THE MICHIGAN DAILY Lillies of the Field are no finer arrayed than the men for whom we are tailors. There's grace, style, taste, and class in the garments we produce. Oar fabrics are exclusive, our tailoring is distinctive. We shall be glad to show examples of our work to you G. H. WILD COMPANY9 Leading Merchant Tailors. State St. Tennis Players: t wait until the season is here to have your Racket RE-STRUNG T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning excep1 Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $; by mail, $ Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 96o Editorial Office Phone 2414 H. Beach Carpenter......Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field.......Business Manager Fred Foulk.....................News Editor F. F. McKinney..........Associate Editor Chester H. Lang..........Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping.........Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard - - Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torrey Night Editors James M. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester 'TolC. Reid Howard R. Marsh Edwin A. HymanRp EugeneL. Bulson j.c. B. Parker Vera Burridge Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum Verne, Burnett C. N. Church H. A Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright L. Greenebaum e F. A. Klann WilliamF. Newton Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Kirk White C. T. Fishleigh Delos Smith J. J. Herbert Thatcher Rea .Time limit three days Our werk is guaranteed. also be showing in a short time the Slotted Throat Racket. The best on earth. heehan's STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE What's the fun of having a new suit already to be taken out, as long as winter hangs on tenaciously? Too bad that there are no convenient windows through which sufferers can be watched, at the opera. The person who insists on slamming all student productions is about in his glory these days. One contrib declares that the party to be sponsored by Varsity men will be a baseball. Anyway, the sport staff deserves credit for daring to pick an all-campus basketball five. The output of poetry is curtailed by the fact that not many words rhyme with "opera." String your rackets early, because nobody'll want to hear your excuses in May. Presumably there are some who did not make even the second all-campus team. Punsters contend that fourth story classes are always on a high plane. The cold stream guards have noth- ing on the pre-season canoeist. That gilded ball on U. hall might be called a tip-top ornament. Opinions vary as to just how good the 1915 opera really is. Didcha see my girl there last night? -a timely query. The Gargoyle 'is picking up rightI along. ss First just past, but lots gone already. ... .. ...v. ...... .. o Book Exhibit Still On For a few days more we shall hold for your inspection the new publications of the Macmillan Company. The collection embraces Essays, Literature, Travel, Art, Biography, Philosophy, Botany, Landscape Gar- dening, etc., etc. A rare opportunity for seeing books not usually carried in stock. You are invited to call and look them over. WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE -.. ARTISTIC TAILORING PURE WOOL FABRICS - )IT UNITED LINES' I ARBOR TIME TABLE. I Express Cars for Detroit-7:xo i hourly to 6:ro p. m., also 8:io for Detroit-5:40 a. m., 6:o6 a. m., two hours to 6:a6 p. m., 7:06 p. . mn., 9:L5 p. i., and 10:45 p. m. anti only: 7:4 a. mn., 8:2o a. in., nt, 5:06 p. m., I:15 p. m., 1a:15 :3o a. mi., i :oo a. m. rs for Jackson-7:48 a. m., and hours to 7:48 p. m. or Jackson- 5: 2a. in., 6:5a. i., rtwo hours to 6:5o p.,in., also ., 11:15 p. M. ou are Hungry any time of day step in at ITT L E'S t 11 - I i m FRANKEL $15.00 CLOTHES Full Spring Showing Now Ready ONE PRICE_ ONE POLICY re always ready : Serve you. ~$1500 NT E "' PHONE "13" SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1915. Night Editor-Conrat N. Church. SUMMER BASEBALL AGAIN. No matter how much anybody is op- posed to allowing athletes to partici- pate in summer baseball, he must ad- mit that the present practice of fore ing Varsity athletes to sign falsehoods is indefensible. When he has made this admission, he has condemned the dilatory policy of the board in control of athletics. The Michigan Daily is not trying to put through any summer baseball propaganda,-it does want something done, however. Its attack is aimed at a system which stands still and refuses to recognize and remedy existing evils. Summer baseball, we believe, is preferable. That is the first solution. Enforcement of the present rules, the second solution,, is disagreeable and impracticable, butsit is an improve- ment on the present dilatory practice. The third solution, the abolition of baseball in the university, is even more harsh. Even this, however, is better than licensing dishonesty. No half-way measures will be satisfactory. The board in control cannot meet the situation today, at its meeting, by adopting any mild scheme for dis- couraging athletes from signing the objectionable blanks. Matters are too serious to be remedied by temporary expedients. That taxi driver in the opera could be pinched for running without a license and for not approaching a curb from the left. According to the monopoly theories in economics 1, taxi rates are due to tighten up following the recent combi- nation. Wonder that the prof who bolted that 8:00 o'clock wouldn't tell his be- loved studentsaboutit the day before. The Michigan Central might run an accommodation train for those having 2:00 o'clocks next Friday afternoon. Just think of staying here and hav- ing the whole bed to yourself while roomy is on the extended opera trip. Judging from" the dent robbery, it looks as if the fraternity thugs had ex- tended their field of operations. Even the robins are hesitating. When ya leavin'? FOR E. C. FLANDERS ...TAILOR... 