With the exception of one year, 1912, Mrs. Russel Sage, for the erection of a campaign to raise a $1,000,000 educa- the local prize will boost the total there have always been more women new dining hall, provided an equal tional endowment fund. The money somewhat. than men at the station. Teachers amount is raised by July 1. At the will be used for buildings and equip- find the station valuable, as it gives present time $75,000 has been collected ment. PLAN MANY ENTERTAINMENTS them a chance to recuperate from their toward the fund. -.- TO WELCOME ILLINOIS TEAM year's work, and carry on advanced --o- Spring practice has commenced for studies at the same time. Dartmouth students are waiting for the Crimson football squad. Twenty- Planning the biggest week's enter- A class of botany students, from the an official confirmation or denial of a five men have reported and are being tainment ever attempted at the Uni- University of Chicago, will visit the persistent rumor that the college is to put through light drill in the funda- versity of California, the student body biological station for a short time in become a coeducational institution. mentals of the game and forward at Berkeley are receiving the Illinois August. It is said that an unknown benefactor passing. track team with open doors. Next Two tents will be reserved at the Tuesday, a progressive afternoon dance station for visitingbiologistssw HERE IS HO W WE SUPPLY 'YU will be held at three of the sorority may use the facilities of the station HEREIS HOW1~JV '"WE SUPP.LY YOUUI houses forthe visiting athletes. Sat- on the payment of a nominal fee on. M ENTAL FOOD GENTLE READ urday night an ""Ilini Shuffle," with It is expected that some valuable re- a 65-piece orchestra, will be held. The search work will be accomplished as__ festivities of the week include auto- a result of this arrangement. fesiviiesof he eekincudeaut- areslt f tis rragemnt.Meanwhile, three watches ticked on! distances that would have caused°.Char- mobile rides, receptions, dances, and One of the biggest assets to the theater parties, station last year was the opening of Which act need incite no comment. ley Brickley to retire, his cheeks man- a new laboratory. It has been for- Watches usually do this little stunt, tied with delicate blushes of shame, if, mally named by the board of regents, you know. indeed, he escaped arrest on the charge tGreathshasrsen Will Come to Majestic In this particular instance, however, of obtaining undue notoriety under One of the many departures from honor of Douglass Houghton, formerly their ticking had an ominous note. false pretenses. the traditional nethods of illusionists, professor of science in the Univer Three agitated and disturbed gentle- A few feet away a "society guy" sleight-of-hand performers, etc., made sity of Michigan. men were found consulting them ra- was describing parties that would have by Jansen the Great, whose engage- ther freely. Judging from the re- been truly wonderful,,but for the fact ment at the Majestic will commence marks addressed to these usually re- they'd never existed. Over in the fag PLAN DISPLAYING MOTOR CAR' liable bits of jewelry, the owners were corier, a gentleman was flirting with Thursday matinee, April 8, is in con- J Y etea a lrig nection with the lighting of the stage. PARTS IN SECOND FLOOR HALL not pursuing theological subjects, nor a charming miss, via the Fox type- Jansen will have nothing to do with were they possible candidates for the writer route, and copy was accumu- dim lights, but insists upon having To make the demonstrating appa- ministry. Something seemed amiss. lating rapidly. them at full pressure all the time. ratus of the automobile engineering It was, too. Articles were slapped on the vacant That, in itself, is an uncommon proof laboratory more easily accessible to Those watches showed 12:00 o'clock. and yawning hook. Linotype machines of his own confidence in his skill, but, visitors, the department of mechan- All of which may strike you as turned, machinery moved. But there a further proof was given in Sydney, ical engineering is arranging a dis- common-place and ordinary, for watch- was still eight big inches unfilled, and when the talented American with his play of automobile parts in the second es have frequently been known to a silent youth stole silently away and manager was the guest of the Press floor hall of the engineering building., show this hour, and they probably will began grinding out copy. club on the night before the big show The Studebaker "20" automobile chas- continue to do so at various times in It wasn't much as copy, but it was opened at the Criterion theater. Stand. sis, which was presented to the uni- the future. Somehow it can't be something. He claimed it was "feat- ing as it were in the midst of the versity some time ago, has been moved helped. ure stuff." Maybe it was. Maybe it press-men, certainly only a few feet into the hall, and displays are being The cause of their disturbance was wasn't. Anyway after a few