S f ie Michigan Daily SUBSCRIBE Now $1.00 ,- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1915. PRICE FIVE C bil SHIP 10 unlor Engi.. r Canmplis Sof )NS JAM WD FLOOR 'ODAY First performance of the Michigan Un- ion opera, Whitney theater, 8:15 o'clock. Michigan union opera, Whitney thea- ter, 8:15 o'clock. Meeting of the senior laws, room G, law building, 12:00 o'clock. Professor J. R. Allen addresses fresh engineers, room 348 engineering building, at 11 o'clock. Professor Coffman and Professor Thorndike lecture in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, at 9:00 o'clock. Stuart Perry speaks on, "The Small Town Newspaper," 208 University hall, 2:00 o'clock. FIRST SESSION OF SCIENTISTS T.ODAY 1 Prof. A. G. Ruthien, 1915 President Academy, to (ite Opening Address to Annual Aleeting of EXPERTS DENOUNCE PRIMARY TRAINING Professor TIhorndike and Professor Coffman Decry Early Work of Grade School Pupils APPROXIMATELY 100 PERSONS ARRIVE TO SWELL ATTENDANCE Educators Claim Elementary Schools Are Conducted in Haphazard Manner That students are hoaxed in a num- ber of things, when they are mere grade school pupils, is the belief of Prof. E. L. Thorndike and Prof. L. D. !i - - , -. roting OFFICIAL PROGRAM INCLUDES NTMBER OF NOTED SPE AKERS Feature of Assernbly Will Ile "Social Evening" to Be Held in Museum Tonight Michigan's Academy of Science, em- bracing a number of noted scientists, will hold the opening session of its twentieth annual conference in the rowd of more than by decisively defeat- gineers, won for ampionship of the all tournament at t night. Throughout lings proved them- .eam, and by quick, sed of their older of 28 to 10. hich had been put ionship encounter o'clockand an hour or surrounding the For the first time enthusiastic enough' and each good play ovd cheers. favor the engineers se of their superior some reason this effective, and the fl t will FEATURE TWO INNOVATIONS AT WOMEN'S LUNCHEON SATURDAY Will Have Huge Birthday Cake and Easter Decorations to hart: Anniversary Completed arrangements for the an- nual Women's Luncheon, to be held in Barbour gymnasium at 12:30 o'clock Saturday, display two unique features. The first of these is the birthday idea, this year marking the twenty-fifth an- niversary of the founding of the Wom- en's League, under whose auspices the luncheon is given. This will be brought out by the presence of a huge cake, bearing 25 candles, and by the numbers on the informal program which will supplant the traditional toasts. .A birthday song, written by Helen Malcomson, '15, to the tune of an Hawaiian folk-song, sung by mem- bers of the Girls' Glee club in the re- cent Kermess, will be sung by the Glee club and the luncheon guests. The Glee club will render other se- lections during the course of the luncheon, and there will i.e solo vocal and instrumental number .by Abigail Shay, '15, Marie Paulis, '18, Marion Holden, '1?, and others., Souvenir birthday programs for the luncheon are now in the hands of the printers. The second innovation is the deco- rating, which will be done in the East- er tones. The 16 tables will be deco- rated with Easter flowers, and fresh- man waitresses will be dressed in gowns which will carry out the col- dr scheme. TECHNIC SUGGESTS HONOR ROLL PLANl museum lecture room at 3:00 o'clock Coffman, education experts. That was TOMORROW Michigan Union opera, Whitney thea- ter, 8:15 o'clock. Professor Coffman and Mr. Courtis lecture in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, at 9:00 o'clock. Union Forum to discuss, "Honorary So- cieties," 7:30 o'clock. Junior girls' play in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, 8:00 o'clock. Meeting of the Jackson club, 7:00 o'clock, Union. this afternoon. Prof. A. G. Ruthven, of the geology department, and this, year's president of the Academy of Science, will give his presidential ad- dress, speaking on the subject, "The the substance of the lectures given at yesterday's session of the Short Term Institute, on "Elementary Curriculum Making" and "Tests in Arithmetic." Mythology, legends aid fiction were MC'MAHON RETURI TO ROLE IN OPE Star of "A Model Daughter" Re-.E Cast of "All That Glitters" after Absence of Two Weeks CHANGE SPECIALTY NUNBERO DROP TH'REE AND ADD SCAN Director Sanger Leaves for New Tomorrow; to View First, Performance George P. McMahon, '16, star of year's Union opera, "A Model Da ter," and who, up to two weeks was slated to take the leading pa "All That Glitters,'? but resigne that time owing to poor health, returned to the cast, and will be in his part of "Dick," the leading