THE MICHIGAN LAILY i Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. Spring Showing of STEIN BLOCH SUITS READY AT YOUR SERVICE IMPERIAL HATS Correct Spring Attire for Men and all the new shapes and colors in CAPS Suits Balmacaans Topcoats Raincoats, $15 to $30 $12 to $25 . $8 to $20 . $8 to $18 I [indenschmitt, Aptel & Co. DIETERLE AND RUNDELL TAILORS NINTY-FOUR w$ST FORT STREET DETROIT, MICH. FORMERLY WM. X. DIETERLE SPRING ORDERS TAKEN NOW r Ii Satisfy that animal instinct with DEAN'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts A FULL POUND 214 5 5. Main St. BIG BARGAINS FOR REXALL WEEK SPECIAL SOUVENIR for Monday, March 29 One pound Fenway Chocolates 60C One 25c package Rexall Playing Cards FREE A full line of the Famous Rexall Remedies always in stock Edsill's Rexall Drug Store 208 S. MAIN STREET Anse* Films Cyko Paper r.m FOOTBALL HUSKIES TO STAGE ANOTHER "BASKETBALL" GAME Gridiron Warriors Recovered Enough to Mix in Another Fracas Waterman gym will be the scene of anotherybattle of the mighties next Thursday evening. The Varsity foot- ball squad is planning another melee to be staged on.the basketball courts. Although the men who played in the game last Thursday are scarcely able to move with comfort, they are all eager for another fray. According to reports, "Johnny" Ly- ons and Niemann are aroused over the fact that they were not mentioned as stars in the report of the last basket- ball game, and are out to make a name for themselves. "Fritz" Rehor promises to play center for the "Roeh- mers" again. The amount of floor he covers makes "Fritz" invaluable to his team, and it is likely that it will be victorious again. Janitors in the gym are eager to have the game staged, as it will save them the work of sweeping the floor. In addition, the game gives the foot- ball men excellent experience in run- ning with the ball, tackling, blocking and line plunging. Fear is expressed that Rehor may fall on the ball. The two teams will probably line up as at last week's game: "Roehmers," -Maulbetsch, r. f.; Roehm, 1. f.; Rehor and Niemann, center; Niemann and Zieger, r. g.; Lyons, 1. g.; "Bastian- ites"-Kohr, r. f.; Brazell, I. f.; Ful- lenwider, center; Schultz, r. g.; Bas- tian, 1. g. DETROIT PASTOR WILL SPEAK AT WESLEYAN SERVICE TONIGHT The Rev. M. S. Rice to Talk on, "The Appeal of Religion" at M. E. Church The Rev. M. S. Rice, pastor of the North Woodward avenue M. E. church of Detroit, has been secured as the Wesleyan Guild lecturer at the Meth- odist church at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Dr. Rice will speak on, "The Appeal of Religion." Mr. Rice addressed one of the large mass meetings held last fall in Hill auditorium. He was received with enthusiasm, and it is expected that a large crowd of students will come out to hear him tonight. Dr. Rice is well acquainted with conditions in the uni- versity, as he was a student in the Law School in 1893, following his grad- uation from Baker University. Mr. Rice has been in Detroit for three years and previous to that time occupied a prominent pulpit in Duluth, Minn. In the short time that he has been in Detroit he has gained the rep- utation of being a capable and enjoy- able speaker and is constantly secured, to address prominent gatherings. He is also famed for having been active- ly engaged in giving a large number of mid-day talks at the Detroit Opera House. INTRAMURAL DIRECTOR ROWE REFEREES GAME AT TOLEDO That Intramural Director Floyd Rbwe has acquired a reputation as a referee of basketball games is evident from the fact that he was called to To- ledo Friday night to officiate at one of the most important high school1 ganes in Ohio this season. The school authorities could not at first agree on officials; but finally sent word for Director Rowe to come. Dur- ing the basketball season, he has ref- ereed many of the important state con- tests, including M. A. C. and Detroit Y. M. C. A. games. Results Count _.! Continued re-orders prove the quality and merit of our work in both Portrait and Commercial De- partments. Our satisfied customers are our biggest advertisement. S e e