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April 03, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-04-03

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Compete in TODAY
donships Women's luncheon at 12:30 o'clock.
Red Cross examinations in University
Health Service office; at 1:00 o'clock.
IN BOTH Matinee performance of the Michigan
Union Opera, "All That Glitters,"
[lI <"Whitney theater, 3:00 o'clock.
borate Plans Junior Girls' play, Sarah Caswell An-
ing gell hall, at 3:00 o'clock.
Alumnae Reception and Banquet, Bar-
bour Gymnasium, 3:00 o'clock.
Carroll and Rifle club dinner at theUnion, at 6:00
0:28 o'clock Michigan Union Opera, "All That Glit-
here the five ters," Whitney theater, 8:15 o'clock.
the Central Meeting of the Chess and Checker
club, Union, 7:30 o'clock.
hips tonight. ___________
d the Varsi- TOMORROW
G. W. Hounshell speaks to Busrah
n the Patten campaign captains, Newberry hall,
finest in the 3:00 o'clock.
IEaster services in Presbyterian church,
"iil empete' 10:30 o'clock. -
Ufer will Mr. E. A. Halsey, '7, speaks on "The
heat this af- Boy Scouts of America," Union, 3:00
to the large O'clock.
the 880-yard
the 50-yard
ault, Carroll'
Ie half. Cor-
irdle events
hurdles are
Dads cond-
on'hand to Close Three-inning Contest Features
and Coach Yesterday's Varsity Drill
of; loyal sup- on Ferry Field,
LPTAINTS Varsity baseball practice was again
E CANVASS featured by a three-inning game be-
tween the regulars and the scrubs, the
0 ii Teams; regulars winning by two runs in a
aks to three to one score. The game was no-
ticeable because of the absence of long
hits, only one reaching the outfield.
[. C. A. Bus- The batteries for the coach's first
erday after- choice team were Nichols and Benton,
r the annual while Soddy angd Krause did the hon-
de, and the ors for the second division of the
squad. In the first inningof the game,
act as cap- while Labadie was racing for third, he
Laron Chute, turned his ankle and had to be helped
'17; W. I to the clubhouse where it was found
ddie, grad.; 'that the injur.y was not serious, and
aul Doherty, that the injured leg would be in good
allace Watt, condition in a couple of days. Niemann
I; W. o. B. also found the slippery spot between
15; Warren second and third, and wrenched his
;W.R.Breit- ankle, but not seriously enough to
'Cooke, '17; leave any bad effects.
1. Hunt, '16; Both teams scored in the first in-
ning, the. regulars getting two tallies,
rk in the so- while the subs were forced to be sat-
ed into two isfied with one. Neither team counted'
these teams in the second round, and in the third
,ter meeting the regulars scored again, sewing up
the second practice game of the year.
nted to head
s committee,
neet at 3:00 Dietriclhs, Oberteuffer and Bancroft
n Newberry Victors in League Games
ss by G. W. Three matches in the university
secretary of bowling league, for individuals, have
rement. been played so far this week. In each
h team will set the victors were forced to the full .
preliminary number of games, before disposing of
of the cam- their antagonists, and in two of the
contests the outcome was in doubt un-
-- 'til the last few frames.
VILL BE In the first match, Oberteuffer won
XT MONTH from Bomash, .best two out of three,
with scores as follows:
.5 Michigan- Oberteuffer......137 188 , 223
>leted. The Bomash........192 177 214
ections have Bancroft, by bowling exceptional ball
rinters, and and running up the largest score of
eer portion the matches, ran away from Dietrichs
in two games, the score of his set be-
irst reading .ing 611. The results follow:
when Man- Bancroft........214 231 166

will go to Dietrichs.......186 173 201
the correc- Dietrichs succeeded in taking his sec-
of the 1915 ond set from Willits, making his total
>gressing at for the round a percentage of 500.
ild be ready Dietrichs ........171 187 211
Kt month. Willits . . ........172 145 206

"All That Glitters" Plays to House
Filled with Gaily, Gowned
Women Last
Take Nearly Every Seat in Theater;
Few Remain for Today's

Schoolmasters Choose J. W. Mauck, of
Hillsdale for President;
Bessey Heads
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister and Prof. T. E.
Rankin Address Teachers
of English
Rolling up a total of more than 700
registrations yesterday, the Schoolmas-
ters' club and the classical conference
brought to a close their three-days'
meetings in Ann Arbor. The close of
the conference also marks the end of
the sectional meetings held by the
Academy of Science, which yearly;
brings to this city a large number of
noted scientists.
The election of officers for the
Schoolmasters' club yesterday after-

