____________M IC H IG AN__________________D A IL_____________., , . <,,; ' Lillies, of the FieldTlEMCI{AN ALY Officiai news-par at the University of are, no fi ner arrayed tb an i the imnci Michigan. Publishe d ev~ery morning except , .~ ~ Monday- during the. university year. for whom we are tailors.'1 nere's grace, style, taste, and class inl the garments we produce. Our fabrics are exclusive, our tailoring is distinctive. We shall be glad to show examples of-our work to you -A !-' , __- G. IH. WILD COHPAXY, Leading Merchant Tailors. State St. DTennis Players Donot wait until the season is here to hiave your Racket RE-STRUNG Time limit thre. days Our work is guaranteed. We will also be showing in la short time the Slotted Throat Racket. "The best on earth. Sheehan's STU DENTS' BOOKSTORE TRAIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE, td and Express Cars for Detroit-7 :1 n., and hourly to 6:zo p. mn., also 8:io m. 1 Cars for Detroit-5 :4o a. mn., 6:06 a. in., d every" two hours to 6:a6 p. in., 7 :06 p. 8.6 p. in., 9:15 p. rn., and 10:45 p. in. Ypsilanti only: 7:4 a.,iM., 8:20 a. m., :6 a. m., 5:06 p. mn., 11-15 p. in., 12:15 Mf., 12:30 a. in., x :o a. im. ed Cars for Jackson-7 :48 a. m., and ry two hours to 7:48 p. T11. % 1Cars for Jackson-5:12 a. m., 6:5o a. in., I every two hours to 6:5o p. in., also 15 p. rn.1z u: r p. im. I - !Lo FRANKEL $15.00 1CLOTHES, Full Spring Showing Now Ready ONE PRICE ONE POLICY $15.09r d Entered at the post-offie at -Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $.5; by snail, $29o. Want a. stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. 11. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960 Editorial Office Phone 2044 It. Beach Carpenter........ Manging Editor W Sherwood ield.......Business Manager bred Foulk ........... ..... ...News Fditr " . 11. McKinney............ Associate Editor Cheser IT. hang ..........Associate Editor T. Halae'Iy Tapping..........Sporting Editor assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph 11oman Arthr II. Torrey Night Editors James M. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester Tom C. Red Howard R. Marsh Reporters Edwin A. Hlyman Eugene L. Bulson J. C. B. Parker Vera Burridge Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum Verne Burnett C. N Church H. A- itzgerald ~dward P. Wright L. Greenebaum P. A. Klann Wilian. Newton Business Staff Ferris itch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Kirk White C. T. ishl~gh Delos Smith J. J. Herbert Thatcher Ra THURSDAY APRlJ, 1, 1915. Night Editor--Edwin A. Hyman. STUDENTS WHO WORK. "The man who works his way through college is respected just as much as his fellows.''Tiis is the corn- poite opinion of t re men who have earned their University expenses, al- most entirely, for the last two or three years. And general obse rvt tion sems to bear this out. Hee is a Varsity athlete who mnakes his own way, while on the other hand is a member of a wealthy fraternity who defrays all of his expenses from oney eaned le- gitimnatly within the walls of his own house. Alen prominent in musical and dramatic affairs, especially, do not hesitate to be numbered amog those who Work their Way. 'robialy one- third of the men students in th ub versitty do something towads paying their own college expenses, by work done during term time. It is a condition of matters which speaks well for Michigan democracy. Occasionally there may be an under- classman who slighlts a fellow student, on account of his p)osition in the eco- nomc seale: ut such c'es ar rare, They are not so frequent as some men who work would have you think. It is easy for one who is a bit down fi- ancially to attribute the discourtesies which hie meets to an assumed pre-. alence of snobbishness. In the main, however, there is the most amiable feeling and understanding between those who work and those who do not. Don't forget that those ponies and chorus gentlemen have their mid-sem- esters right, along the same as the refit of us. There's a reason for the fellow who's waiting to see the opera in Detroit, . during the balmy days of spring va-v cation. SAbsence generally mnakes the heart grow fonder, as per candy heart mot- to,-but stolnntirres it's *for the otherEs fellow. Funny how many profs are convinc- ed tiat they know all about how otherx cour:.e really should be handled.. Those Penn situdents petitioning fort eight o'locks know not whereof theyI are speaking, it appears.1 No truth in the rumor that Chicago' studlents weill rise and cheer when the Michgansquad enters. The only thing to be said in favor of yes terday's weather is that it didn't get around to rain. ~]yethe date of the opera was picke_ I.' ARl1SIC TAILORINGi PURE WOOL FABRICS .0.NDRS 209 E. LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. EVRY thinking man realizes the importance of presenting a good appearance. Well tailored clothes give you that mark of distinction, they cost no more than the ordinary kind. QL Het mee show you what it means to get SMART STYLE and C 0 R R E