us about your] work; we compete with one and all. We have recently received a fine new lot of Moldings, and are mak- ing a specialty of artistic picture framing. Films developed for 15c per roll. Prints made from 3c~upwards HOPPE'S Ann Arbor's Finest Studio 619 E. Liberty Street Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Saturday) Monday, March 29 - The Apartment House Mystery, with Ruth Roland, in Two Parts. "Two Others." Fins Spring Haberdashery Headquarters itr Manhattan Shirts, $1.50 to $4.00 Perrin's Spring Gloves. Beautiful Spring Neckwear The World's Best Underwear Hosiery and other Quality Fixings I I .. . ..... . . Tuesday, March 3o-In the Land of the Head Hunters. Story of the North Sea. In Six Parts. Wednesday, March 31 - Three Hats, With Louise Vale. In Two Parts; also Two Others. HALLER JEWELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS Diamonds Remounted in High Platinum Settings Optical Repairing and Lenses Duplicated Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Stone Setting The Big Store I Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Mon. & Tues., Mar. 29.30 Mary Pickford in "Mistress Nell" Wednesday, March 31 Ethel Barrymore in "Nightingale" (Rebooked) I HALLER JEWELRY CO. I Ir .m Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 Monday, March 29 "The Passer By" two part Selig drama. "Broncho Billy and the Claim Jumpers" Ussanay. "Tomboys" Kalem Comedy. "The Stray Shot" Biograph. Tuesday, March 30 "The Love of Women" three part Lubin feature "Cabman Kate" Vitagraph. "The Gang's New Member"Biograph. Wednesday March 31 LEW FIELDS with Vivian Martin in "Old Dutch" a five part Shubert feature Coming Friday Robert Warwick in "The Man of the Hour." for / A' a 200-202 South Main. St. I _ I Look at our Show Windows for I If you're sure of Graduating Then it's time to make certain that your Cap and Gown will be on hand for Swing-out Day. Costumes ordered now will reach here before or during vacation, Costumes ordered later-well, we'll do our best when the time comes. In the meanwhile please call and be measured as soon as, convenient. All outfits are supplied by COX, SONS & VINING Rental charge is $2.00 from Swing-Out through Com- mencement. Payment only when delivered. (THIRD FLOOR CANDY SPECIALTIES Every day in the week. THE SUGAR BOWL 104 S. Main St. FOR RENT-First class front room. Will rent for $1.50 for one person or $2.00 for two as special inducement. Call 912 Mary St. FOR SALE OR RENT-Fraternity, So-. rority, Club 15 Roomed modern house. Possession June 15th. In- quire on premises. N. I. Schepeler, 334 S. Division, Cor. Williams. State Champion basketball team atj Ann Arbor H. S., Monday, 4 P. M. Better order that canoe now. You will want it in a couple of weeks. Call Bell 2220. 129-131 Shoes repaired while you rest. 0. G. Andres, 222 8. State St. eod Tu We have all colors for canoes and spar varnishes for canoe repairs. P. G. Tessmer. 30 AGENTS WANTED. Several Michigan students cleared $400 each last summer vacation.. If you need money to return to Michigan next October write us and we will send our representative to call on you. Give references. Silver-Chamberlain Co. Clayton, New Jersey, Box 58. Buy shoes and satisfaction at the same time from Gross & Dietzel, 119 E. Washington St. MR. E. C. BOYNTON TO ADDRESS FIRST SUNDAY NOON MEETINGS Begin Social Courses Using Ann Arbor Conditions as Laboratory1 for Illustrations Mr. E. C. Boynton, pastor of the Congregational Church, has arranged a series of Sunday noon meetings onl topics of local interest for students and the general public. The meetings which willbe given under the general title of "Social Problems" will be ad- dressed by local civic officials and uni- versity professors, and the first one willibe held at 12:00 o'clock today, at the Congregational church. The general aim of the entire course, which will extend through June 20,] will be to give -some conception of the scope of social opportunity, using Ann3 Arbor conditions as a laboratory for illustrations. To this end, the firstt speaker will be Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the