THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'f -1 -1 That We Sell Imperial Hats Stein Block Clothing Arrow Shirts and Collars Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear Spalding Bros, Sweaters Mackinaws all Grades Linden schmitt, Apfel &too Young Men- Whatever you -pay for your clothing you cannot afford to overlook this fact ; the big store of Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. can and does positively give the greatest value. Whether it is a suit or overcoat, Manhattan Shirt, Knox Hat, Spalding Sweater, nekwear, hosiery, gloves, uun- derwear, trousers, fancy vests, slipons. 4 Everything new and everything right. mmmiam Reule, Conlin, Fiegel. Co. Before Buying Your Fall Suit 200-202° So. Maim St. See W. H~. 0111T RLEi at his Ann Arbor Store, 516 . Williams St., three doors below Maynard. All foreign Woolens aof the latest weaves and designs. Come .4a and see for yourself. TAILOR WM.II E. DIETER LE pmp DEAN'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts A FULL POUND 214 S. Man nSt. ni SHORTHAND, TVP$- VG,BOQKKEE;PING and NSHIP for iversity Students rganized next week at the OF SHORTHAND, 711 'N. Watch for Aunouncoment of the OPEIK NC OP THE ARCADE THEATRE ON NORtH I tVERSITY A"t. Arcade Theatre opens next Tues-' day, 6:15 o'clock. We shine shoes bright and block hats right. The Athens on Liberty St. Try us once. tf. University Ave. Pharmacy. The new store. Drugs, sundaes, and toilet ar- tides. At. the Majestic Grace Cameron will sing "Little Dolly Dimples." t Gymnasium outfits-complete $2.45 best quality. Wagner & Co., State' street. 8-12 Arcade Theatre opens :next Tues- day, 6:15 o'clock. Waterman Fountain Pens of all kinds. University Avenue Pharmacy. tI Pianos to rent. Good dependable in- struments at lowest rates.. Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 110 So. Main St. ,tf. Arcade Theatre opens next Tues- day, 6:15 o'clock. Quary sells Conlin and Parker foun- tain pens. tf Root for Michigan all the time. Keep throat clean with Quarry's Bronchial Tablets tf Where are those Rubber Sole Bos- tonians of yours. Ask the Campus Bootery. ead Wed. Arcade Theatre opens next Tues- day, 6:15 o'clock. Football, paraphernalia. Most comn- plete stock in city at Waher's. eodW Drawing instruments and engineer's supplies at Wahr's Book Store. eodW Watch for solicitors. HOPPE STUDIO TEMPLE THEATRE MON. Oct. 12-The Glilded Kidd, with Elsie McLeod TUES. Oct. 183-Hearst-Selig Pictoril News WED. Oct. 14-Thes Billilonaire THUR. Oct. 16-7 th Story of Pauline FRI. Oct. 16B-Wllie. with W. Oakman SAT. Oct. 17?-His Stolen Fertune, wIth Francis X. Bushman Mary Pickford in A Rich Revenge Comning Next Week-Strong Heat Graham's Barber Shop, 121 W. Hlur- on St., opposite D. U. R. Only barber, shop in Ann Arbor under student man- agement. Your patronage will be ap- preciated. Glenn Graham, '17 Dent. eod Wed. C LOTHES we tailor to individual order prove perfect by perf or- mance-in style, work- manship, fit and fabric. Be guided by these facts and :have ing better. TheReward of Merit 619 E. Liberty St. Fred., W..Gross JAUDIT ORIUM, , Ann Arbor,, Mich. Arcade Theatre opens next day, 6:15 o'clock. Tues- IAL UNION ,CONCERTS ALBERT A. STANLEY, Director )ot. 28-Johannue adski Nev. 1 1--Ferruoclo Bussoni Dec. 2-Philadelphia Orchestra Feb. 1 7-Cinolnnattlprcoetre Mar. 12-Leo Slezak May 18-.22-May Festival Pre-festival Course Tickets (Re- served) $3.00,'$3.'50, $3.75,-'$4. Single Concerts $1, $1.25, $1.50 Mail orders filled In erder of re- ceipt from special sections after Oct.