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March 28, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-28

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ted to


Rev. Thornton A. Mills speaks on "Fid-
dles and Fortunes," at the Unio~n,
3:00 o'clock.
Rev. M. S. Rice speaks on "The Appeal
of Religion," at the Methodi.st
church, 7:30 o'clock.
Charles Lazenby speaks on "The Unity
of Human Races," in Harris hall,
4:00 o'clock.
Charles Lazenby speaks on "What is
Theosophy?" at the Unitarian church,
7:30 o'clock.
Rev. Frank B. Bachelor speaks on,
"Jesus' Ideal for The Life of a'
City," at the First Baptist church,
10:30 o'clock.
Rev. Ralph Hall Ferris, minister of the
East Orange Congregational church
of New Jersey, speaks at the Con-


n hurler, after hav-
to the university
al days, was oper-
for an abcess of the
lications arise, the
to appear for work-
uad departs for the
news that the tow-
probably make the
joy up the back of


her depleted
X4 Varsity in
Lie All-Fresh
.ay's practice
eek. He has
.fected gland,
t get into a
d be able to
ad tomorrow.
through two
ting the ma-
ng and field-

gregational church, 10:30 o'clock.
Rev. Leonard A. Barrett speaks on,
"The Triumphal Entry," at the Pres-
byterian church, 10:30 o'clock.
Rev. George W. Knepper speaks on,
"The Great Adventure," at the
Church of Christ, 10:30 o'clock. ,
Rev. Henry Tatlock speaks at the St.
Andrew Episcopal church, 10:30
First meeting of the Short-Term. State
Educational Institute, in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall, at 9:00 o'clock.
Cercle Francais rehearsal for annual
play, Sarah Caswell Angell hall,
4:00 o'clock.

Varsitj Football Linesman Victorious
In Close Contest, Winning
Over Two Opponents
by Nine Votes
Philip C. Lovejoy Becomes Secretary-
Treasurer; New Officers Go In
After Vacation
In an election featured by close con-
tests and light balloting yesterday, the
following men were elected as officers
for the University Y. M. C. A. for the
year 1915-1916: President, Lewis C.
Reimann, '17L, vice-president, Waldo
R. Hunt, '16 and secretary-treasurer,
Philip C. Lovejoy, '16.
The office which vas most hotly con-
'tested was that of vice-president, Hunt
being elected over Paul V. Ramsdell,
'16, by a single vote. Reimann was
victor in the contest for the presi-
dency over Paul Wagner, '16E, and
George P. McMahon, '16, by the plural-
ity of but nine votes. The contest for
the office of secretary-treasurer was
an easy victory for P. C. Lovejoy, who
received an easy majority over all the
votes cast for his two opponents, M. V.
Doty, '18, and M. W. Welch, '17.
The new officials will take office at
the first meeting of the "Y" cabinet to
be held after the spring recess, and
at this time the newly elected presi-
dent will announce his standing com-
mittee appointments for the ye'ar.
The president of the Students' Chri-
tian association will be elected by the
members of the newly elected cabinets
of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.
at a combined meeting. This election
is scheduled to take place during the
first week after the spring vacation.
The retiring officials are Werner W.
Schroeder, '16L, president of the S. C.
A.; W. C. Mullendore, 16L, president
of the Y. M. C. A., McMahon, first vice-
president, N. E. Pinney, '16, second
vice-president; Hunt, secretary; and
Irwin C. Johnson, '16, treasurer, being
the other retiring officers of the "Y."
In accordance with the reorganiza-
tion plans of the Y. M. C. A., officers
(Continued on page 8)

Principals and Chorus of "All That
Glitters" Don New
Ralment For
First Time

Not a costume parade, but a conglo-
meration of all colors and forms of
raiment was the display at the Whit-
ney theater yesterday afternoon, when
the cast and chorus of "All That Glit-
ters" donned for the first time the
garments in which they are to appear
before the public. Everything from
.the latest creations of Paquin to aj
knight in helmet cuirass was worn
by the chorus men.
The costumes for the song. "I Want
a Hero" were especially varied. One
"hero" will appear as a strong man,
clad in blue tights, another as a Span-
ish noble, others as West Point and
Annapolis cadets, Indians, Pilgrims
and even the leather-aproned black-
smith were presented. The scenery
was also set up for the first time, both
the setting for 'the beauty parlor in the
opening act, and the board walk scene
at Atlantic City for the second act.
From now until the initial appear-
ance on Wednesday night, the cast
and chorus will be subjected to con-
tinuous rehearsals. The players will
practice at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon
and in the evening will be given a
dinner at the Union. Following the
banquet, another practice will be
held. One of today's practices will
be a "light" one, at which time the
lighting effects will be tested. Both
tomorrow and Tuesday, the men will
go through the opera. Although the
play could be produced today, so far
has it progressed in the estimation of
Director Sanger and General Chair-
man Baxter, these rehearsals will
serve to smooth out whatever rough
spots may remain.
When the seat sai 4 for the general
public opened at the box office of the
(Continued on page 8)