role, when the opening perform of the opera goes on the board 8:15 o'clock. tonight at the Whitn( McMahon's return comes as a surprise. When he resigned, H W. Kerr, '16, was advanced from chorus to fill the vacancy, but bec of his lack of experience, he has somewhat reluctant to take the 1 ing role. When it became evident the improvement in McMahon's he would permit him to resume his 1 Kerr returned to the chorus, wher will be seen as a show girl. Coh ing on the incident last night, Gen Chairman Baxter said, "Kerr is tV commended for his unselfishness d'evotion to the interests of the ope Another change made last night the dropping of three specialty n bers, whistling, instrumental and t bling acts, which proved too long detracted from the unity of the si and the introduction of a new spec ty number by Leroy J. Scanlon, '16] which he sings and plavs ragtime. Zoogeographical Problem of the Gui- taught us as history, the lecturersl ana Sand Reefs," including an account of the University of Michigan expe- dition to Demera, S. A., in 1914. The address will contain some interesting data and discoveries that were made pointed out. They also explained that we were taught bad logic through sil- ly and unreal problems in arithmetic, that had no bearing on practical life. Both Professor Thorndike and Pro- fessor Coffman devoted considerable time discussing the tests that are now poor aL W11, ned and hen the FORUM fISCUSSES The ]itsl in every Tharding ___ ly. The 13 Allan T. Ricketts, '15E, to Preside at Weekly Gathering Tomorrow Evening again but +4 ANNOUNCE MORE MINOR TOPICS ky lit- lrough Michigan's honorary societies may and receive a thorough airing when they ep his are discussed at the weekly meeting Nath- of the Forum at the Union at 7:30 ng the o'clock tomorrow night. Allan T. I 3ick- it was etts, '15E, will preside over the gath- in the ering, which will consider the topic, d fouls "Are the Honorary (Not Honor) So- d prov- cieties Performing a Satisfactory Func- ctor in tion, and Is the Method of Selecting s. Members for Them Fair?." in the southern climes last year. The official program of the three days meetings includes a number of, noted speakers and scientists, and the. lectures are open to all those who are interested. The meetings, although held at the same time as the sessions' of the Schoolmasters club, are entire- ly separate, and are for those who are following scientific work, rather than a general educational pursuit. Besides the presidential address to, be held this afternoon, there will be another feature added to the regular program which all members are urg- ed to attend. A social evening will be held on the first floor of the museum; and as this will be the only general, informal one which will be given dr- ing the session, the conimitter in charge' is anxious that the members' will all come out. The program for today is as follows: 1:30 P. M.-Council meeting, geolog- ical laboratory, first floor of museum. (Reports of committees will be read at this meeting.) 2:30 P. M.-General'meeting of the' Acadeifly, museum lecture room. (Elec- tion of Members.) 3:00 P. M.-Presidential address by Prof. A. G. Ruthven on "The Zoogeo- graphical Problem of the Guiana Sand Reefs." 7:30 P. 1A-Social evening, - first floor of museum. , a l being used in arithmetic. In speaking of the absurdity of present arithmetic tests, Profesosr Thorndike said, "A' pupil has the right to have the issue stated to him in the same clear manner that it is stated in real life; They rust be similar to the problems Engineering Magazine Has Explaining Systems Other Institutions after his name, him because of g. The lineup Junior Eng. (10) .R.F.....Vonachen -.Warner C. .......Hyde, d on page 6.) I RAAU. IIt . in and! tives REPORT, I A. A. U. champion- but a few days off, have been selected itting on the finish- king on the hurdles u, and the other men ry field with their . weather bringing Coach Farrell will >l, Ufer, Wilson and to compete in the , and these five men an's western record ence colleges. There er competitors, but which have entered not be followed as an track followers, nce colleges against The subject was brought to the at- tention of the Forum officers a few weeks ago, wlen fraternities were dis- cussed. One speaker referred to these societies, and stated that he thought that they were dominated by the frat- ernities. Another speaker advised the Forum that all the organizations had rules regarding the percentage' of! fraternity and independent men. ,Two more minor topics have been announced for consideration, should any meeting so