moinents, from them, with no stage or assistant, added of selective and progressive the rapidly approaching press hour. frenzied efforts, he dumped the type- he performed a number of the pick of type transmissions, come and multiple The news gIook. was stripped abso- written sheet upon the night-man's the tricks which on the next night he disc clutches, spur and bevel type lutely bare! Three gallies had to be desk and faded away. performed at the Criterion. And the differentials, carburetors, and ignition filled quickly. The space was there, Great, big, healthy, relieved sighs hundred or so pressmen, although they outfits. Most of the appaiatus will be and the copy wasn't, an embarrassing went up all around! were jostling against Jansen in the arranged so that the workings will be and disturbing state of affairs to say And ye reader? small club-room, were as utterly mys- easily comprehensible, and handles the least. Well, ye reader has the result! tified as was the theater audience will be attached to the transmission Sport writers worked frantically in It's this, and this very article Just watching the entertainer from a dis- and clutch outfits so that visitors may the luxurious literary parlors down- filled o t the Daily, or that is will, tance the following evening. operate the parts themselves. stairs, and a few minutes later foot- when we add this paragraph at the ball men were kicking field goals from end. So here you are! Main Fcor P K I C E S* Balcony 1st 13 Rows, 360 seats - - at $2.00 1st 4 Rows, 120 seats - - Last 9 Rows, 232 seats - at $1.50 , Balance 9 Rows, 297 seats - - GALLERY 50c Ladies Admitted to Gallery First Seats Now Selling at $1.50 at $1.00 V RICHARD BNNTf'Sf Co-workers' in the Great- est Eugenic Drama of a Decade WHITNEY THEATRE Thursday, April 8th The Most Talked of Play in Amerioa The More Young Men and Wornrii See It, the Bette' for tkt Next 6 smeratiow 1k PO ~b. N A CENACTED THAN THE BY ONE OF, GREATEST THE BEST SERMON, CASTS EVER DECLARE THE AS',EMBLED Prices: Evening $1.50, $1.00, 75c, SOc. Ann Soc -I I - Arbor's FUN ,enter Ann Arbor's FUN Center WEEK BEAVTY Mr. W dft i. TI I dw. OtA 007:309:00 TWO SPECIAL VAVDEVILLE BILLS FOR EASTER DANCE A JOSIE FLYNN'S MINSTRELMAID S All Girl 11ins* g 1 DrJlung oVgr with Lie, Gayety and Mirth Howard Burkholder Two Burns Sisters BETTY WELLS A Q b singing and ' Pretty Girls tinging Chap PIANO-VIOLIN 'AND HARMONY Syncopation HALE NORCROSS & CO. . In the Comedy Pleylet "Love in the Suburbs" Uy Chw.a-lea Dickson, autlher of "Thr.. Twins" and "Bright Eye" SAME MAJESTIC PRICES PHONE 1701 Ladies Souvenir Matinee Every Tuesday and Thursday Coming Thursday"JANSEN THE GREAT" COACh YOST TO APPEAR SOON ' AFTER PRACTICE COM3DiNCES According to letters received by Athletic Director P. G. Bartelme, Vars- ity Football Coach Fielding H. Yost will be in Ann Arbor soon after the spring football practice begins. The early. workout is set for April 20, when the football men return from their spring vacation, and Coach Yost is expected in Ann Arbor a day or two later. The spring practice will be held on Ferry field as much as possible, al- thoughs the men will probably work- out indoors when the weather is in- clement. Regular -workouts have been held for the football men -in the gym- nasium, and for the most part the men have been faithful in attending. It is expected by Coach Yost and Captain Cochran that this pre-season practice will aid the men greatly in rounding into condition in the fall. Receive New 1915 Reo Car Chassis For demonstration and lecture use before the classes in automobile en- gineering of the engineering college, the Reo Motor Car Co., of Lansing, has just sent a complete 1915 model Reo the Fifth automobile chassis to the automobile laboratory. The car will also be used in making tests upon the various chassis units, by advanced students in the automobile laboratory testing course. Use Ulnelahned Books For Loan F''nd Books aggregating in value more than $60, have been left as unclaimed, with the Y. M. C. A. book exchange. These books will be converted into cash and the money obtained there- from will be used as a loan fund for indigent students. ,.. _. ,. papered, thing in estimates Easter Vacation will soon be here and you may want ROOMS DECORATED tinted or painted. We are prepared to do any- the decorative business, and shall be glad to give on your work. We have an elegant line of 1915 wallpaper patterns to select fromw and our prices are right. C. H. MAJOR ?cO. 203 E.Washington St. Phone WHITNEY THEATILE TUESDAY NIGHT :: i: : APRIL 6 Chauncey Olcott In Rachel Crothers' New Comedy The" HeartI of. Paddy Whack HENRY MILLER, Manager An Irish Bachelor's Romance, Tender in Sentiment and Brimming Over with Fun A HALF DOZEN NEW OLCOTT SONoS Ladies Admitted to the Gallery First MAIN FLOOR PRICES BAICONY 1st 13 Rows, 360 seats - - at $2.00 1st 8 Rows, 216 seats at $1.00 Last 8 Rows, 232 seats - - at $1.50 Last 5 Rows, 181 seats - - at .75 GALLERY 50c. seats O t Sale Sattirday Mortnig MAIL ORDERS -NOW r I IU