Tiiui MICHIGAN DAILY I I EASTER. will soon be here and you should leave your order today and join the army of Wild's satisfied customers. Your garment may be selected from the largest and best assortment of wo 1 ns in the city and an order placed with u, will be cut, made and fitted in our own shops by skilled workwen. Student tailors for twenty seven years. G. H. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State Street T mi Tennis Players o not wait until the season is here to have your Racket RE-STRUNG Time limit three days Our work is guaranteed. e will also be showing in a short time the Slotted Throat Racket. The best on earth. ShUeehans STUDENTS, BOOKSTORE THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.50. Want ad, stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H- Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960 Editorial Office Phone 2414 H-. Beach Carpenter,.......Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field..:.....Business Manages Fred Foulk....................News Editor F. F. McKinney............Associate Editor Chester H. Lang..........Associate Editor T. H-awley Tapping ..........porting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torrey Night Editors James M. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester Tom C. Reid Howard R. Marsh Edwin A. HymanRep rtersEugene L. Bulson J. C. B. Parker Vera Burridge Irwin Johnson Gerald Rosenbaum Verne Burnett C. N. Church H. A. Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright L. Greenebaum F. A. Klann william F. Newton Business Staff .s Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers Y. R. Altsheler Kirk White C. T. Fishleigh Delos Smith J. J. Herbert Thatcher Rea SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1915. Night Editor-Verne E. Burnett At 10:30 sermon by Mr. Loring on Being Willing to Live within the Com- mon Life. At 11:45 Mr. John Lazenby of Tor- onto speaks before the Social Service Class on The Solution of Social Prob- 1ems. At 7:30 the Young People's Society invite the public to hear Mr. Lazenby speak on What Is Theosophy. Unitarian Church Book Exhibit Still On Unitarian Church For a few days more we shall hold for your inspection the new publications of the Macmillan Company. The collection embraces Essays, Literature, Travel, Art, Biography, Philosophy, Botany, Landscape Gar- dening, etc., etc. A rare opportunity for seeing books not usually carried in stack. You are invited to call and look them over. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Good thing those hold over until we this year's. old opera tunes begin to whistle March Winds and Chaps If you would be free from the annoyance of March winds, we can assist if you use ROIT UNITED LINES NN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7 :io and hourly to 6: o p. in., also 8:xo rs for Detroit-5 :40 a. in., 6:o6 a. in., 'ery two hours to 6:96 p.. m.,'7:o6 p. o6 p. m., 9:15 p. t., and 10:45 p. m. silanti only: 74 a. m., 8:20 a. i., a. mn., 5:o6 p. in., 11:15 p'.in., 12:15 12:30 a. in., i:oo a.. Cars for Jackson-7 :48 a., and two hours to 7:48 p . . n .rs for, Jackson-5:12 a. m., 6:5o a i., rery two hours to 6:50 p. m., also T ., 11:15 p. M. r Typewriting Mineographin Typewriters of best Quality at derate Rates See O. D. MORRILL (Over Baltimore Lunch) State St. Phone 582-J --- C ICI EASTER April Fourth DON'T DELAY - 1 ORDERING NEW CLOTHES Let us show you our hardsome all-wool fabrics for I X22.50 i - Iu ®. I I' r' -- - 1 holce ow ers Chop of a few miiutes and eat some of GE ORGE'S Sizey WAX KING OO 314 S State St. Phone 1244-M BEFORE THE DANCE Let D. C. Burrett 514 E. Wiliam Cut your Hair DUPLICATING FUNCTIONS. It is useless for the supporters of the Union and of the Y. M. C. A. to in- sist that the two organizations will never over-lap in their functions. Their employment and rooming bu- reaus are performing the same service. The present inadequate buildings of each serve as lounging places, they both have reading rooms and they both sponsor social affairs. And this du- plication of functions is present, even before either obtains its new building and commences to elaborate its meth- ods of being helpful. Reassuring it-is to think that each