desire. They are "Is' the Michigan Daily Performing Its Function on the Campus SatisTactor- illy?" and "Is the General Library Con- ducted with Proper Regard for the Convenience of Its Patrons ?" The subjects previously given out concernt ed the exit of faculty men to otheruni- versities, the athletic association, the election of class officers and the Y. M. C. A. GOTHAMITE, ALUMNI MAGAZINE, HAS NEWS OF COMING SMOKER Copies of the March number of the Gothamite, published by the Univer- sity of Michigan club of New York, have been issued. It contains an an- nouncement of a smoker at Keen's Chop house on April 9, at which will be presented a dramatic cantata in one act, entitled 'Everymichiganman." James T. B. Bowles, '07, will address the alumni on "Sanitation of Vera Cruz and the Army Camps During the Occupation of the U. S. Expeditionary Forces." Report is made that several '12 and '14 men have joined the:'club. Clowry Chapman, '94, and James Nash have won the $500 prize offered by the Detroit Chamber of Commerce for the best trade-mark design em- bodying the slogan "Made in Detroit, U. S. A," More than 19,000 entries were received. Mr. Chapman is a trade-mark authority, and has written several articles on trade-mark practice. Stuart Perry to Address Jouritalists Stuart Perry, of the Adrian Tele- graph, will speak on "The Small Town JUNIOR PLAY SHOWS PROGRESS 1'rof. Brumm and MarthaGraySatisfied with Rehearsal of Vroduction1 Both Professor John R. Brumm, of the rhetoric department, director, and Martha Gray, '16, general chairman of the junior girls' play, expressed them- selves as pleased with the progress of the play as evidenced at last night's dress rehearsal, which was the first of the two which will be held. The prop- erties and lighting effects were used, and all of the 50 members of the cast, choruses, and specialties' rehearsed every line. More definite information Is not as yet, obtainable, as everything concerning the play is by tradition an entire secret to all but the participants until the first performance in honor of the senior women, which will be held at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The senior women plan this year to meet at 7:20 o'clock tomorrow evening at Newberry hall, garbed in caps and gowns, and to march in a body to the play, where they will. sing the songs introduced attthe recent "gett ogether" meeting. A second dress rehearsal for the* play will be held at 6:00 o'clock to- night. that a person comes up against in real life," he added. "The criterion for, judging the efficacy of .a problem should be its reality." Attendance at yesterday's session was increased by approximately 100 persons, and a spirit of friendly discus- sion seemed to rule the meetings, which were of an informal nature. Those in attendance expressed themselves as more than pleased with the work of the institute thus far. The theory of tests which Dr. Thorndike and Dr., Coffman are demonstrating, is some- thing quite new to the majority of Mich- igan educators, although Professor Coffman claimed that,tests of this na- ture were regarded as essential by leading educators to gauge the work of the school properly. It is the consensus of opinion of. both lecturers that heretofore elemen- tary schools have been conducted in too haphazard a manner,that no means of judging the efficiency either of the teachers or of the school's curricu~lum has been obtainable. Many interest- ing statistics, collected 4n 50 represen- tative cities, were read to the gather- ing by Professor Coffman. Nearly 70 per cent of the time of the elementary school is devoted to the study of the three "R's," Reading alone takes up 26 per cent of the average curriculum, while all through the entire eight grades an average of 7 per cent is de- voted to spelling. "I do not understand why the stu- dent in :the seventh and eighth grades should be compelled to spend so much time in spelling," said Professor Coff- man, in discussing this phase of the work, "The pupil should be taught to study independently of the teacher; I think the high school student loses much by not having acquired this abil-, ity to do independent worgk. This may possibly account for the failures of freshmen in college." The sessions today will take up the demonstration of the use of scales for handwriting and drawing and the oth- er subjects not yet studied. Professor Coffman will lecture on1"Qualities of Merit in. Teachers" at 10:00 o'clock. At" 2:00 o'clock Professor Thorndike will talk on what has been done in measuring achievements in English composition. r college of engineering, the