At a meeting of the Y. M. C. A. cabi-
net held Thursday night the constitu-
tion of the organization was revised,
and a number of new features in rep-
resentation on the various governing
bodies of the association were intro-
Among these is one which will allow
each of the local evangelical churches
to have a student representative on the
cabinet, and arrangements were also
made whereby the retiring officials on
the Board of the S. C. A. will be re-I
placed by members chosen from each
of the local denominations, and sub-
ject to the approval of the combined
cabinets of the Y. M. C. A. and the
Y. W. C. A.
A revised constitution for the S. C. A.
was also adopted with minor changes
on the part of the Y. M. C. A., and this
will come up for action by the Y. W. C.
A. at their next meeting.r


of Profes




ody May Refuse to
Result of Rec
Campus C
Summer baseball

Society night opera goers had an un-
usual experience last night, when the
lights suddenly went out in the mid-
dle of the first song of "All That Glit-
ters," leaving the entire house in dark-
ness. The orchestra rose to the occas-
ion, however, and led the audience in
university songs until the electricians
had replaced the burned out fuse.
The opera last night played to a
house filled with gaily gowned wom-
en and men in their conventional black
and white. Conspicuous among the
audience were the guests of the
Sphinx-Triangle party.
The enthusiasm of those who saw
the third production of this year's play
rivaled that of Thursday night, and far
exceeded that of the opening perform-
ances, when the term "cold" was the
best description applicable to the
crowd. Several house parties attend-
ed, and lent an air of variety from
the other appearances.
Practically every seat in the theater
was taken, none of the better places
being unoccupied. Two productions
will be staged today, the matinee and
the evening show. About 200 good
seats remain. for the matinee which
begins at 3:00 o'clock. Tickets will be
on sale after 10:00 o'clock at the thea-
ter. Ladies will be admitted to the
gallery for this performance through
the front of the theater before the gal-
lery doors are thrown open. Tickets
for the performance. Which will be giv-
en on Friday, April 9, will be on sale
each day, starting today from 10:00
o'clock in the morning until 8:00
o'clock at night at the Whitney box
Directors Ask That Syracuse Meet Be
Use as Basis for
Giving "X's"
In addition to the question of sum-
mer baseball, two matters of import-
ance will come before the board in
control of athletics at its meeting to-
night. The Michigan Union Boat club
will submit a petition asking for in-
terclass rowing, and the board of di-
rectors of the athletic association will
present a petition favoring the adop-
tion of the Syracuse outdoor track
meet as the "big" meet, upon the basis
of which track "M's" will be awarded.
The petition from the Boat club re-
quests the recognition and establish-
ment of interclass rowing, under the
irection of the intramural department.
The petition states the resources
at Michigan for the establishing of
crews, and the advantages derived
from them. Just what action the board
will take on the matter is doubtful. In
the past it has been deemed inadvis-
able to start a crew at Michigan.
The petition from the board of di-
rectors merely asks that men who win
first places for Michigan in the Syra-
cuse meet be awarded the regular
track "M's."
Announce Michigan Students' Marriage
Announcements have been sent out
of the marriage of Loneta E. Kuhn, a
school of music student, and Angus V.
McIver, '15E. Miss Kuhn is a mem-
ber of the Mu Phi Epsilon sorority, and
McIver is a member of Kappa Beta Psi
and the Monks. The couple will be at
home in Great Falls, Montana, after
July 1.

Dean Benjamin to Talk on "Standards"
Dean C. H. Benjamin, of the Purdue
school of engineering, will give a talk
on "Standards" next Tuesday, under
the auspices of the Engineering soci-
ety. Dean Benjamin has lectured here
often in the past, and has been well



voted upon by t
and student mer
The question o

noon, resulted in the election of J. W. I received.

