will soon be here and you should leave your order today and join the army of Wild's satisfied customers. Your garment may be selected from the largest and best assortment of wollt-ns in the city and an order placed with us will be cut, made and fitted in our own shops by skilled workmen. Student tailors for twenty seven years. G. H. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State Street is Players season is here to have your Racket E-STRUNG lys Our work is guaranteed. ig in a short time the Slotted Throat. The best on earth. TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2.so. Want ad' stations: Quarry's, Univ. Pharmacy, C. H.. Davis, cor. Packard and State. Business Office Phone 960, Editorial Office Phone 2414 H. Beach Carpenter........Managing Editor W. Sherwood Field........ Business Manager Fred Foulk....................News Editor F. F. McKinney........Associate Editor Chester 1. ang ......Associate= Editor T. lawley Tapping..........Sporting Editor Assistants to Business Manager John Leonard Ray Leffler Rudolph Hofman Arthur H. Torrey Night Editors James M. Barrett, Jr. E. Rodgers Sylvester Tom C. Reid Howard R. Marsh Reporters Edwin A. Hyman Eugene L. Bulson J. C. B. Parker Vera Burridge Irwin Johinson - Gerald Rosenbaum Verne Burnett C. N. Church K. A. Fitzgerald Edward P. Wright L. Greenebaum F. A. Klann William F. Newton Business Staff Ferris Fitch Edward Mack C. V. Sellers V. 'R. Altsheler Kirk White C. T. Fishleigh Thatcher Rea FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1915. Night Editor-Edwin A. Hyman. Among "sufferers," remember those who will be feminine next week. "When a fellow needs a'friend," for once, is While in a plaster-cast. Punsters insist that the fough Forum last evening. prohibs Book Exhibit Still Or For a few days more we shall hold for your inspection the new publications of the Macmillan Company. The 'collection embraces Essays, Literature, Travel, Art, Biography, Philosophy, Botany, Landscape Gar- dening, etc., etc. A rare opportunity for seeing books not usually carried in stock. You are invited to call and look them over. 9S It is to laugh when ,the prof forgets to turn down his .cuffs. As the time grows shorter, do her letters grow shorter? No letting up of the green bag, east- ern epidemic. Only theses can be done wNl in one night. And this doesn't apply to everybody. April checks and April showers. How'd you pronounce Przmesyl? Neither do any of us. Games, refreshments and dancing will feature the weekly gathering of university women, under the joint aus- pices of the Women's League and the University Y. W. C. A., at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in Newberry hall. The posters, announce it as a "salamagun- di" party. Tickets for the annual Michigan women's luncheon on April 3 will be on sale to university women at this time. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE March Winds and Chaps If you would be free from the annoyan'ce of March wind we can assist if you use Dermal Cream Almond Toilet Lotion Shaving Lotion or our Cold Cream t I Quarry Drug Co. EXTENSION WORK. The Druggists on the Corner. State and North University a in., and a. m., also, EASTER' April Fourth DON'T DELAY IN ORDERING NEW CLOTHES Let us show you our handsome all-wool fabrics for Michigan was not acting originally when she established extension lec- tures several years ago. They had been previously introduced with a suc- cess at a number of western institu- tions, including Illinois and Wiscon- sin. But the extension lecture move- ment seems to have been developed a good deal more intricately here, even if the local university is handicapped in its appeal .by the fact that it does not comprise an agricultural college. The management appears to be doing its best to put the good offices of the university into the service of the peo- ple of the state. Aside from the fact that Michigan is a state university, supported largely by the state, and maintained to a great extent for the good of the state, there is also to be considered the complimen- tary fact that it is Michigan's duty to keep in touch with the needs of the state. Extension work has the added advantage of gaining the sympathy of the tax-payer for the university. The present system is not so elaborate but what it will bear development. The growth of the lecture system, and of the extension work done by the labor- atories, will be watched with interest.' tversftx'M flf *. c lbou!e MRS. M. M. ROOT -T Corner Maynard and William Streets x22.50 EP opoff a few linutes and eat some of GEORGE'S Sucy Al KING LOO -ate St. Phone 1244-M FORE THE DANCE Let C. Burrett Cut your Hair All junioi play choruses will re- hearse from 3:00 until 6:00 o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Cast members need not report.' Tickets for the annual women's gym- nasium demonstration, to be held this year in Barbour gymnasium at 4:10 o'clock Wednesday, March 31, may be obtained by university women free of charge from Miss Evans.. Edith McCaulay, '15, chairman of the social service committee of the Wom- en's League, announces that the com- mittee will be able to use 40 or more university women in work in the wom- en's and children'swards of the uni- versity hospital when the present quarantine is lifted. Twelve women are reading and teaching at present in the Palmer ward. University women in- terested are asked to communicate with Miss McCaulay. Pamphlets from institutions for vo- cational training and vocational coun- selling literature in general, will be placed by the committee in the book- cases to be installed in Dean Myra B. Jordan's office, when the new parti- tions enclosing it are complete. SECURE REV. RICE TO SPEAK IN PLACE OF JANE ADDAMS All t h+atstH its Leave Orders for Piano Tuning. Satisfaction Guaranteed Flower-beds instead signs sounds more like to a real solution. of "Please" getting down IN MUSIC Buy Now --1915- Made In America Merchandise Our Stock Always Shows You Something New SHROEN BROS. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS Ready to wear. The store that always treats you fair 124 S. MAIN PHONE iooo TANGO are an evening dress necessity. The bosoms are tucked, puffed, plea- ted or mushroom." $2.00 and up Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers ARROWI I : Anti-fuss ranks are made up largely of the men who happened to call up an hour too late. Who knows but what the abundance of squirrels results from the number of campus nuts? A shower of manna is about the only remaining possibility in the line of weather. JE a, ,# The Rev. M. S. Rice, of. Woodward Avenue M. E. the North church of Ni Ii pring Footwcar " " G y.. O " c' Even greater numbers will "wonder how they do" after opera ponies don corsets. Coach Farrell's worthies will be in training for the next arctic explora- tion. Incriminating when you say there's lots of couples on the boulevard. i the place of Jane Addams, who was forced to cancel her engagement on account of the death of her sister. Dr. Rice's subject will be "The Appeal of Religion." We have all colors for canoes and spar varnishes for canoe repairs. P. G. Tessmer. Detroit, will speak in the Methodist, church at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night in Tailors to Men Our Special $30.00 Suits Have UALITY THAT QUUALIFYS UICKLY Henry & C*. 711 N. University Ave. ,. FRESHMEN!! CUT DOWN YOUR MATCHES EXPENSE Stores State-St. Taxi You who have to supply a houseful of inveterate smokers with matches each week will be vitally interested in the ELECTRIC CIGAR LIGHTER It isn't expensive and it will save you a lot of anxiety about the match supply. d A. M. to11 P.M. Sold by the , Taxi Co. 515 E. Liberty Eastern Michigan Edis COR. MAIN and WILLIAM