TnIM MICHIGAN DAILY Lillies of the Field are no finer arrayed than the men for whom we are tailors. There's grace, style,, taste, and class in the garments we produce. Our fabiics are exclusive, our tailoring is distinctive We shall be glad to show examples of our work to you G. H. WILD COMPANY, Leading Merchant Tailors. State St. Tennis Players not wait until the season is here to have your Racket TiE MIChIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad. station's: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 96o Editorial Office Phone, 2414 H. Beach Carpenter.......Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field.......Business Manager Fred Foulk...................News Editor F. F. McKinney............ Associate Editor Chester H. Lang..........Associate Editor T. Hawley Tapping.........Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard" Ray Leffl1er Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torrey Night Editors James M. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester Tom C. Reid Howard R. Marsh.) Reporters Edwin A. Hyman Eugene L. Bulson . C. B. Parker Vera Burridge Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum Verne Burnett C. N. Church H. A.'Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright L. Greenebaum F. A. Klaun WilliainF. Newton Business Staff Ferris'Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Kirk White C. T. Fishleigh Delos Smith J. J. Herbert Thatcher "Rea TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1915. Night Editor-E. Rodgers Sylvester. . "Call Taxi" on the back of the tel- ephone book, looks formidable to some society night opera-ites. It wasn't time to moth-ball that mackinaw after all, you see. Pity the fellow who sent his home for young brother. Red noses are the flowers of a recur- ring winter-time. Be sure you're wrong, then stop. Both writers and readers of column are firmly convinced that T. earns all of his daily bread. this B.L. Book Exhibit Still For a few days more we shall hold for your inspection the new publications of the Macmillan Company. The collection embraces Essays, Literature, Travel, Art, Biography, Philosophy, Botany, Landscape Gar- dening, etc., etc. A rare opportunity for seeing books not usually carried in stock. You are invited to call and look them over. WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE When's y'r nex' mid-s'mester? RE-STRUNG three days 1 Our work is guaranteed. Time limit 11 also be showing in a shorttime the Slotted Throat Racket. The best on earth. heehan's STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Tickets for the women's luncheon and the junior play will be on sale for $1.00, at tables in the east corridor of the general library today. Separate tickets for either performance of the play, at 8:00 o'clock Thursday evening, or immediately following the banquet on Saturday, are 25 cents. The luncheon will be entirely in- formal in character. Guests are asked not to wear hats. 1 ARTISTIC TAILORING PURE WOOL PABRICS I 4i E C. FLANDERS "TAILOR. 209 E. LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. VERY thinking man realizes the importance of presenting a good appearance. Well tailored clothes give you that mark of distinction, they cost no more than the ordinary kind. Q Let me show you what it means to get SMART STYLE and C O R R E C. F I T cut and moulded to your figure, with shapely lines. Q I have the latest correct fashions, the choice all wool fabrics in all the new colorings and very reasonable prices to quote you now. Q Another thing;if you order before I am too busy, I can give every little detail the attention required, it's never wise to rush, for it takes time to do good work. COME IN AND LET ME SHOW YOU THE VALUES I OFFER ETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE nited and Express Car- for Detroit-7 0 . m. and hourly to 6-to p mn.. also R:ro . m. cal Cars for Detroit 5:40 a. m., 6:06 a. i., nd every two hours to 6:ot p. m.. 7:o6 p. m., 8:o6 p m., 9:5 p. in., and 10:45 P. M. ro Ypsilanti only- 7:4 a. in., 8:20 a. mn.. i:o6 a m., 5:06 p. m., r r:r5 p. m., u:iS a m, 12:30 a m.., r:no a. M. rited Cars for Jackson-7:48 a m.. and every two hours to 7 :48 p. in. al Cirs for JasIson-5 :12 a. i., 6:5o a. i., t't evr .n twi :hmmr, to 6: p n m als llten'sToas' I , EASIER A pri Fourtb DON'T' DELAY IN ORDERING NEW CLOTHES Let us show you our handsome all-wool fabrics for j1' Lib e ral helping , are our aim, with quality unimpaired. $22.50 COUNCIL REFORMS. The- main trouble with the student council is that it must fight ridicule. It might be as efficient as possible for a long time, and yet its merits would go unrewarded as long as the typical student feels like snickering every time the council is mentioned. There is nothing so depressing and uncombat- able as .the. subtle, consistent fault- finding of a body of students. Every institution on the campus is exposed to the criticism of persons who prac- tice a %kind of puppy cynicism, that arises more from the desire to be con- sidered discerning than from any reas- oning founded upon experience. The case of the council is in point. t Nobody argues that the council is perfect. The councilmen are as much up in the air as anybody else as'to what should be done. It is not an in- stance of a group of men isolating themselves from the rest of the world and playing their own little game in their own way. The council is open to suggestions. It wants to do what will be best all around. So far, the solution for that rather general wish remains "in the dark. Until the reme- dy is suggested, and while the council seems to be working sincerely'to make itself- helpful, why not give it the ad- vantage of being commented upon only in an open-minded manner? Referring to the Daily Orange at Syracuse, you have your choice of say- ing that it is always on the breakfast table, or that it isn't entirely a yellow sheet. TUTTLE'S ON STATE ~rlI R __ΒΆΒΆ {''j U { . .