209 E. LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. VERY thinking man realizes the importance of presenting a good appearance. Well tailored clothes give you that mark of distinction, they cost no more than the ordinary kind. QL Let me show you what it means to get SMART STYLE and C O R R E C T F V T cut and moulded to your figure, with shapely lines. ( I have the latest correct fashions, the choice all wool fabrics in all the new colorings and very reasonable. prices to quote you now. Q Another thing; if you order before I am too busy, I can give-every little detail the attention required, it's never wise to rush, for it takes time to do good work. COME IN AND LET ME SHOW YOU THE VALUES I OFFER UP-TO-DATE STYLES JsY MODERATE PRICES 1 .., BEEufaw "THE POPULAR PLACE" E CREAM We buy our peanuts in car-load lots, sell them for 10 cents a pound, Dean & Co. 134 PROCLAMATION. The Health Department having as- certained that the dog whose brain was analyzed, had been suffering from rabies, and that said dog is knpwn to have bitten a large number of other dogs; Therefore It Is Ordered. THAT ALL DOGS IN THE CITY MUST BE TIED OR KEPT SHUT UP FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY DAYS. If this order is not strictly complied with, the police have orders to take summary action. R. G. MACKENZIE, Mayor. Dr. J. A. WESSINGER, Health Officer. University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf Saddle horses for rent. Phone 2028. 207 North Main. tf University Ave. Pharmacy Drugs and toilet articles. -Phone 416. tf Day rate for. single passenger now 25c. Phone taxi 2280. 10c rents a kodak today. Lyndon. 30 AGENTS WANTED. Several Michigan students cleared $400 each last summer vacation. If you need money to return to Michigan next October write us and we will send our representative to call on you. Give^ references. Silver-Chamberlain Co. Clayton, New Jersey, Box 58. o, so BITE" is about as poor a recommendation for tobaCCo as "no I rh umatiCS" is fo aU wooden leg. But tobacco that won't bite and yet is chuck full o' taste-that's a different storya-that's VELVET. It's not easy to make tobacco absolutely cool, while stil retaining its natural taste and fragrance. But its done in 0l VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. 10c tins and 5c metal-lined bags. m I f The Finest AMATEUR FINISHING CAMPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS Place in Town PARTICULAR LAUNDRY FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE CITY LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Prop. 1Detroit St. Ph one 457-M to Dine INES & NICKELS The onlyStudio on the Campus Phone 13-J4 tographers For The MICHIOAN.ENSIAN. GOTISTICAL BUT TRUE Mack' t eaC lfom Service a la Carte Open 8:00 in the morning till 5:00 in the afternoon-Saturdays till 9:00 Orchestra Music on Saturdays ESpecial Club Dinners and Banquets by appointment I I1,- TYPEWRITER BARGAIN S We have a few Trial Machines which "we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms. Will be glad to have you try them. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. INc. A. H.COHEN, Resident Salesnan Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue . It is impossible for any one in the world to make higher grade Dress Clothes mechanically or artistically, or with more perfect lines. We will have a large consignment of Spring woolens in by the 25th, and wIM gladly lay your selection aside until you wioi it made up. Second Floor-Annex Building e a 106 E. Huron Street U' -I-- .q If you're sure of Graduating Then it's time to make certain that your cap and Gown will be on hand for Swing-Out Day. Costume.ordered now will reach here before or during vacation. Costumes ordered later-well, we'll do our'best when the time comes. In the meanwhile please call and be measured as soon as convenient. All outfits are supplied by COX, SONS & VINING Rental charge is $2.00 from Swing-Out through Com- menceinent. Payment only when delivered. (THIRD FLOOR) .alest Styles in flats NEW--SNAPPY From Young's Bros., New York AT Get the habit. it. Saddle horses. North Main. The doctors order Phone 2028. 207 tf Toggery Shop 107 S. University Ave. I! Six rides for a dollar ! 348 C. H. Brock 348 Taxi-Cab Livery University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy. Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. tl LOST-A string of white coral beads. Return to J. C. Scovel, 120 Packard St. Reward. 133-4-5_