-14. Public sales begin Oct. 19. CALL AT SCHOOL OF MUSIC FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEW AND BECOMING Styles in, FALL HATS. Now on Display ALLEN'S Good Clothes Store Main St. Lont tan operating coats-$1.00. Wagner '& Co., State street. 8-12 Arcade Theatre opens neyt Tues- day, 6:15 o'clock. Grace Cameron is coming. Watch for the date at the Majestic. The Store for Young Men. Wagner & Co., State street. 8-12 In future all cars stop at Goodyear Drug Store. tf presented for At and Winter wear. utumn .You our exclusive local. deal- er, show you the finest collection of styles and woolens we have ever CHARLES A. SINK. Secretary i Headquarters for 'the Underwood (the kind the University uses) and other high - grade Typewriters a u d Typewriting supplies at Flowers, Cixolo. Cut Flowers s. Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Car. 11th St. ad S. Univ. Ave.' Ph.,... 113 can afford to. Largest Talors In the W orl of GOOD Made-to-Order Clothes PRICE BLDG.C CHICAGO U. S. A. $2.25 buys a complete outfit at Wahr's University gymnas urn Book Store. eodw 0. D. MORRILL'S 322 South State Street (over Baltimore Lunch) I I , an 6mm U I DSO YOU KNOW That you can purchase all editions ,Schirmer and Hood Library One Half Off Theory and Practice of Tone Relations by Goetschens for $1.20 Polk Songs and Part ;bongs by Dawrrosch for ............... $.40 Call and get our prices on all Classical Music FREE DELIVERY CRINNELL BROTHERS 120.122 East Liberty Street Phone 1707 I PREKETEES SWEETS ARE the best because they are manufactured of the best materials and under. our supervision. We give you quick service in our, fountain ;drinks and lunches SUGAR BOWL I o._. ARCA DE "M wW srmi MMMMMOMOPA NORTH UNIVERSITY r1 10-1 YPE WRITERS' rUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS for Remington, mith, Royal, Underwood, Oliver, Fox, etc. 1 Machines _ Only Michigan Factory ,,2.11. 3 months. $6.58; 6 months, $12; 9 months. $17: include repaid. WE SELL new latest models $50 up. Factory re- ap. State agents CORONA Foldingi, weight 6 lbs. re. Call, write or phone Main 4102 'ITHEA'IKE AVENUE OPENS TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 13 - - 6:15-7;45-8:15 sons' "The Last Volunteer" IN SIX PARTS For Professor, Teacher, Instructor and Student-for Busy Men in AUl Walks of Life. Sere is a remarkable chair-much. more than a chair, too, though it takes up about the same room as a big Turkish rocker. Within ;easy reach are all the conveniences of a study. The chair is a fine piece of furniture in itself-made of solid quarter-sawed oak and upholstered in leather. The gripe is $65.00. Illustrated Catalog Fre Detroit TypewrterCo, 160 Jefferson, near Woodward j WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 T NATIONAL BANK ANN AMDOR tal - $ 100,000. lus and Profits $65,000 DIRECTORS well, Geo. W. Patterson, H. J. Abbott, rksont,1K. D. Kinne, Harrison Souic, Abbott, Dan B. Sutton, Fred Schmid. Grace Cameron "Miss Dolly Dim- ples" will soon be at the Majestic. University Ave. Pharmacy. The store that satisfies. Ut Hlirsch-Wickwire Suits--$24.00 and up. Wagner & Co., State street. 8-12 WAR PICTURES «TuSy ONE PARTThSp" IN FOUR PARTS Beginning Wednesday, shows will be given every 'afternoon and evening at 2;30, 4:00, 6.15, 7:45, and 9:15. Come and see the mew house. Good Music. Courteous Treatment ADULTS 10 cents - - CHILDREN 5 cents ALL SHOWS BEGIN PROMPTLY ON TIME SHOWING NOW IN THlE MAIN STREET FURNITURE HALL ,-,! -II~ I