- PHONE "13" FOR BUSY BE Trials for the swimming honors, in- dicated on the bulletin board of Bar- bour gymnasium, will be given from 2:00 until 4:00 o'clock Friday after- noon. Women wishing to try are ask- ed to register with Miss Evans by Thursday. Tickets for the annual gymnasium exhibition at 4:10 o'clock tomorrow, may be obtained free of charge. from the director's office in Barbour gymna- sium. University women wishing to do wark as squad leaders in tennis or walking this spring, should see Miss Evans as soon as possible. Athletic honors are given for this work, accord- ing to schedule. Mortar Board meets at 7:30 o'clock this evening, at the Pi Beta Phi house. Miss Helen -Bennett, director of the Chicago branch of the Collegiate Bu- reau of Occupations, though unable to come to Ann Arbor before spring vaca- tion, will speak to university women shortly afterwards, according to word recently received by Clara Roe, '15, secretary of the vocational counselling committee. Prof. "MWenley Addresses Detroiters Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the philoso- phy d1epartment, gave an address on "American - Universities Compared with Their European Sisters," at a meeting of the Michigan alumni of Detroit, held Saturday night at the Griswold house. Following Professor Wenley's address, Prof. M. Levi, of the French, department, was called upon for a few remarks. Craftsmen Outlining Spring Program At a recent meeting of the Crafts- men society, a program of activities to follow the holidays was mapped out. Three informal luncheons are booked for April and May, with noted speak- ers on each occasion. The final ban- quet and election of officers will take place some time in May. Arrange- ments for a dance are also in the hands of a social committee headed by W. C. Mooney, '17E. III IL p.. HAR'S two places whar yoL can always ind sympathy - in the dictionary an'in', a pipe o' VELVET. For there's solid solace in that aged-in-the- wood mellowness which changes Kentucky's Burley de Luxe into VELVET, The Smoothest Smokig Tobacco. 10c tins and 5c metal-lined bagse #1 UP-TO-DATE STYLES MODERATE PRICE 'THE POPULAR PLACE", ICE CREA M j .. . ..i ..... The Finest The Reliable Laundry Is-responsible for your laundry linen. Does not tear your linen, but mends it. Does not promise to sew on buttons, but does it. The RELIABLE LAUNDRY wants your trial to show that it is Reliable. We are anxious to serve you. Prompt service. Place in Town And here just a fewc were looking around ont 4us flower beds to get< the farthest-north robin. days ago, we the new cam- a glimpse of to Dine Phone 794 215 S. Fourth Ave. EGOTISTICAL BUT TRUE Seems as if the student body ought to be given at least a day to look over the curiosities at the schoolmasters' meeting. It's not so much how much you spend as where you spend it, Is the tenor of spring letters from the home farm. Electing a "vice" president would seem to be pretty business for such an organization as the Y. M., C. A. Mack's Service a la Carte Open 8:00 in the morning till >:00 in the afternoon-Saturdays till 9:00 Orchestra Music on Saturdays CSpecial Club Dinner$ and Banquets by appointment Second Floor-Annex Building I PARTICULAR LAUNDRY FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE CITY LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Prop. Detroit St. Ph one 467-M TYPEWRITER BARGAIN S We have a few Trial Machines which we offer at greatly reduced prices on the easiest of terms. Will be glad to have you try them. We rent typewriters, too. ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. INc. A. H.cOHEN, Resident Salesman Phone 2282 1314 So. University Avenue It is impossible for any one in to make highe grade Dress mechanically or .artistically, more perfect lines. the world Clothes or with We will have a large consignment of Spring woolens in by the 25th, and wil gladly lay your selection aside until you wish it made up. Seneca and Scout Cameras We have them from $2.00 up. V ULC AN FILMS Sam Burchfield & Co. ii0o E. fluron Street The Latest Styles in Hats NEW-SNAPPY MANN & WALKER 213 S. Main Street Phone 876 'i From Young's Bros., New York KEEP THIS IN MIND. Some ordinances that should be in mind at all times. Don't run your machine faster than twelve miles an hour. Don't ride your bicycle on the side- walk. Don't post or tack notices on tele- phone or telegraph poles. Don't play ball in the streets. 130-1 Buy your Conklin Pen at Van Dnr. e's Pharmacy, 700 Packard street. U Saddle horses for rent. Phone 2028. 207 North Main. tf* University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf Get the habit. it.0 Saddle horses. North Main. The doctors order Phone 2028. 207 tf Clothing for young men and men that never grow old. Made by The House of Kuppenheimer. on sale at ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE. Main St. eod Tu AT y Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Ave. Day rate for single passenger now Washington St; University Ave. Pharmacy Drugs and toilet articles. Phone 416. t! Think of it, only 25c a passenger. Phone taxi 2280. Al