Opera Management Announces
quent Practices Scheduled
For This Week


ose of the
gh a short
ollow this
:ontest be-
om among
sauad hit

of his
is or

l a sunnny
he flinging
of batters
onfined for
to the in-

ept on the run
beginning of
itters manag-;
warns, They
ne to take the
4io were sent
r their work.
d off the field
about 5:00
will continue
.the weather
d the temper-1
irm up a bit,
he coach will
his plans for
workout. A
will prove of
ast year, still

Five Athletes Who Compete apt Cicago
Begin Active Outdo*,r
O'Brien, Ufer, Carroll, Corbin and
Wilson have begun active training for
the coming indoor A. A. U. meet in
Chicago. Carroll and Ulfe:r have been
working. outdoors regularly, prepar-
ing for the Drake relays, and although
O'Brien has reported for the outdoor
practices on several occ asions, both
the sprinter and Wilson will now begin
active training for the Chicago event.
The announcement that Captain
Smith would not maLe the trip comes
as a surprise to man'y. He has refused
.to go, preferring to wait until the team
gets outdoors, where the sprinting e-
partment is conc erned with longer
dashes. Smith was overtrained ate
Syracuse, and he has been doing but
little work recently, fearful of a repe-
tition. The captain is a much better
perfo~rmer over the longer routes,
and as the dash in Chicago is but 50
yards, he has decided to pass up the
Corbin will, compete in the hurdles,
and there is a slight chance that he
may try the: high jump, but if some of
the count:y's cracks are entered in
this event, he will probably devote all
of his eYiergies to the former event.
Carrc.,ll will run the mile, and Mich-
igan t.rack followers are banking upon
the anky sophomore tor:showthe way
to the Conference aggregation over
this course. Chicago sprung a pair
of milers at the indoor meet, who cov-
ered the distance in less than 4:30,
and these two gentlemen should prove
the biggest stumbling blocks that Car-
roil will encounter.
If Coach Farrell continues to work
Ufer at the mile, preparatory for the.
Drake relays, the fleet Michigan middle
distance man would undoubtedly expe-
rience more difficulty than as if he had
been working regularly at the 880.
Ufer is in splendid condition, however,
and is banked upon to show the way to
(Continued on page 8)

A. M. Bentley, '16, To Manage Campus-
Wide Soliciting, for Building
Up Boat Organization
Plans have matured for a new Boat
club membership campaign, which will
be carried on under the card system
similar to that used by the Michigan
Union life membership canvass of last
year, and which will be held during
the two weeks immediately succeeding
the spring vacation. The scheme has
been worked out during the past few
days by the board in control, comprised
of officials of the organization.
A. Bentley, '16, has been appointed
third ensign of the club in place of
John S. Leonard, '16L, and will have
general charge of the whole canvass.
Cards are to be issued for every stu-
dent and faculty man on the campus,
and these cards will be returned to the
club authorities either with the regis-
tration of the person solicited or with
the reason for not joining.
One general chairman will be ap-
pointed to oversee the soliciting in
each college and school of the univer-
sity, and under each general chairman
th"ere will be chairmen for the various
iasses of the various departments. A
unit of 25 students is the present plan
for each chairman.
The regatta to be staged on Barton
pond, May 29, will be financed almost
entirely by the money turned in from
the' proposed invasion of the campus.
A Boat club dance is to be given on the
Wednesday night in the week preced-
ing' the spring holidays,-as one of a
series of events designed to create en-
thusiasm among the present member-
ship. According to unofficial returns
from the recent preliminary campaign,
the members number about 100 stu-
dents, which is 250 below last year's
Noted Lecturer Will Speak on, "Fiddles
And Fortunes" at Afternoon
Union Meeting
The Rev. Thornton A. Mills, pastor
of the First Congregational church at
Battle Creek, Michigan, is the guest
of honor at the get-together at the
Union,at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon.
His talk will be on, "Fiddles and For-
Mr. Mills is a lecturer on a Chicago
lyceum bureau, and speaks at meetings
and chatauquas in the middle west for
three months each summer. -
Among young people, Mr. Mills is
intensely popular, particularly among
the large number of young peoples'
societies, of which he is the founder.
His church is famous, displaying mov-
ing pictures every Sunday afternoon
for young people, in his city.
Musical numbers have been arranged
for this afternooi's affair by Rudolph
J. Hofmann, '15, and his committee.
Gerald D. Strong, '15D, has promised
a violin solo, and Frank W. Grover,
'18, who plays the leading lady role
in the Union opera, will give a vocal
Will Work Out Campus Election Detail

In order to work out the details of
the Campus Election day plan, the
students council committee composed
of Allen W. Mothersill, '15, Wilson M.
Shafer, '16, and Arthur R. Griffes, '15E,'
will hold a meeting at 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon in the accounting laboratory
in the economics building. The ar-
rangements which are there drawn up,
will be submitted to the. various or-;
ganizations which may come under the1
plan, for their approval.