C T F I T- cut and moulded to your figure,, with shapely lines. Q, I have the latest correct fashions, the choice all wool fabrics in all the new colorings and very, reasonable prices to quote you now. Qi Another tihing; if you order before I am too busy, I can give every little detail the attention required, it's never wise to rush, for it takes time to do good work. COME IN AND LET ME SHOW YOU THE VALUES I OFFER m Bokxhiit S tillI On IFor a few'days more we shall hold for your inspection the new publications of the Macmillan Company. The collection embraces Essays,- Lterature, Travel, Art, Biography, Philosophy, Botany, Landscape Gar- dening, etc., etc. A rare opportunity for seeing b)ooks not usually carried in stock. YTou are invited to call and look them over. WA - "S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE r1hlink it over. Goin' home? UP-TO-DATE STYLES Lberal helpings, are our aim, with quality unimpaired. e? :L TUTTLE'S ON STATE '-1 1 WM k z I ..... '_ u -, .6 I PHONE 1"13"1 11 FOR IWUSY BEE "THE POPULAR PLACE" SCE CREAM, Se nior women are to meet at Ne w- berry hall at 7 :20 o'clock this evening, in caps andl gowns, to practice songs for the junior play, after which they will march to the p~lay in a body. They are asked to be provided with copies of the songs which were given out at the "get-together" parity last week. ~, * * After last night's long and minute dress rehearsal, the Junior play was pronounced fully ready for production by Prof. John IR. Brimim, director, and Martha Gray, '16, general chairman. This year's play is admitted by the juniors, who, alone, know about it, to be of a character entirely different from any of the eleven that have been produced, since the tradition was start- ed. Between-the-acts specialties, mu- sic composed by the junior women, properties imported from Detroit, nov- el costumes and topical songs, are said to constitute one of the most repre- sentative and elaborate of its, kind. Eleanor Stalker; '16, is the author. Tests for swimming honors, accord- ing to the schedule posted on the bul-. letin board of Barbour gymnasium, will be given from 2:00 until 4:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Women w1%ishing to try out must register with Mfiss Alice Evans today. Univerisity women who have been selling tickets for the Jjuior play should turn in any unsold tickets to Helen Humphreys, '16, from 8:00 to M0041 o'clock this morning, in the east ,corridor of dhe general library. Dr. Elsie' S. Pratt will give the last of her series of the demonstrations of practical nursing to university women, at 4:00 o'clock today in Newvberry hall. 1' 'I'V TAPIN'ESS is somethin' we 0 fl 171carry inside of us fl an' bring out once II in a while. .A .ca' m spent . - - an' a peaceful pipe o' U ~ VELVET __'11I bring as >L'j much happiness t' th' 2-' U surface as if it cost a - . hundred dollars. 14c buff~s a tin of VELVET- 5c a metal-lined bag of this11 Kentucky's Burley de Luxe with that aged-in-the-wood mellowness, MODERATE PRICES i 5 .. . . The Finest AMATEUR FINISHING CAAIPUS VIEWS PORTRAITS )AINES &6 NICKEILS The only S tudioo nnthe Cannu Place inT o wn to Dine S. State St.I Official Photographors For The MICIGIANENSIAN. Phone 130-J mmommomoz Mack' Service a la Carte Op"n ?:00 ilk the morTfg till 5:00 ill tho aftcriioi-Saturdays till 9:00 Orchestra Music ol Saturd Sys E8pecial Club Dinners and Banquets by appointment PARTICULAR LAUNDRY FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE CH Y LAUNDRY THIOS. ROW , Prop. Detrolt St. Ph one 467-M TYPE WRITE~R BARGAINS We have a few Trial Machinies which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of termns. Will be glad to have ypqf try theiii. We rent typewriters, too. IROYAL TYPFWRITB2R CO. INC. A. lI.coHIIN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue' EGOTISTICAL BUT TRUE' It is impossible for any one in the world to make higher grade, Dress Clothes mechanically or - artistically, or with more perfect lines. We will have a large consignment of Spring woolens in by the 25th, and WiM gladly lay your selection aside until you wish: it made up. Second Floor-Annex Building SamBurcfed&Co. 1h06 E. Uron Street Seneca an d Sicout Cameras We have them from $12.08 uip. V ULCO'4AINFILMS- MANN& WALKER' 213 S.again Street Phone 876 SPECIAL SOUVENIR for ThurSday, April Qne full pound Lord Baltimore Linen, 25c. One Pnc4lage envelopes FREE.,' A full line of the Famious Rec~all Remedies always in stock -II.w 1 hcLatcst Stylesi ats II NEW-{--SNAPPY From Young's Bros., New York I Edsill's Rexall Drug Store q8 S. IMAIN1 STREET R____ ._- A~nse*fil~ms, Cyko Paper AT 1ty Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Ave. I Following the durnoniptration,, Mrs. P~onrt forgeot the Thi Dansant ~.t the Jane M, Pindell, superinrtendeit of Allenel Motel, Friday afternioon frorn nurses in the university hosp)ital:, wil 4:00 to;5:"30 LP. iM. ?Miss Chiamberlin in speak to members of the i-ghlt Wek' tenance, f'ischer's Orchestra. club on the same subject. ' 132-33-37-38-39