Mauck, of Hillsdale college, as pres-
ident for the next year, Mary A. S.
Gold, of 'Flint, as vice-president, and
L. P. Jocelyn, of Ann Arbor, as secre-
tary-treasurer. The newly elected of-
ficers for the Michigan Academy of
Science are as follows: president, Dr.
Ernst Bessey, of the M. A. C.; secre-
tary, Prof. Richard Dezocuw, also of
the M. A. C.; editor, R. A. Smith, as-
sistant state geologist, of Lansing; li-
brarian, Crystal Thompson, assistant
in the museum.
In the general conference session
yesterday morning, Prof. L. D. Coff-
man, of the University of Illinois, gave
an address on "Some Present Day Edu-
cational Fallacies," in which he dis-
cussed the policy of an Italian woman,
who had gained considerable 'recog-
nition in educational pursuits. The
scheme of the Italian woman was to
allow the child to grow naturally, and
although the child should be granted
certain privileges, there should be cer-
tain restrictions and boundary lines.
Professor Coffman also gave a three-
fold idea of education tor the youth
of today, saying that, "the first is a
liberal education, which will fit the
youth for the needs of society, the sec-
ond, a vocational training, and the
third, a recreation education." The
latter point proved to be the most in-
teresting of his discussion. Prof. Hen-
ry Sussalo, of the teachers' college, of
Columbia, carried out this thought a
little farther, remarking that "recrea-
tional training or education is the
proper supplement to vocational and
cultural education, and that it is to the
mentally weary what rest is to the
physically weary."
The English section of the classical
conference, held in the High School
auditorium, drew an appreciative audi-
ence. The meeting was addressed by
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the oratory
department, who spoke on the subject,
"The Music of biterature," and Prof.
T. E. Rankin, of the rhetoric depart-
ment, who gave his. address on "The
Greatest American Man of Letters."
City Allows Auto Class to Use Roads
To secure a place to carry on actual
road tests, students in an advanced
automobile engineering course under
the direction of Prof. V. T. Fishleigh,
of. the mechanical engineering depart-
ment, have been permitted by the city
of Ann Arbor to use a portion of Fifth
avenue as an outdoor laboratory. Ex-
periments are being conducted on com-
plete cars to determine the horse pow-
er which must be deliveresl to the road
by the rear, wheels to secure various
speeds, and tests will be made upon a
number of different classes of cars in
the investigation.


indirectly, at
of the board
the last three
today's sessi
settled. The
conceded, has
ing the probl

Third Year Engineers Defeat Freshmen
in Hard Game; Final
Score, 35-29

jority of the sti
desires a rela:
rules to permit
vacation. The c






In the final basketball game of the rules, which
ball, is not r
1915 season, the junior engineers de- There are I
feated the fresh engineers last night, any one of wh
and incidentally cinched their right as an improve
to numerals. Instead -of playing the The first is t
second game scheduled, the senior ditions, as prc
laws forfeited to the soph lits, who pation in no)
baseball. The
appeared with a full team on the floor. cy, including 7
Last night's game was hard fought tend that it :
throughout, the juniors rarely being practicable me
more than a basket or two ahead of the that any man
mum of a yea
1918 men. The final score was 35 to ing which timE

29. Doty, for the freshmen, showed wc
the best basketball, and scored 17 cau
points for his team. For the juniors, ing
Vonachen, at forward, scored 17 points, vac
while Headman, playing out of his po- pr,
sition at center, scored 10 points, in sa;
addition to showing an excellent floor en
game. The lineups and summary fol- ha
1916 Eng. (35) 1918 Eng. (29) erg
Vonachen .........R.F. ......... Doty wo
Miller............ L.F. ...... Haskin or
Headman......'. C. ......... Ginn eli
Manwaring....... R.G........ Beyster fou
Dillman .......... L.G......... Iough gai
Baskets-Vonachen 7, Miller 3,Head- ber
man 5, Dillman 1, Doty 8, Haskin 1, thi;
Ginn .3, Hough 2; fouls-Vonachen 2, joi
Doty 1;. score at end 'of first half-Jun- pr
iors 20, freshmen 16. ; bla

ination " of all t
id to have used
, no matter how
of the Varsity sq
would result in
;y of their numbe


Adelphi Picks Freshman Team Monday
Among the freshmen who have sign-
ed up for the Adelphi freshman' debat-
ing team try-outs are: J. D. McNa-
mar, '18, H. D. Moses, '18, J. R. Simp-
son, '18, and G. L. Loveridge, '18. All
freshmen who intend to try out for the
team and who have not yet signed up,
should see Glenn Coulter, '16, at once.
The debate, which will take 'place at
7:00 o'clock Monday, April 5, in the
Adelphi room, will be' on the same
question as the cup teams have chosen.
All-Fresh Candidates Hold Practice
All candidates for the All-Fresh
baseball team will report to Coach
Hughitt at Waterman gym at 1:00
o'clock this afternoon. For, the first
time, a practice for all positions will
be held, and all tryouts are urged to
be on time and to bring their own bats.
The practice will be held on south Fer-
ry field.

have never played for gain. T
a myth, and it is the point of the
cipal criticism. By continuing it
lying tactics, the board in cont
sanctioning this false swearing o
part of Varsity candidates. No
is now made to look up the histc
men who present themselves fc
team, unless the eligibility comn
is furnished with specific eviden
' The third expedient is to a'
baseball. This harsh remedy is t
stood to meet the approval of a
ber of the board. It has a numi
supporters among those who ar
posed to anything which looks 1
letting down of the barriers a
The foregoing are the possible
edies. The fourth alternative
continue in the same old dilatory
forbidding summer baseball by th
ter of the law, yet allowing it by
(Continued on page 4.)

,. f-,






Good Seats let
for Saturday
Make your rese
vations NOW


Seats go on sale Saturday (tomorrow) 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Sale continued next week, every day,10 A.M. to 8 P.M.

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