Professor Coffman from 'University @1
Illinois Scheduled to Give
First Lecture To- .
Eastern Educator Held Chair at Wet-
ern Reserve; Program
Prof. L. D. Coffman, of the Univer.
sity of Illinois, is the first of the speak.
ers who will deliver the opening lec-
tures of Michigan's first Short-Ter
State Institute, in Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall, beginning at 9:00 o'clock to-
morrow morning.
Professor Coffman, Prof. E.L. Thorn
dike, of Columbia University, and Mr
S. A. Courtis have been secured at con-
siderable expense by the State Board
of Education and the board of regents
to conduct this new venture of ,th
university. They are reco'gnled 1S
three of the leading educational 'au-
thorities of the country.
Professor Thorndike, who has de-
grees from Wesleyan, Harvard and
Columbia, held the chair of genetic and
educational psychology at Western Re-
serve University from 1899-1904, and
since that time has been professor 91
education in the Teachers' College of
Columbia University. He is the au-
thor of many reputed books in educa-
tion, among them "Educational Psy-
chology," "Mental and Social Develop-
ment," "Elements of Psychology" and
"Principles of Teaching." Professor
Thorndike will give his opening lec-
ture at 11:00 o'clock.
Professor Coffman, who obtained his
degrees from Indiana 'and Columbia
universities, was supervisor of the Ill-
inois Training School in 1911 and was
later appointed professor of education
in the School of Education of the Uni-
versity of Illinois. He is also coau-
thor of several books on education.
Mr. Courtis was in charge of the
testing work of the Boston public
schools in 1912, on the commission of
experts which investigated the New
York state schools in 1911, and is the
originator of the Courtis standard
tests. He is now connected with the
bureau of educational research at De-
The meetings and lectures of the
institute will be held in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall. No admission will
be charged and all students, teachers
and faculty members are welome to
attend any or all the sessloirs.' The
complete program of the institute fol-
9:00 o'clock, lecture-"Supervision,
Its Nature and Scope," Professor Coff-
10:00 o'clock, lecture-"The 'Pre-
scriptive Function of the School Su-
pervisor," Professor Coffman.
11:00 o'clock-Lecture and demon-
stration of scales for measuring prog-
ress in reading, Professor Thorndike.
2:00 o'clock-Experiments with scai-
es and tests for reading, Professor
3:00 o'clock-Round table for dis-
cussion and criticism of reading tests,
Professor Thorndike.
4:00 o'clock-Conference, Professor

9:00 to 11:00 o'clock, lecture-"Ele-
mentary Curriculum Making," Profes-
sor Coffman.
11:00 o'clock, lecture-"The Nature
of Arithmetical Abilities," Professor
2:00 o'clock-Demonstration and ex-
periments with tests for arithmetic,
Professor Thorndike.
3:00 o'clock-Round table discus-
sion and -criticism of test for arithme-
tic, Professor Thorndike.
(Continued on page 8)

She Was a Blinger and He Fell!
Now He's Hiding! Here's Why--

Light flirtations are harmless, and
occasionally stimulating. The chap we
are writing about believed this. He's
hiding now. Here's why:
There was a big dance t'other night,
the B. V. D. The lad was there with
the young college miss he has been
paying quite a bit of attention to of
late. She's aecharming bit, too, and
hie really cares quite a lot for her.
But-and that young word has smash-
d oodles of promising things-he can't
forego the dazzling smile, the low
cadences, and attendant nothings.
There was a perfectblinger at the
dance. Surely, they were all perfect
beaners, but this one was just a wee
bit blingerish than the others. He fell
--hard. And we may add "as usual"
on to that.
Evening and night passed as a mo-
ment to him. Morning mourned in the

east. The lad was "gone." He had
plunged deeply. He did not notice the
disappearing stars. Another was in
his firmament. His "regular" miss
was scarcely speaking to him. She.
was smiling that terrible feminine see-
if-I-care something-is-going-to-happen.
to-you smile. Yet little did he care.
That captivating vampire, musical-
voiced siren was still smiling allur-
ingly at him.
The taxi was at t e door. He hung
back, awaiting another glimpse. Ah!i
The pain of parting! She came. She
stood beside him. She spoke.
"Isn't it just grand. We all can go
home together."
"Why, yes, of course. Mary and I
are sorority sisters."
It .was a cold morning. And a long
Now he's hiding.



societies are to
nts at the next
at the U :ion on
3n T. Ricketts,
e the gathering,
e subject, "Are
e Honor) Soci-
isfaetory Fune-
ad of Selectingj
r T'
etly brought up
Forum meeting
in the discus-
stated that he
es were in Con-

7:30 P. M.
Professor Herbert Richard Cross
"The Passion Week of'Our Lord in Art."



isor of Suirgery of the
pathic Scthoal of Medicine

Speaks to the



The Subject

Sunday, at 12:15 o'clock

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