department of landscape design,3 who will take as his subject, for to-' day's talk, "The Value of a City Plant Now, if Ann Arbor is even to Double Its Size."' Among the other speakers who will appear on the programs from week to week will be Prof. R. T. Crane, Prof. W. C. Hoad and Manley Osgood, city engineer of Ann Arbor. After the speakers talk each week, the meetings. will be conducted along the line of an open forum. Confectionary,cigars and soft drinks and canoes for the Lakeland and Ypsi- lanti trips. P. G. Tessmer. Spring Hats Now Ready We carry a complete stock of the most up-to-date hats to be found anywhere. All late hats are trim- med with the bow exactly on the side. Hats with bow in the back or at the quarter are out of date, old timers. We make hats to order and do all kinds of hat work. Your last season's hat re-blocked in the latest shape, with new trimmings, will look new and up-to-date. FACTORY HAT .TORE 118 E. IK ron St. i PROHIBITION BATTLE SCHEDULED Intercollegiate Association Prepares For Local Contest After securing the approval of the oratory department, the Inter-colleg- iate Prohibition association has de- cided to hold a prohibition contest on April 7 in room B of the Law school. Five contestants have already entered and the officials in charge are eager to have still more entrants. Those students who desire to enter the contest are urged to report to R. H. Penzotti, '18H, who has charge of the contest, at least before April 3.. The association has not yet decided upon the amount of the prize that will be given to the winner, and will announce it at a later date. Negotiations are pending with several men to act as judges. 11 FOOTBALL SQUADS WORK HARD AFTERNOONS IN WATERMAN GYM Groups Composed of '0 Team Aspir. ants Use Apparatus and Practice to Keep in Condition "Our squads in the gymnasium are working out finely," said "Bill" Coch- ran, Varsity football captain, in refer- ring to the afternoon work given the members of the football squad at Wat- erman gym. "Practically all the men for whom we issued a call are report- ing regularly, and they are keeping in good condition." To further Michigan's chances on the gridiron next fall, 11 groups of from three to six men each, a total of more than 50 men, were selected about a month ago to work regularly in Wat- erman gym two afternoons a week. The men indulge in apparatus work, practice starting from the cleats, and do a little blocking and tackling. In this manner, the men keep themselves constantly in good physical condition, in addition to gaining efficiency in the rudiments of the gridiron game. Resignation Ends Checkered Career After a decidedly checkered career as captain of Yale's Varsity crew, T. B. Denegree has been forced to resign. Denegree was elected as the 1914 cap- tain, but was displaced in the boat at the beginning of the season. He con- tinued to hold the leader's position. and was unanimously re-elected for this year. Because. of illness, he was forced to resign. A. D. Sturtevant has been chosen in his place. University Ave. Pharmacy Fountain Pens and Students Supplies. tf Canoes by the hour and storage for private canoes. P. G. Tessmer. Think of it, only 25c a passenger. Phone taxi 2280. .University Ave., Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy. Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. tt !4 Six rides for a dollar ! 348 C. H. Brock 348 Taxi-Cab Livery 10c rents a kodak today. Lyndon.' In Allen, clothier window 113 So. Fain are the silver souvenirs that the Majestic will give away Tuesday Mat- inee March 30th. Get a Victrola nohv and halle Laster 7lusic in your Home. You can hear on the Victrola as superb Easter music as you ean hear In any church aaywhere. And on the Victrola the beautiful Easter numbers are not confined to Easter alone-you can hear them whenever and as often as you wish. rate for single passenger now hone taxi 2280. Will demonstrate the various styles ot Vietrolas ($15-$250). Terms to suit the buyer. Phhne 1707 GRINNELL BROS. 120 East Liberty New Record Mar.28 State Champion basketball team at * iAnn Arbor H. S., Monday, 4 P. M. I