EE MICHJGAN 3.AILY _ I 7 ig Showing of BLOCH SUITS RIAL HATS SPRING SHOWING of CROFUT & KNAPP SOFT and STIFF HATS and The Largest Assortment of Golf Caps We Have Ever Shon WE ARE NOT KEEPING THEM, WE ARE SELLING THEM LET US SELL YOU YOURHEAD-WEAR Tinker & Company CoR. S. STATE anditWILLIAM STS. READY AT YOUR SERVICE Reule, Conii ,F Correct Sprg Attre for new shapes and colors in CAPS Suits Balmacaa os Topcoats Raincoats $15 to $30 $ 12 to $2.5 . $8 to $20 . $8to$18 1 . I bmitt, Apfel & ~. i Dl ETI3RLE AND TAILORS RUNDE3LL NINTY-FOUR WEST FORT STRE$1T DETROIT, MICHI. FORM$RLY WM. $. DIETnRLIC SPRING ORDERS TAKEN NOW at animal instinct with )EAN'S Fresh Roasted Peanuts FULL10 UND -- c 214 S. Main St. r Vacation here and you may want [S DECORATED ted. We are prepared to do any- business, and shall be glad to give ACADEMY OF SCIENCE STARTS CONFERENCE NEXT WEDNESDAY Prof. Hobbs to Give Public Lecture on "Recent Earthquakes"; Expect Noted Visitors With the 'opening session to be held in the west physics lecture hall, Wed- nesday, March 31, the Michigan Acad- emy of Science will launch its three days' conference in Ann Arbor. The meetings will extend over Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and are to be organized into six different sections. A large group of noted scientists are members of the organization, and many out of town guests are expected to attend the conference which is held in Ann Arbor every spring. The feature of the opening session will be a public lecture by Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology department, on "Some Recent Earthquakes." Profes- sor Hobbs is an authority on this sub- Ject, having made a thorough study along this particular line of work. Prof. A. G. Ruthven, director of the museum and president of the Michigan Academy of Science for 1915, will give his presidential address Wednesday af- ternoon, in which he will also describe the scientific results of his recent ex- plorations in South America. His ad- dress will contain some interesting data and discoveries that were made while in the extreme south, In addition to the regular meetings, there will be a special public display of recent collections in the museum. Among the various specimens will be the famous pigmy hippopotamus,which was presented to the university by ex- Governor Chase S. Osborn. REGISTRAR A. G. HALL AMONG SPEAKERS AT CLUB'S SMOKER Registrar A. G. Hall and Mr. Otto C. Marckwardt, instructor in rhetoric in the engineering college, will address the members of the Grand Rapids club at their get-together smoker, to be held in the Alpha Nu rooms, Uni- versity hall, at 8:00 o'clock tonight. Short talks will also be given by va- rious members regarding prospective students from Grand Rapids. The recently conducted membership campaign has resulted in making pra', tically every Grand Rapids student a member of the club. Regent Benjamin S. Hanchett, of Grand Rapids, has been secured as speaker for the next club smoker. Marckwardt Speaks at Fresh Dinner Mr. 0. C. Marckwardt, of the rhetor- ic department, will talk to the fresh architects at their dinner, which will be held at 6:00 o'clock tonight in the Michigan Union. C. S. Lamb, '18, will give a monologue. Women of the ar- chitectural college have been invited to attend. Tickets are selling at 60 cents. To Replace Maulbetsch and Reimann John Maulbetsch, '17P, and Louis C. Reimann, '17L, will be unable to act on the all-star football committee for the Union dance tomorrow night, and Efton M. James, '15, and "Buzz" Cat- lett, '15, have been appointed to act in their stead. Pasteboards for the af- fair are already more than half sold at the Union counter. Results Count Continued re-orders prove the quality and merit of our work in both Portrait and Commercial De- partments. Our satisfied customers are our biggest advertisement. S e e us about yourj work; we compete with oneand all. We have recently received a fine new lot of Moldings, and are mak- ing a specialty of artistic picture framing. Films developed for 15c per roll. Prints made from 3cupwards HOPPE'S Ann Arbor's Finest Studio 6t9 E. Liberty Street I Look at our Show Windows for I The Big Store Temple Theatre ADMISSION So. (except Friday and Saturday) Thurs., March 25 Maurice Costello in-"The Understudy" "Patsy In a Seminary" "Snakeville's Beauty Parlor" Friday, March 26 "Mix Up in Dress Suit Cases." "THe MASTER K$Y." saturday, March 27 Francis X. Bushman in "Any Woman a Choice." Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. Thursday and Friday, Mar. 25 and 26 Edward Abeles in "After Five." Saturday, Mar. 27 E. K. Lincoln and sister of Mary Pickford in "The Littlest Rebel." Arcade Theatre SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EYE. 8:15; 7:45; 9:15 Friday, March,26-Mrs. Leslie Carter, In "DU BARR"Y" a Six Part Kleine Feature. Price, Afternoon,1s5c. Evening 2oc. Saturday, March 27 - Alice Joyce in "Her Supreme Sacrifice." "The Way of the Woman," Essanay. Hearst-Selig News. "The Green Cat," Vit. comedy. COMING NEXT WEEK Lew Fields in "Old Dutch" 200-A South lV I CANDY SPECIALTIES Every day in the week. THE SUGA R BOWL 104 S. Main St. ...i.M1111.1Y....m .1 Yin.ybea . lyti O !1 "11- HALLER JEWELRY C STATE STREET JEWELERS Diamonds Rempunted in High Platinum Setl Optical Repairing and Lenses Duplicated Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Stone Setting HALLER JEWELRY CO. Fine Spring Haberdashery Headquarters for Manhattan Shirts, $1.50 to $4 Perrin's Spring Gloves. Beautiful Spring Neckwear The World's Best Underwear Hosiery and other Quality Fixings have an elegant line of 1915 paper patterns to select from our prices are right. H. MAJOR & CO. ton St. Phone 327 , s.. . ,. rI r " j f ; M. t ' : y ,, j. px IyI 4 H i:s, , ', $$1Il! !!! , , ,' ; . 'at If you're sure of Graduat Then it's time to make certain that your Ca and Gown will be on hand for Swing-Out Da Costumes ordered now will reach here beforee during vacation. Costumes ordered later-we: we'll doour best when the tixue comes. In the ieanwhile please call and be measure as g.oon as convenient. All out fits are suppld (Iby COX, SONS & VINING Rental charge is $2.00 from Swing-Out through I mencement. Payment only when delivered (ThiRI1LOUR) BANK $100,000.00 $125,000.00 d, Vice-Pres al, Asst' Cash rest. 0. G. eod Tu r Souvenirs given nee March 30th, are len. Clothier win. NEWBERRY HALL HANDED OVER TO UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIES Administrative Board of Detroit and, Ann Arbor Women Draw Up Plans for Control Trustees of Newberry residence hall formally turned the building over to the university, at the meeting of the board of regents yesterday. The build- ing has been the property of the Students' Christian associa- tion up to the present time. The board of government which will shape the administrative policy for the res- idence hall was appointed as fol- lows: Mrs. Helen Newberry Joy, Mrs. Alexis Angell, and Miss Claire San- ders, '05, of Detroit; Mrs. Henry Doug- las and Dean Myra B. Jordan, of Ann Arbor. This board will meet shortly with that of the Martha Cook resi- dence hall to draw up tentative plans for the administration of the two build- ings. 1. , a 1 Spring Hats Now Ready We carry a complete stock of the most up-to-date hats to be found anywhere. All late hats are trim- med with the bow exactly on the side. Hats with bow in the back or at the quarter are out of date, old timers. We make hats to order and do all kfinds of hat work. Your last season's hat re-blocked in the latest shape, with new trimmings, will look new and up-to-date. FACTORY MAT STORE 118 E. trron St. EasterM~' e passenger now tonight at Wein- r ! 348 M I C II A N i AT ' YElEks 3 , pN ' S Elle SILYE[t51 I5 ARQp X i E W E L Y Dana Richardson 1 15:E. Liberty St. >w of Allen, Cloth. d see the beautiful at the Majestic is y at the Tuesday Pharmacy Phone 416. Drug Specialty members of Union opera meet at 3:00 o'clock today, at McMillan drinks hall. Think of it, only 25c a passenger. Phone taxi 2280. In Allen, clothier window 113 So. Main are the silver souvenirs that the Majestic will give away Tuesday Mat- inee March 30th. University Ave. Pharmacy Martha Washington Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes ana Tobacco. tf . m "Immm Ic Sr %mummer I 'I soft d and Ypsi-I No Alpha Nu weekly meeting will be held tonight, owing to Mid-west de- bate, Weinberg's WANTED-Live college students, who desire to make from $75 to $100 weekly selling high class automo- bile specialties. Investigate. L. Stewart Barr Company, The Wyom- ing, Washington, D. C. 127 Roller: ntain tf Polonia club meets at 7:30 o'clock tonight in McMillan hall. Senior law class meeting room C at 4:00 o'clock today. Meeting of the Michigan chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew tonight at 7:00 o'clock in Harris hall. 30 AGENTS WANTED. Several Michigan students cleared $400 each last summer vacation. If you need money to return to Michigan next October write us and we will send our representative to call on you. v Get a Victrola nov yand habe Easter iusic in your Home. You can hear on the Vietrola as superb Easter music as you can hear in any church anywhere. And on the Vietrolo the beautiful Easter numbers are not eontlued to Easter alone-you can hear them whenever and as often as you wish. Will demonstrate the various styles o1 Victrolas ($18-4260). Terms to suit the buyer. Men who like 25 -Cent Ciga- rettes but don't like. the price . should smoke MURADS. !5c Makers of theAi hes Grade Turkish and T'gyptian UCarettes in the World. ItO I a 1 t : i i Imm a tads. YOU NEEDN CHOKE YOUR LEGS TMERES NO RU -. Buy sho GRINNELL BROS. 120 Mast Liberty New Record Mar.28