March is- sue of the Michigan Technic contains an editorial on that subject enti- tled, "Honor in Examinations." The Technic has received much informa- tion on the honor system from various colleges and schools over the country where the plan is in practice, and the opinion of three of these colleges was summarized In The Daily of Sunday morning. The plan submitted by the Technic is modeled after the honor system in use in the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale, except that the manner of electingtthe honor board or discipline committee h~as been changed. The Technic proposes an honor board com- posed of five members, to be made up of the two members of the student council from the college who have been in office for the longest period, two seniors from the college and one junior. The editorial also advocates the use of pledges in the examinations, and £believes that co-operation with the faculty of the college is necessary to the success of the scheme., The plan used at Yale has' been in force since 1912, and was Instituted onlyafter three petitions, ehch signed by an increasing majority of- the school, had been sent to its director. The Yale Sheffield Monthly, from which an opinion gn the plan was re- ceived, reports that there are few breaches of .the pledge, but that when "cribbing" is reported to the discipline committee, its action is prompt. Appointments to the four commit- tees, which will combine to consider the various honor systems in use over t'he country, will be announced after the weekly assembly of the freshman class at 11:00 o'clock today. The com- bined committee will then assemble to pick its chairman from one of the up- per classes, and the first 'meeting will then be announced. All of the ses- sions of the committee will be open meetings, at which suggestions and opinions will be received. Editorial of ANNOUNCE APPOINTMENTS Suggesting a tentative plan for the snap organization of an honor board in the K the show is in better shape for the first night than any other Union opera in his memory, and the dress rehearsal last night gave evidence of the trutl of his statement. The chorus has beer drilled until it works with clockworb perfection, and whatever rough spot remained, were carefully ironed out Theron D. Weaver, '1617, the stag( (Continued on page 6.), STATE PEDAS OSU S -L, Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Gather In Fiftieth Assemblage at XesmorWhd au EXPECT ABOUT 1,000' TO COM] More than 1,000 brincipaMi al'ld teach, ers in Michigan's state seNindar schools are expected to attend the fif tieth meeting of the Michigan School tfacters' club, which begins its ses signs with the Classical confei'ence i Alumni Memorial hall at 2:00 o'clock today. Delegates are expected from practically every high school, norma school and the smaller colleges, ai well as from all other state educa tional institutions. The secretary, Mr L. P. Jocelyn, said last night that hE looked forward to having one of the largest crowds that has ever attend- ed a meeting of the organization. Following the Classical conference the visiting delegates will be escorted to Barbour gymnasium, where at 4:15 o'clock the university women will give an exhibition of gymnastics and games The demonstrations will be open tc visiting members only. The Principal's association will hold a banquet at the Michigan Union at 6:00 o'clock tonight, and all visiting members of the organization are invit- ed to attend. After the meeting, a number of speeches have been arrang- ed for, chief among which will be an address by Professor Thorndike, of Columbia University, on "Formal Dis- cipline." Any students interested in the meet- ings of the organization can receive student tickets entitling them to ad- mittance, by applying to Mr. L. P. Joc- elyn, in Registrar A. G. Hall's office to- day. I Atchigan Women 's League towards the small squad. ternoon that re to report Celebrating the Twenty-Fifth Birthday of Women's League Cornell Man Addresses Commerce Club Irving E. Macomber, a graduate of Cornell and president of the Macomber Bros. Real Estate and Investment Co., of Toledo, will address the members of the Commerce club at their'smoker to be held at the Union on Wednesday, April 7. Mr. Macomber's talk will' deal with the obligations of educated men and women to the community in which they live. I n ex r reg- Saturday, April 3, at 12:30 In Barbour Gymn*sium to- Newspaper," at 2:00 o'clock today in 'or- room 203 University hall, before the classes in journalism. Tickets on sale at Library and Wahr's State St. Store 75c