THE lMICHIGAN i.AILy *".A. . 0I I1 g Suits, Overcoats and Furnishings CALKINS' HRMC In all the latest and up-to-date styles. We have a line of SHIRT'S and NECK WEAR that com- prises all of the nobby ideas } .4 4'. _ Y - z , 1 'Vi'i- ./ 324 S. STATE SIREET ON ACCOUNT OF 'THE DELAY 1N FINISHING OUR NEW STORE we cannot have our removal for a few days. WE CARRY HIGH GRADE BOX CANDY WHITMAN'S SAMPLER "The National Candy" Isa So we are going tc ame 2001 off as tely until. we go. *give the we have I I TAKE ONE TO THE OPERA GET IT AT CALKIN'S ]PIA 342 SOUTH STATE STREET %RMACY ALL SUITS AT - -20 Of ALL FURNISHINGS AT20 0f I Our prices are reasonable for seasonable goods. 11 WADHAMS & CO . 121-123So. Plain St. The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital,. $100000 Surplus and Profits , $75,0001 ..::..:.:.....:. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus '$100,000 Resources $3,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas. 1~. Hiscock, Pres., Michael J. Fritz, Cash'r, W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres., Carl' F. Iraun, Asst. Cash'r, Wmn. Waltz, 'Asst. Cash'r Savings Dei t. l a Individual Custom Tailoring That is correct In style and fit The new fabrics for this season are here in large assortments. CALL EARLY A. F. Marquardt Campus Tailor 516 E. William Street Architects to Inspect D. A. C. Building Prof. L. H. Boynton, of the archi- tectural college, will lead a personal- ly conducted tour through the new D. A. C. building in Detroit this af- ternoon. All architectural students who will be in Detroit this afternoon are invited, and are requested to meet at 2:00 o'clock at the D. A. C. building. Announcements to Be Distributed Soon Annual announcements of the Grad- uate School for the year 1915-16, and for the coming summer session are, printed and ready for distribution. Stu- dents now enrolled in the Graduate School number 509, of whom 220 attended the last summer session. Peanuts 10 cents a pound; Dean& Co. 134 Buy your Conklin Pen at Tan Der- en's Pkarmaey, 746 Paeka$ street! 9 Settle that problem of summer work before spring vacation.; McKenzie may. lye able to help you. Phone 359-M for appointnent. Salary and commission. 134-37 "ALL THAT GLITTERS" official Souvenir Scores and Sheet Music for sale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. 133-138 Think of it, only 25c a passenger. Phone taxi 2280. LOST-Small black purse, Thursday afternoon either on Campus or So. State street. Finder please return to Daily office. Reward.. 134-35 Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Saturday) k lgli-eicn 5an s Bnu Liberty and Main St. Most Convenient Place" for Your Banking A I ANN ARBOR, MICE. MY LES mw_ rf Sat., April 3-Francis X. Bushman in "The Shanty on Trembling Hill." Also Mary Pickford Next Week- Richard Carle in "The Dancing Beetle." also "It's a Long Way to Tripperarvy" Mary Pickford in "Lena and the Geese." Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Apr. 3-Saturday-Maclyn Arbuckle in County Chairman. 5 parts, rebooked. Apr. 5-6-Mon: Tues.-Lewis J. Selzrnick in The Adventures of a Boy Scout in 5 parts. Apr. 7-Wed. Quo Vadis, by George Kleine Apr. S-g-Thurs.-Fri.-Amnerica in 6 acts as shown at the New York Hippod- rome, cast of wooo. Pickford in Cinderella 4 parts, rebooked. Free show to poor children at io o'clock Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTERNOONIS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; :45; 9:15 Thu rs., April 1 -"Twice Rescued ,"~ia gahdrama in two parts. "Rose o' the Shore," Biograph. "He gave him a Million," Lubin. "Olive's Greatest Op. portunity," Edison. Fri., April 2-Robert Warwick in "The Man of the Hour." a -Win. A. Brady feature in 5 parts. Sat., April 8-"'the Secret Room," two. part Kalem drama. "When Greek meets Greek," Vitagraph. Hearst-SeligiNews. "The Gallantry of Jimmy Rogers," Es. sanay comedy-dramna, FIRST NATIONAL SANK ANN ARDOR Capital - - $100,000 Surplus,and Profits $65.000 Directors Wirt Cornwell, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. ;Ab- bott, S. W. Clarkson, B*. D. Kinne, Harrison Sonie, Waldo M. Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. Clothing for young men and men; that never grow old. Made by The House of Kuppenhlmer. on sale at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOThtES STORE. main St. eod Tu ., F w " 1 ! p'i" f 1 1 .. , ? ° ;r r t " / # :1i r ".w' AFresh Morning, a Fresh Mount and a Fresh-Rolled Cigarette- -- theres a combination to' kindle a man's spirits with the pure joy of living ! The delicious ,freshness of "Bull" Durham han-d-mnade cigarettes appeals to the countless thousands of smart, active, sport-loving, health-loving American men. --giesadded zest and exhilaration to their enjoyment. Iisquite the fashion to "roll your own" in any company,_ upon any occasion, with this famously good, pure tobacco. SM 0 TOBACCO E Cloth Shop TAILORS uI' Our cloth patterns are all specials. The woolen house we represent has a monopoly on them. OVERPLAIDS are among our specials. They are the real attraction this year. An "overplaid" is two plaids crossing at right angles, but much subdued so as to give a rich effect. OUR STYLES ARE EXCLUSIVE a _ .. ._ FOR SALE-Two chioice $1.50 Michi- gan Union Opera tickets for this af- ternoon's matinee. Call at Wahr'sx Book Store on State Street. WANTED-Work for next year by graduate student and wife for 3 or 4 light housekeeping rooms 'or for room and board. Address P. G. or call 1804-M. 4% . , ' . ". A"r i - 4 fY / . ^ \r r I To millions of experienced smokers throughout =the world "Bull" Durham means much more than a particular brand of smoking tobacco - it stands for a distinctive form Iof tobacco enjoyment, incomparably attractive, delightful, sztisfying. No other tobacco has Rthat wonderful, original, uniqute Ask for FREE fgrance of" gull" Durham. No package of "papers"p csgae~t~ hav thesame with each Sc sack. C,_11313 cothness, fr-shness and m-iellow-sweet flavor of S"uz" Durharn hand-made ciga- re w. YOU can only appre- 4 1t1-'; vzT2.c you learn tos ,n '''- "? uistrated Booklet, inhe lUrte(.....' j ,quest. AddI c -Do -l 3 W ainR C 'uh i O BACCLO,,1 C'W . _.._ .. ... r If evenitually, why not NOW?2 the "All' The "Dally" says The Score, 82.00 Sooner or later you will buy That Glitters" music. rs- All of the music was good." GET IT Now The Copy, 25c GRINNELL'S, 122-4 Last Liberty I 11 Sc~:~ig the Winning tiun COMFORT i ,s anatter of physical and -M.ental superiority - a condition of leg - stuffdi a ss and speed, bragin - alertiness and instant j udgmtent, eye- kce-mess and accuracy, an abizity to take ch-3ceswith a degree of certaintycof final assisis athletes in: acquiring these qualifica- tion, for it builds and develops brawn, brain, bone and body. Trophy Cups Loving Cups, Our line, the largest in the city, allows you a choice of a cup for any purpose or event. We carry them in all sizes, all grades, from silver plated cups at $5.00 up to the Solid Silver cups at $50.00. Don't buy any cup until you see our line and get our quotations. We do artistic engraving on all Cups, a feature that adds 'to the prize. Arnold. & Co., Jewelers 220 S. MAIN STREET Seneca and ScOut Cameras We have them from $2.00 up., j. t I 4-t ell TRADE ,MARK sCE~STf.RCO IN THE CLASSROOM ON THE CAMPUS AT THE GAMES IN THE GYM AT THE HOP Rockinchair Tailored Union, Suit The most nourishing' form it is a food that strengthens human body ",,d fosters the good braina d sourA dbody. of whole wheat, the, tissues of the develop merit of a I I "All the PMem of the Gulden Wheat" i will add to your com- fort and enjoyment VULCAN FILMS They are featured in 10 leading stores in Ann Arbor Aekonly by The Shredded Wheat Cop~aiy, Niagara Falls, N. Y. MANN & WALKER 213 S. Main Street Phone 876 ..:. ... ..... . ON THE EASTERN MICHIGAN, Invites you to attend a EDISON CO. Investigate Modern Electric Cooking 1 You will be surprised at its convenience and economy. Demonstration of Electric.,Cooking The General Electric Company's Household Appliances are being offered at special re-l duced prices.. At their Display Rooms By Miss AGNES A. ARTERBURN.j B. S. in Domestic Science Two to Five each afternoon April 1st to 15th r r .A A.u u P'hnfn6ranhp.-r .p'