has its limited field of endeavor. The Y. M. C. A. is supposed to look after the religious and moral well-being of the student body; the Union takes as its aim the development of social life amongst the men of the university. This is all very well. Probably the campus can support some duplication of equipment and functions. It will be easy, however, to carry it too far. The present absurd system of main- taining double sets of lists in the re- spective employment and rooming bu- reaus is a doubtful start. No need of taking that Yellowstone Park trip this summer if you watch the steaming geysers around the new science building. The introduction of temperance will mark the passing of the man who in- sists that the flag-pole looks like a chandelier. One admirer comes forth with the suggestion that this column should be called weakly rather than daily. Michigan's debaters and debating coaches deserve more credit than is usually handed out to victors. For heated debating, however, take the case of the back-lot baseball game, without an umpire. The report goes that many inter-sor- Maybe he's not a heavy imbiber even if his room is filled with crockery steins. Yesterday's opera rehearsal was confused enough to predict good things. Those who begin to lie down now won't have to worry about getting tip later. Thank the senior societies for the glimpses of big city make-ups. What so pleasureable as to show off a doll to one's school-mates? Meanwhile treading air blissfully your own little self. Plain but satisfactorily substantial. But so are battleships. Mrs. S. E. Wright, who has charge of the tea room at Newberry hall, can use 10 university women 'as assistants in the tea room next week, and asks that women interested communicate' with her at once. The first dress rehearsal of the entire junior play, cast and choruses will be held at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Partic- ipants will report in costume at that hour. A name for the play has finally been chosen, and the eight page programs are in the hands of the printers. F ACULTY EVENING DISCONTINUED Pressure of Outside Work Interrupts Weekly Event Faculty nights which have been stag- ed in the Union lobbies every Wednes- day night during the past four weeks have been discontinued until after the spring holidays. P. D. Koontz, '17L, president of the Union decided upon the deferring of the meetings because of pressure of work for both faculty and students during the next four weeks. The mid-semesters, opera, School-_ masters' club and teachers' institute . _. irr MRS. M. M. ROOT Corner Maynard and William Streets All the Latest, Hits' IN MUSIC Leave Orders for Piano Tuning. Satisfaction Guaranteed The Druggists on the Corner. Buy Now 1915- Made in America Nerchandise Our Stock Always Shows You Something New SHROEN BROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN PHONE 1000 Quarry Drug Co. Flo" Dermal Cream Almond Toilet Lotion Shaving Lotion or our Cold Cream State and North University usins & Hall 12th and S. Univ. PhowiI 115 NoRmiq-thz new C-eJ PabRol&Clnfa~rs PHONE "13" FOR . BUSYB EE "THE POPULAR PLACE" I C E CR EAM Tailors to Men Our Special $30.00 Suits Have UALITY THAT UALIFYS UICKLY r Stock of Spring Footwear ority meetings are taking place on the have combined in making the get-to- boulevards. gethers unfeasible. Men from the en- gineering college, and the economics, Of which meetings, fully 100 per cent rhetoric, history and English depart- are absolutely unplanned and unpre- ments have been guests on the last meditated. four Wednesday night affairs. Henry & o. 71 1 N. University Ave. For Ladies and Gents is now complete u - Let us show you the newest FRESHMEN!! CUT DOWN YOUR MATCHES EXPENSE Wahr's Shoe Stores Main St State St. mom s® w r r eingle Passenger Taxi Rates Reduced. From 50c to 25c from 6 A. M. to 11 P M. You who have to supply a houseful of inveterate smokers with matches each week will be' vitally interested in the ELECTRIC CIGAR LIGHTER It isn't expensive and it will save you a lot of anxiety about the match supply. Sold by the nr Arbor Taxi Co. to 2280 515 E. Liberty Eastern Michigan Edison Co. COR. MAIN and WILLIAM STS. OMMOOMMUMOMNA .... .. .w.. .r .. -- - . _ _ ,.